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Dream Interpretation: Eagle ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Eagle? Discover the significance of seeing a Eagle in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Eagle appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This is a symbol of power, domination, insight, and confidence. This suggests that good fortune is coming your way, but it can only benefit you if you embrace these characteristics inside of you. This also suggests that there may be some growth opportunity; wait for the perfect moment before grabbing onto that.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction

Good fortune

Learn to express and be confident in your power, domination, and insight. They will serve you well. Grab onto every opportunity, and make the most out of the things you find in your life, and use the power of dominance to attain the things you desire.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of an eagle evokes a sense of power, freedom, and majesty. It brings forth feelings of awe and admiration for its strength and ability to soar high in the sky. This dream may also symbolize ambition, vision, and a desire to reach new heights in life. The presence of an eagle in a dream can instill a sense of confidence and courage, inspiring individuals to embrace their inner strength and strive for greatness.





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6 Jul 2024



An eagle flew over my head

20 Jun 2024

Sleep paralysis


Another dream I had was be watching my mom naked in the kitchen like going in circles but also like she needed help my mom passed away last year the year 2023 somehow there was a feeling of she was in danger wherever she is the other side in heaven, but she was a danger that was feeling From there, my dream went onto me for somebody looking for something and I open one door and my sister was busy. I opened the other door and my sister was vacuuming with one hand because she was holding her granddaughter or something like a I want to say like an eagle or something on one arm, kinda like it that position And those two are my older sisters and from there I kept walking all because I wanted to know what it meant for me to have a dream that I was dreaming because it was really happening in my dream like where I had like sleep paralysis, and one arm was up and then my leg was kind of bent and just paralyzed but I was fighting someone in my sleep, so thatโ€™s why I was searching for this lady because she was going to tell me what it meant And this actually happened three times at night where I actually I think I was having sleep paralysis but the second time when I woke up from my sleep from having sleep paralysis, I felt like I stopped breathing like it actually was dead and thatโ€™s when I went to go look for this lady and she was telling me that what that is itโ€™s some thing That started with the word ES or scant or Epson Iโ€™m not sure exactly what it what word it was itโ€™s very vague what I have in my memory from that dream but the lady said oh thatโ€™s what itโ€™s called but Iโ€™m busy right now if youโ€™re donโ€™t mind waiting Please wait for me and Iโ€™ll explain it but you can also find this meaning in the Bible and itโ€™ll tell you what youโ€™re going through what that sleep paralysis means the way it happened three times. This lady was telling me in my dream so then I said OK Iโ€™ll wait for her so then I walked away and there was like if I was on top of a like a cliff almost, but to the right there was like benches like Stadium benches or like bleachers from a basketball court inside the school, and then on the left, there was a cliff, and when you looked down, it was the ocean and on the ocean foam it spelled Jesus, and there was children and older woman walking through there, and we all looked at each other and smiled like oh wow, so beautiful earth knows about Jesus and how itโ€™s the name is so wonderful name makes us feel peace so then I never went back to the lady and I woke up thinking what is that word? What is the word E Epson at Ed Son๐Ÿคด Iโ€™m not sure but the word started with an E and ended with an N then I looked up. that was my dream.

7 Jun 2024



The Unicorn and the Doctor. So in my dreams, I was on the run. I had unicorn blood er Unicorn descentence. Kinda like the last unicorn. Not only do I have magick healing abilities but I can also grant youth and such so Iโ€™m often in the run or in dragon. Then I met this Black dragon. He was a doctor, kinda hot. He said heโ€™d help me and so in return I gave him blood and stuff, helped him work with his patients (by choice of course) then there was this other blacky red dragon. Wanted me as his mate and was gonna force it to happen. I hate force and he was like high key abusive so doctor bro kinda helped me runaway along with this kid that worked under him. He had brown hair and a super peppy cute personality. He was a fae of some kind. He helped me by giving me teleport crystals. Anyway there was also this lady who I think was arranged to marry the doctor. (I think she was in love with him) apparently she kept updating the red dragon of our location. Also I think I was developing a crush on the doctor. Maybe. I think I may have been much older then all of them. The cute tiger boy with brown hair, I think he had a crush on me ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ Anyways I hide around in the fae realm after brunette guy saved me. They ended up having me hide in this time trap with this big biker gang that kinda just adopted me immediately. Iโ€™m not sure why but they all though I was super duper cute and must be protected from life itself. The had eagle tattoos (A lot more happened in the dreams but Iโ€™m a bit too tired to remember. I did hear the doctors last name though)

26 May 2024



I opened what I perceived to be our bedroom. As I opened the door, a black snake came charging at me. I closed the door and ran. As I was running I was shouting out to our kids that they need to get out of the house. The snake succeeded to get out of the bedroom through a gap underneath the door. I came to my wife and frantically told her that there is a snake in the house we need to get out. She was annoyed and felt that why should leave her house because of a snake. The snake came to where we were, it darted towards us. My wife realized that she needed to get out of the house but insisted that she cant leave without getting this one crucial item. Nonchalant about the snake, she went into the house and fetched the item. We all went out the house and stood looking at the door. There were now more than four snakes standing by our door. They went into what seemed to be a dog house and began mating. As we were watching that'll, an eagle came from the sky and landed in front of us. The eagle started to approach the mating snakes. In the midst of the snakes there was now a monkey. The snakes were all black in colour.

