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Dream Interpretation: Military 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Military? Discover the significance of seeing a Military in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Military appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of military symbolizes discipline, authority, and control. It may indicate that you need to be more organized and structured in your life. Alternatively, it may represent your desire for power and dominance.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the areas of your life where you need more discipline and structure. Are there any goals you want to achieve but lack the motivation to pursue? Alternatively, if you dream of being in the military, it may be a sign that you need to take charge of your life and assert your authority.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of military evokes a sense of power, discipline, and authority. It may bring feelings of strength, control, and a desire for order. This dream can also elicit emotions of fear, tension, and anxiety, as it represents a potential threat or conflict. The military symbolizes a need for protection and defense, as well as a longing for structure and organization. It may also reflect a desire for control over one's life or a need to assert dominance. Overall, this dream elicits a mix of both positive and negative emotions, highlighting the complex nature of the military symbol.





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Dreams of users containing the word Military

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17 Jul 2024



Jiyan, a calm, resolute and righteous military commander from Wuthering Waves, the game I like We talk or something I forgot what Shrine and dance performance Misty shrine, middle of nowhere mountain in Middle-West Japan I’m here with a group to observe a Kagura dance performance that tells the origin of Japan The kagura-den is wooden, but somehow the inside feels like a small Midwestern church and the kagura-den; a mix of both The audience is allowed to be inside the stage or leave as they please to get better angles, so I go back and forth between inside and outside to watch from the stage or from below it The shrine maiden performing it has red and pale white traditional stage makeup, and she smiles at me when I stare at her too long They’re so ethereal The guide for this group pilgrimage program thing is explaining the story There’s one about the making of the country, and another about how the god they’re worshiping at this particular shrine played a role in it Some kind of a white fox… Continuation of the dream from last night? The cliff one We’re talking, the storm comes, we take shelter, I run into the rain alone despite warnings and chastising of the wiser members of the team I find a small, me-sized cave, I’m nestling in it Mosses, water dropping from the ‘roof’, it’s like I’ve shrunk to the size of grasses and stuff, everything around me is vibrant and comforting

14 Jul 2024



I am in a beach then im indoors and there are men all around me. A lot in military uniform and other uniforms. I walk with some of them. One that is taler than me hugs me from behind, he is tall, and strong and i like it and we walk this way to a table. I see his face i wish he was more handsome but hes ok. Then im sitting with another guy who is upset he is rejected by a younger women. I try and explain to him the science of attraction and i add in a layer about age. I say “ if we are both an 8 out of ten, we need to find someone who is an 8 in our age range”

12 Jul 2024



I had a dream about I am in desert in a military camp with my mother and sone other people and got the information of we have to move because the other people will attack so theres a jeep but they didn't take us in first round we will go in next round but before that could happen there was a attack and we hide in base camp i was saying my mother all will be okay and praying that but then the base camp where surrounded by other people and it includes women and child sitting on the knees crying for destruction and the man asking us to come out and i was scared and i think of trying to run away from there but then my mom and i got split from each other and driven away in different jeep

7 Jul 2024



I had a dream that I was talking to my brother. A few days ago he had asked if I was coming to visit him before he left again to go back to Japan for the military. I told him I had just woken up and probably wasn’t gunna make it. He didn’t respond to the text. In the dream we were discussing that exact thing. He said that was bullshit. He’s been gone for years and made his way out here to see me and I couldn’t even give him a day. And mid berating he calls me in real life drunk and berating me. It was mostly a joking matter but I could tell his feelings were actually hurt both In the dream and in real life. And I do feel guilty about not making and effort but i also was EXHAUSTED that day after having been in travel for 2 days due to inclement weather. It’s upsetting

