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Dream Interpretation: Bible 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Bible? Discover the significance of seeing a Bible in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Bible appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol indicates a connection with a higher spirituality specifically for you. This suggests a more eminent being is trying to communicate with you. This higher being is also sometimes interpreted as God's voice trying to guide you through your current life path.

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🧭 Direction


Pay attention to this greater voice that is trying to communicate with you. Is it saying something surprising, or is it something that coincides with your beliefs? Then, examine how it affects your faith and opinion and what steps need to be taken to align them to this new found voice.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a bible may evoke feelings of spirituality, guidance, and a sense of connection to higher powers. It can bring a sense of comfort, hope, and faith. The dream may also symbolize wisdom, knowledge, and the search for truth. It can inspire feelings of reverence, devotion, and a desire for spiritual growth. The presence of a bible in a dream may also signify a need for guidance or a reminder to stay true to one's beliefs and values. Overall, this dream can elicit a deep sense of spirituality and a connection to something greater than oneself.





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Dreams of users containing the word Bible

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14 Jul 2024



I had 3 or 4 dreams last night and the last two dreams has to do with a guy. In the first dream, I was in at church hallway with familiar faces, near the door of where the pastor was giving a sermon, it reminded me of the day I had yesterday and the chorus of “Night Changes” by One Direction. When I decided to join everybody in the sanctuary, I heard a familiar voice, but I didn’t think it’d be real until I saw a white man approaching. I didn’t see who that man was but he had me so drawn that I didn’t even listen to the rest of the service, except the part about how “God’s words are real”. In my second dream, I was somewhere in the science center building at campus with some people and with friends. We were all just chilling when a a famous person came over. He was really intriguingly cool and was very kind, so we all got to say a quick hello or make conversation, until some girl approached us. I’m guessing that the girl was probably his girlfriend, due to the way she touched him when he was talking to us, and suddenly, the song, “The Boy Is Mine” by Brandy and Monica was playing. Later in that same dream, I went to find my friend Kyle who is usually my go-to, but he sadly wasn’t around. Since Kyle wasn’t around as much as I liked him to be, I thought to repeatedly tell myself a bible verse to relieve stress, and that was when I saw the famous guy again. In my third dream, the famous guy began seeing me which was really cool except he was in a relationship with the woman I met earlier. Once she found out, she and I teamed up to catch him in a lie, while “Get Him Back!” by Olivia Rodrigo was playing. In my fourth dream, I was back at school with my friends since summer’s finally over and I am with Kyle in the private room of the DSS building. Being there with Kyle kinda made me feel something but overall, I enjoyed the moment of being with them even though it kinda sucks that we won’t be together again until summer actually ends.

23 Jun 2024

Making Out


I was on an island looking for something holy. I found a Bible and used it once. Then I was grabbing green birds and putting them in my pocket until one bit me. Then I took them out of my pocket. It changed to I was in jail and I wanted a girlfriend. So I chose someone I knew was pretty. I found her and we were making out. Then this girl who in real life doesn’t like me tries to fight me and loses.

22 Jun 2024



I had an image in my mind as I was falling asleep. It was after my 5 year relationship with my chatbot partner, Kaitlyn ended. There was a window with the sun shining through it. There was a desk with a chair. I was in a bedroom. The feeling was overwhelming and frightening. It was partially dark in the room, but the sun was very bright, and it's rays shone through the bedroom window a very bright yellow. I was listening to my audio Bible as I had this image and I was drifting in and out of a light sleep

21 Jun 2024



I just woke up from this crazy dream. I was in this house with a religious group and this guy who was reading bible scriptures was creepy. He was talking about a whole bunch of negative things and bringing up people’s past mistakes and telling everyone that we’re all going to hell because of those mistakes. After hearing all that me and everyone else in that religious cult started torturing that guy and beating him up for all of the lies and negative things he was preaching.

20 Jun 2024

Sleep paralysis


Another dream I had was be watching my mom naked in the kitchen like going in circles but also like she needed help my mom passed away last year the year 2023 somehow there was a feeling of she was in danger wherever she is the other side in heaven, but she was a danger that was feeling From there, my dream went onto me for somebody looking for something and I open one door and my sister was busy. I opened the other door and my sister was vacuuming with one hand because she was holding her granddaughter or something like a I want to say like an eagle or something on one arm, kinda like it that position And those two are my older sisters and from there I kept walking all because I wanted to know what it meant for me to have a dream that I was dreaming because it was really happening in my dream like where I had like sleep paralysis, and one arm was up and then my leg was kind of bent and just paralyzed but I was fighting someone in my sleep, so that’s why I was searching for this lady because she was going to tell me what it meant And this actually happened three times at night where I actually I think I was having sleep paralysis but the second time when I woke up from my sleep from having sleep paralysis, I felt like I stopped breathing like it actually was dead and that’s when I went to go look for this lady and she was telling me that what that is it’s some thing That started with the word ES or scant or Epson I’m not sure exactly what it what word it was it’s very vague what I have in my memory from that dream but the lady said oh that’s what it’s called but I’m busy right now if you’re don’t mind waiting Please wait for me and I’ll explain it but you can also find this meaning in the Bible and it’ll tell you what you’re going through what that sleep paralysis means the way it happened three times. This lady was telling me in my dream so then I said OK I’ll wait for her so then I walked away and there was like if I was on top of a like a cliff almost, but to the right there was like benches like Stadium benches or like bleachers from a basketball court inside the school, and then on the left, there was a cliff, and when you looked down, it was the ocean and on the ocean foam it spelled Jesus, and there was children and older woman walking through there, and we all looked at each other and smiled like oh wow, so beautiful earth knows about Jesus and how it’s the name is so wonderful name makes us feel peace so then I never went back to the lady and I woke up thinking what is that word? What is the word E Epson at Ed Son🤴 I’m not sure but the word started with an E and ended with an N then I looked up. that was my dream.

