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Dream Interpretation: Toilet 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Toilet? Discover the significance of seeing a Toilet in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Toilet appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes relief, release, anxiety, embarrassment, and shame. It indicates you need some privacy to flush out your stress and other negative emotions. You will soon want to relieve yourself of anything that is not important in your life anymore, be it a lie you told earlier or any negativity.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

Allow yourself to release your inner stress and tension. Don't let a past lie or negative emotion hold you back, instead find a way to release these toxins from your routine and become a better person. You may be struggling in your waking life with your needs and privacy, which you can only get if you take some action.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a toilet can evoke feelings of embarrassment, vulnerability, and the need for privacy. It may symbolize a desire for release or the need to let go of something in your life. It can also represent a need for cleansing or purification, both physically and emotionally. The dream may bring up feelings of discomfort or unease, as it touches on a taboo subject. Overall, the dream of a toilet can leave you with a sense of relief or liberation once you have confronted and dealt with the issues it represents.





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16 Jul 2024



I pooped and clogged a toilet. I didn't know it was clogged until I followed a stream of water to the toilet. I tried to unclog it but it didn't work at first. I felt gross about getting poop on me. Then my dog plays in the toilet, I knew I would need to give her a bath later.

9 Jul 2024



My dream from last night was really weird. It started off on Halloween. I put on my costume before realizing that I had to go to school. The school didn’t allow its students to wear costumes, so I had to take mine off. Once I got to school, it started raining. My teacher talked about Halloween and how she loved it and that she wanted to see everyone’s costumes. Since I left mine at home, I couldn’t show it to her. She said that it was okay, but the assistant teacher came out of nowhere and offered to give me a ride back home so I could grab my costume. For some reason, I decided to take his offer and soon the two of us were in his car. We went to my house and I grabbed my costume from the closet before getting back in the car. The assistant teacher said that I should put it on before he drove to his house. Once at his house, he lead me to the bathroom and told me to put my costume on again. I started to get a little nervous, but I did it anyway. While changing in the bathroom, I noticed just how weird it was. The toilet was right next to the door and had a giant changing table in front of it. I wondered why he had that in the bathroom since he didn’t have a baby, especially one that needed its diaper changed. I also noticed that the sink was small and that the bathtub had a clear shower curtain on it. Anyway, after I was done looking around, I started changing. Suddenly, I heard a commotion above me. It sounded like arguing and was followed by a loud thump. Then, everything in the bathroom activated at once. The toilet, the sink, and the bathtub all turned on and got water all over the place. There was also water leaking from the ceiling. It stopped after a while so I went back to changing into my Halloween costume. Once I was almost done, someone knocked down the bathtub wall and walked into the bathroom. It was the assistant teacher, and he was holding a hammer. I screamed and covered myself up. He told me not to worry and to calm down, then put a hand on my shoulder. I pushed him away and ran out of the house. Once I was far enough, I called my boyfriend and my friends. They decided to take me to a spa to help me relax. While at the spa, I noticed something strange about the owner. After some spying and investigating I learned that she was killing her customers and using them as food for the built in restaurant at her spa. I went to confront her and almost died because of her. Fortunately, I survived and she was arrested. After that, I found a secret passage in the spa that lead to a beautiful looking cave. The cave was full of colorful crystals and flowers that were being watched over by fairies. The fairies congratulated me before setting off a bunch of fireworks. Then, my boyfriend appeared and the two of us watched the fireworks together. And that was where my dream ended. Like I said, it was a weird dream.

7 Jul 2024

Many People


I had a dream 💭 🛌 😴 I was with my friend and his parents and like very much back in the day when I was 3 I won a sweepstakes 3 days stay at a hotel in a raffle drawing. I just recently played several lotteries money 💵 in my waking life and maybe that is a sign idk. I was selected out of many people with my friend and his parents for a nice hotel 🏨 stay that was like in a rotating onwards parking garage. Like when it goes upward in Fast and Furious Movie Tokyo Drift. There were people basking in the sunset with my parents as well and the lawn chairs with sand we had originally wanted to go to the beach 🏝️ . It instead this hotel getaway suited us just fine. The water slides 🛝 soon filled with people so it wasn’t us. Lastly someone I knew was using the toilet 🚽 my own preferably idk why and it smelled kinda funky like that old deodorant smell from older American citizens. That’s all 😊 then I woke up feeling satisfied and well rested.

