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Dream Interpretation: Assaulted 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Assaulted? Discover the significance of seeing a Assaulted in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Assaulted appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Being assaulted in a dream can represent feeling vulnerable or powerless in your waking life. It may also indicate that you are feeling violated or attacked in some way. This dream may be a reflection of past trauma or current stressors that are causing you to feel overwhelmed.

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🧭 Direction


If you have experienced trauma in the past, it may be helpful to seek professional support to work through these feelings. If you are currently feeling overwhelmed or attacked in your waking life, it may be helpful to set boundaries and seek support from loved ones. Remember that you have the power to protect yourself and take control of your situation.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of being assaulted can evoke a range of intense emotions such as fear, vulnerability, and helplessness. It may leave the dreamer feeling violated, anxious, and traumatized. The experience of being attacked in a dream can also generate anger, confusion, and a sense of powerlessness. These feelings may linger even after waking up, causing unease and a need for reassurance. The dream may serve as a reminder of past traumas or reflect current feelings of being overwhelmed or threatened in waking life. It is important to address these emotions and seek support to process and overcome the distress caused by such dreams.





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Dreams of users containing the word Assaulted

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22 May 2024



I’m in an empty garage place in the downtowns where they hold clubs and such It’s dark and the lightings are washed and pale Neon lit, like some sort of a former studio My younger brother who in this dream is around 16 of age(he’s currently 12) is there We’re tackling each other to the ground and such over some sort of a disagreement His voice leaves me a lasting impression Scene change The garage place is holding a party I’m looking for a specific person, he’s somehow connected to someone else who assaulted a woman I know and is a chronically deviant creep I do this to get revenge The guy connected to him is creepy enough, he has a disgustingly vapid tone of speech, laughs like a hyena, hangs out with snobby looking creeps He caresses my leg snd comments to himself how hairy it is and such mid-convo, how “I’d make a perfect (incomprehensible word but I could tell that it means something along the line of a groupie) if I cleaned up a bit” Ew? But I do need infos from him and I do intend to kill him once I’m done with him so I do continue listening, eavesdropping on whatever tidbits about the larger parties they’re going to host in the more urban part of the city I subtly manipulate my way into earning myself a seat there also

21 May 2024



I’m with a group of friends I don’t know very well. They seem kinda off… they start prepping for us to all have a sleepover. I have a really bad feeling about it. I don’t want to be there… I say I’m going home but they all look at my weird and they turn on a horror movie. As soon as I start watching it the screen expands and the movie scene slowly becomes my reality. Everything goes dark and around us and I hear the shrieking of inhuman rage. I look around at the group but they don’t look back… they all ripped their eyes out and their flesh is turning molten black and begins to melt off their bodies. One guy stands next to me screaming at them… he darts away but I grab his hand and pull him deeper into the landscape away from his friends who scream and rip at eachothers melting flesh. We run into the feilds the sky turns dark red casting a glow onto the soggy fields. I look down… it’s not a field it’s mounds of dead baby animals and bloody naked children. I know most of them were raped or eaten. The sky begins to pour blood. I let go of the guys hand and dart into the woods. I look behind to see him turning and screaming flesh monsters running after me. Out of the ground blackened bony fingers rip off me clothes and drag me down assaulting my every inch of inner flesh and began ripping me into pieces from my inside out.

25 Mar 2024



an ex best friend basically sexually assaulted me. i couldn’t move or speak and i didn’t want to do anything bad so i just kind of sat until i woke up

20 Mar 2024



I had a dream very disturbing. In the dream I missed an exam and my car had been towed. I finally found a ride but was raped and assaulted. I made it to the police station where again I was raped, shot and carved with a knife. When I didn't comply with their demands I was tossed out and pi ked up by another group of people. They were searching for head of a drug cartel and it turned out to be my mother. She was shooting at me, all my siblings even my brother who is deceased were all attacking each other. I was crying and did understand why this was happening. I tried to tell them it was not true about my mom but no one believed me. My sister cut off my fingers with a knife. And I was shoot several times. I finally woke up feeling anxious sad hurt. I don't understand why I continue to dream of my deceased family and why they are getting worse in violence.

3 Mar 2024



I was driving my siblings home and was struggling to see. After I left them at home I went to therapy. I did not know the therapist she was a stranger and the office was made of Windows. Someone else was in the waiting room and so I was waiting for a long time. Then the theatre class from my old school was throwing a party in the street. I was pulled into the party even though i didn't want to. My assaulter was in the crowd so I ran inside and cried and hid under my therapist's desk.

