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Dream Interpretation: Assault ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Assault? Discover the significance of seeing a Assault in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Assault appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This dream symbolizes feeling violated, powerless, and vulnerable. It may indicate that you are experiencing a situation where you feel attacked or threatened. It can also represent repressed anger or frustration that needs to be expressed.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Take a moment to reflect on your current situation and identify any sources of stress or conflict. It may be helpful to seek support from friends or a therapist to process and cope with these emotions. Consider finding healthy ways to express your anger or frustration, such as through exercise or creative outlets. Remember to prioritize your safety and well-being in any situation.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of assault may evoke feelings of fear, vulnerability, and helplessness. It can leave one feeling violated, traumatized, and anxious. The experience may generate anger, confusion, and a sense of injustice. The dreamer may also feel a loss of control and a deep need for protection and safety. Such dreams can be emotionally intense, leaving a lasting impact on the individual's psyche.





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Dreams of users containing the word Assault

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18 Jul 2024



I was with my dad, brother and sister as my sister was returning her ex-husbandโ€™s belongings. The address began with the number 27. I was going to be late for work so I told my sister I was calling an Uber. She accused me of not wanting to spend time with the family. I said of course I didnโ€™t want to spend time with the family: I wanted to work and earn money. My dad and brother told me theyโ€™d take me home so I could get ready. We happened upon a carnival opposite Millstone in Niantic. My dad and brother insisted we get out and at least explore. I mentioned to my dad I wanted to go to a carnival again like when I was a kid. My brother was taking his time and I was growing frustrated: I wasnโ€™t going to make it to work on time. I opened my phone to call an Uber and my dad showed me a small straw hat with โ€œ7 Marvinsโ€ on it. I couldnโ€™t correctly type in the address where I was to get a ride. The only driver in the area had bad reviews about how he assaulted a passenger. My brother flippantly said he didnโ€™t care if I made it to work on time. My dad was a bit more sympathetic but still didnโ€™t understand the urgency.

19 Jun 2024



Going to the first floor of my school which is dark and quiet for some reason, and then going to a classroom and teachers and students being in there on lockdown because there's a sexual assaulter in the school so the teachers drag me in the classroom, but then a couple of moments later I'm in a car driving to my school and see one of my school statues of a student moving and I tell everyone in the car but everyone in the car says it's just a student in a costume, but then I get thrown out of the car and all of the statues look at me and I run but they're pretty fast so I keep running and then I notice there are darts in their heads and I think police officers have already tried to kill them but they're not dead. while they still are chasing me so I keep running and I run into a highway and cross but a police officer sees me and I wave my arms to get his attention and he stops and I told him that there was a statue chasing me and he talked to the statue while I sit in the police car because I think the statue is going to do something to the police officer.

7 Jun 2024



I don't remember the whole picture but I remember a moment when I was a military man and I was sitting on a meeting with others before one of us started shooting at us and while others were dead this man started torturing me. And when I ran away while I was bleeding so much he started yelling at me like "what's wrong? Your ass is bleeding and what? Are you scared that much?"

6 Jun 2024



okay so this was a very intense dream first it started like this I dreamed me and my husband were at a place we booked to stay it was like a mansion it was really beautiful this mansion I don't know where it is but it was it was something out of a Victorian novel we were in awe at this place and me and my husband we really liked what it looked like so we met the owner of this place we didn't like him he had a girl servant that he didn't treat nicely and the dynamic between them made me and my husband feel really uncomfortable especially the way the guy treated her the owner treated this lady servant awfully and she seemed like a broken jittery mess and as me and my husband we stayed there we got to do with her she helped in the kitchen and in the rooms but we wanted to do something about the situation but we couldn't do anything about the situation it was really awkward anyway sooner or later there was another guy I think it was the owner the brother of the owner he was a little bit different taller and stronger yeah he hung around we didn't have a lot to do with him and that was bad then the dream skipped and I knew I was in trouble my husband wasn't with me but I got this feeling he was supposed to come and get me and I just had to keep waiting for him until he came and rescued me so what I remember next was I was running from the guy's brother the guy that we didn't have a lot to do with and somehow we made this room as a distraction it was like the red room and I ran through this room and as he followed me he started laughing and around each corner it's such a weird room that betrayed his personality there were pigs and goats talking in his voice and then he laughs and there were portraits of him painted upon the walls and that also the portraits moved and talked anyway then the dream skipped where I was in a corral where they where they auctioned sheep and livestock but at this point I seemed very tired and in this point of the dream I knew that my husband and somebody else was supposed to come to deliver meat and we were waiting for the meat delivery as an exchange so that I would be alright and so this guy couldn't catch me but I was very tired at this point and I was crawling around in the sand and manure this guy was on top of me he caught me but I fought back I scratched him and kicked him but he liked it and he kept talking he was very strong I couldn't fight him he kept talking about his brother and the lady servant that he would never he would never have a girlfriend or a wife like that that's totally broken he likes girls like me that's more feisty and not broken it's a personality that he likes and then he laughs and pins me down with his hands on my shoulders and then he started to do not so nice things but I turned away and not let his skin touch me and then there was a sound and it was my husband and the other guy that finally delivered the meat the guy that was assaulting me started laughing and asked why did you guys take so long or something like that and then out of nowhere at the other side there his brother pops up and I just I was overcome with renewed energy at this side of the brother that did the awful things to the lady servant and I jumped over there I just jumped on top of him and started choking him and scratching him and my husband started screaming at me no don't do it you're tired you're gonna pass out and the other two started laughing and that's basically what I can remember about this dream

