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Dream Interpretation: Bleachers 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Bleachers? Discover the significance of seeing a Bleachers in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Bleachers appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

Dreaming of bleachers symbolizes your desire to be part of a group or community. It may also represent your need for support and encouragement from others. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are feeling left out or excluded from a group.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the groups or communities you are currently involved in. Are you feeling supported and encouraged by them? If not, consider finding a new group or reaching out to others for support. If you are feeling left out or excluded, try to identify the reasons why and work to address them. Remember that you are not alone and there are always people who are willing to support you.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of bleachers may evoke feelings of anticipation, excitement, and a sense of community. It symbolizes being part of a larger group or event, where one can witness and engage in collective experiences. The presence of bleachers in a dream may also suggest a desire for support and encouragement from others, as well as a longing for social connection and shared enjoyment. Overall, this dream elicits positive emotions associated with camaraderie and the thrill of being part of something bigger than oneself.





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Dreams of users containing the word Bleachers

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11 Jul 2024



I was scheduled to have a DJ consultation meeting with my kids' former high school wrestling coach. He was getting remarried again for the third time and he wanted me to DJ his wedding reception. I DJ'ed the wedding reception for his 2nd marriage. Considering I am no longer vice president of the wrestling program and the fact I DJ'ed his last wedding reception, this was honor to DJ his 3rd wedding reception. We were meeting at an athletic facility. For some reason I was running a few minutes late to the meeting and was feeling anxious about it. I have a reputation for being a few minutes late in my personal life, but not with DJ consultation meetings and other activities. The wrestling coach and his fiance were already at the athletic facility. The lady that ran the venue drew attention to me arriving late by saying, "oh James is late" with a sarcastic tone as I entered the area. I apologize for being late and sat down. We were sitting in the bleachers at the score table. The threebof us were alll facing the same direction I was on the left the coaches in the middle and his fiance was on the right side . The venue lady was at her own small table on the gym floor. I started talking with the couple and as we were talking I remembered that his fiance had sent me an email outlining specific details for the wedding reception I didn't have a printed copy of the details with me. I only had my planning sheet the filled out per my request. I asked to look at her printed copy of the details. She had a big beautiful print out all the best photos I had taken at the coaches' previous wedding, some of my wrestling pictures , a picture of the logo for my nonprofit wrestling association and on the last page was the detailed instructions for the wedding reception that she had emailed me. I noticed that the beautiful print out was actually the email I had sent them originally. She had the pictures enlarged and made into a beautiful large 2 foot by 4 foot calendar style flip book. As we were going through the consultation meeting, I noticed there were other activities going on in the gym. It seemed like it was some kind of football combine or camp. I was able to see my younger son's head coach from the University of North Dakota sitting on a bench near the indoor track. I went over and talk with him and he shook my hand. He told me that the program was getting better. He told me about all the coaching changes that had happened after my son graduated. He said that slowly but surely the program was getting closer to the vision that I had for the football program. That was great to hear. Somehow I was assigned to check the grades of the players to make sure they were eligible. As I was going through checking the grades, if a player had a bad grade I would pull their name out of the list. I saw that my son's name was on the list and he had passed his math class with a B and an A in his other class. I told him great job passing the math class and he said, "I know." That was odd considering he had already graduated college. I noticed that there were five, maybe six other guys that had on the exact same outfit I had on. I had this red and white dress shirt with matching dress shorts on. I've never worn the outfit before, I was saving it for a special occasion. I was really surprised to see other people wearing it because I had bought it specialty shop in North Omaha. I was at a football event with college players other states and six people had on the same outfits. As I walked past someone wearing the same outfit, I would give them a head nod and make a funny expression like, "Say, what? We have on the same outfit!" After talking to the third or fourth guy, I said we should all get together and take a group photo of us wearing the same outfit. The fourth guy said he would help organize the group photo and we should all meet at 1:00pm. We had 35 minutes for him to get everyone organized. He said he really didn't want to be in the photo but he would take the photo. I told him he should be in it and have his girlfriend take the photo.

