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Dream Interpretation: Religious ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Religious? Discover the significance of seeing a Religious in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Religious appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

Dreaming of religious symbols or figures can represent your spiritual beliefs and values. It may also indicate a need for guidance or a desire for a deeper connection with a higher power. Alternatively, it could suggest feelings of guilt or a need for forgiveness.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Reflect on your current spiritual beliefs and practices. Are you satisfied with them or do you feel like something is missing? Consider seeking guidance or support from a religious community or leader. If you are feeling guilty or in need of forgiveness, try to identify the source of these feelings and take steps to make amends or seek forgiveness.

โค๏ธ Feelings

This dream evokes a sense of spirituality and devotion. It brings feelings of reverence, awe, and a deep connection to something greater than oneself. It may also elicit a sense of peace, comfort, and guidance, as well as a desire for spiritual growth and understanding.





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Dreams of users containing the word Religious

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6 Jul 2024



I dreamed I was in class and my mom was volunteering and we had to go to a weird Christian thing because of a necklace? I think I was crying too. I had to watch some performance thing at my outside recess then. Then I was in a house and a gun pointed at me so I hid in a closet. Then I went to the kitchen which was very crowded, and found a few things and washed my hands and felt the water. Then I looked around a bit and we just teleported to my school but this time my mom wasnโ€™t there, it was the 2 strangers whose house I was in. Then I watched the dumb Christian thing but saw my dad. I ran up and hugged him and the dream ended. So basically I was kidnapped, but didnโ€™t feel like I was.

1 Jul 2024



In my dream, I was in the hallway of a school with friends and I was trying to find Kyle who was around but really not there, which made me wonder why. Also in that dream, I heard a song called, โ€œEvery Kind of Wayโ€ by H.E.R was playing while I wandered through the hallway, but still enjoying the background, I saw someone or at least imagined it was a religious figure, like Jesus. Seeing that person, I was surprised but also alittle disbelief about what Iโ€™m seeing, but I remembered being told that the tone of words are powerful, so since talking to him, I guess I went on with my day, with a smile, despite not feeling the โ€œblessed assuranceโ€. I donโ€™t remember much about what happened after, but in my second dream, I was happy to see and hang out with my friends now that school has started, but somehow something or someone came up and it kinda ruined the day or at least the moment I had with Kyle.

28 Jun 2024



Dreamed I lived in som kind of monastery. My brothers lived there with me. At that time in the dream I was young. I fell in love with a young man, got pregnant, and had his child, but he was just visiting. The monastery was lead by a bunch of extremely religious women, and after I had the child they took her away from me. Then, years later, after I had married a man and had another child I was raising, there was a stormy night. I saw a child out in the rain on a different bank the monestary was on. I swam through a river to get to her and found her huddled on the ground in the rain. I told her it would be alright and that I'd take care of her. I brought her to the monastary, and told the women that she was my daughter. They said her name, but then said "No, that's a different woman's child. But it also looks like she's died. We will take the child." Then they said something about someone saying blasphemous things about me, and to find who it was. Somehow I knew it was the first daughter they took from me. I asked her if she was saying blasphemous things and she went off on me saying "You should have known I would be like this. I grew up without a mother or a father. This is your fault." I told her that I was her mother and that the ladies from the monastery had taken her away from me. I hinted very loudly towards a camera in the room and asked her if she had any other blasphemous thoughts. She did, but no one came to talk to her or to stop her. I woke up.

21 Jun 2024



I just woke up from this crazy dream. I was in this house with a religious group and this guy who was reading bible scriptures was creepy. He was talking about a whole bunch of negative things and bringing up peopleโ€™s past mistakes and telling everyone that weโ€™re all going to hell because of those mistakes. After hearing all that me and everyone else in that religious cult started torturing that guy and beating him up for all of the lies and negative things he was preaching.

20 May 2024



I was in an auditorium type thing for my school lesson. Before the lesson started my school announced the winners of their competition of who gets to meet Kurt Kobain, the lesson started and it was some sort of religious lesson, we all went into a area marked as heaven, during our stay a group of black students kicked me and some other white friends out, when we told the teachers they got angry, the lesson eventually ended and everyone went to heaven/hell, we all had one last pick and I didn't pick my pick until the lesson was over, after that I made my pick, when I left the lesson the teacher jokingly selected me, I went to maths (I was confused about what we were learning in maths)

5 Apr 2024



I had sex in public. Then I had a fight with a professor whom I hate. She tried to fight back but I came to see her and it was very violent. Then there was sexual tension between her and i and also a violence pulsion. By running from this situation I got lost in my city so I tried to go back home but I was across the town so a woman helped me find the bus and it turns out it was a religious woman, very young, very kind, very beautiful. It was her birthday. She was very touching. We were very close, lying on the road and as we were on the road I would hold her head so that cars wouldn't ride on her.