2 Jun 2024



in this nightmare, I had been sexually groped ,not consensually, by a close friend. Earlier in the dream I had made an off hand comment about how Iโ€™d join a throuple with my other friends in a joking manner. But after my friend assaulted me basically she said she would tell my fiance what I had said if I told anyone what she did. I told her I didnโ€™t care and was gonna tell anyways, so she broke my mirror and used a shard of it to try and kill me

1 Jun 2024



I dreamt I was in a futuristic Walmart with some new friends and I got really excited cause there was a virtual billboard that had my OC, Conney Lemay selling products. I kept squealing how cute I thought that was. They just laughed and said that Iโ€™m the cute on for getting all excited ๐Ÿ’€ said I was like anime girl but like Iโ€™m not that dense! I think ๐Ÿ’€ Oh then I woke up and fell into the in between lower level. A guy kept tryna force his dick in my ass. It was horrible I wanted to die. Iโ€™d move a little and wake up, and as soon as Iโ€™d lay down again Iโ€™d feel it pressing into my ass. It didnโ€™t go in, like he was teasing me. I hate him. And his dick was small ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿค๐Ÿ–•โœจ

23 May 2024



I dreamt of being in an old bus interchange trying to find a bus to take me home. I checked with one of the bus drivers and told me I could take bus 216 and alight halfway to change to another bus that would take me to my destination. The bus was rundown but I board the bus and soon I saw a familiar road and alighted. But I alighted too early and the bus stop does not have the bus I need to take. The mall which I passed by does not have a bus stop so I had to continue walking. Suddenly I see a long queue of people waiting for bus. I joined the queue. The two guys in front of me did not move even though the queue was moving. I realised they were being cut queue by many people from the back. I urged them to move forward but they were unable to. Suddenly we saw bus 174 driving past us in the opposite direction and many people started chasing. I also ran after the bus in the middle of the road and the bus stopped at the middle because the bus stop was under construction. This time round the guy in front of me did not join the queue and instead walked to the front and I followed him and we ended up being the first two to board the bus. The bus was very new and stylish but it was very crowded. I went up to the third floor and took the first row of seats where I could enjoy the scenery in front. Ths space was very tight as there were people behind me but I took the seat anyway. Next I dreamt of being back to my secondary school days where I was still best friends with Elsa whom I am no longer close to. In the dream she and I were still close friends and she was unfortunately sexually assaulted by a guy whom I had bad experiences with. I accompanied her to see her mother who berated her and wanted her to transfer to another school that was nearby our school even though she only had one more year. She was reluctant but had to follow her mother's wish. We still meet her after school and she told me she was in the top three classes and the people there were unfriendly. One day she came to my house after an argument with her mother. We were hanging out in the house but my cats decided to poop all over so I had to leave her to clean up. She could not find me and left and I was worried so I called her home, realising she had reached home. Her mother was displeased about me meeting her so often so I apologized and told her I was worried since she left so suddenly without saying a word and hung up. Then I dreamt of another friend whom I am still close with and she also came to sleepover at my house because she had arguments with her strict mother. She even climbed out my apartment window to get some stuff and I quickly pulled her in, afraid she will fall to her death. We fell asleep in the dream and I dreamt in my dream that I was a successful entrepreneur in the olden years making candy earrings but was copied by fellow stall owners and the corrupted officials tried to get me to leave the town by threatening to sever my workers' hands. I quickly agreed and he freed my workers. Then I dreamt I was in my university days where my professor and seniors need to complete a thesis and one of my seniors lost her hardcopy thesis. It was late and we decided to sleep first and continue searching after we wake up. I then dreamt of three men who were competing to continue a mission to find an item and I was roped in to help one of them. In the end the team I was in won after hiding the necklace on one of our members' necks. Even though I won I was unhappy because I felt empty. I ended up waking up after being unable to sleep anymore and went to the toilet. The toilet was exposed in the open kitchen but I used it anyway because no one was awake. Then I went back to the room and pulled out the thesis which was hidden by my senior between the closets.

2 May 2024



On the run from police after assaulting ex. Hiding out in the bush and then changing my identity. I eventually got caught.