7 Jul 2024

Best Friend


There is a lot more to this dream. I had a feeling I was in a city in New York but I cannot remember what happened before being in puerto Rico. I am now in Puerto Rico. A group of people and I are walking to an event. As we are walking, I see land of water like a beach, lots of trees and high rise buildings. I arrived the at event which looks like a gym. As I walk in I see people that I know and it made me uncomfortable. I went to the bleachers and I see my best friend sitting at the top. I signal her to come over to where I am going to sit. I see another friend and decided to head up to sit next to her. There was more room. Before I took the first step up I notice my ex sister and his baby nephew. I said hello to her and smiled. She uncomfortably smiled back. I went to touch the nephew to say hi but it was as if he doesn’t recognize me. He pulled away and start to cry. I proceed up the bleachers and sat next to my friend. I notice my best friend is still where I saw her. I signal her again to come to where I am but she wouldn’t move. She seemed upset. I looked down at the court to see a bunch of people. It seem to be some sort of game was about to start. I started having an uncomfortable feeling that my ex was about to be on one of the team. I had the urge to leave, so I left. I am now driving somewhere. I stopped because my ex’s sister and nephew is walking in the street with another female figure. I am out the car trying to get his nephew to move out of the road but instead we all end up walking to a place. As I walked through the door I am familiar with the place. I go into a bedroom and a female figure is there. She said the someone was in the shower and will be out. I felt I know who she was talking about. I walked around the place to find a bathroom. After I used the bathroom I came out to see a male figure I recognize and knew lives there. We flirted and did some light touching. I see my ex’s sister and nephew with the female figure from the bedroom. My ex’s sister and nephew are now gone. I am in a garage with a bed and an ambulance back in in front of the bed. I am waiting to go into the ambulance to use the bathroom. The male figure steps out of the ambulance and asked me when will I be leaving. I felt we both had somewhere to go but I didn’t want to leave. He noticed my demeanor and told me I can spent the night if I want. To let me know what I decide to do. We spoke more but I cannot remember the details. As I was walking into the ambulance, I woke up.

26 May 2024

My crush
High School


It was my high school, same people I went to school with years ago but different building. It more resembled a mix between my parents house and their church. It was a foot ball game day. I went up in the bleachers and tried to reserve my seat way early but I kept having to leave my seat to do other things in the school. Someone gifted my a junior varsity sweat shirt. One of the things I had to leave the bleachers for was to look fo my sweatshirt and back pack. Once I found them in the school I had to teach everyone how to read tarot cards. When I got back to the bleachers I sat down in a different seat because the ones I had saved was gone because I didn’t have anything to reserve it. My crush was sitting close by. As he got up to leave he asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I whispered in his ear β€œa date”. There were other elements in the dream I only barley remember. Like I remember being chased through the vents for some reason. I also think there was extreme skateboarding involved (I have never skate boarded before).

20 May 2024



I had a dream where I was on my period and I was chilling on the bleachers wearing a skirt and someone looked up my skirt and asked if that was blood and I looked extremely horrified I ran out as everybody laughed and went home and laid down and cried after I finishing crying everything faded to black.

19 May 2024

Best Friend


I had a dream that my best friend and I went to a Star Wars show where we sat in bleachers and we made eachother key chains that looked like a wave

21 Apr 2024



I had a dream that I was in love with basketball but someone was holding my mind. So when I found out who it was I spit him out and he was locked up for ever. Then they found out he sacrificed eating peoples medals for their talents. The first one was a track runner. He spit the medal out and it showed her fastest times then after he spit them all out the people were free. Ballad was in my dream too. He was awesome and made sure my homework was done. Then I got moved to this new school and the people were sitting on the bleachers and asking who we were.

6 Apr 2024



I had a dream where I was im the middle of a stadium and i was trying to win a game. I won and earned a blue lotus flower and I saw my ex sitting on the bleachers looking at his phone. I walked over and gave him the flower but he rejected it non-verbally and turned to the side of the bleachers, paying no attention to me. I sat down beside him and just looked sadly at the flower. He then said "You're not gonna do anything? You really are pathetic." I then felt tears in my eyes and I felt his presence leave. I looked behind me ans i saw my best friend and my ex talking. They both seemed to be happy together until my ex glanced over at me. He then took my best friend by her hand and left the stadium.

27 Mar 2024



Mom, Kristen and I went into this building, into a dark closet inside of a library of valuable books. We weren’t supposed to be there. In the dark, she started telling us a story about how Dad had almost been murdered when he was 17 and the PTSD he suffered as a result. John Waters came in to get some books, and while supportive, told us we had to leave. We went searching within the building but most places were occupied with workers. Eventually Dad showed up, we were on some crowded bleachers watching a demonstration. Someone gave Dad a clock in computer and he destroyed it. Emmett wanted to show me how to get a new one, but somehow we ended up destroying the bleachers and the park altogether. Mom and Dad left us, so we were trying to navigate our way out of the building from the basement. Each room was its own horror, but you could take whatever you could carry. Lots of little goofy things, decorative globes, nail polish, shoes, etc. Some rooms were just stairs, some were dark kitchens and other nerve-wracking areas. Lots of quickly slamming doors. We got through the worst of it, and there was a gift shop/convenience store at the top. Everything was free to grab. One guy was stuffing bottles of coffee syrup into his clothing. Everybody was singing Margaritaville. I read the final line of a book I had with me. It said, β€œThey stole together and they sang. They stood outside and watched the sun. They did this for the next 16 hours, until the New West rose over the horizon, and their bodies turned to dust.”

