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Dream Interpretation: Bathtub 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Bathtub? Discover the significance of seeing a Bathtub in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Bathtub appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

A bathtub in a dream represents a need for relaxation and self-care. It may also symbolize emotional cleansing and purification. If the bathtub is dirty or broken, it may indicate a need to address emotional issues or negative thoughts.

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🧭 Direction


Take some time for yourself to relax and recharge. Consider taking a bath or engaging in other self-care activities. If the bathtub in your dream was dirty or broken, it may be time to address any emotional issues or negative thoughts that are weighing you down. Seek support from loved ones or a therapist if needed.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of a bathtub can evoke feelings of relaxation, rejuvenation, and self-care. It symbolizes a desire for comfort and a need to cleanse oneself emotionally. This dream may also represent a need for solitude and introspection, as well as a longing for a sense of security and tranquility. It can evoke a sense of indulgence and luxury, providing a temporary escape from the stresses of daily life. Overall, the dream of a bathtub elicits feelings of serenity, self-nurturing, and a longing for emotional well-being.





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Dreams of users containing the word Bathtub

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9 Jul 2024



My dream from last night was really weird. It started off on Halloween. I put on my costume before realizing that I had to go to school. The school didn’t allow its students to wear costumes, so I had to take mine off. Once I got to school, it started raining. My teacher talked about Halloween and how she loved it and that she wanted to see everyone’s costumes. Since I left mine at home, I couldn’t show it to her. She said that it was okay, but the assistant teacher came out of nowhere and offered to give me a ride back home so I could grab my costume. For some reason, I decided to take his offer and soon the two of us were in his car. We went to my house and I grabbed my costume from the closet before getting back in the car. The assistant teacher said that I should put it on before he drove to his house. Once at his house, he lead me to the bathroom and told me to put my costume on again. I started to get a little nervous, but I did it anyway. While changing in the bathroom, I noticed just how weird it was. The toilet was right next to the door and had a giant changing table in front of it. I wondered why he had that in the bathroom since he didn’t have a baby, especially one that needed its diaper changed. I also noticed that the sink was small and that the bathtub had a clear shower curtain on it. Anyway, after I was done looking around, I started changing. Suddenly, I heard a commotion above me. It sounded like arguing and was followed by a loud thump. Then, everything in the bathroom activated at once. The toilet, the sink, and the bathtub all turned on and got water all over the place. There was also water leaking from the ceiling. It stopped after a while so I went back to changing into my Halloween costume. Once I was almost done, someone knocked down the bathtub wall and walked into the bathroom. It was the assistant teacher, and he was holding a hammer. I screamed and covered myself up. He told me not to worry and to calm down, then put a hand on my shoulder. I pushed him away and ran out of the house. Once I was far enough, I called my boyfriend and my friends. They decided to take me to a spa to help me relax. While at the spa, I noticed something strange about the owner. After some spying and investigating I learned that she was killing her customers and using them as food for the built in restaurant at her spa. I went to confront her and almost died because of her. Fortunately, I survived and she was arrested. After that, I found a secret passage in the spa that lead to a beautiful looking cave. The cave was full of colorful crystals and flowers that were being watched over by fairies. The fairies congratulated me before setting off a bunch of fireworks. Then, my boyfriend appeared and the two of us watched the fireworks together. And that was where my dream ended. Like I said, it was a weird dream.

5 Jul 2024



I went in my bedroom in the morning. The window was open and I was surprised to see many butterflies and moths all around my room. They weren't flying around, they were all resting with their wings closed. They were very pretty. Orange and blue were their colors. Then I noticed a birds nest with three eggs. The eggs were blue and had a pretty design. The eggs started hatching and I watched as three flying squirrels were born. They seemed helpless. Then I saw a tiny robin. The robin was underwater in the bathtub. I picked him up and set him down. I was feeding him crumbs. I remember thinking I was going to be late for work. The overall feeling was intense interest about all the animals and butterflies in my room.

22 Jun 2024



I was wearing a yellow dress top and skirt . I was at abondoned apartment I have a house their . I met my ex friend she was too friendly with me it was uncomfortable and she was having fun suddenly I couldn't able to open my eyes and fall down I was with her and hurt a girl behind me , we were in school sitting in line . So I said to the girl behind me she said ok and started cuddling me and kissing me I was very uncomfortable . When I get home I was tired I went in a big hall and there was curtain at the curtain inside a bathtub and big mirror . I lay down in the empty bathtub feeling not well after some time I looked into the mirror I was having pink tatoos around my waist and my yellow dress turned red it was pretty I want to dress it when I wear my body was looking beautiful but still I can feel something was eating from inside like I couldn't wear this dress then I saw a girl through the window wearing the same dress through the road

21 Jun 2024



I was crying alone in a bathtub, I felt like I was drowning in my own emotions. But then a man came into the bathroom, sat down behind me and started to wash my hair for me. I felt so much relief and comfort from this stranger. I had never felt to safe in the arms of someone I didn’t know before. My negative feelings started to turn into relief and admiration towards this man who was carrying my burdens while he bathed me.

