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Dream Interpretation: Bowling 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Bowling? Discover the significance of seeing a Bowling in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Bowling appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of bowling symbolizes social interaction, teamwork, and competition. It may represent your desire to be part of a group or to achieve a common goal. It can also indicate your ability to balance different aspects of your life.

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🧭 Direction


Think about your current social life and relationships. Are you feeling isolated or disconnected? Consider joining a group or team to meet new people and build connections. Alternatively, if you are feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities, try to find a balance between work and play. Remember to take breaks and enjoy leisure activities.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of bowling may evoke feelings of competitiveness, camaraderie, and the desire for social interaction. It symbolizes the need for balance and precision in one's life, as well as the importance of teamwork and collaboration. This dream may also bring about a sense of enjoyment, relaxation, and the need for leisure activities. It signifies the need to strike a balance between work and play, and the desire for a fulfilling and enjoyable social life.





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11 Jun 2024



Only thing I remember happening was being at this two floor bowling alley, where upstairs they have pizza, and down stairs was a rave/bowling alley. I was upstairs flirting with a girl and a couple of old friends from highschool. We were talking about space. Then I went down stairs. The two guys working at the place said they were shutting this party down, and I said something like “already? It’s only” (I don’t remember what I said) and that’s about all I can remember.

25 Apr 2024



The dream started out at a bowling alley and I was the lead singer of a fall out boy band. We performed and everyone was loving it even though I felt like I didn’t know the words very well. When we were done I decided to bowl a game with everyone and I was doing really well. Someone tried to get me to play darts, but I told them I was busy and maybe later. And then we ended up at a music festival and we had golf carts. I can’t even remember we what I wanted to do so badly but it was the opposite of what my group wanted to do and I felt like everyone was ganging up on me, in particular, my friend Aubrey. So they all left me and then I started rampaging the campsite and yelling and then I went to a water park pool thing and just swam by myself until I woke up.

17 Apr 2024



My dream started off at school. I was in my art class, doing an Arts and Crafts assignment, when the bell rang. Once the bell rang, I went to my next class, which was P.E. My P.E. teacher told us that we will be dancing today before taking us to another room. While we were walking to the other room, I came across my sister, who was painting something on a canvas. She joined my class and learned how to dance. After we all learned some dance moves, I went home and started painting on the blanket on my bed. My dad asked me what I was doing and told me to clean up once I was done. I nodded my head and continued painting. After that, I went to a bowling alley with my friends. My teacher and her kids were there as well. They were competing in a bowling competition. I watched as they played, and supported them when they felt down. Eventually, they won, and we all celebrated.

31 Dec 2023



I was in my living room laying down on the couch. It was dark and quiet, just how I left everything before I fell asleep. I see through the blinds this man walking his dogs like he usually does and he lives two doors down from me. He’s always walking very close to my door/ specifically and it seems like everytime I look outside through the small opening in the blinds he’ll finally walk away and just go inside his home. I’ve had a weird suspicion that he’s been stalking me/ or sometimes gets bored and maybe wants to see what I’m watching but he’s always there and close by. I always get an uneasy feeling from this man. At one point he gets so close to my sliding back door that it’s obvious he’s watching me/ looking in. I get up and I yell at him through the window to go!! And to leave!! And to stop watching me. He gets VERY angry and his dogs are getting worked up too. The man leaves but soon another man appears. At first this man is yelling threats at me through the window for “throwing my middle finger up” at the other man and that I’ll pay for my disrespect. I start explaining through the window that I never gave him the middle finger, I just shooed him away. The other man then started to calm down a bit and when he did we both were able to just look at each other for a second. The fear and daunting realization that I knew this second man set in. His name was Thomas and we worked at the bowling center together. I’ve had dreams before of someone there watching over me, but a looming and dark entity or energy. When I left working there for good I felt so much better and safer, but this man…. He’s a lot of things and had evil in eyes everytime we spoke or talked. When that realization of who he was hit me I started to back away. I started wishing I was anywhere else. Somehow he opens the back sliding door and comes in uninvited. I always keep this door locked so the fact that he came in somehow was enough to paralyze me with fear, but I knew I needed to act calm. He started talking to me about random things, asking me how I am and where I live. I had an immediate instinct to lie so I said “I’m moving to Chicago!” And I started singing lines from this show called “victorious” from when I was younger to try and lighten the mood. But he didn’t laugh. I didn’t feel safe at all. I wanted nothing more than for him to be gone. I did not get a good feeling from him being there at all. I look over at him and the look in his eyes was terrifying. I then wake up from my sleep very anxious.

