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Dream Interpretation: Brooms 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Brooms? Discover the significance of seeing a Brooms in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Brooms appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This is a symbol of the shadow side of consciousness. This includes things you "sweep under the rug" or parts of yourselves that you do not like or accept. It may also symbolize your attempts to clean up the mess that is in your life. However, sometimes this also indicates that you try to hide from the mess you create in your life.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

Face your issues head-on, clean the mess and problems you have created yourself, rather than sweep them under the rug. You deserve to live in a clean and organized mental space, and it's time to take action to create this safe space. Acknowledge the issues that are in your life and take steps to clean them up.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about brooms may evoke feelings of cleanliness, organization, and the desire to sweep away negativity or unwanted aspects of your life. It may also bring a sense of productivity and accomplishment as you tidy up and create a fresh start. Additionally, the dream may symbolize the need to take control and make changes in your surroundings or relationships.





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Dreams of users containing the word Brooms

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19 Mar 2024



I was sweeping some grass I got a section of some thick grass and swept the broom across it and then a whole bunch of bees came up in the air. They all got angry and Proceeded to sting me. I ended up passing out in the parking lot near that patch of grass. I woke up to an ambulance loading someone else into the van. A couple said next time keep ur phone near you and ran from the bees that got angry for trying to help me. The ambulance workers didn't even aknowlege I needed medical attention or that i was even there. They left me covered in angry bees still stinging me and i died

5 Mar 2024



Had a dream I don’t remember fully. There was a party going on actually we were at this water amusement park or whatever, I didn’t know Tim was there and he told me to come meet his son but I went around the whole amusement park first and he was nowhere to be found after I ended up in the party seating areas then I walked over but it wasn’t him but I heard someone say he’s going to go deal with his ex wife and this like boy said something to me but I can’t remember his exact words, then my mom and sister Kayla popped up. ⁃ I ended up at my aunties Evette’s house and it was night time and we were getting ready to go but I walked to the door and it was a family of raccoons that were sleeping a mom and three or four baby raccoons and I was startled me at first then I wasn’t but my first instinct was to get them out the house but when I opened the door they didn’t want to leave they seem like they felt safer being inside the home . Someone walked in the room, one of my family members , and got freaked out seeing them and grabbed a broom and started chasing the momma raccoon around trying to hit her but she was dodging the hits . Meanwhile the baby raccoons kinda gathered around my legs. They didn’t feel or seem harmless or vicious or anything.. then my cousin Eric came down the stairs holding a laptop and a black bag but wasn’t concerned about the raccoons, it seemed like he was knowing they were already there. I go to open the door to go outside after the mama raccoon is done being harassed via aunties orders and then step out and start heading to the car but as I open the door, I opened up the door to what I knew was my home. We end up in my big ass house and me and Kayla hopped in mom’s car. To go to the store, and again, as I opened the front door, I ended up in an old neighbor that was familiar with but not super familiar… I wasn’t quite my grandmas old street on Schoolcraft, but It felt like it and smelled like it, as I remember the smell so vividly. And there were people outside I didn’t know who they were, and I was wearing PJ pants and my blue PINK jacket, we hop in the car, drive to the store and Kayla, I don’t know how started talking about these sandwiches we used to have from this one particular grocery store and I was confused because she wasn’t even 1 when we stayed there so I know she knew nothing about those sandwiches at all… we ended up going to the store, it was yellow and red in color, and it was never that color growing up and as we walk in the same guy behind the counter who was there in another dream I had some days ago was there and he was like ohh you’re back!! And I was slightly confused but I did remember our previous interaction which was slightly similar to this one, only the first one I was by myself playing the lottery and the machine was messing up and he was saying that it was my fault when all I did was swipe a card … but anywho this time, I was with Kayla and we picked out a few alcohols and Kayla paid for them she handed cash, which I then handednmt to the man behind the counter, not recognizing that I handed my own card over too, I’m not even sure how it got in my hand but he makes a joke about how he hasn’t seen real money in forever or something to that affect but I’m stuck in trying to figure out what’s going on here because I know that I’m dreaming right now , and then the man tells me, you have to swipe your card and so I did again, not knowing how yet another card got in my hand. The man laughs because it didn’t work he said it this is. The second time you broke my machine, laughing still with a thick accent but I’m looking confused as to what… then these dudes walk into the store and I hear well you’re looking good today can I get your number Ouu you smell good and Kayla said thank you look good too, I turn to look and it was a taller dude with braids to his neck I couldn’t see his face but he had on blue and tan. I was called back to the man behind the glsss and he was handing me change from the cash I gave him and the original card I handed him too, and I was again, confused because i don’t think we were supposed to have change and he taloldnme he didn’t try ti run my card and the machines are fake they only take cash inwas like okay. We walked outside and it was dark walking back the car as were crossing the parking lot a raccoon ran up out of no where and it scared me I screamed to get it off me but I realizing it wasn’t attacking me, but almost pleading with me in its eyes to say help it… but from what?? And then I felt like nahhhh this one is a lot more aggressive and vicious than the others and iscrammebed it off my leg and hurried in the car before it could get in. Somehow I was in the passenger seat and Kayla was in the drivers seat and she hits the brick wall in the driveway of the ghetto yet familiar neighborhood , but it’s like after she hit it, we instantly switched places and it looked as though I did it. I was freaking out kinda hard frfr! I got out the car to look at the damage and it was slightly dented and the back passenger tail light was out and I was like kind thoeing a fit getting anxious asf and Kayla was like I’ll pay for it, but I’m like mom doesn’t have insurance this is going to be at least 4-6K because they’re gonna have to replace all these parts etc. and she was just looking at me like ‘okay…’ Mom came outside and said something but I wasn’t really tryna hear I was anxious ash because now I couldn’t seem to track if it was me who did that to the car or Kayla. When I walked in the door, the outside looked hood but the inside was the exact opposite of that! High ceilings, white interior with splashes of color here and there, white floors a gorgeous staircase and people dressed looking good not super fancy but well enough. I remember having the thought where is my husband while simultaneously having an anxiety attack. I run on the stairs to find him in bed and beside him lay two chicken , one a baby who feels, cause I couldn’t see the faces about 2 months old and the other about 4 with the prettiest milk chocolate skin.. I could not see husbands face but I saw his body had tattoos as he was shirtless and I hopped on the bed after saying something a little passive aggressive. And it’s like he knew something wasn’t right I laid down on my side facing the night stand and he was held me and told me to talk to him and I started bawling crying 😭 really hard and I was making this weird painful sound that felt like it came from a place of raw hurt and he said yesss let it out and I was crying kayla and mom walked in and Kayla was like what’s wrong and I was crying and mumbling cause at this point I didn’t have the words properly formed and Kayla was like what?? And I was still crying and being consoled, then mom says oh you know Diamond always cries when she’s under fire then laughs and those words I stopped crying instantly. I sucked up my tears and although my mouth and jaw was still trembling begging me to let the sobs escape, I wouldn’t. Then I woke up