18 May 2024



I dreamed that I was a young Native American woman from the 18th century. My tribe was being attacked by invading colonizers, I tried to run but I was captured and raped. The rape resulted in a pregnancy. In which I gave birth to a male child who was half Navajo and half white. Because I gave birth to such a child, none of the men in my tribe would partner with or marry me. So I spent my life as a medicine woman, I carried with me an Eagle that would listen to my commands and perch itself onto my arm. My biracial son became a great warrior that married with many children. I was given a beautiful funeral and my legacy was โ€œOne who Eagles hear.โ€

13 May 2024

Living Room


I was supposed to order some clothing from my nonprofit organization. I didn't have the items, so I called the apparel vendor on the phone and was attempting to order with him. I figured out we hadn't ordered yet. I went through everything and placed an order over the phone. When I hung up the vendor representative that we have worked with for years was sitting in my living room she's been there since 4 o'clock. She heard the entire conversation so I apologized and she got up from the chair in the living room and came into the dining room. She had her daughter with her and then she's explaining why the order wasn't processed. Her daughter has special needs. She wasn't sure if the daughter was possessed demons or gifted. I was nice to the daughter and I just tried to be extra kind to the daughter I had some challenges. We went downstairs to the basement and there was all kinds of Native American artifacts and things like that in the basement. The mom and daughter were hungry. There was a stuffed eagle downstairs and the eagle appear to be dead. We took the eagle, skinned it and cook the meat like chicken. We kept the feathers, head and claws. One of the neighbors came over and realize that we had desecrated a holy object for the Native Americans and he was really upset about that. We didn't know what to do, so we thought he should pray on Native American land and an exchange for him helping us he could pick one of the artifacts to have himself. He picked out a bear skin. Then as we talked more and more, we discovered he was part Native American and he belonged to a certain tribe. At that point, I had a little more acceptance from the neighbor because I also had a little Native American Indian blood in me. I was with my twin or with my brother and we're on this bridge at night. We had to get through this dictatorship property in order to continue on. It felt like we were 3 or 4 stories above the ground. The building was similar to a hotel. The dictator came out almost like the wizard in the movie The Wizard of Oz. He questioned us to see if we're going to let us pass throught the territory or not. At some point, he started torturing us. He took my left hand and started to cut between my fingers with a saw. It was a circular saw. He cut about a half inch through my hand, rhere was blood everywhere. He wanted me to cut through my own left hand using my right hand. He wanted me to use the circular saw and I wouldn't do it. Two Doberman dogs appeared and they were very intimidating. The dictator put us in some type of jail cell. in the jail I'm not sure if it was in the ground but it looked like one of those jail cell the Vietnam prisoners of war were kept in. Then we would get out and we can work everyday. Eventually the dogs became friendly with us and they realize that we had Native American Indian blood in us. at one point the dogs actually would follow our commands. If the dictator was there they would act as if they were still mean and enforce the rules with us.

8 May 2024



I was walking downtown and my husband was walking towards me and all of a sudden s giant eagle swooped down and grabbed me

4 Apr 2024

Being hunted
Famous Person


People were hunting for white head eagles because there were too many in Alberta. I was chatting in a taxi with a famous person and we were close to start cleaning very dirty floors. I needed to change my shoes to start cleaning, but I never start cleaning the floors.

21 Mar 2024



Im stuck at the self check out, typing in items when I should have been scanning them but Iโ€™ve eaten them all before I got to the counter. There is a huge line behind me, and somehow I even ate a dog. We had invited two older men to come into the 7/11 with us, because we weee trying to get them to buy drugs. Very interesting how people would interact on the street, they would just copy eachother in a nod. I remember a scary part of my night, where I was naked locked outside at night, going into different cars until I found mine to put on clothes. I found it, but it was all the way at the end of the lot, and I passed by a very loud dragon fly and was then attacked by a bird who flew into my left side torso. I immediately woke up and when I opened my eyes I was frightened to see the sillioete of a very tall person ๐Ÿง staring at me, but it was just my imagination and adrenaline. Before this I had been involved with Joel, moving his hand intimately, but we were in public. The sun had set but we had then driven up a very icy road and made it to a beautiful blue second sunset and took pictures with a huge eagle American flag mural.

20 Mar 2024



I was in my momโ€™s house in the kitchen talking to some girl in my dream and she wasnโ€™t listening to me and kept talking over me. I said can we talk like adults because she was trying to hit me and grabbed at me to try and hit me. I grabbed her hands before she could abuse me and pushed her away. I said you demand respect and want to be heard but you are not hearing me and youโ€™re just getting defensive. I protected myself from violence and stood up for myself. I told her I care to hear you and listen but you do not give the same respect to me so therefore there is not point to continuing the conversation. At another point in my dream my dad was in a room with a microphone like we were going to record vocals. At one point I climbed a tree to say hello to the eagle and then there was a cat. So I talked to the cat. It climbed down so I climbed down only to discover a mama cat and kittens. One of the kittens was nursing from the momma It was very cute

20 Mar 2024



I was in my momโ€™s house in the kitchen talking to some girl in my dream and she wasnโ€™t listening to me and kept talking over me. I said can we talk like adults because she was trying to hit me and grabbed at me to try and hit me. I grabbed her hands before she could abuse me and pushed her away. I said you demand respect and want to be heard but you are not hearing me and youโ€™re just getting defensive. I protected myself from violence and stood up for myself. I told her I care to hear you and listen but you do not give the same respect to me so therefore there is not point to continuing the conversation. At another point in my dream my dad was in a room with a microphone like we were going to record vocals. At one point I climbed a tree to say hello to the eagle and then there was a cat. So I talked to the cat. It climbed down so I climbed down only to discover a mama cat and kittens. One of the kittens was nursing from the momma It was very cute

12 Mar 2024



Last night I dreamt that my best friends dog was named "Songbird" and he went missing. We looked everywhere. Suddenly my instinct told me where to find him and we saw he'd been mauled by eagles. Everyone said he'd die but we saved him

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