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Dream Interpretation: Birds 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Birds? Discover the significance of seeing a Birds in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Birds appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol represents your confidence and innocence gained through clarity and insight. Just like birds, your spirit will soar high. It also suggests that you will gain some clarity over the issues you are facing in your waking life.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

You will soon find a clear view of your problems, and through greater clarity about the issues you are facing, you will find renewed confidence. Take steps to gain this clarity and insight, perhaps even taking a step back to examine your current actions. This will help you find the lost confidence and solution to your problems.

❤️ Feelings

Birds in a dream often evoke feelings of freedom, joy, and a sense of connection with nature. They symbolize the ability to soar above life's challenges and embrace new perspectives. The presence of birds in a dream can also bring a sense of peace and tranquility, as they represent harmony and the beauty of the natural world. Additionally, birds can symbolize communication and the need for self-expression, reminding us to listen to our inner voice and share our thoughts and ideas with others. Overall, dreaming of birds can leave one with a sense of lightness, inspiration, and a desire to embrace life's possibilities.





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Dreams of users containing the word Birds

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9 Jul 2024



I think I had a few dreams last night. One of them was that I had tickets to go to a restaurant which I think was themed by the TV show Friends and then I had some more tickets that were going to go watch a show. I think they were all at the same time and what I wanted to do was take Abbey with me to one of them and I'm not sure somebody was going to go to the other one, I don't know who it was and it ended up me having to go with Abbey's friend Sarah and I said I wanted to go with Abbey and she was adamant she wasn't going to go and we were all at Paul's house and his kids were there and there were birds flying about and animals and I was trying to organise everybody and say look we're going to go out and try to figure out who was going where. My cousin was there I think, Paul's dad, and there were all these bits of paper with instructions on and they were going in envelopes and somehow, I don't know how, there was an envelope saying that somebody was a cunt and we were trying to figure out who's named envelope it was going to go into and we were all laughing in case it went in one of the kids' ones and my cousin was saying oh this is a nice family event isn't it, insinuating that somebody's a cunt and anyway I kept looking at the time and I was like no we need to make a move if we're going to go to this restaurant. I went out, got my shoes on and I stood by the door and there was a helicopter going down the street and it was really low and I was like what on earth is going on, why is this helicopter there and I looked down the road and a couple of doors down there was a shop that had just been blown to bits and it was just debris everywhere and I was like what is going on and everybody came out and they were like right let's go to this restaurant then and I was like I don't even know if we can book it because I think we may have run out of time but we got to this restaurant and they let us in and for some reason we all went in even though we only had two tickets and we sat down and it was kind of a buffet thing where you went to get your own food and I went and got pancakes and people went and got other stuff and I was eating and I had this friend Sarah that I had the ticket for, she literally ate a couple of mouthfuls of pancake and that was it and Paul was there and he said have you got to eat the rest of it and she says no I don't and Abby and her friends were like no she doesn't, she doesn't have to eat anything, she doesn't want to and Paul's like yeah but you've got tickets to come here and eat so you would have thought you would have eaten it but she was adamant she wasn't eating it and I think she went outside at the end but I don't really know what happened to the play or who went to that I think somebody did but I don't actually know

5 Jul 2024



I went in my bedroom in the morning. The window was open and I was surprised to see many butterflies and moths all around my room. They weren't flying around, they were all resting with their wings closed. They were very pretty. Orange and blue were their colors. Then I noticed a birds nest with three eggs. The eggs were blue and had a pretty design. The eggs started hatching and I watched as three flying squirrels were born. They seemed helpless. Then I saw a tiny robin. The robin was underwater in the bathtub. I picked him up and set him down. I was feeding him crumbs. I remember thinking I was going to be late for work. The overall feeling was intense interest about all the animals and butterflies in my room.

1 Jul 2024



I had a dream where this guy in a isreal was killing birds and put them in a position of certain letters pr symbols i couldnt read what they were then it showed these 3 young g irls pregnaunt they looked almost the same clothing and everything they were running away from a man then an ocean of crabs came over right behind them as they were running they start to form a bridge for the girls to get to the otherside and they crossed over to safety

29 Jun 2024



A bird -- like a hawk or similarly sized -- perched near me. It was over my lap and it peed a strong stream onto my leg.

28 Jun 2024



So I had a very interesting dream. In my dream, there was a lot going on, a lot going on. Again, I was living somewhere by the water, by the ocean, and I remember ordering a package in Amazon, and the package came on a private jet. And my mom was upset. Why am I ordering on a private jet for one item? And it was an item that they needed at that time, but it was also like 10, 12 different items in that order. And I don't know how, but Brad was really pursuing me, was really excited to be a part of my life. I remember also driving on a mountain. It was a really tall mountain, and I didn't like the height so much, so I decided to go back and make a U-turn and went back to drive on a different road. I remember oceans, sunshine, birds, a lot of birds in my dream, Amazon, gifts in the mail, people were talking about me, a lot of people were talking about me.