2 Dec 2023



I had a dream that my ex-girlfriend was in my apartment and refusing to leave. She was stuck with her face in the couch for 2 days. And that when I went to call the cops, my phone was at 15% battery. The cops didn't show up the first time, to which point the 3rd person in the apartment just sat on the couch and did nothing about her. After those two days, I noticed that my food was going missing quite a bit. I asked if she was still here. The mysterious 3rd person said yes. "Well that explains why all the food has been disappearing so quickly. She eats all the food." Somehow, she kept trying to smoke bongs in what I thought was my apartment. There was 2 shelves with 3 bongs each, and i destroyed both the ones she attempted to smoke out of, smashing them on the ground. One was blue, that was originally in the middle on the top shelf, the other this milky white color, that originally sat on the bottom shelf to the right. And then we went out a door into some steps, it was snowing outside, there were three people, one was holding a slightly wet piece of paper and told her to piss standing up through it. We were all laughing at her. Then, a noise like people coming in through the door happened. It turned out we were at the wrong apartment. A lady handed me her purse to put on the table. It was scratchy. The lady led us to the front door, and pointed at the 2 instead of 1 on the apartment sign outside. She got upset, handed me a broom and told me to clean it up. I look up from the broom and I notice a teenage boy shoving things into his bag, with pokemon folders, Pikachu and Snorlax. He snapped his backpack shut and zipped it up, slinging it over his shoulder. Some of the pieces of the bongs were fine dust, so I asked for a dustpan. The lady led me all over the kitchen, pointing out what I'd need to do to clean the floor and broom afterwards. I told her I needed a dustpan. She finally told me she didn't have one and to figure it out. I used a trash can. Back in my apartment, my ex was still there. She wouldn't leave so I pushed her and then slapped her, to which she punched me and tackled me to the ground and punched me in my heart multiple times. After she was done, she shut herself in the bedroom. I went to lay down on the couch because I was so tired of her shit. I tried to message my friend in discord and didn't quite get to the DMs because I kept clicking servers. I finally sent the message in "Topi's Faerie Forest". My friend told me "This is a little more right-wing, isn't it?" I told them no, and what was going on. And I kept looking for the cops to call me back because we got disconnected, and it was 24 hours later. But somehow, the only missed call I had was from someone named "EGGZ". And there was a 3rd person in the apartment that kept telling me that the cops hadn't come and that my ex-girlfriend was there. The dream finally ended with a 911 call that was captioned. And one of the lines was "Wal: MARTY"

