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Dream Interpretation: Basketball 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Basketball? Discover the significance of seeing a Basketball in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Basketball appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

Dreaming of basketball symbolizes teamwork, competition, and the need for cooperation. It may also represent your desire to achieve success and recognition in your personal or professional life. This dream may also indicate that you need to be more assertive and take control of your life.

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🧭 Direction


Think about your current relationships and how you interact with others. Are you working well with others or do you need to improve your communication skills? This dream may also be a sign that you need to take more risks and be more confident in your abilities. Focus on your goals and work hard to achieve them.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of playing basketball evokes feelings of competitiveness, teamwork, and the desire to achieve goals. It symbolizes the need for physical activity, the thrill of competition, and the importance of working together towards a common objective. This dream may also represent a desire for success, the need to overcome obstacles, and the satisfaction of seeing hard work pay off. Overall, the dream of basketball brings forth feelings of excitement, determination, and the drive to excel.





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Dreams of users containing the word Basketball

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15 Jul 2024



At my dad's house. Me, my dad and sister were watching these guys play basketball outside on the neighbors property just outside my old bedroom window. I said something about them having skill or something and one of the guys thought I was insulting them and he came inside my room and started making a big deal of it and I had to deescalate the situation. He was like 6'8" and it was a bit intimating for some reason.

20 May 2024



i had a dream where i was at a soft play with everyone, such as my boyfriend, his friends, and my friends. I was mostly with my boyfriend and this softplay was really big and it was just our group. The soft play had like three big floors, and on the second floor his friends were playing basketball with a plastic ball.

18 May 2024



Kidnapped and forced to learn basketball

12 May 2024



tonight's dream was about me and my friends in my school gym and my hair I believe so it was straight and I don't really have my curls naturally again so I wet my hair and I had my curls everybody was complimenting them right but my friends helped me wet it and get my curls back and so then my friends wanted to go back wanted to go to wanted to be in the basketball team while in a volleyball team I thought my friends right so they went to the bench I didn't go because they never invited me even though I didn't want to and one of my friends came out I was like it wasn't for me and I started crying before that and my friends started crying and I sat on the bench and I was talking to my friends and my other friend, like my whole friend group left to LA and I started breaking down and I was upset

4 May 2024



It was like I was on a college campus if the sort and my dream happened in two parts but same dream. My first part of the dream happened where I was with my friend from downtown and we were all having fun. There ended up being a disturbance and an volcano errupted. We had to separate ourselves to be safe with everyone but I had my friend with me. My lover was also in the dream working and he wanted to be near but because of the evacuation his wife was there and he had to be with her but wanted to make sure I was still okay. There were many other people but I didn’t know them. The campus had some people that I knew from high school and there were also basketball games going on and we were watching them. I had my bags packed at this campus and I was folding laundry and getting ready to what I assume was leave. I noticed that I had a prosthetic leg on the right. I still managed to get around. There ended up being an earthquake that broke the college in pieces. I was still with my friend but my lover was trying to get to me. The piece that my friend and I were on started to move around when the earthquake happened again and I saw my lover and his wife walking downstairs because they told everyone now to come in the common area. He saw me as the piece was coming towards him and he left his wife to come save my piece or get on there. He ended up missing it but I could still see his wife. I remember thinking I didn’t want her to see me and telling him not to do that. The college campus ended up coming back together to a new setting. It was beach like and the breeze was warm and nice. The sun was coming from the clouds and my lover was there waiting for me. I didn’t have the prosthetic leg anymore and I had made it to my room where I wanted to sleep. My lover was trying to join me too and other people I didn’t know jumped in the bed to sleep, but then got out and my lover was able to get next to me. He cuddled with me and held me close and started kissing on me. He then had to go back to either work or somewhere around campus and then my boyfriend and his mother entered the dream. I saw him and felt a little off but I knew I had to act like I was fine in front of his mother. There had been a picture booth that I went to a couple times to get my pictures done. I asked my boyfriend to get her card since I had lost it. He stated he didn’t want to but his mother made him. His mother asked if we were going to get pictures soon and I was hesitant on answering her and then I told her we’ll see. He comes back with a card and says that she’s booked but you can schedule another time. I told him that’s fine. More people started to crowd and we lose our way to the crowd. I end up seeing him talk and flirt with other girls while I was back in bed. I was looking for my lover and he ended up being next to me all along and then my bar friends started coming around. The dream eventually ended up me being at work on campus and helping a customer