23 Mar 2024

My crush


kind of about eric ig in another universe. briefly shows me / "toni" (short for tonisha i think) meeting and flirting with him for the first time in a theater esque situation at 15. similar shit goes down and i just don't see him after being reprimanded a few months before my 18th things haven't really improved. i'm in a sort of wayward teens program and we're on a field trip. i have a rambunctious beast friend similar to kayla who takes her daily meds but still acts weird. i've mastered the art of not taking i think we're visiting a hospital or living facility of sorts, and i'm aimlessly wandering until i see a familiar name somewhere. i realize he's staying there and don't really tell bff but try to but she's busy talking with one of the male wayward teens she likes. it's kind of a race to evade both building staff and the crew watching the teens but i make it shortly after some religious folks leave the room. i'm panicked thinking he's in hospice but slowly walk in. just by my heels he goes "toni?" i think he's "quenton" in this dream but we sort of awkwardly look at each other before he smiles and we catch up and gossip and he's fine i think just staying in an exclusive residential suite bc he wants to "find himself" and i guess can afford to. at some point things get hot and flirty and kind of weird in the you're still so beautiful but all grown up way but its so sexy to me lol. in the dream some actually ?? stuff happens and bff is there and i think i was just very in real life horny lmao so my dream had a porn like scene anyways it gets back to some sense of reality when again in the dream he leaves halfway through ~activities saying he'll be back and me and best friend cry like wtf but a more normal scene in this hellscape would be i fall asleep after and he says something i can't really decipher and when i wake up he's gone and the alarms are going off in the hospital again my dream gets crazy and there's an action sequence and the hospital explodes ?? but let's say i and some other patients from either program / facility escape without jumping out of a tall ass building. bff somehow makes it out too and she's pissed at me first bc her crush didn't make it out or got bright back to the state custody but we eventually shrug and kind of become street urchins idk if i have family or she does but we spend the next few weeks kind of making the city outside of the "dishonorable youth" program. initially im trying to find him but there are no leads and bff convinces me to give up. it hurts and i wander one more night in a shady alley that's somehow relevant (lmao i think its a college bar area near where he claimed to live during the catching up scene, suggestive / creepy comments and all) and these two east asian guys ask me what a sign says and i'm like "black cherry?" (it looks like a bar) they laugh and speak another language so i walk away and decide that's it, he's gone xmas eve comes, the day before im assuming my / toni's 18th birthday and there's a sliver of hope that there will be a Christmas miracle but im starting to wake up at this point so the last actual dream part was me standing in what was kind of like central park of ny all lit up and i was looking at this really tall light post that's bulb was super bright and i pretended it was a shooting star before bff is like let's get wasted my own ending i think is that i wake up hungover as shit with this guy snapping and going "hello?" and i think he's my shooting star come true on my birthday morning so im like "quin"?? and he says "who?" as the sleepiness leaves my eyes and he's just some college guy from a bar we went to. i blink before smiling and replying "ah, nobody" other parts in the dream that were probably "in order" before my own ending but i couldn't make sense of it in a linear manner include coming back to the hospital that's now in good condition with better security and we make a joke to the receptionists about the incident months prior which makes them confused first then surprised. i think we go the equivalent of jk, oh can we get these drinks? i also think i made note of not seeing his name on the visiting sheet as an option or something so it could have been during the "where's pedo" montage alternative ending i get some sort of real closure? it's been years of no contact atp and i think nye following my 21st and i see him at the event and he sees me. i don't feel the same butterflies and anxiety but just.. weird so i go somewhere less crowded to drink water and this time he followed me. vague small talk, some awkward silences, and then we both say im sorry. and he's like why are u sorry and while i feel like i have a reason i stop and frown and i just don't know. he goes you aren't because you don't need to be and talks about the regret of ruining my adolescence and that's why he ran bc while the night was fun and thrilling it wasn't right and wouldn't end in good for anyone. like how i'm on track in community college after getting my ged (which i mentioned during small talk) and he's in therapy and trying to talk to ppl his age *awkward pained but genuine laughter* we nod and look away nervously while ppl filter in and out of what's probably someone's penthouse kitchen. the ball drop is soon and he says my name and i instinctively look despite feeling ashamed be almost a dog on call, following every command. he says something goofy to lighten the mood but i interrupt and kiss him as the countdown starts. its brief but passionate and at five i go "goodbye, quenton" and run off to the glass/window walls as one approaches. bff is there with u troubled youth boy toy who's turned it around and she grabs my hand and i squeeze back as it's the new year. there's celebration and cheer and yelling and we hug and bff asks "so what's your first resolution" looking her in the eye with a smile and refusing to acknowledge the confused but all too familiar set of eyes i'm sure is on my back "to never look back" toast, cheers, etc noises as she looks confused momentarily but shrugs and smiles bc she may not get it but she /gets it/ and i do too, finally

