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Dream Interpretation: Grapes 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Grapes? Discover the significance of seeing a Grapes in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Grapes appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of grapes symbolizes abundance, fertility, and prosperity. It may also represent indulgence and pleasure. The dream may be a sign of good luck and success in your personal and professional life.

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🧭 Direction


This dream may be a reminder to enjoy the fruits of your labor and celebrate your achievements. However, be careful not to overindulge and lose sight of your goals. Take time to appreciate the good things in your life, but also stay focused on your responsibilities and priorities.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about grapes evokes feelings of abundance, pleasure, and indulgence. It symbolizes the sweetness of life, joy, and celebration. This dream may also bring a sense of satisfaction, as grapes are often associated with prosperity and success. It can represent a time of harvest and reaping the rewards of your hard work. Overall, this dream elicits positive emotions and a sense of fulfillment.





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Dreams of users containing the word Grapes

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25 Jun 2024



I was at my elementary school but I was a high school student. On my way to class, I passed by my ex-boyfriend’s girlfriend and she gave me a dirty look. I got into class and sat in my seat, which was a table full of immature boys. Although, my sister was sitting on my left. The teacher was my actual high school teacher for science, she said hi to me. The boy next to me had poured laxatives into the water bottle that belonged to the guy who sat in front of him. The guy who sat in front of him looked at the bottle and said “ew what is that?” And the guy who poured it in there said “I put laxatives in your water bottle!!!!” And started to laugh. I laughed too. The guy got up and ran over to the classroom sink, and washed out his water bottle. There was laxatives all over his shirt. The teacher didn’t care though, she kept going on with her lecture. The table in front of us was full of girls, and one of the girls was my ex-boyfriends girlfriend. She looked behind and said “what are you guys doing? Stop messing around.” But I didn’t pay attention to her. A couple of minutes went by and the ambulance went speeding by the school and the teacher had opened all the windows to see what was going on. She continued on with her lecture after. I kept looking outside and I seen a baby deer out in the middle of the street. The teacher was having the class repeat something and I accidentally repeated it late, but I laughed about it. The teacher got upset with me and said “you think this is funny Katelyn?” But I yelled out, “look! There’s a deer in the middle of the street.” And stared at it. The teacher gave me a hesitant look, almost as if she didn’t believe me. But she looked outside and ran out to move the deer from the street. While she was running outside everyone kept giving me a weird look. If felt as if they were looking at me because I had a mental health issue, because I interrupted the teacher because of a deer. Just a couple of minutes later the bell for school rang, I left without hesitation because I wanted to go back home, I had felt weird being at school. I felt not wanted and embarrassed. I started to walk home with my sister but I got stuck behind a little because I went to check out the accident that happened. I was eating green grapes and seen my sister up ahead a couple of people so I passed them and got to my sister but we were right by the house already so I went inside. It felt like I had missed something, when I got inside the house it hit me that I accidentally left my backpack back at school. So I left a note on Instagram asking if someone could bring it to me but no one replied. So I just left it at that. I’d get it the next day. The house was a mess, trash everywhere almost as if a party crashed at the house the night before. I didn’t mind it though because I didn’t want to clean it up. I went upstairs and seen my girlfriend’s friends in my room. They wanted to play a video game together and I said sure. So I put on Fortnite, I took them to this creative map where we could 1v1 each other and take turns. Afterwards, I kind of got off the game and let them play by themselves. My girlfriends friends were dating. Their names were Alan and Savanah. I could tell I didn’t like them much. They gave me a weird vibe. Instead I went to the room with my sister. My sister had her friend over, Daphne. Daphne, I knew I could trust with everything and anything. I felt safe around Daphne. (Daphne doesn’t exist for me or in general, in real life. Everyone else in the dream does though.) I told my sister that I was going to be up late because I was going downstairs with Alan and Savanah. When I got downstairs, Alan said that he’s doing something illegal. I asked him “what?” He replied, “I’m rolling blunts from your families stash of weed and I’m gonna take them home.” I got a worried feeling when he said that and I told him “no, put all of it back. Where did you even find that?” He didn’t answer and still insisted that he continue. Thankfully my sister came downstairs and said “what’s going on down here?” Alan showed my sister the box of blunts he was rolling, and my sister quickly took the box away, and ran upstairs with it. I stayed downstairs with him, because I had froze in place. That was until I went upstairs and into my sister room where she was. My sister said “we have to hide these, before dad gets up.” I felt even more worried. Daphne had stepped into the room and asked “what’s going on?” My sister and I told her that we needed help hiding the blunts otherwise we’d get in trouble with our father. Daphne gave us a promising look but said “I could get into a lot of trouble but I got you.” She took the blunts and hid them, she didn’t even tell us where she put them, maybe for good reason. My sister told me to go get our dad and get him in the room so we could talk to him. So I went into my dads room and carefully woke him up so he wouldn’t get mad. I told him “go to my sisters room when you’re fully awake.” And so I went back to my sister room and my dad followed shortly afterwards. My dad asked us “what?” We told him that the kids downstairs were being bad and were making a mess. We asked him if he could go down there and call their parents to pick them up. He did just that. We told him to go downstairs quietly so they wouldn’t know someone was coming down. Before you know it my dad spanked them and found them doing sexual activities. All we could hear was Alan and Savanah scream and cry from being hit. My father called their parents and had them picked up. I stayed in my sisters room that night with her and Daphne, because I felt off and scared. The next morning we cleaned up the house and after that I woke up from my dream.