6 Jul 2024

Airplane Crash


. So, I just woke up from, I just woke up from a dream where I was, it was winter time and it was in somewhere like Siberia or Russia or something like that, and I was in the military and we were doing jumps from a plane, from this tiny little grey like maybe 5 seater plane, but there was tons of people jumping out of it, and the theme of the dream was very somber and very kind of camaraderie where everybody's giving each other a hard time but really getting along at the same time, like really there for each other, and so fast forward, the plane ends up crashing, the captain ends up dying, like the pilot who was running the whole thing ends up dying, and we end up having to go, me and like two other people survive, and we end up having to go to this compound that apparently was part of our organization but I'd never been to before, neither had they, and we had no idea what it was going to be like. So we show up, and it's very small, it's very light, it's very sterile, and there's black barbed wire everywhere, and so we show up, and we hit the buzzer to talk to somebody in there, and we hear somebody laughing, and all of a sudden the gate opens super fast and the barbed wire cuts the person standing next to the person next to me up into a bunch of pieces, and we hear a voice on the intercom say, come in, to me and the remaining person, so we're like oh shit, so we go inside, and there's this crazy guy in there that I guess was in the military at one point, but in his isolation has gone completely insane, and he was taking the cadavers of people that had passed away around him and making new people out of them, and somehow was animating them, so there were all these zombies, and one of the zombies had pinkish purple hair and was a girl, and she had a pet mouse, kitten thing that the guy had made for her that she used to carry around in a shoe that used to fit on her foot that she no longer had, so instead of having a foot, she had this Mary Jane shoe that had this mouse kitten hybrid thing living in it, and that was like at the bottom of her foot, like her leg, and yeah, her eyes weren't there anymore, they were just empty holes, but they had been painted neon green, and the two of them, her and the crazy guy, took me downstairs with the other person that had survived the plane crash, and showed me that there was a giant open crag in the earth below the military base, just huge, with like lava bubbling up in it, and they said that that was hell, and that they had been working with the things in there, and they showed me by dragging one of the random zombies, they just grabbed one of them, and dragged him over the autopsy table, and they said they were going to check around in the back, and they stuck this rod in the back of the dude's head, and all of a sudden you could see all of his thoughts, all of his memories, but there was like satanic glyphs all over all of them, and that's about the time that I woke up, and it was really crazy.

4 Jul 2024



I dreamed about being at a youth camp but it was also like my recent visit on a phyciatric ward in the hospital for 3 days for suicidal thoughts and psychosis. It was more like a prison. In the dream we were not allowed to have anything and some kids had hidden candy in their bunks. The counselor discovered the hidden candy and called the parents of the kids that did it. When the parents came there was a military father and he was so angry at his son. I could tell he was going to beat his son whenever they got home and I felt fear and sadness at realizing this was going to happen over something as simple as candy. I had an overwhelming sense of powerlessness that I couldn't do anything about it because I was just a kid myself.

3 Jul 2024



I am back in the military. It’s another dream about people talking about me and sharing information about me behind my back. Everyone is keeping it a secret. I can tell by my intuition and their actions towards me. A female figure I considered a friend was talking to people about an email someone sent her asking her questions and sharing information about me. I am watching her showing people the email so they can read it. I hear her talking about someone dying. The emotional I felt was the person died because of me. I inquired about the details of the email and she told me to ask the decease person in the email. Everyone around me laughed. I felt humiliated and hurt. I had no desire to do anything after. I am now with a group of soldiers and we are practicing a dance routine. I seem to be agitated by the choreography and with the soldiers not getting it right. I felt like the whole thing didn’t make sense and was chaotic. I made a comment about it and was verbally attached by a male figure who seem to be in a leadership role. Looking around the room the people are the same soldiers who my friend was sharing the email information. I kept going to the restroom throughout the dream. One particular time I was walking to the restroom a male figure was in his car masterbating. I flew closer to see clearly but when I get close he hid his genitals in his shorts. I walked into the bathroom to see guys in there giving fellatio to each other. I used the bathroom and watched the festivities but didn’t participate. I am now back at the dance practice and decide to quit. They told me it fine but since they are traveling to perform I will be the only one in the offfice, but different unit will be in another office, too. I told them I didn’t care I don’t want to go. I hinted I will leave to visit family. I am heading to the bathroom again. The male figure who was masterbating in the car is heading there as well with another male figure. He stops and tell a group of male figures to take the male figure he is walking with to the bathroom and he will be right back. I didnt go into the bathroom this time. I was in a sitting area. The male figure who stepped away came back through a window or opening in the wall. He had tickets to see Taylor Swift perform. Observing m the space it seem I am in a VIP box and the window is an opening to see the celebrity perform on stage. The other male figures didn’t seem interested so I told him I will take the ticket. I walked into the bathroom to get paper towels and there was a television playing her concert. I realized I have seen her performance before. I exit the bathroom to let the group of male figures know I seen it already. We are sitting in the lounge and one male figure asked to borrow one of my uniform. I responded yes. Another male figure asked and I said yes, too. The dream end. I can’t recall when but at some point in the dream I was upset for being forced to do something I felt was an inconvenience because they were being inconsiderate. I was venting to them about it but they didn’t seem to care. I remember running in some moments of the dream. I remember seeing a pool, swimming, and fish. I at one point at dance practice I opened the blinds to look out a window to take in the beautiful scenery of the night sky and beautifully lit landscape.