30 Apr 2024



We sent two spaceships to Mars to mine minerals from the planet and bring them back to Earth. While I was there I believe I was a leader like a general. then there was an assassination attempt. Another person and I were shot. The other person died. I wad shot in the head and I didn't die. I played dead and that allowed them to not shoot me again. They could tell I was wounded an a vegetated state, but I was pretending. I was wounded and I would not open my eyes. I did not move or respond to sounds in the room so they kept me guarded in case I became conscious again. They were also training someone else to take over or infiltrate the group and he was a little bit resistant. He was coming around because they were blackmailing him and hold his family hostage. I remember being guarded by different soldiers and they were all nice. They all talked to me in an effort to keep my mind active. I could hear everything they were saying and I still wouldn't open my eyes. I continued to pretend like I was still in a coma. At some point they started talking about playing basketball. We were in a dormitory style building on a college campus. Jay Z and P Diddy were residents. They were singing in the hallway, possibly making a rap video. I was in the dorm room across the hall. They were talking about playing a basketball game. I stopped pretending I was in a coma and said I could play basketball even though they thought I could not see. I kept my eyes closed pretending to be blind from the coma. I was able to move now and I showed them that I could shoot and make baskets just by listening to the the vibrations and sounds around me. I bounced a mini basketball off of the inside of a door frame with a Nerf basketball hoop. I shot towards the opposite side. The bounced off of the right side and they thought it was a bad shot. Then it bounced off of the left side, then the right side again and then went through the Nerf hoop on the left side. They all cheered and I was on the team. I paid extra attention to where the players stood when they by listening to there dribble and voice. I listened to ball traveling in the air and what the shot sounded like after hitting the rim or the basketball net. I played basketball and Michael Jordan was on my team. I was the second leading scorer behind Jordan. I helped with rebounds and on two occasions, I stole the ball three times in a row and scored. For some reason we're playing on a regulation size basketnball court using a miniature basketball instead of a regulation sized basketball. At the end of the game everybody was done and they wanted to leave. I wanted to get a team photo so we had everyone sit down and with. Some said we should use my camera. As they were sitting and waiting, I got my camera. Then the camera had a low battery so I had to go back and get another battery. Everybody wanted to use my camera. Michael Jordan was irritated he had to wait to take a team picture. We decided to included our spouses in the team pucture. The three spoues were standing next to their partner. Then at the last minute we seated the spouses in front of rheir partner in a chair. I stood behind my wife and then the other two couples followed and we took the picture.

26 Apr 2024

Old Man
Text message


I had a dream, that i couldnt remember half way. But all my family that dont normally go together was hanging out on this house with me. We went out to go eat some food. I had a burger but my dad thought i had steak. We were sitting next to a shoe shop, but it was outdated and we were talking trash about it and the basketball ball team who produced it. Also later, I had recieved weird tips on how to talk to people, which already know how to do. But then we heard of a dead body there and we had to find evidence. Afterwards, i took a break and went to another neighborhood really quick. I found myself in this house with a couple music artist that were familiar in real life, but were young and before the fame. I wanted to rememeber that day abd dream so i wanted to record it on my phone. My camera was really weird bc i was recording on the back camera and it was reall clear but its as if i was recording behind them. Then this old man randomly was shouting, basically telling me im not supposed to do that, which turned eerie really fast. He was almosr half a mile away yelling things, but i didnt let him get to me. I woke up, but it was in a dream and i was still in the house before i went to that neighborhood. Everybody wanted to watch a movie with me but they suggested and i still chose another movie. I took one of my pills that i take in real life but a friends told me how i should take and how i should feel about that and i responded quick saying everybody is different. Then i had a text from a friend that i hung out with which i never knew asking me if i was safe, i responded yea. But he was concerned if we found hints of the dead body. We were looking hard for it until a clue was in a stack of napkins. We foind a drawing and i was trying to take a pic of it, but it seems i had someone else that was competing to find and send it first out of nowhere. Tgen we both was looking for it again because it randomly disappeared. Then i woke up.

24 Apr 2024



Playing a fun game of basketball in my elementary school gymnasium with my dad, my co-worker Katie, and a younger version of my sister Alyson. My dad and I were on the same team, and my sister and co-worker were on the other team. Lots of running. It was a friendly game, and we laughed a lot. In the last play of the game, I tried shooting a 3-point shot twice and missed both times. My sister got the ball and went for a last second shot, and I threw a dodgeball at her back while she was going for a shot midair. The dodgeball hit her back and she fell to the ground and missed the last shot she took with the basketball. She started crying, and I started to feel bad until she started to sing a soulful song. It turns out she was fake crying, and my co-worker and I started laughing while she continued to sing. I woke up from the dream shortly after.

21 Apr 2024



I had a dream that I was in love with basketball but someone was holding my mind. So when I found out who it was I spit him out and he was locked up for ever. Then they found out he sacrificed eating peoples medals for their talents. The first one was a track runner. He spit the medal out and it showed her fastest times then after he spit them all out the people were free. Ballad was in my dream too. He was awesome and made sure my homework was done. Then I got moved to this new school and the people were sitting on the bleachers and asking who we were.

18 Apr 2024



I was in an auditorium, running around an auditorium with my friend Javon Denson, after what appeared to be a fight broke out, and he had a black gun. He gave me the gun, I cocked the slide back, and locked it in place with the slide open, as we started to run. I reached into my pocket to release the slide forward, and me, and Javon started to run full speed through the crowds of people, he gave me a basketball, and I ran, and bounced it around, and through crowds of people, as I followed Javon away from the auditorium, down alleys, and backstreets. I threw the ball up over fences, as I jumped them. Then I suddenly woke up, and my upper body was hot. I took my comforter, and Miami Dolphins throw blanket down from my neck to my stomach, to catch some air

7 Apr 2024



I was in Tallahassee living with Dajuan, and I had the ability to travel back in time, to when I purchased things, and had them at the house/apartment we stayed in. I was going through items I had like mouth pieces, Basketball Jumpshot video recording shades. In one room we had two beds set up,In the middle, A queen sized mattress For Dajuan, to the right, a twin sized mattress, for Ari, and to the left an empty space where a twin sized mattress was for me. Representing my mattress being gone for a season. That’s all I know

5 Apr 2024



The final dream I remember from the night, I was in a hotel with one of my best friends, Brandon. Brandon, told me that my vice president was going to have a conversation with me about how it might be best for me to leave the company based on my sales performance from the last year and a half. Although I'm planning on leaving the company, I wanted to leave on my terms and I wasn't too thrilled to hear that my vice president was going to ask me to leave. The dream transition to me being in A gym with my old basketball slash soccer team. We were in the finals of a basketball tournament, but we were younger kids at this time. And we were getting ready to prepare to play the strongest team of the tournament.

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