3 Jul 2024



I dream of I was in a Hindu person house with my family. There house was kinda confusing. I went to took a shower and I saw a poop in toilet I was disgusted.then after shower iwent to took body lotion I can see the bottle but I couldn't take it it was everywhere but still . Their house was half broken, unconstructed and old and half furnished and painted . I was confused . Then I went to the airport with my elder cousin sister we were finding bathroom. Which one is clean the one I got was clean and I used the bathroom carefully as it was public bathroom. Then we went on airplane and went to home

2 Jul 2024



The dream started out by a group of people playing a game of tag. There was a rather that was chasing people and tagging them but it was through a new environment that no one knew. I remember I was the main target but the tagged would chase me and others. I remember running through mysterious houses for the first time and not knowing how to maneuver through the houses. I had a friends and associates who were also playing and we were just trying to figure out way through the houses. Many people were tagged and many people were able to escape. We ran from house to house. I remember going into some of the houses and jumping in toilets because the toilets were hidden and secret teleporters. Certain rooms were hidden passages to progress through the houses to reach the next step or exit. I remember running through a house and then parkouring and have to climb up and climb down certain balconies just so that I could escape. Towards the end of the dream I was being chased and the tagged wanted my money. I didn’t have much of it left it was only $15. Towards the end of managed to barely escape and ran out one of the houses to a football game and made it to a bench where coaches were and they allowed for me to conclude the game without penalty or being caught because that was the end goal. Once I got there to the coaches, I became successful and beat the mini game.

24 Jun 2024

Demon possession


I'm in Germany And uncle Keris wants head surgery. I met my grandpa brother in the WC, grandpa was crying. When I came out of the toilet, uncle Keris was about to be brought into the operating room when suddenly he was possessed with horror. And everything there was slammed, I ran over there. Fight and scold the demon Finally the demon left

23 Jun 2024

Best Friend
Red Dress


todays dream features my best friend Lisa, she was also my best friend in the dream. i dont remember how it all started but at some point i met this new guy with her, in a friendly, not in a romantic way. he hung out with us a little bit and then we had to go to this school. it wasn't our school but rather for like hobby classes or something im not sure. so all 3 of us went there and in one class room , where we were supposed to go, were already a few people our age. who i remember well was a skinny girl in red pants and a red crop top and another girl with black jeans and a red crop top. i think there were 2 or 3 others there but i dont remember what they looked like. well after the introduction we sat on this table and just got to know each other a little bit. it was a square table and i sat on the edge, lisa sat in front of me and this new guy sat next to me. he kept looking over to me so lisa and i figured maybe he just liked me. so fast forward my new friend group (if i can call them that) started handing out like papers with something written on them but that wasnt relevant. and then they turned on some music, just the beat and who wanted to started singing. i didnt want to. they were taking turns and just free styling the song, some sang and others rapped but it was spontanious for everyone and so much fun. later they decided to sing a song with lyrics to actually see peoples levels there. this time i wanted to participate. i excused myself to the toilet and the new guy hurried after me and stopped me to tell me to be wary of the two girls in red clothes, apparently they started talking shit about me the second i left the room and i had already noticed that there was weird energy coming from them while i introduced myself. well i went to the restroom and when i came back another girl from that group stopped me and told me to come with her. she asked me if i know how im going to go home because it was already midnight and i told her it was fine because lisa and i are going with the new guy so we were safe. after that she told me to follow her and we went into this classroom where there were a few other students and a teacher. the girl told me to sit down and her and i quietly discussed how those two girls in red had bad intentions with me and they are jealous of multiple things: my appearance, my voice, my humor and the fact that the new guy visibly likes me (they were jealous because hes very good looking). also, what i forgot to mention is that the new guy loved tapping on things. and i actually woke up to the sound of tapping on a flat surface, i live alone..