22 Mar 2024

Dead body


I went to this school for a while and one day during the transition to my next class from gym, the principal on the inacom yelled " there is a shooter-" and before he could finish his sentence he got shot and the sound traveled through the school speakers. Everyone started panicking and screaming and crying and I was in a state of paralysis before taking off with everyone else exiting the gym. The school shooter saw us and he pointed his gun at the crowd shooting at it. People ran back into the gym while some was killed on the spot. I ran underneath the bleachers trying to keep myself together. After I was sure the shooter left the gym I attempted to make my way out of the school. The gunshots still echoed throughout the school physically and through the inacom. I was shaking and started crying seeing so many dead bodies and blood. I made my way to the second level of the school and looked out the window, I saw a black van pull up and seen two more people in black with guns exit and enter the school. My heart dropped and my eyes watered. I started breathing heavily and made my way into an empty classroom. I hid on the side of a big closet and sat there catching my breath while crying. I looked at the clock on the other wall. It was 10:30 am. When this started it was 9:00am becuse that's when the transition to my other class starts. I started crying and wondered how could this go on for so long without no police. I crawled over to the desk in the classroom and dialed my mom. She didn't pick up. So I tried a few more times and she didn't pick up. I crawled back to the side of the closet going through an anxiety attack. I ended up falling asleep in the room and I don't know how long. I woke up to the sound of gunshots, my heart started racing and I looked at the clock. It was 4:59pm. My heart dropped. School ends at 3:20pm. I crawled to the desk once again and dialed my mom. She answered and I cried telling her there was a school shooter and it started at 9:00am and it's still going on. I also told her there's three. My mom said she is coming to get me and I said "no don't come. I will get somewhere safe then call you to pick me up." I hanged up the phone and anxiously made my way out the class. I looked out the window and noticed the black van was still here and there was still no police. I heard screaming on the inacom and realized there are still students here. I looked to my left and saw out the window a crowd of students running out of the school and attempting to make their way out of the actual entrance of the school which could take 7-9 minutes if you walked. I gathered up my courage and made my way out the school. I joined the crowd and ran with them. Two of the three school shooters ran out the school as well and started shooting at the crowd. I cried and continue running. I finally made it out with a few people but it could still be considered a crowd . We continued to run until we were far enough from the School. We made our way into a hotel and told the employees what was happening. I begged one of the employees to use their phone and I called my mom to come get me. I gave her the address and she said she would be on her way. One of the people from the crowd screamed and we all turned to see what happend. Even the employees. The same black van that was outside of the school was driving up to the hotel. My heart started raining. The van stopped and the same two shooters that were following the crowd came out. Now I had to escape the hotel.

7 Mar 2024



I was sitting on concrete bleachers and looked to my right, Paul McCartney was sitting beside me. Then I looked to my left and George Harrison was sitting there. Everything and everyone was cool and calm.

21 Feb 2024



i was at a family reunion with my family. i don’t know who this family is that we are visiting, but im going with my mom, brother, and dad. it was raining and i was trying not to get wet, so i run to the trees. there’s a long wrap around bridge with cool looking roofs like you’d see at the zoo. i start walking the bridge, and i see one of my friends with her sibling and parents. we both see each other and say β€œoh my god hey! you’re here too?!” and kept walking past each other. i make it to the other side of the bridge, and it’s just bleachers, everyone is there. everyone from my graduation class was there. i just kept walking down the middle of the two sides of bleachers until i just found a spot to sit down. a volleyball came over to my side, and someone a few rows up from behind me hits the ball to the other side. everyone there was playing volley ball. the ball eventually gets to me, and i get up and hit it with all my might. everyone starts wowing and clapping. i sit back down, and the ball comes to me again. i hit it once again. this goes on for what feels like a few minutes, and i get up and wander off somewhere else. i don’t remember what else happened cause i woke up from my alarm in the waking world.

30 Dec 2023



I was hugging friends. One was an ex boyfriend from 20 years ago. I was happy he was taking another girl to a dance. Inside I felt a little sad because I didn't have a date for this dance. Next my mom was driving me and another girl to this dance. When we got to the dance my mom and I were talking and we thought the girl we brought to the dance had tried to kill her ex. My mom and I went up to a food truck, still at the dance, and were ordering hot dogs and punch. A handsome man approached me and commented that he thought my eyes were incredibly beautiful. He was then looking at other girls' eyes but said they weren't beautiful like mine. He saw another girl's eyes and had her stand next to me to compare and still said mine were more beautiful. I remember blushing and feeling so good at that moment. Later I was sitting on the bleachers and the handsome man approached me again. He extended his hand and asked me to dance. We danced and talked. Later he gave me a card asking me to be his girlfriend. I was so happy. He said he also printed out an obituary for me. It was of the girl we brought to the dance. She had killed herself. Admitted she had tried to kill her ex. I was in shock. The handsome man comforted me. Next I was in a car. The handsome man was driving. I was rubbing his back but was concerned he was uncomfortable. Then I woke up

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