23 Nov 2023



I had a dream that I was at one of my ex boyfriends house. I thought I was going to marry him at one point and one day he just came home and didn't love me anymore. I was very dumb founded. But I was at his house with his son. And his wife was not there. My Two kids were also there and we were all hanging out. Then his wife comes home as I'm in the bath room. So I hide in the shower and my leg won't go straight so it was kinda poking the shower curtain. And she says "taylor what the heck is going on" and pulls the front of the curtain back and doesn't see anything but can tell there is water in the tub. So she leans in further to unplug it and sees me. She shrunk in size and then passed out. She was laying on her back in an inch of water asleep. Taylor rushes me out the bathroom and says, she'll be out for a while and then won't remember. So him, the kids and I went to a restaurant we use to go when we were together. It was just a walk away so we all walked and ate as we walked. We got back to his house and were in the play room and his parents came by. Do we all hid while his wife was talking to them and I was like let's just leave and go out the window. He was like no cause they think you were the whole problem and I don't want them to see you. So me and the kids were hiding under blankets. The dream cut out and then I was at a medical business place. For some reason I was in a wheel chair grabbing papers to leave. I left. Then dream cuts and I'm at church with my baby's dad. There's this girl eith red hair and she goes "hey chelsey!" And said something sassy I can't remember. And I said "hey Ariel" and laughed and so did everyone else. & this person comes up behind me and tells me that something like having kids out of wedlock is against our religion and everyone here sees you as the problem. So I got up and left but my baby's dad handed her my dildo. And then I hear this loud scream and she runs after me in the parking lot and I beat her up. Then my baby's dad and I were at this shopping mall. It had a bowling alley inside it and I had on skates. I was riding backwards and rolling in circles kinda like the Olympic roller skating. Then my baby's dad joined me in skating and held me so gently and looked happy to share the moment with me. Then he and I are talking to one of his friends. After talking to his friend, it's him and I in a bedroom. He is talking to Taylor's wife telling her that he has done alot for her and didn't appreciate the attitude this morning and her passing out. (Now, in my dream, the kid and the girl were Aaron's, not taylors) and he motioned for me to go away. And I'm just thinking of course. This dude use to do this to me too. So I said fuck him and left. Then I see on the TV that there's a girl from a football game in 1883 having and interview with someone about how she's from the future and has no clue how she got there. Then she starts to dissappear. I assumed it was cause she told them. My baby's dad was also watching this. Then I jumped to this place with trains and doors. And the doors were labeled with themes like sports, cars, money. My daughter almost went into the sports one but I told her no because whatever one we go in is what kind of dream we will have. So we went in the food door. And was in this grocery store where everyone is just eating everything like in willy Wonka. So we grabbed a brownie and candy and were eating it and Bailey saw ice cream and grabbed some. We saw kids having some cake and she put ice cream on top of their cake for them. Then I woke up.

26 Oct 2023

Car Crash


Me and this girl (a girl I only know from the internet) were walking through a neighborhood by my house and we witnessed an accident, where a car crashed into a house and hit a gas main, and a bunch of people died, and they all had very particular names, (like milk, bowler, etc) and for some reason I had a bunch of deja vu about it but couldn’t put my finger on it. After, we went to dinner together and I remembered that in 2005 a truck full of bowling pins crashed into a milk truck and ran it off into a grocery store, hitting a gas main and killing a bunch of people And she told me that for some reason I was experiencing this synchronicity and we needed to find out why Then I woke up

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