20 Jun 2024



I can’t remember how my dream started, but I do remember it had something to do with a maze. I think dream me signed up for some maze runner competition or something like that. Anyway, let’s get to the part that I do remember. I remember walking through the maze, trying to find the exit. For some reason, most of the rooms were very small and had either toilets or shower heads inside. Sometimes the room would have both! Anyways, I go through a door and find a crawl space on the other end of it. I crawl through it and find a giant room with a bunch of boxes and other junk. There was a square hole near the ceiling of the room that I was supposed to go through, but I decided to explore first. While exploring, I found a weird looking toilet underneath the square hole. The base of the toilet was fine, but the water tank section was all messed up. It was really high up and was connected to the toilet by a single pipe. There was also a rope connected to the handle so that the toilet could flush. Now, this part of my dream is a bit fuzzy, but I remember complaining about the design of the toilet and water filling up the room. I can’t remember how the water got there, but I do remember someone else appearing with the water. I think they had something to do with it, but I’m not completely sure. Before I could ask the guy what happened, the water started draining through a giant hole in the floor and took us with it. The two of us went through the drain and rode down the water like it was a waterslide. Then, we crash land on some wooden structure. I’m not entirely sure what it was supposed to be, but it looked like it was still being built at the time so that’s probably why. Anyway, after crashing on the structure, the guy and I were met by the owner of the structure. She got mad at us and said that we were trespassing on her property. We tried to explain ourselves, but she threw us into metal cages before we could. While in the cage, I noticed these little heart-shaped charms by the base of the cage. They were also near the lock of the cage. I ask the lady about them and if I could keep one, but she said no. Then I mumbled something about how much I wanted one and the lady went berserk. She started yelling at me before moving my cage into direct sunlight and putting a guard in front of my cage. I sat in my cage for a while until I noticed that my family was nearby. I knew that they could help me, but I also knew that the guard wouldn’t let them get close to me. So, I sang a sad song to distract the guard and make him cry. Then, he left so he could properly handle his emotions. After that, my family walked over to me and asked if I was okay. I told them that I was fine and they opened the cage door for me. After that, we home and my dream ended.

20 Jun 2024

Broken Door
High School


March 21st-22nd, 2024 Not in any particular order- ⁃ Fighting… ⁃ Was in a fantasy like battle with similar game mechanics as Kirby video games? ⁃ My abusive mother was there—someone else…a bf? Maybe Garyikayi ⁃ Was beating both of them as they went after me ⁃ Toilet was broken ⁃ Poop on a paper towel? I don’t know ⁃ Abusive Mother and Boyfriend Garikayi tried to punish me but I did win ⁃ Clones? Armies? Vision started getting blurry ⁃ False Woke up (in dream) in a strange version of the room I’m sleeping in currently. ⁃ Paternal Grandma Neal, Paternal Uncle (Dad’s brother) Arsinneal—David…Abusive Mother was all there. Something initiated a fight cuz I was fighting all 4 of them and decided I’d move into Tai’s early with my partner, Rammy— ⁃ Couldn’t find my glasses so everything was still blurry- ⁃ I’ve won the 4v1 more than once- ⁃ Suicide and murder is mentioned at least once or twice. ⁃ I end up in a carnivalesque setting? In line for tickets? a clown ride? ⁃ High School acquaintance, Reed, was working as employee there- ⁃ I remember going to the ticket booth and feeling my partner, Rammy, stand behind me and protectively wrap their arm around my shoulders. ⁃ Warmly, comforting. ⁃ I couldn’t see them…but I know he was there. ⁃ Rammy was wearing all black…with a black and white grunge t-shirt, Leather jacket, and converse. ⁃ I felt safe. Woke up to my phone ringing. I didn’t answer it.