28 Nov 2023



I was Aurora, my favorite singer, and I was about to visit some old family friends. They lived in a block that wasn't that tall but really wide, with stairs and a huge number of apartments on two of the big walls. I spent hours searching for theirs, and it was really difficult. I had to face some big obstacles. I persisted because I knew that my friend recently found their lost son. After I found them, I played video games with one of their daughters for a little while and then asked about the older daughter and the lost son. My friends (who also looked like Aurora) led me to some sort of tiny storage room where there was an Aurora girl who looked happy and well and an Aurora boy with a blue T-shirt holding a broom. I asked him if he was now their maid and he said yes.

25 Nov 2023



I was being raided by aliens on a giant farm with my family who raised lots of sheep. The aliens showed up on our large field and started killing everyone so I made an escape to my home. My home had no power and there was dead sheep laying around that I kept tripping over. One of the green aliens followed me and got inside my home. I grabbed a broom with stiff wire bristles made from copper and fled to the stairs of my home. The green alien towered over me but I climbed the stairs to gain some height over him. He crept around the stair case which startled me because I couldn't see anything but his large eyes and his silhouette inching towards me. I yelled at the creature and jabbed my wire broom In his direction. My eyes adjusted to the darkness as it revealed my damage done to the alien. Along his body he was bleeding and wounded; countless holes were piecered into his body, all gushing out blood. Out of fear I continued stabbed and thrashing away with the wire broom, he would laugh and yell that he was enjoying my brooms actions. The alien let out a tireless giggle and told me to keep going as he pushed up the stairs. I panicked as I was getting pushed back against the wall if the staircase. He started to tower over me again, his blood pouring out onto every step, onto my hands and my broom. I pushed off the wall with my leg, leaping onto him with my other, we both fell down the stairs as he grabbed my shirt and started to rip through it. I pinned him to the bottom of the stairs, straightening myself from his grasp of long sharp fingers scratching into my back. He screams in panic as I place the handle of my wire broom to his throat, his eyes widen more than they were before, his pupils thinning and thickening every second in panic and terror. My broom reconstructs itself, it's handle turning into a bladed saw. I start slicing into his throat but it does not seem to cut through his skin. I start to panic as his screams echo and make my ears ring, his claws grow deeper into my sides and his legs start kicking beneath me. I quickly hop up from my mounted position, his claws break through all my flesh cutting rows of slices down my torso and hips. I place my foot upon his face, digging my shoe into his intimidating large eyes. As I raise my wire broom far above me, I take a deep breath and tightly grip the sharp saw blade handle, the blood dripping down my arms. The prickly wire bristles at the end of the broom starts puncturing his throat little by little. He screeches in pain as he is no longer numb to my attempts. I raise the broom above my head again, jabbing into the same spot over and over. My hands become heavy, hot, and wet. The alien tries stopping me, shredding my leg, swaying his other arm in the air in hopes for a chance to stop his suffer able and painful death. I continued to hack away at his throat, the breaking noises of his veins and flesh exploding each blow. Eventually, all that was heard was blood hitting the floor and the lifeless body that layed beneath me. I took a step back to view the corpse of whom I just slaughtered, practically unidentifiable whether it was human or not. The creature's green skin stained with both our blood, and his flesh turning a rotting brown.

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