25 Apr 2024



I dreamt about being on school campus having fun at night with friends but on my way to my dorm this boy E forces me to the ground and acts out how he would sexually assault me on me and beating me with a bottle after I threatened to tell the staff on him and said not to tell anyone about it. When I went inside my dorm I saw a random staff but then I saw Ms Murphy who is like a mom to me and I hugged her as she was trying to figure out what was wrong with me. Next thing I know I see myself sleeping and Ms Murphy talking to the doctor about what happened and how I slept for two days so far and how long I would be crying in my sleep for.

21 Apr 2024



This one was a doozy. I was with my fiancรฉ, he appears a lot in my dreams. We were on this beautiful mountainside. Very green, a lot of trees. We were with a group of people, they seemed to be dressed like hikers. Backpacks and all that. We were inside of this cabin and I remember a bear cub running into the cabin at one point. But, it was overlooking the ocean on this mountainside, and we felt a huge rumble, like an earthquake. Then everyone started panicking and we fled down the hill. I look up at the water and thereโ€™s a huge hole. Itโ€™s like the ocean is being sucked down into some kind of whirlwind. It was getting very big very fast. We ended up on the beach and there was boats and people and all kinds of stuff getting sucked into the water. We decided we needed to go as far away from water as possible (at this point itโ€™s just me and my fiance) This is where it got weird. These cartoonish people, like toy story characters and stuff were flying around and walking around out of nowhere. Then for some reason I was able to fly, so I had to carry my fiancรฉ while I was soaring through the sky trying to find somewhere safe to land. I remember being up there and seeing more whirl wind type things in the waters and some are HUGE. Once we landed we were in chaos. It was hundreds of people running and screaming. We ended up running through a school with another girl. I donโ€™t know her in real life but I remember her name being Hannah. She was blonde. At one point I canโ€™t find my fiancรฉ so Iโ€™m looking for him and I open a port-a-potty and heโ€™s in there making out with this Hannah girl??? I felt mad and I remember assaulting the girl. Hitting her in her face and then she was gone.

7 Apr 2024



my last dream was about an intruder who broke up and tried to sexually assault my gran, i punched him and my mum defended the man and invited him over for dinner the next night and it caused us to have a massive argument

14 Mar 2024



This dream takes place in some kind of hotel. Me and my dad are upstairs, watching people in the streets through the windows. They are rioting everywhere due to religion. In the street, there is some kind of message carved into the road with religious symbols carved in as well. Me and my dad are convinced it is the end of the world due to how crazy everything is. We try to joke about the situation and are even somewhat dismissive. I try to take a picture of the message twice and find out later, that it got deleted in my camera roll. I also end up with a bruise on my arm. My and my dad think that it was a protest from jesus. Later on, we find out that other people experienced the same thing when they tried to take pictures. The dream then transitions into the next scene. The next part of the dream takes place in a town or city. Me and my family along with many other people are in some kind of carriage on a ride. It is Christmas time and I make a joke that it will be the last Christmas as the world is ending. There is an old woman sitting next to my sister. I think that it was nice of her to be able to experience life to the fullest. I personally feel sad that me and my sister will die young. I then start to feel like this reality isnโ€™t real and I hop out of the wagon to go to the bathroom. As I investigate, the setting changes to be in some kind of dimly lit house. My vision is blurry and I am trying to find the door to the bathroom. I then find a door that I intuitively know is to the living room/kitchen but I walk through anyway. The setting I see I notice is a place Iโ€™ve seen in a dream before. It is a well lit area, contrasting what I was seeing before. There is a table with some food on it. As Iโ€™m investigating, I turn around and there are suddenly people at the table that I donโ€™t know. They are very happy and friendly and donโ€™t seem to notice that I am a stranger. I go over to the table to get some food. The food in particular is cake. As Iโ€™m trying to get a piece, I am having trouble putting it on my plate. One person there then helps me. I quickly start to feel like this reality also isnโ€™t real. The next part of the dream is strangely enough me waking up inside the dream. I am in my normal house again. I go downstairs to tell my dad about the dream as I think it is significant and some kind of paranormal message about the end of the world. My dad is strangely enough interested in what I have to say. I then try to tell my mom, who weirdly enough already knows. It turns out I was actually telling my mom instead of my dad the whole time. When I legitimately try to tell my dad, he said that he knows already because he was listening to our conversation. I then try to tell my sister who is also strangely enthusiastic to hear about my dream. After I tell her, there is a strange person that suddenly enters our house. He is fat and very short. He comes over to me and tries to assault me. I yell for my dad and he comes over to get him off of me. He kicks him outside and I investigate to see how he had gotten in. It turns out the doors were not locked properly. (in real life my dad has a habit of not locking doors) I am angry and also fearful and lock all the doors in the house. Suddenly, I hear the knob turning to the garage door. Itโ€™s as if the strange man is trying to enter the house again. I go outside out of fear thinking that I need to get away. I notice very quickly that the the entrance to the garage is open. I then go to my car which for whatever reason, is sandwiched between two other cars that I donโ€™t recognize. As Iโ€™m about to leave and drive away, all of the dream sequences end.

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