19 Jun 2024



I dreamt I was at my sisters house with my cousin and we were talking in the living room with her daughter there. I was distracted b'se I could notice signs that another toddler had clearly been there and just things. They must have been older than my niece by a year or two... perhaps a boy. Anyway, this distracted me from being fully present in the room. I needed the toilet and went to the corner of the room, the area that my niece normally goes to when she's pooing in her nappy, and i began pushing. My niece came over and asked me if I wanted to poo, embarrassed that i was about to do it in the corner of the living room that was not hidden, I said yes, held my bottom where a poo was starting to come out and then headed upstairs for the toilet. On my way up my sister asked me to make dessert as she was cooking dinner. In my hurry as I was holding poo from leaving my bottom and hitting the floor, I stopped and asked her what she said. I don't know who replied out of her and my cousin but I just made haste up the stairs. Once I got into the toilet,I realised it had been renovated. The theme was shiny black and silver. I opened the tap to first wash my hands and the water went everywhere. My sister came in to explain how things worked in there and handed me a towel. I think I was frustrated that she didn't tell me before hand. As I proceeded to clean the bathroom I noticed it was now also a wet room combined. I also saw kids trainers in the bathroom and wondered whose they were. Too big for my niece. My cousin came into the bathroom, he was on the phone but helped me clean. We cleaned the entire bathroom, more than what was required. When he left and I sat on the toilet, I think I heard God? And a woman talking. The woman was saying " but I don't think she will help me" and God said, "trust me, just ask". Once I left the bathroom and returned downstairs we continued chatting. Someone asked my sister, maybe even me, I don't know, if her and her husband are ready for another child. She softly smiled and gave a little nod. Once I left, I was walking down the road and a woman stopped me and asked me to follow her. I did without question but inward wonder and curiosity, she walkes ahead of me with her head the whole time. We didn't speak, make eye contact. She led me to a store and asked me if I could buy her somethings. On the counter she placed a box of cigarettes and another 2 items that I don't recall. When I went to pay the card I used didn't work. I told the guy at the till my card doesn't and that I was robbed. Suddenly I turnt to the lady that led me there and said, "you're the person who robbed me, arent you? " with tears down her face she looked at me. Didn't answer and fled the shop. I noticed she was also wearing my jacket. The strange thing about this dream is that a year ago in real life, my cousins house was actually robbed. The robbers took my coat and my card and driving licence. They were never found. And I haven't thought about this in so long.

19 Jun 2024

Childhood home


I had a dream that I needed to use the toilet. I was sitting down playing a Game on my phone and then I accidentally soiled myself , I could feel it in my underwear. I was talking to a young black boy and showing him a game on my phone aware that I had dirty underwear. I knew what the game looked like but it was different and my progress was not as good as it should have been as it said I was offline. I left the people I was with which included my wife, as I walked away I realised I was in my childhood town, as I was walking I thought that I needed to tell my mum I had soiled myself, as I was walking I remember being worried that people may see me with dirty clothes covered in shit. I didn’t make it home and then suddenly I was in a different area that I knew and it was dark. I was aware I was walking home but I was now clean. There was a person walking next to me who stopped to talk to someone in a car, he had headphones on and was singing. Although I was as long way away I could hear the man in the car telling the other man that his dad had died and the other person was offering him his condolences. As I was walking along the road I was looking into houses, at one house there was a party going on and I went in, the party was full of teenagers. I saw my stepdaughter and started to talk to her. Although it was a house it felt more like a restaurant. I left as I needed to go home but said I would me back, as I was walking home I saw a waitress who asked me if I wanted to order a drink I said yes, she asked for a card payment but i I knew I had no money. My card did not work and I said I would pay later. As I was walking I remember someone stepping on my foot, I went to them and explained how they had trodden on my foot and that it had hurt, although they did not apologise they seemed sorry.

18 Jun 2024



I was at a market with lots of people and a guy I was dating. I was sorting art at a stall. I couldn't find my boyfriend and went looking for him and found him at the toilet. I asked him if we could leave, so we booked a taxi. It would cost £10 and his friend wanted to come along with us. I spoke to his ex girlfriend who was upset he had a new girlfriend so quickly. I said, don't be upset he is a male slag.

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