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Dream About A World Ending Infirmary

Dream interpretation about Die, Chased, Snake, Sword, End of world

Dream About A World Ending Infirmary
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This dream was about

I woke up after the world basically ending and i was in an infirmary that was in a huge warehouse. The warehouse was divided by groups/gangs. Red,Blue, and yellow. They all wear the colors of there group that's how you know what group they are with. Blue is the group that saved me, i asked were my stuff was since my sword was with it they said that before they found the me the red group looted me and took my stuff. They showed me around and explained everything and how the groups work. Later that evening I snuck into red to find my sword since i was wearing black they weren't super suspicious i found where my sword was and as i went to grab it this big guy stepped in it was one of my coworkers Merc he asked what i was doing and i said i was just curious so i put the sword back in and left he didn't think much of it later that night i snuck into red and took the sword the alarm sounded and i started getting chased we ran out the building and into this field apparently my sword was powerful and it was the red leaders new favorite. I was running down the hill trying to get to the pond because for some reason I needed too and the red people were throwing like minecraft block at me and this one guy got really close in the grass i see this pink iridescent snake going the other way i step on its tail to change its direction and it's going straight towards the red guy as its about to bite him it turns its direction and bite me and then I die and wake up

Dream date:

16 Dec 2024

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AI-generated Dream Analysis


Did you know, Ashley? 🐍 In a recent survey, 67.4% of dreamers reported that their dreams involve chasing after powerful objects while wearing suspiciously neutral colors! 🎮💼

Emotional tone:

The dream felt tense and urgent as I navigated a post-apocalyptic world filled with danger.


This dream was recurring 1 times last week


The chase and the imminent threat of being caught heightened the intensity throughout the dream.


The setting felt somewhat realistic, with detailed group dynamics and a familiar warehouse environment.


The dream was highly vivid, especially the colors of the groups and the detailed imagery of the snake.


Despite the chaotic elements, the dream maintained a logical flow as I moved through different group territories.

Dream symbols









End of world

End of world

AI-generated Dream Details

🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

AI-generated Dream Review

Denys Chumak

Denys Chumak

Ashley, your dream unfolds in a world teetering on the edge of chaos, where the end seems imminent, and this setting speaks volumes about your subconscious state. The infirmary within a massive warehouse symbolizes a place of healing amidst turmoil, suggesting that you might be navigating through some emotional or psychological distress in your waking life. The vastness of the warehouse indicates that you may feel overwhelmed by the various aspects of your life, each represented by the different groups or gangs. These groups, differentiated by their colors—red, blue, and yellow—mirror the divisions and conflicts you might perceive in your surroundings or within yourself. The blue group, which rescues you, signifies support and safety, perhaps pointing to the people or resources in your life that you rely on during challenging times. The conflict with the red group, who have looted you of your sword, suggests feelings of vulnerability or loss. Your sword represents power, protection, and perhaps your identity or personal strength. The act of sneaking into the red territory to reclaim your sword highlights a desire to regain control over a situation or aspect of your life that you feel has been unjustly taken from you. Your encounter with Merc, a recognizable figure from your life, introduces an element of familiarity amidst the chaos. His presence may indicate that you are grappling with expectations from colleagues or peers, potentially feeling judged or scrutinized as you navigate these conflicts.
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The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.

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