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Dream Interpretation: Elephant 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Elephant? Discover the significance of seeing a Elephant in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Elephant appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

An elephant in a dream symbolizes strength, power, and wisdom. It may also represent memory, loyalty, and family. Seeing an elephant may indicate that you need to be more patient and persistent in achieving your goals.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the qualities that an elephant represents and how they relate to your current situation. Are you feeling overwhelmed or in need of guidance? Consider seeking advice from someone you trust or tapping into your own inner wisdom. Remember to stay focused and determined in pursuing your goals.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of an elephant can evoke a sense of awe and wonder. It may symbolize strength, power, and wisdom. This dream can bring feelings of admiration and respect for these majestic creatures. It may also represent a need for guidance or protection in your waking life. The presence of an elephant in your dream can leave you feeling amazed and inspired by their grace and grandeur.





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Dreams of users containing the word Elephant

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16 Jul 2024



In my dream I came back to an apartment I was renting that was in bad shape Not someplace I would live. Anyway too robbers where I there and they were trying to leave As I was trying to lock them out I reach my hand in the tray and took a few pieces of my jewelry back A little elephant necklace my dad gave me when I was about 12. And a few little sentimental things. The place its self just prior to me walking in on the robbers, well The electric panel got a surge and knock out all the electric and blow out the refridgator and lights Old fashion telephone that still worked I'm guessing I was back in time A very odd thing was a lady across the street was playing with her tiger. Apparently she had it for years and was hiding it I wasn't supposed to see it. When the landlord came over to fix Everthing All the items were no longer broke but he did install all the dial mechanism back on the safe

26 Jun 2024



Well Satan, me, and my stuff elephant son Harold were fishing and Satan told me and Harold that we are going to catch fish and I caught some and the ones that I can remember are they have scales reading Strong and Powerful with red lettering as if it was bleeding. Satan told me that I must continue with this exercise to help myself and others since he sense that I can’t trust myself and others.

24 May 2024



Well me and satan (my infernal lord) told me to spare with my elephant son Harold and they and I have fun but also to learn how to understand each other’s emotions. We were in a galdiator match and satan told me that my revenge will come and I will win

17 May 2024



Dreaming about seeing an elephant raising it's trank

16 May 2024



I first dreamt a that I saw a bear flying in the sky. Then I dreamt an elephant flying in the sky.

7 Apr 2024

My crush
Running away
New Job
High School


I was in school and I was trying to find a room for the Muslims to pray in which included the boy that I have a crush on in high school and junior high but I was never brave enough to tell him and he was a Muslim now and so were several others and they wanted me to pray in the front but I told them I couldn't because I was a girl and they were like, but you were the organizer and I was like, but still we need a boy to lead the prayer and also the text, there was like a group text kind of a thing as well and one of the teachers was getting upset at me for becoming disruptive after that I was doing a tour of like a green mosque and by green I mean eco-friendly but their water feature wasn't doing a good job of irrigating the field where they did outdoor Salah or prayers so they were docked a grade but they had a book they were going to give me it was like a personal workbook and they were like, hey, you've been here before you can have this book, it has your name in it and just barely any notes and I was like, oh yeah, I have been to this mosque before and thank you so much for giving me my book that I forgot about I also had to make like really creative use of some clothing to cover myself enough to pray Salah because I wasn't wearing my hijab and I didn't have long sleeves on in my dream after that I saw someone doing a jet ski out the back kind of like in the moat slash pond slash water feature of the mosque and I noticed that he was pulling some essential equipment behind him so that he didn't have to lose it or deal with it some other way anyway, I went out to offer some help and when that happened, the dream took on some transformation there was a little creature who was getting scared it was weird, it was like a little horse but also a cat but also a rabbit maybe even a little bit of a dog and it wanted to jump off of the jet ski but I was like holding it because I didn't want it to get hurt and the people who, it was suddenly like the mosque was a palace instead of a mosque and the people who lived there were explaining why the little creature was scared because it was human technology and it was loud and there were like elephants on the roof and all kinds of beautiful geometric architecture different levels and everything and then they started explaining why the United States was a bit of a nuisance because they had contracted with a company that allowed them to build airspace or like airstrip spaces essentially on all these different countries and so they don't have to like fill out a visa application or do any kind of thing to visit that country they just go because they own the bases and then when that company went under, they just bought the company so then the Air Force or the government or whatever owns the company that allows them to go between countries and so they just have a domination on that and you know, instead of having to worry about maintaining like cultural ties with your neighbors in the new world they just completely deviated and relied on a method of isolationism and then dominance yeah, after that it was like I saw Jesus returning and he didn't even realize he had gotten shot or something he was kind of like, I don't know, like this guy tried to kill him but he tried to tell, I think I must have been the lady with him to stay behind him and not run because he can't protect her if she runs away. This was back at the school where the dream started.

27 Mar 2024



I had a strange dream of my male cousin Alex holding on to my back, preventing me from saving a baby elephant that was falling off a platform. Having my male cousin had on my back gave off a strange feeling.

