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Dream Interpretation: Braids šŸ˜“ - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Braids? Discover the significance of seeing a Braids in your dream šŸ’¤ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Braids appears in your dream āœ…

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šŸ’”Possible meaning

Braids in a dream symbolize unity, strength, and loyalty. It represents the coming together of different parts to form a whole. It may also indicate a desire for order and control in your life.

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šŸ§­ Direction


Think about the people in your life and how they contribute to your sense of unity and strength. Are there any relationships that need to be strengthened or repaired? Consider ways to bring order and control to your daily routine to help you feel more grounded and in control.

ā¤ļø Feelings

Braids in a dream can evoke feelings of nostalgia, innocence, and femininity. They may symbolize a desire for simplicity or a longing for the past. Braids can also represent unity, as they involve intertwining strands. Overall, this dream may elicit a sense of warmth and comfort, reminding the dreamer of their childhood or a time when life felt more carefree.





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Dreams of users containing the word Braids

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10 Jul 2024



I keep dreaming that Iā€™m working with my special education students. In the dream we are preparing to take kids to a church event or party. There is a statue of an old king. Im trscing my fingers on the statue seeing that hebhad braids tucked under his crown thats wraps over his head. It transitions from the statue to me helping a man, one of my coworkers put on a scarf over his head in the style of the statued king. Iā€™m running out of time to get ready myself and i am struggling to wrap the mans head with the scarf. I eventually get it but i tell everyone to go ahead without me while i get dressed. I cant find anything nice to wear. I eventually find a floral patterned skirt and a floral top. I walk to the event and its being held at jennefer lopez house. Her and ben aflek are hosting. In the dream i am in some way their neice. As im doing my job, they are also hosting. They have a few conflicts, but i jump in to chat with them on the side to be essentially kinder to one another. The front door to their home is a fortress. 2 layers of very secure, iorn wood and concrete doors. I eventually see ben and jennifer talking and laughing they ask me stick around with them as their neice and plan some time for them together. They appreciated my advice and want me to be a buffer. I agreed as long as i could bring a friend. They said of course. I first wanted to plan a boat trip. the party ended and i took the disabled students back to the building but i had to climb through a window to get out of the house, and i had to help the kids out the window as well

29 May 2024

Blonde hair


I was a black guy with braids around college age. Poor and no real place to live, but I came in touch with my aunt who enrolled me in a famous music school were Iā€™d be accompanying a very gorgeous girl with blonde hair to sing. I know Iā€™m good at rap but everyone looks down on rap music there. I want to prove myself. Before I moved in with my aunt, I lived with my grandpa who had four magic beans for teeth. When he died I decided to remove my bottom row of teeth so that Iā€™d now have those four large brown beans as my bottom teeth. They were cracked open slightly and you could see some green growth inside. My aunt was upset I got rid of my normal teeth to have ā€œmagicā€ beans instead. She told me if I wanted to live with her I have to hide my teeth at all times. So now I talk with a fat lip to hide them from everyone at the studio. Dollar per mile door dash Hey! Just wanted to let you know I picked up your order and Iā€™m on my way šŸ˜ŒāœØ Track everything

18 Mar 2024



I then entered the dream but watched myself in third person I was going to grab a bag that I set down in the condo and the barefoot man leaves the party or crowd to grab a weapon I said to myself I didn't have time to go back and get the bag so I turned to leave and the man shot into the crowd people were screaming. Then the lady in the mauve suite showed up and we went to go outside and chase the man outside was like a large party and football field the mauve suit lady turned into a white woman short and overweight with red hair and she dragged me by my arm across the field and said to walk up to the crowd and grab Tamika Teasly she was in front of the group of people there were two people on each side of her and they stood on almost a traignle stance. Tamika had a purple hoody with braids purple and silver hair she was a short black girl next to her left side was my old close friend she was a little confused she had on glasses and a hoody I grabbed Tamika Teasly and told her to come with me .l dragged her violently across the field just as the whit lady did me before I grabbed her I had make sure it was her so I kept askeing her to confirm her name but the white lady insisted it was her anyway I grabbed the girl and dragged her away my old close friend said to me Mother and I turned around and shot her a bird and said Fucker and laughed it was very mean the scene shocked me and I was a little bothered by my response I take the Tamika girl where she was supposed to go and then o attempt to go back to field to enter the condo crowds of people were entering the condo like the club and I ran into antihero person I knew and that person knew my old friend I asked her name to confirm it was her and she says yeah it me C MF H and I said okay bitch well tell my old friend ok sorry I didn't mean to do that but o had to I was instructed to so she left and went to tell her I saw the lady with the suit again and woke up.