1 Mar 2024



I was sitting at a table eating red grapes with my mom and stepdad and I scratched the side of my nose and Brian (my stepdad) started saying that I was disgusting and why would I pick my nose at the table in front of everyone. I thought it was funny at first because he had obviously mistaked me scratching the side of my nose with picking my nose so I tried to explain this but he kept going on about how disgusting I was and my mom chimmed in and sided with him. I kept trying to explain that I hadn’t but they weren’t listening. My mom asked me why I was making a big deal out of it and I was trying to tell them about how I was bullied in grade school and accused of picking my nose when I hadn’t. At this point of the dream it was very stressful and my mom called my grandma and told her not to come over because I was being rediculous. I started crying and my mom got mad and told me to get out of their house and she sent me to a Christian camp so that I’d “be a better person”. In this camp I met some people I was semi okay with so I was sort of friends with them. I decided to skip some of the classes I was supposed to go to so I could explore this church camp but when I was alone I started passing out and leaving my body. At first I thought it was a different part of the dream so I was exploring these corridors. They seemed very familiar to me like I’d been down them before and I turned down a hallway and seen a man with dark hair standing at the end. I recognized him and shouted his name. I couldn’t see his face from the brilliance of the light coming from the outside light streaming through the big glass doors he was standing in front of. He seemed to recognize me from the way he held himself and I ran to him. He opened his arms and caught me and we embraced. Suddenly he was gone and I was all alone. Then I realized I was outside of my body and I had to find my way back. I ran back through the corridors that seemed to be longer and more confusing than before and I saw my body and ran to it. I woke back up into the dream back in the camp and realized I had to get back to the group so I tried to find them but I kept passing out and leaving my body as I went. I was easier and easier to get back to my body each time I’d left it. I finally found the group but I passed out. One of my sort of friends saw and I told them not to tell anyone and they were praising God and told me that I was like a super power. I shrugged and sat down because I’d felt like passing out again but then my mom woke up up and the dream was over.

28 Feb 2024



There was a man who saw the illusive upright walking chimpanzees. When they saw home they chased him he was atop some trees with some sort of platforms. They were walking on the ground and they had bows and arrows. They started shooting arrows at the man when they saw he had seen them they chased him from the ground but as the man ran atop of the trees toward a more populated area fear of being seen they eventually stopped following him. Myself and a group of us who were members of a men's married group of men attempting to repair their marriages were invited. Some of us went. We got to the part of the African continent where the tribe in the area was familiar with these chimpanzees. When we got to the meet area they showed us what these chimps would grow to eat. It was type of grape that grew cheese inside it. Some of were taken to the top of the trees on platforms where we could watch the dance celebration presentation. I was at the top and I could see the people down on the ground and there were University professors and other scientists that studied this area of science and wildlife. I at some of these Grapes with Cheese and they were very good. I at a lot of them with Ritz Crackers. After I had climbed down to the ground. As I walked in front of one of my group members he notified me he was not going to go on the search and he gave me one of his box of menthol cigarettes he had brought along and he was trying to figure out how and who to give the rest of them to.

4 Nov 2023

New Job


In my first dream, actually in all of my dreams I was outside. I was standing in my driveway and I believe a real estate agent came up to my wife and I and gave us her business card. She started talking to my wife, Christi. She give us asked for Christi's demographic information and I begin to write it on the back of the business card in the fill in the blank fields. The ink pen didn't write as well as it should have, so I had to struggle a little and retrace my writing off and on inorder to get the information written on the card. I got through it all and got the card all filled out. Then there was a food truck in our neighborhood and we decided to get in line to get some food. One truck happened to be from Salem Baptist Church, which is the church I belong to. My was belongs to a Luthern church. We got in line and the line was so long that the truck had to pull forward to the end of the block. Everyone in line had to walk down a little further to get to the truck again. We all maintained the same place we had in line. When it was my turn to order. I only wanted a lemonade. The lemonade was handmade and had a little fizzle to it. The glass of lemonade was $10 per the sign in the food truck. He poured some of the first batch of lemonade into another glass. Then started with a new batch of lemonade for my order. I watched the guy make my lemonade and squirt the fizzy ingredient and flavoring into the lemonade. Then he hand it to me and it had ice in it. Although i didnt see him add the ice while making it. I didn't get anything for the family at the food, but the tasted the lemonade. They weren't hungry at that time but they were in line with me. Then my dream switched to another scene and once again we were outside and a couple of people were selling fresh vegetables and fruit in the neighborhood. My wife and maybe my oldest son, were in the garage with the garage door up, cleaning off some of the vegetables amd fruits before repackaging them to resell them. I opened up the geen grapes, which are my favor grapes and begin eating them. My wife said, I shouldn't eat grapes because they were going to resell them. Now I would have to repackage them with more grapes. I said will buy the grapes so I don't have to replace them. I asked how much are the graped? They were $6 and something, maybe $6.50. After that, I went into the house to the kitchen. I could hear Alex downstairs with a friend. They were playing a girls softball video game. He was really excited about playing the softball game because he said the girls softball game was much better for building skills and learning proper techniques because the girls game moved a little bit slower than the men's baseball game. After that, I was back outside again and I was driving. As all of this was going on, I should have been at work but I wasn't going to make it to work on time. It was almost 2:30pm or 3pm in the afternoon. I was debating if I should go in to work late or if I should call in and just say I'm not going to be in at all today. I found it was interesting that all my dreams were mainly outside. It was a beautiful day while I was outside. It was probably late spring or early summer because the temperature was perfect, not overly hot and humind. The grass was green, it was warm and sunny and perfect weather for being outside.

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