15 Mar 2024

Running away


The dream started on a bus, with me trying to get to find a seat. The bus was dark and really uncomfortable, kind of like riding the Greyhound. I saw all these open seats, but people had stuff in them, so I just kept trying to move to the back. In the back it looked like there was plenty of seats. When I got to the middle of the bus, there was someone standing in the middle of the aisle. I tried to move past them, and they just looked at me saying, no. I said, okay, jeez. I looked at the man to my right, who had something in his seat. I said, would you mind if I sat here? He started cussing me out and saying a lot of really mean things. I said, wow, okay, sorry, didn't mean to do that. I then at the same time realized that my butt was all up in this couple's space that was right behind me. I turned around and apologized to them but they were staring at me deep into my soul with this terrible stare. I said, I thought this was supposed to be the South. But everyone here is so freaking mean. As people began to respond yelling at me, I quickly got off the bus and into the town. When I got off the bus, I was exposed to this really huge city. It felt like a futuristic city. Everything was on rail cars and pretty and technologically advanced. But something was off. There was a rail car coming straight for me and it looked like it was going to hit me. I quickly got out of the way. I said that was weird. But it felt like it was coming straight for me, like it wanted to destroy me. The next thing I saw was a car coming straight for me. It was an Uber, but it didn't have a driver. It drove straight to me, and I moved out the way. Then it stopped and opened its doors to me. It wanted me to get in. It looked nice on the inside, but I just knew something was wrong. I could not get into that car. I ran away in the opposite direction. I ran into this building. I really just wanted to get away from this really weird city. Where was I going to go? I couldn't even get back on the bus with all those people, all those mean people. How was I going to get out of this town? As I was walking in this mall, I thought maybe I could just stay here for a while. At least it's safe here. Then holes started to appear everywhere, all around. In all of these holes, there was something different. One had a mirror. One had another train. One had a different train. They were all portals into something that was trying to take me to something bad. I didn't know what was going on. I didn't understand it, but I just wanted to run. I wanted to run to safety, to get away from all these holes, all these things trying to take me away. A hole started to form right underneath my feet. I jumped and just started running forward and forward and slipped into this little hole. A hole that led downstairs to a basement. I started to creep down to this room that was right there. I looked inside and I saw these four or five people. Another person behind me slipped in. They asked, is it safe here? I said, I'm not sure. We opened the door together and walked into the room. Inside there was this man just laughing, having a good time and watching TV. I said, is it safe in here? He said, safe for now. He said they're all going to be really upset when they find out what happens to them. I said, what are you talking about? He then turned on the TV to this ad. It was an ad that showed this man getting his face cut off. His face then got sewed together and elongated like the trunk of an elephant. The extra skin from his face got shrunk and put on the very edge of the trunk-like skin. He basically had turned into his own face elephant. Someone tried to lighten the mood by saying that's going to be hard to drink out of. But I was horrified, terrified, and scared. I started to slowly back out of the room, thinking about everything, thinking about how I was stuck in this world, in this city, and there was no way out. These holes would eventually reach the basement, or I'd be stuck in the basement forever, trying to hide away from all the things that are coming after me. I started to walk upstairs, to go back to the top, just thinking about everything. I grew sad. When I got to the top of the stairs, I saw a woman, so I paused. She was going through it. The holes had appeared for her, her own holes. She was trying to run from them, until one popped up right in front of her, and she ran straight into it. It was a hole with a mirror, in an all-white bathroom. She said, no, no, no, I'm stronger than this. And the moment she said that, a rubber pink phone appeared, and she took the phone, whacked it against the mirror, and started whacking the whole bathroom, destroying it. She said, and that's it, I don't even know why I'm over here running away. I am that bitch. As she was saying these things, a belt started to grow around her, full of tools, fun, bright-colored tools that were yellow, and green, and red. She looked like she was a superhero. She started going around, destroying every hole, going outside, until she finally made it outside. She was amazing, and that's when it hit me. That's the way out, to have confidence in myself, to know who I am, and to not be afraid of who I am. The more confident I became, the better I felt about destroying these things. Tools started to form for me. I was able to destroy every single hole that came my way. After I had destroyed all the holes, I passed this bathroom, in it it looked like there was a dead baby in it. I walked into the room, and I saw this woman, so sad, her baby was on the floor. The baby was a royal blue color, like it was such and suffocated. I went over to her and the baby, and I picked up the baby. She started to say something, saying, there's nothing you can do, but I started to rock the baby, and tell the baby how beautiful it is, and the baby started to find its color again, a natural color. The mother said, how did you do that? I reminded her that she's a great mother, that she's doing her best, that she's trying her best. I handed her back the baby, and I could feel that her confidence was growing, even if I couldn't see it. I left the bathroom, and the dream ended.

25 Feb 2024

Snake bite


I was on my lawn mower don't know if I was cutting the grass or not but I looked up and seen this turtle eating this elephant ear plant then a lady that I knew she dead now and she told me to get the turtle because she wants it so I get the turtle for her then I go into the house walk into the kitchen and I here my mother voice says watch out for your brother snakes on the table walk pass the snakes they was sleeping in the water in side of a cooler as I walked back pass the snakes I noticed that they were different shades of pink and white rattlesnakes and I woke up and tried to eat one of the snakes then that woke all of them up and they all stood up out of the water striking at me as I ran back to get away I hit the corner wall and one of the snakes bite me

5 Feb 2024



A mini Elephant i believe.. it had a trunk and was flimsy.. color wise i’m thinking it was blue but i’m not fully sure.. only a flash..

24 Jan 2024



My husband was cheating on me with some girl but we was living in a strange house and he was having a party that I wasn't aware of until I seen all these cars scatter I broke everything in our room and there was elephant statues I threw off the dresser with one sweep.of my hand and record player playing some love song and the record was stuck so I scratched it with the needle took my car keys his keys and someone else's keys before I left and met my sister

30 Dec 2023

Running away


We are looking at big sea creatures first. They are shaped like enormous Shells with big shells inside. Then we are swimming. I am close to shore under an elephant. I move and the hole herd runs away. Looking for Keith-see him diving.

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