7 Mar 2024



My hair was itching and I had to take out my braids

5 Mar 2024



Had a dream I donā€™t remember fully. There was a party going on actually we were at this water amusement park or whatever, I didnā€™t know Tim was there and he told me to come meet his son but I went around the whole amusement park first and he was nowhere to be found after I ended up in the party seating areas then I walked over but it wasnā€™t him but I heard someone say heā€™s going to go deal with his ex wife and this like boy said something to me but I canā€™t remember his exact words, then my mom and sister Kayla popped up. āƒ I ended up at my aunties Evetteā€™s house and it was night time and we were getting ready to go but I walked to the door and it was a family of raccoons that were sleeping a mom and three or four baby raccoons and I was startled me at first then I wasnā€™t but my first instinct was to get them out the house but when I opened the door they didnā€™t want to leave they seem like they felt safer being inside the home . Someone walked in the room, one of my family members , and got freaked out seeing them and grabbed a broom and started chasing the momma raccoon around trying to hit her but she was dodging the hits . Meanwhile the baby raccoons kinda gathered around my legs. They didnā€™t feel or seem harmless or vicious or anything.. then my cousin Eric came down the stairs holding a laptop and a black bag but wasnā€™t concerned about the raccoons, it seemed like he was knowing they were already there. I go to open the door to go outside after the mama raccoon is done being harassed via aunties orders and then step out and start heading to the car but as I open the door, I opened up the door to what I knew was my home. We end up in my big ass house and me and Kayla hopped in momā€™s car. To go to the store, and again, as I opened the front door, I ended up in an old neighbor that was familiar with but not super familiarā€¦ I wasnā€™t quite my grandmas old street on Schoolcraft, but It felt like it and smelled like it, as I remember the smell so vividly. And there were people outside I didnā€™t know who they were, and I was wearing PJ pants and my blue PINK jacket, we hop in the car, drive to the store and Kayla, I donā€™t know how started talking about these sandwiches we used to have from this one particular grocery store and I was confused because she wasnā€™t even 1 when we stayed there so I know she knew nothing about those sandwiches at allā€¦ we ended up going to the store, it was yellow and red in color, and it was never that color growing up and as we walk in the same guy behind the counter who was there in another dream I had some days ago was there and he was like ohh youā€™re back!! And I was slightly confused but I did remember our previous interaction which was slightly similar to this one, only the first one I was by myself playing the lottery and the machine was messing up and he was saying that it was my fault when all I did was swipe a card ā€¦ but anywho this time, I was with Kayla and we picked out a few alcohols and Kayla paid for them she handed cash, which I then handednmt to the man behind the counter, not recognizing that I handed my own card over too, Iā€™m not even sure how it got in my hand but he makes a joke about how he hasnā€™t seen real money in forever or something to that affect but Iā€™m stuck in trying to figure out whatā€™s going on here because I know that Iā€™m dreaming right now , and then the man tells me, you have to swipe your card and so I did again, not knowing how yet another card got in my hand. The man laughs because it didnā€™t work he said it this is. The second time you broke my machine, laughing still with a thick accent but Iā€™m looking confused as to whatā€¦ then these dudes walk into the store and I hear well youā€™re looking good today can I get your number Ouu you smell good and Kayla said thank you look good too, I turn to look and it was a taller dude with braids to his neck I couldnā€™t see his face but he had on blue and tan. I was called back to the man behind the glsss and he was handing me change from the cash I gave him and the original card I handed him too, and I was again, confused because i donā€™t think we were supposed to have change and he taloldnme he didnā€™t try ti run my card and the machines are fake they only take cash inwas like okay. We walked outside and it was dark walking back the car as were crossing the parking lot a raccoon ran up out of no where and it scared me I screamed to get it off me but I realizing it wasnā€™t attacking me, but almost pleading with me in its eyes to say help itā€¦ but from what?? And then I felt like nahhhh this one is a lot more aggressive and vicious than the others and iscrammebed it off my leg and hurried in the car before it could get in. Somehow I was in the passenger seat and Kayla was in the drivers seat and she hits the brick wall in the driveway of the ghetto yet familiar neighborhood , but itā€™s like after she hit it, we instantly switched places and it looked as though I did it. I was freaking out kinda hard frfr! I got out the car to look at the damage and it was slightly dented and the back passenger tail light was out and I was like kind thoeing a fit getting anxious asf and Kayla was like Iā€™ll pay for it, but Iā€™m like mom doesnā€™t have insurance this is going to be at least 4-6K because theyā€™re gonna have to replace all these parts etc. and she was just looking at me like ā€˜okayā€¦ā€™ Mom came outside and said something but I wasnā€™t really tryna hear I was anxious ash because now I couldnā€™t seem to track if it was me who did that to the car or Kayla. When I walked in the door, the outside looked hood but the inside was the exact opposite of that! High ceilings, white interior with splashes of color here and there, white floors a gorgeous staircase and people dressed looking good not super fancy but well enough. I remember having the thought where is my husband while simultaneously having an anxiety attack. I run on the stairs to find him in bed and beside him lay two chicken , one a baby who feels, cause I couldnā€™t see the faces about 2 months old and the other about 4 with the prettiest milk chocolate skin.. I could not see husbands face but I saw his body had tattoos as he was shirtless and I hopped on the bed after saying something a little passive aggressive. And itā€™s like he knew something wasnā€™t right I laid down on my side facing the night stand and he was held me and told me to talk to him and I started bawling crying šŸ˜­ really hard and I was making this weird painful sound that felt like it came from a place of raw hurt and he said yesss let it out and I was crying kayla and mom walked in and Kayla was like whatā€™s wrong and I was crying and mumbling cause at this point I didnā€™t have the words properly formed and Kayla was like what?? And I was still crying and being consoled, then mom says oh you know Diamond always cries when sheā€™s under fire then laughs and those words I stopped crying instantly. I sucked up my tears and although my mouth and jaw was still trembling begging me to let the sobs escape, I wouldnā€™t. Then I woke up