13 Feb 2024



It’s a reoccurring dream I have about once or twice a year. It’s very lucid and seems real. So the dream has three outcomes and I cannot wake up until I’ve got through all three outcomes. Basically I’m like out of town somewhere idk where I’m at but I’m going to like a house to I guess more like babysit for this stranger. Each issue or event there’s like a two choices I can choose and it’s like there’s a good choice and then more so a bad choice. I choose all the bad choices first. It’s like the first event I get to this house and I think I’m there to babysit for this handsome man. When I walk in and see him I immediately get nervous seeing him. But I introduce myself and he introduces hisself and his little boy and the kids mom is also there. She seems bothered by me being there and is very rude to me. So the first choice to this event is like I can choose to flirt with the dad or not. Which I’m chooosng the bad choices first so I choose to flirt with him and he flirts back. While around the house waiting for dinner we just flirt here and there behind the moms back and eventually we get intimate right behind the moms back. We’re like behind a table having sex and trying not to show emotions or give away that we’re having sex to her but I think she kinda knows. She keeps staring and rolling her eyes and I try to not show emotion on my face while we just keep going behind the table. That passes and me the dad and the boy leave out and travel a distance to what seems like a bar or small restaurant in the middle of nowhere. There’s no one but like us and maybe 3 other sketchy people there. But someone comes in who apparently is like after the dad so he tells me and the boy to hide. And all I can think about is protecting this boy while we’re hiding and I’m hearing all the screaming and loud noises outside the door. A scary guy finds us and makes us come out. The dad is really beat up bad and like unconscious in the corner and they’re like giving him drugs or something. This is the next event and my two choices are to fight and try to get out the door with the kid or just stay calm and do as they say. I’m picking the more bad decisions like I said right now so I choose to grab the boy and start fighting to try and get away but I don’t get far at all before they catch us and start to give us the drugs and I push the boy out the way so he could try to get away and let them inject me with it but the boy doesn’t get far and as I’m starting to lose vision and fade away I see the little boy get injected to and I feel helpless. They put me and the boy in a car and drive to another location without the dad and it’s like a house. I think the house is like a whore house with like a pump and all. There’s beautiful women who honestly seem like amazing people but just trapped. Me and the boy are inside and I’m still barely able to see or stand. But as it starts to wear away I start to try to think of a plan and decide to try to fight once im a little more sober. The man’s talking about how beautiful I am nand touching my face and I just keep pulling my face away. Once I felt a little sober I had the option to fight and try to get away or just be submissive. I choose to fight. I started fighting him and grabbed the boy and tried to get to the door. The women just watched but didn’t engage as we were about to get in a car and get away we get snatched out the car and drugged again. The little boy is taken into like a different room and I’m like sexually assaulted by the guy and I’m just so sad and helpless while it’s happening and when he finish he just walks away leaving me on the floor laughing. I don’t quite remember the last event or where we went but I think we ended back up at the dad and child’s house from the beginning nd the mom is there hugging her child and everything but I think she knows what happened with me and the father so she’s just ignoring us and left us. Next option I could choose is to have sex with the dad again or just leave and I have sex with him and this time it’s not as enjoyable and I think the mom catches us and like starts attacking us or something and it’s like I was dying and as I died I could feel myself trying to wake up cause I knew it was a dream but it’s like when I tried to wake up I just saw blurriness. And I would just pop right back to the dream. And boom it’s like the whole dream started over exactly the same, me pulling up to this house with the dad and the boy to babysit this time the mom was there but it’s like she wasn’t with the dad this time she was only there to maybe drop off her son and she was really nice to me and she left. And I was super shy because like I said the dad was handsome. But this time I chose not to have sex with him. And him, the boy and I just really got along. It’s like the dad was such a amazing person and he became good friends and the litttle boy loved me and we just hung out and had a great time like playing games and eating. Then we got it the bar restaurant again. When we hide this time and get caught I choose to not fight this time and just be compliant. The dad was still on the floor unconscious and being drugs but the people seemed to a lot nicer to me and the boy while I wasn’t fighting. They still decided to inject us with the drugs but they weren’t as aggressive and I just held my arm and let them. I think because I was compliant they didn’t put as much this time so even though I felt loopy I wasn’t completely useless. When the time was right I grabbed the rest the drugs and stuck the people holding us with them and after a short about of time they passed out and I grabbed the boy and dad and we got to a car and escaped. But still ended up at the whorehouse somehow. I chose to be be compliant and nice when the pump was talking to me alone this time. And I guess because I was nice and did what he said without fighting I didn’t get raped but was actually let to go over with the beautiful women and hang with them which ended with then actually pleasing me and me feeling amazing. And at the end he just let me and the dad and kid go. We ended up back at the kid and dads house and the kid had gotten so close to me and I was so close to him we were like a family. The kid went away to like another room and me and the dad ended up getting intimate and it was amazing. It ended while we were being intimate but it wasn’t over it started over again at the house. And this time I didn’t have to pick a certain option it was just free will. How ever I wanted to handle each situation this time. Which ofc each situation I choose to do the second options from before and it just turned out the same but even better than the second time. I got close with them at the house we had so much fun. At the bar I was actually able to stay calm and be complicate and not get us drugged at all and just drugged then and got away. At the whorehouse I didn’t feel scared or anything more so like the pump and women were my friends and I was just stopping by and we were all just hanging out and there was a bit of flirting with the women and a little pleading with the women and the dad. And once we were back at the house it’s like me the dad and kid were like a whole happy family. And then I woke up…. I didn’t realize it was a dream until it started over after the first time. It felt so real.