14 Mar 2024



This dream takes place in some kind of hotel. Me and my dad are upstairs, watching people in the streets through the windows. They are rioting everywhere due to religion. In the street, there is some kind of message carved into the road with religious symbols carved in as well. Me and my dad are convinced it is the end of the world due to how crazy everything is. We try to joke about the situation and are even somewhat dismissive. I try to take a picture of the message twice and find out later, that it got deleted in my camera roll. I also end up with a bruise on my arm. My and my dad think that it was a protest from jesus. Later on, we find out that other people experienced the same thing when they tried to take pictures. The dream then transitions into the next scene. The next part of the dream takes place in a town or city. Me and my family along with many other people are in some kind of carriage on a ride. It is Christmas time and I make a joke that it will be the last Christmas as the world is ending. There is an old woman sitting next to my sister. I think that it was nice of her to be able to experience life to the fullest. I personally feel sad that me and my sister will die young. I then start to feel like this reality isnโ€™t real and I hop out of the wagon to go to the bathroom. As I investigate, the setting changes to be in some kind of dimly lit house. My vision is blurry and I am trying to find the door to the bathroom. I then find a door that I intuitively know is to the living room/kitchen but I walk through anyway. The setting I see I notice is a place Iโ€™ve seen in a dream before. It is a well lit area, contrasting what I was seeing before. There is a table with some food on it. As Iโ€™m investigating, I turn around and there are suddenly people at the table that I donโ€™t know. They are very happy and friendly and donโ€™t seem to notice that I am a stranger. I go over to the table to get some food. The food in particular is cake. As Iโ€™m trying to get a piece, I am having trouble putting it on my plate. One person there then helps me. I quickly start to feel like this reality also isnโ€™t real. The next part of the dream is strangely enough me waking up inside the dream. I am in my normal house again. I go downstairs to tell my dad about the dream as I think it is significant and some kind of paranormal message about the end of the world. My dad is strangely enough interested in what I have to say. I then try to tell my mom, who weirdly enough already knows. It turns out I was actually telling my mom instead of my dad the whole time. When I legitimately try to tell my dad, he said that he knows already because he was listening to our conversation. I then try to tell my sister who is also strangely enthusiastic to hear about my dream. After I tell her, there is a strange person that suddenly enters our house. He is fat and very short. He comes over to me and tries to assault me. I yell for my dad and he comes over to get him off of me. He kicks him outside and I investigate to see how he had gotten in. It turns out the doors were not locked properly. (in real life my dad has a habit of not locking doors) I am angry and also fearful and lock all the doors in the house. Suddenly, I hear the knob turning to the garage door. Itโ€™s as if the strange man is trying to enter the house again. I go outside out of fear thinking that I need to get away. I notice very quickly that the the entrance to the garage is open. I then go to my car which for whatever reason, is sandwiched between two other cars that I donโ€™t recognize. As Iโ€™m about to leave and drive away, all of the dream sequences end.

5 Mar 2024



I had dream I was walking alone then 3 religious men approached me than the middleman told the two men โ€œthere she is catch herโ€ each the two men each hold my hand one from left and one from the right the middle man, hold my head down he was wearing a ring he pointed the ring in my left eye my eye started to have to much pain felt it , after the man was done I had no energy in me he told the two men to let me go my dream was finished

15 Feb 2024



I had a dream where we talked about God and religion and my oldest daughter was explaining her experience with God and we arenโ€™t religious af all. My great grandma, who passed away years ago showed up with Dunkinโ€™ Donuts for all of us to eat for breakfast and told us all she loved us.

28 Jan 2024



I was at a party with my friendsโ€™ B and her husband R. They had warned me that one of their sets of parents was very strict and religious, and would be coming, and they always saw the worst, such as that her husband and I were having an affair. They told me that any top was cut too low to their beliefs, and B said she also ended up putting a sweater on over whatever she was wearing to cover up when they were around. I looked down at my own top, which was a pretty blue and plunged very low between my own shapely breasts and mused at what they would think of that. We were not having an affair. I eventually ran into the parents, and they were convinced that we were. I told them that that was preposterous, and how amazing and close a couple B and R were and how I admired what they had; but they continued pushing against me with their restrictive thinking, and eventually I slammed the sliding glass door in their faces just as I was yelling out, โ€œand also โ€ฆ Iโ€™m a Buddhist!โ€ Then I went off to get ahead of them, to find my friends in the party, and tell them what had happened. I had a husband in the dream after that, though I donโ€™t think I did when the dream sequence began. I donโ€™t know him in waking life, but suddenly he was there and we were trying to prove to the overtly religious older parents how dead wrong they were, because I was married to a great husband. We were acting so overly fun and crazy, I think, to annoy them too. He was spanking me on the back of my tight pants, laughing, and my butt was up in the air. They just stood there quiet but proven wrong. This husband was nothing like the husband I just divorced in waking life. This dream husband made me very happy!

22 Jan 2024



My ex husband met his new religious wife and we all went to a pool party. He bought her expensive bottles of purfume which he then threw into the water. This is unlike my ex husband who never bought expensive purfume, at least now for myself or himself during our marriage!

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