28 Jan 2024



Waking up early for church, but weā€™re already in line for the plane. Mariah is still in our room, and my dad is on his way. I have a really funny older brother, who is making jokes about selling cars. Itā€™s got a she broke im up flow, but itā€™s like cars up slap down idk. Iā€™m wearing something provocative, my bat bra and underwear practically, I put on my angel wing skirt when I get turned away from security, she was so cute I played a video in my head like four or five times. And it was so funny that other people super imposed themselves onto the video. Although I had to repeat the tsa like three times with dickhead security. He lifted my bra up and flashed me to the whole area. Like what? I had to go through the scanner like three times, I took a zyn can out of my hip, and then another, and it was because I was wearing a belt, I think like the one I bought Aiden. Or didnā€™t buy but had. We were going to Vegas and I needed to change the sheets into strawberry themed. I had a cool the dye shirt I was going to give to Mariah. Reed said his name isnā€™t going to be Vegas tonight and we all hit the dp. I really wanted bubble braids but mia sounded like her mom when she said they were uneven. My dad listed out every gift Aiden had given to me, and each one my dad had given to me were much more personal and sentimental. I had my zyn in my underwear waistband and made it through security and then some of the terminal. I was relived to see Luke, he was intrigued by my outfit, and I covered a bit with a scarf. He then whispered something to be about ovinadab, Isaac, and Sarah. And his mouth popped and I woke up. I went back to sleep and had a really surreal experience. In one section I was at a Harry styles concert, in the giant dark city every girl on the way to the concert was wearing the same thing, a skirt and a small top. Doja cat was dressed differently, with little puffs. She was far away on a dock, they had gymnastics as the openers and girls kept getting severely injured. Mark zukerbueg was seated right behind the mom, and I he got bored so he put on the metal I made a friend, and there were cesarean box meta games. In another place, much like a swamp, a group of young kids decide to work an experiment. They run as fast as they can dragging a tire in the mud, they form in a heart shape with chains and attractors, and they get struck by lightning and catapult into a time between space, the tire turns into a giant red lid. Some kids are penetrated through the heart with chains, while others are killed by the sheer force of pull. Finally one girl manages to get out, but once down she puts water on her shoulders and is attacked by a swarm of swamp monsters. Also siah was married, and drew wanted to hit. I said I wanted to wait to marriage, and he took off his pants but up then back on. We were al in this house, with an island in the kitchen, and a big table. There were people chilling in a room beside us, like on a couch. Luckily we didnā€™t hit bc my dad came down shortly after, and we took bikes from the out the front door. We went on a bike ride in the dark, and drew like went into a deep canal, and my dad lost a rim of his tire. There were lots of people on the dock, and I kept having to tell them to fuck off. I felt proud at one point or another at my initiative. and drew drove a boat back upstream during sunrise. Me and my dad hopped on a jet ski but couldnā€™t get out.

6 Jan 2024



I am an Amazon woman caring a basket. I am lean tan and thin. My hair is long dark and in braids. I am carrying a basket on my shoulder of food for the village. I enter into a tent where others come to see me for healing. I am a healer who uses natural herbs and remedies to help my village. My best friend is in the tent next to me. She does hair for everyone. I sit down in her chair and she rebrids my hair. This is the happiest time of all my past lives.

5 Jan 2024



I wa shaving a sleep over at my great grandmothers house but there was a scary ghost with an axe trying to kill us breaking in through the back door and we had to keep running off or fighting him and there was a bunch of tents in out back yard with the nabors in them and they all didn't believe me for some reason and it was all dark and their faces looked weird and uncanny valley like. The ghost with the axe kept funding us and then there was rotten watermelons with flies inside them and no one beloved me about that either but I broke one open in front of one of my friends a young girl with red hair in long braids and freckles she freaked out and tried to get everyone to be live us but they didn't until they saw it themselves.

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