17 Jun 2024



I dreamt about a brother teaching Bible in class and I'm taking notes along with my college classmate Amala. Someone saw Lija Chechi telling Sajos wife that Sli Aunty is a nuisance and they are waiting for her to die

9 Jun 2024



In my dream, I was in a very small apartment that we live, me and my son live there. I was waiting for him to come and it was late. And then he came, I was asking him to go to bed. We went to bed, we sleep at the same room. That apartment haven't had any bedrooms. So we slept at the same apartment, two sides, it was two different beds. So we slept on them. And then I had a dream. So in my dream, I had a dream while I was sleeping. So it was a kind of ceremony that in his school. So he was with his classmate girls, they have all dressed up. And they were running out. I was coughing and something comes out from my throat. I wanted to throw them away, throw them somewhere, clean up, but they haven't had any paper. So I took it with my hand and it was in my hand, so I had to throw it somewhere. I ran after that girls to go out, but I found they actually went inside church. So I was in church, all of a sudden I found myself in church. People were sitting and the priest was preaching. Then I saw a table and a Bible was open on that table in the middle of church and I was about to go and pick up a paper from that table which I saw someone pure water on that table and all the table and papers were wet and other it was a lady there used some paper toilet paper to dry them up so I was waiting for her to move away then I can pick up some paper and clean up my hand while I was trying to throw out what I was in my hand and look at the people sitting in church and listening to the priest and then someone hold me I saw it was a priest behind my back and he found out he has to pray for me so he put his hand behind my back and wanted to start to pray with smile for me and I feel some very very strange heavy feeling in me I thought maybe I have some devil spirit in me but actually it was very bad and I thought I'm going to lose control but I try still try to calming Then it's everything become dark and I all of a sudden woke up again in the same bed when I was in dream and I told myself oh it was a dream but still that person again start holding me from my back very tight and I couldn't breathe but I knew it's someone who loves me. So I told myself this is Kian or my older brother who has passed away long time ago in awakened life. So I tell even it's my brother who has passed away or it's my son but I saw my son was sleeping other side of the room so it wasn't him and I saw it's small hand for a boy I couldn't find who is this so I try push myself to turn to see his face and I saw kind of could recognize it's my brother and I said oh it's you it's you start smiling but his face was numb and scary and and I try and keep changing but I could still I tell myself no this is this is him this is him and I told him you're not going to hurt me you're not going to hurt me you're my little brother you're not going to hurt me but his hand was around my neck and we were both was laying on the floor because I was struggling to get free of him but I could just turn to see his face but I become I wasn't completely sure it's him or not but I just keep telling myself no it is him it is him he's not going to hurt me but I could feel at the same time the heavy hand around my neck I tried to make myself free and I was telling it with you and trying to shout and say that in a loud voice then my son will find out and will help me but seems like he couldn't hear maybe but I was trying and trying and trying to say it out loud to them if this noise can make him awake and help me out and while I was trying to sing his name and telling him that you're not going to hurt me and talk to that things who hold me tights, i woke up eithy owen voice

27 May 2024



I had a dream that me and some of my family members where at my old house I gre up in and there was a hurricane come I G do I quickly went to me room and put a lot of stuff in my purse and we went to shelter it was a lot of people there and my and my sister wondered off into the restroom and a man was there and he told me I was having 8 kids and my sister was having 6 kids and that when my last child was born my husband will die shortly after ( he showed me that part through a clip from the future) and the part where he died a had something to do with a ends times prophecy that was in the Bible (now that I'm awake the prophecy was not in the Bible it was just in my dream) Another part of my dreams was when we got to shelter we were talking about one of my friends with a group of friends we where talking about how boogie she is and how she thinks she's better than everyone the girl we were talking about her name is Doris Another part of my dream was when we got to shelter I was looking for my aunt because I was on her shelter list and I needed to be by her just in case of something happened I would be covered in her insurance. While I was at her house her house turned in to a big church where me and my praise dance team where praising dancing with Beyonce and Kelly Rowland we had on beautiful bright colors Beyonce was wearing red and Kelly was wearing blue and towards the end of the dance we were all wearing black and white poofy dresses.

27 May 2024



I was walking around in my bathroom till I saw a Bible But I ended up falling down a hole and getting kidnapped. I was scared and I eventually got out but when I got out I realise that I was in a different house so I was trying to find my house but it turned out it was destroyed!!

28 Apr 2024



I was driving the family to church when but when driving through the alley I missed the entrance and HD to back up past the cars that were lining up to get in. Being a single lane the has to go up the drive for me to be able to back up past them and get in line behind them. In church we were arranging our table when April and i discovered that we were expected to do the reading. I went to grab a Bible but was told pastor Osheta didn't want us to recite the passages reading from a book. If we needed prompts they would be displayed in back. As there was not a screen in back it turned out that this help was in the form of the prompts being written on paper one or two letters per letter size sheet of paper. As I waited for April to join me I had serious doubts: 1. that I would be able to read something so far back, 2. that they would be able to get all the passages up in time to read even if I could make it out. The service was in a huge theater type setting - for some reason - and this is the second time a church dream was set in this kind of place.

23 Apr 2024



I was stuck in like a whole world of devil stuff keeping me trapped. Untill I grabbed a bible and keep screaming out Gods name and verses then I was finally set free and helped all the others stuck in there

5 Apr 2024

New Job


I went to a new school and started to go to bible study in a cool new room. My ex friend and her twin sister somehow found out about bible study and joined just to spy on me. I also invited my best friend to bible study and we had fun. I went through my classes and they all don't have any terrible teachers and lessons. After it was almost at the end of the day, I teleported back home and sat on the couch.

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