2 Jul 2024



I was cruising on the freeway with three other friends in the fast lane. Outside was slightly drizzling but nothing too dangerous. All of a sudden, there was a dump truck coming from the rear at a high rate of speed. They passed us and it looked like they were intoxicated. They weaved in and out of lanes until they hit someone from behind. Luckily we avoided the accident and continued forward like nothing happened. The weather started to clear up and we can see the blue ocean on the left of us. However, the further we contined, the more we started military vehicles lining up on the beach, the road, and the ocean. I could see tanks and rocket loaded trucks ready to fire. It looked like world War 3 was about to begin

30 Jun 2024

Abandoned home


This is how I remember my dream in order I was at mcdonalds and for some reason In my dream I remembered arguing with someone about how American mcdonalds is better then the one in the UK so I ordered breakfest from the American one and then all of a sudden I am now In the UK mcdonalds and I ordered breakfest to and it’s the same except instead of butter and syrup they also give you jam and there accent where different and then after that I was with someone and we where sitting down and there was a very attractive lady with us and she was into me and I was into her so she said we should go back to her hotel and we did but when we started taking our cloths off to have sex she turned out to be transgender and for some reason it kept replaying us taking our cloths off and her relieving she’s transgender and I was disgusted and then after this somehow I returned home and me and my brothers where getting ready to go do special forces training for the military but it was hard for me to find good cloths and tools but eventually I found it and I went to get my brothers but they weren’t ready and one of them said to me “you have no responsibility your nothing” but I just said “ok I’m 16 I don’t need to” and then I left all of a sudden I am now in this huge area with broken and abandon buildings but it’s all over grown with nature and we are caged in this huge area and it’s the apocalypse plus there’s a zombie outbreak but I was with my friends we all had guns and where ready to take them on so we started looking for a place to go eventually we split up and then I was alone but then I found a new group of people and they where all my age I introduced my self to everyone and so did they and I stayed with them we had a camp fire and everyone was around it snd people also was guarding it with guns just in case, some kid saw my gun and said “ what the hell is wrong with your gun” apparently I built it wrong so he took the peices apart and but then back together and now it was a good sniper rifle, so I aimed down the scope cuz I heard something and it’s a kid and his mom arguing the kid said he wants to go with grandma and runs away but then the grandma pops out of the corner and I accidentally shoot the grandma cuz my finger was on the trigger, then we saw 2 people getting sick they where our friends we knew that they had the zombie virus, we didn’t wanna waste bullets so I stomped on there heads but one of them wasn’t dying or hurting he was just chilling, after this somehow we where escorted out of this caged apocalypse area and we where told we won, we where taken back to our schools as champions to celebrate we jumped into the school pool and then got out and listened to what our coach had to say, the whole school was there at the pool to celebrate our win it was awsome, after that the school day was over and I started to walk to where I get picked up but along the way I somehow got into a candy shop and they gave me this 2 huge empty chocolate eggs just because and then I left and as I was walking back everyone was being really friendly to me eventually I got to where people park and was walking past cars and everyone was playing the same song and 1 car before mine there was a naked lady in the car and I was confused but I walked to my car and when I got in there was fast food and that’s when my dream ended. No where in this dream though was I worried or had anxiety which is really weird

29 Jun 2024



I had a dream I was in the midst of an alien invasion but it felt like I was repeating the whole scenario again and trying to find a way to succeed in a few situations like I did in my last life however there was missing piece that werent the same in this one. When the alien invasion started I ran to what looked like a drop down elevatar that looked similar to a window washer who cleans sky scraper windows. I was waiting for a woman to show up but she never did and then messed with the scenario because she was not dating the same guy as she was in my last life. I was then late to running away and stuck inside a military base with what seemed like hundreds of other people, I ran to the bottom floors and I had to be very careful depending on the aliens but in my dream I knew how to trick them and knew roughly what was coming next, I had to play dead in some hallways amongst other bodies that have already gone, in my dream I remembered how I died in my last life and almost wished I died quickly in this dream life because my chances of survival were so low. I did make one friend because they enjoyed my music but after awhile we split up and I managed to make it outside. I was running between 2 ponds and I stopped myself immediately when I seen a huge snake slither out but it had a face with only one huge eye on it and under the eye was its mouth where its fangs hung low from. It didnt sense me anymore and left and then 2 others snakes from the other pond came slithering out. They knew me for some reason, one pursued me and the other stopped the pursuing snake and spoke to it in human language. It said something like “dont do that, thats nani” and that someone else would be very mad. After that I started to quietly make my escape until I woke up