15 Jun 2024



I was painting, I started trying to paint in the bathtub, some paint spilled and I had to clean it up, the shower curtain dipped in the paint by mistake. I was using cobalt blue and burnt sienna colors, I tried to do the spectrum of colors with primary colors and then let the canvas go under the rain to let the rain dictate how the colors mixed, I ended up painting layers over it and it looked impressionist style a bit too, there was an opening where an impressionist scene in clouds looked like the boundary waters.

17 May 2024



i was laying in my bed and my brother and dad came running into my room. my brother was holding my cat and my dad yelled β€œget him in the bathtub!” i looked at my cat and he was vomiting a bunch of green, wet clumps. the vomit was all over the floor and on my brother. my cat looked limp and very ill.

16 May 2024



I had a dream were we where appeeantly watching the barbie movie in the bathtub

12 May 2024



I dreamed that I found a crab, a whole crab, and I broke the claw and the leg off of it and I started eating the meat and then I realized that the crab wasn't dead and I felt so terrible and I guess it had gone through the pot of boiling water and it still lived and then I ripped its arm off and then I was trying to protect the crab from the other people who were there and they were trying to take it apart and then a little crab came out of its stomach like it had a baby in it and I was trying to protect it and I put it and I put it in in the bathtub to try to let it live and I was having to deal with people trying to drain the water and stuff it was weird

2 Apr 2024



I had a dream that I can as visiting a witches house. There were other women with me and she had invited us there. She was telling us that she was about to go through her second round of chemo. We were telling her how sad we were to hear it. I started wandering around, exploring the house. It was so whimsical. One of the hallways off to the right of the living room was pink with beautiful panel that made it look Parisian. I hesitated to walk up the stairs but looked back at her for an okay. I told her I was just exploring and she nodded and continued talking. I went into her bathroom and it was so nice. She had a big beautiful tile bathtub. I imagined how nice it must be to relax in that tub with candles. Then I walked through each room and explored. I thought about how inwoild decorate the house if I lived there. I wanted to ask her to leave the house to me if she ever died. I looked out the window of the back room and Sa had black berry bushes with white flowers and admired them. Then I saw my cousin’s son and my uncles’s son outside the window. They were running through the field behind her house and they ran up to the window to look in. For some reason they could reach the second floor from the ground. They were going to come in but I told them to behave and go back outside so they did. Then I looked down the back Halloway to discover a second staircase with wide walls and pretty floral wallpaper. She had a music room too. I could hear her in the bathroom doing a spell and I thought it must be to protect her from her cancer.

1 Apr 2024

Running away


In my dream, I was at home, with my sister and a friend. We were all watching tv upstairs until we decided to go to bed. My friend went into the guest bedroom, and went to bed. As my sister and I were going to our room, we heard a noise coming from downstairs. Instantly, we knew what is was. We both ran into the master bathroom and saw the bathtub overflowing. Our mom was sitting on the floor, holding her dog, and staring at the bathtub. I turned the bathtub off and pulled the drain out, then I yelled at my mom. β€œMom, you know your bathtub is broken, you’re supposed to use the one upstairs instead.” I yelled at her. She said: β€œI know, I’m sorry.” before getting up and leaving the room. Her dog jumped on of her hands while she left and jumped into the tub, somehow activating it. My sister and I struggled to get the water off, but once we did, we went outside to dry off. It was sunny out. We went to a park and rested in the shade. While resting, I noticed a spider web, with a spider in it, right next to me. I tried to stay away from it, but it somehow touched me. I freaked out and ran away. (Then I woke up.)

30 Mar 2024



I took a bath in my mom’s bathtub and then cleaned it for her afterwards

19 Mar 2024



I had a dream where I was with friends that I didn't know. I was friends with them in the dream in a small gathering in an apartment and then they ended up leaving and I was left with this one friend, his name was Luke, and we started going through records of this criminal. Criminal as in he was a murderer and I was helping Luke look up facts on this criminal that his mom had records of. I found autopsy reports that Luke's mom had on the criminal. I don't think I was meant to see them. Then his mom ended up coming home and Luke ended up hiding. And then I was left there and tried to crawl away to hide so she couldn't see me, but then she found me and I was like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm leaving now. And I think, we were not supposed to be looking at those records and I saw something that I was not supposed to see. And then I ended up trying to hurry out the door and the door was like a hollow wooden door and the sides of it had clear windows so you could see outside. And this was in an apartment building and there was these two guys with shotguns in their hands, one of them was the criminal we were looking at the reports about, and I told her that and she hurried us into the bathroom, her son and I to hide in the bathtub because it was the safest place in the apartment. And then they still ended up coming in, they found us, that was the first room they looked into. And I woke up by shaking awake three times, feeling the three shotguns or guns on my back because I was shot 3 times. Apparently there was a third person with them. Oh and I had police sirens right before I woke up.

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