6 Feb 2024



I found out a man was sexually assaulting kids. I caught him and interrogated him. He was trying to leave but my neighbors caught him because he also assaulted their daughter. I forcefully made him tell the truth. My dream started over again but instead of interrogating him, it was a girl I caught instead and I walked her all the way to the police station. I woke up before we got there.

4 Feb 2024

Getting Married


In my dream My dad sexually assaulted me growing up several times. As I got older I then decided to get married and my dad cried begging for a relationship with me and denying everything he has ever done.

31 Jan 2024



I think I had maybe two or three dreams, so the first dream, I remember I had to cross a bridge and I was afraid of heights. The bridge was like a sky bridge, so it was meant to look like there wasn't much around you for the purposes of having a nice view, but because I was afraid of heights, this was terrifying. Having to cross, I just got on my belly and started crawling across. I had a significant other with me and he was also afraid of heights, so he followed my lead and crawled on his belly as well. I would periodically stop, look back and check on him and encourage him to keep following me. I knew no matter what we had to keep going, becauseif we stoppedwe would be stuck because of fear. Other people in our group would have to cross as well, however they did not have any fears and they would walk across and walk past us. When I got towards the middle of the bridge, I remember getting frustrated at the amount of time it was taking and knowing I had to complete this task of crossing the bridge. I finally stood up and started walking. I knew that if other people could walk across, so could I. The second part of the dream, once I crossed the bridge completely, it changed scenes and I was looking at a small house and a yellow car had just finished pulling into the garage of this house and I went inside and inside I saw a girl who had been kidnapped. In this part of the dream, it kept going from a third person perspective to a first person perspective, so when I first entered the home and I saw the girl, it was third person, but then it changed to first person where I was the girl. She had been kidnapped and she was being sexually assaulted. Her hair was matted and her clothes dirty and stained. The men that were around wanted to rape her, but for some reason couldn't penetrate her and the main perpetrator who was, had an erection, grabbed a hotdog and stuck it inside her to prove some point and then it went into a first person perspective and I had the hotdog inside me, but then I was also looking at the perpetrator's girlfriend who had a hotdog inside of her as well. I wanted them to stop, so I decided to go along with what was happening and I pulled the hotdog out of the perpetrator's girlfriend and I started eating it to make him happy. From there the dream changed again and I had discovered a fallout shelter. I don't know if I was in the same house or a different house, but there was a fallout shelter I had discovered. The group I was leading, was the dame group from the first part of the dream. I had decided we needed to go into the shelter and I was organizing everybody to go inside of the shelter. Part of the group were couples, I was trying to sit them with each other so they could be with their significant others. While I was organizing how people were going to sit inside of the shelter and someone had questioned me on whether or not the shelter was safe, how did I know the shelter was safe for people to go inside. I was explaining the purpose of fallout shelters and how they were designed to withstand nuclear attack, so there was a very high probability that this shelter would be safe, but taking into consideration what the person had said and not knowing, I walked down there myself just to confirm that the shelter was safe before actually sending anyone in. As I was walking inside and looking around, I woke up.

31 Jan 2024



I gave a friend a bike. I had to see the guy who assaulted me. As soon as the bike was given to my old friend, I screamed what I thought of my aggressor in front of everyone. Screaming for expressing myself and pushing away the aggressor who always tried to go back in my life. Then I left

30 Jan 2024



my last dream was about smoking weed and getting spiked. when this happened i was sexually assaulted and recorded myself doing sexual things and sent them to everyone . i then woke up and got scared but was too tired to stay up so i went back the sleep and the dream continued. i had more weed from the same person in school and i ended up hiding in the toilets the whole day . when i got home i called my friend nia and said to her about it and how weird i felt . then my screen flashed and a scary video of me popped up and it was the videos i sent to everyone . there was writing and horrible stuff on there in black and red writing . i woke up again and was so scared but i went back to sleep and i was on the weed again and i was gypsy rose and i was living in nias house . it was so eerie and i was taking care of this mentally ill girl . i woke up and felt like i was still in a dream

24 Jan 2024



all I remember about this dream is being pinned down by one of my friend's male roomate and sexually assaulted. there was another woman helping to pin me down but i don't recognize her.

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