29 Jun 2024



I don’t remember as much of my dream. But I remember I was staying in this attic like place with my abusive ex. I went to a hospital-like place I was seemingly working there. I was looking for another job which I think would be my third job. I was wearing an outfit that I think was nice. And my co-worker and friend who I don’t recognize in real life but seemingly was my friend in the dream told me you look good girl and told me I needed to take a picture. He snapped a few photos of me and I remember I started to feel really good about myself. I realized I didn’t want to go home cause that’s where my ex is at. And he probably was doing nothing at home. Maybe playing video games and being depressed which he typically did. When we were together in real life he played a lot of video games and he suffered with severe depression and suicidal ideation. I often felt obligated to him. Anywho my friend encouraged me that I should leave him because I’m taking care of him and me even willing to take a 3rd job while he did nothing. Which is true IRL except I only had 2 jobs. I went back to the attic-like place we were living in ready to let him know I was unhappy being and living with him and he needs to leave. The next dream I remembered was logging into my full-time job on a weekend for a meeting. I was in this warehouse type place. A lot of executive folks were in the meeting. And I joined the virtual meeting but I was completely naked. I spent most of the meeting thinking the other people in the meeting didn’t realize I was naked because I didn’t look at the screen of myself at some point of the meeting I looked at the screen and I was completely naked. I rushed to turn off my camera and put a robe on. I didn’t think anyone noticed because no one said anything in the meeting. Then at some point towards the end of the meeting one of the executive leaders said they were going to speak to me and felt I was going to get in trouble. Then the next thing I remembered was me being in a room with this US white female military officer who I knew somehow. She was working closely with this commanding officer at another country’s there was an operation that went badly and she sensed the US was covering up what happened that day and blamed the other country so she started working with the foreign commanding officer to get to the bottom of it. At some point this commanding officer became a Black woman and I was speaking to her and I told her you need to let this go because you and your family is in jeopardy if you keep snooping around on US operations that they want to keep secret. Also working with a foreign commanding officer is also putting her in jeopardy. I also asked her what if the US isn’t lying and you find out they were telling the truth and the foreign officer is lying. I think you would’ve invested time on something that would’ve disappointed you. She told me she would be fine her son who I think is a teenager just started dating someone and he’s happy. And she wouldn’t let anything drive her away from where she lives today. We both got really emotional about her son dating someone and the fact that he’s growing up. Then I connected with this other guy who is in his her team who told me he was nervous of all the time she’s spending with the foreign officer to uncover this truth. Because he has a deep crush on her and now he’s worried he lost his chance because of all the time she’s investing with this foreign officer maybe now they’re falling for each other. I think I told him I will find out for him. At some point we all went outside and we were living in this very cold city. Very city-like, like where I was born and raised in Boston and cold and snowy. We decided to go for a quick walk and one of the team members I was also friends with was going really slow and the other ones went faster than her. They all smoked cigarettes but she’s the one that smoked the less but was the slowest. When we got back I told her you need to do more exercise; she needs to walk at least 2 miles a day rain or shine to get her momentum up. All the other team members agreed. We sat down at this outside coffee shop and decided to order food. It was really cold and I think it was snowing but we still decided to eat outside. I had very little money in my spending account for the week until I get paid again and I think I already had lunch so wasn’t that hungry so I decided to only get a hot drink. One of my friends there sat with us and then told us she’s gonna go in to work, so she worked there. She rattled off the specials and told us she will be back to take our orders. I re-arranged where I was sitting. I noticed the red lobster near us was closed down. My last dream was me being walking to the city bus station. I was again in this very city-like place unlike where I live now and looked more like my hometown of Boston. I walked past this building I thought was beautiful and where I wanted to live next. I get to the Bus station and a lot of the buses that came were taking a break. I remembered it was really late like past mid-night but the station is still pretty crowded. Several of us went through this bus to get to the other side. I was behind someone and the bus driver put this sign on the door after some people went through the bus to get to the other side and close the door before the person in front of me was able to cross through. I decided to go around and eventually I noticed the bus driver reopened the door and let the person in front of me cross through and he was leaving the door the open so I can do the same. I can’t remember if I went back to cross through or if I kept on going around but I did make it to the other side. And I was waiting for the next bus.

28 Jun 2024



I was back in the Marines and we were away at a facility for a training course. The course took place in an imaginary facility that sat on the land between my childhood home and the neighbor behind that home. The instructor was known to be mean and violent and he was. Everyone was afraid of him. Marines started being killed by him or disappearing. Many of us started trying to plan an escape while others thought this was a bad idea. Our group was coed. Some Marines started forming relationships with Marines of the opposite sex. I tried escaping with a inflatable float that could fly but got stopped by members of my group first as they were concerned i would be caught and I/they would be severely punished. When there were only 5 of us left, we figured out how to murder and hide the body of the mean instructor. While cleaning up one of the Marines turned on me so I had to kill him and dispose of the body. The 4 of us gathered our things after we cleaned the facility as to not leave clues that we were alive and/or guilty of murder or self defense as we saw it. One person was able to sign up for alternative training clases and stay. Before i left the lower level of the facility become more fathers best friends house. I took a bottle of wine before i left. I escaped while riding my dog that recently died. I rode her like a horse then found myself hiding under a semi truck. When the truck stopped i got a hotel room. I later went out with the bittle of wine and i was floating in the air and found a couple that was sneaking off from their friends. Just as they started to make out, i lowered down from flying and killed thenguy so I could have my way, sexually, with the female.

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