23 Jun 2024

Making Out


I was on an island looking for something holy. I found a Bible and used it once. Then I was grabbing green birds and putting them in my pocket until one bit me. Then I took them out of my pocket. It changed to I was in jail and I wanted a girlfriend. So I chose someone I knew was pretty. I found her and we were making out. Then this girl who in real life doesn’t like me tries to fight me and loses.

21 Jun 2024



It was me my mom and my father-in-law and we were in the attic cleaning old junk out and I noticed that there was a massive huge birdcage with big birds in it like owls and it was my father-in-law‘s and I went inside to look around and he came with me And then as we were exiting the birdcage he told me to grab the bird because it was trying to escape, but I had to dunk down to get through the doorway of the cage, and I couldn’t just turn around and grab the bird and he kept saying grab the bird. It’ll fly away grab it so away and we were somehow on the edge of this really tall cliff about 5 to 6 stories high, and he was just standing there and shock looking often to the distance, and I lost my balance and grabbed his hand to catch myself and he told me don’t do that. I’m gonna be sick because he was really upset about the bird flying off Kept saying that over and over and then I fell and he came with me and we hit the ground and I could see that he wasn’t moving and I was barely moving just my head and I started screaming and my mom poked her head over the ledge to see us and started freaking out and scrambling to come down after us after she realized that we had fell off the cliff and then I woke up

21 Jun 2024



I had a dream I woke up out of my bed and walked outside, it was very sunny and vibrant, the birds were chirping the wind was blowing and I was running, I knew I was dreaming and it felt amazing to be where I was feeling free. Until I saw what I believe was my shadow self, a dobbleganger standing in the distance.. it scared me.

19 Jun 2024

Teeth falling out


I was supposed to go to the beach with Ama and her friends (like I am today in real life soon). In my dream, I was living somewhere else with my current roommate Chaitanya. I had two birds, parakeets, in a cage. I was getting ready for the beach. My roommate was waiting on food he ordered for delivery. By the time someone came, I heard him say that he had canceled the order but the guy gave it to him anyways. I guess my roommate was happy because it was a free meal. Well then the delivery guy changed his mind and asked for him to return it. Then my roommate got mad and there was a fight. Was verbal. The delivery guy was elderly. I tried to intervene. At some point my roommate knocked out one of the delivery guy’s teeth and I was very upset because he was elderly. I guess my roommate had lost his tooth earlier in the fight but it seemed to be his own fault not the delivery guy’s. In real life I’ve been having trouble with my front two teeth getting stained (they’re the fake ones I have after losing my own when I fell drunk). I demanded he give the delivery guy back his tooth, he eventually did. Now upset, I got into a fight with my roommate about the entire apartment (something we have gotten into fights about several times). It escalated to me crying and yelling. At some point my parents came to mediate. I was worried to leave for the beach because I thought my roommate would hurt the birds. At some point in the fight I told my roommate to make a chore chart in the app I set up (because in real life I had set this up and he had not even used it) and he said it would take too long. I got upset that he wanted things to be clean but refused to compromise on how to set up a chart. Eventually he hinted at the end of the lease he would move to a different floor, but I wasn’t sure still. By the time this was over, it was already 7 pm. I was devastated because I had missed the beach. I texted Ama and she was like yeah I wondered what happened but was still sending her usual memes. I wandered in the dark outside, eventually walking past a building. I was in there seeking something, don’t remember what. One floor seemed to have worshippers of a faith I learned later was Islam and another had worshippers of Judaism. There was sneaking around with talk of Palestine, and I got worried there would be something bad that happened in the building, so I walked to the exit. The building resembled a school I’ve seen before. While I was walking out, I passed by a Hinduism worship (my family’s religion but I consider myself agnostic). I had a friend that looked happy I was there. I guess I went to get blessed (gave away a dollar for donation). The priest handed me a yoga mat looking floppy board that supposedly was blessed. I put it over my shoulder and started walking. By this time, I had met two other friends who walked with me. I didn’t notice the yoga mat/board had slipped off of me, and when I did, I was frustrated. I shared with my friends about my day and how this was another bad thing that happened. One of my friends said that I use wild animals to describe people a lot, and I had referred to my roommate as a mole. We ended up in a car driving somewhere.

17 Jun 2024



i was in the lab and i was with my teacher and i heard birds and someone had hatched birds for an experiment and then some girl showed up with a cave looking project with two circles that were windows and two birds that looked like pigeons but with bigger eyes and weird feathers and they started screeching and then a man with dreads and a cream button up shirt walked in and explained something then disappeared and that was the dream

16 Jun 2024

Running away


I had a dream that I was sitting down in the woods with my uncle next to us on a tree branch about chest height there was a half-skinned rabbit that I was regrettably getting ready to eat. I felt bad because of it being killed and now dead. Around my uncle and I in the trees and in the air, we saw two different types of big birds flying around. One looked to be la white osprey and the other to be a white and brown duck. It looked like the ospreys were chasing and attacking the ducks and there was one osprey that caught a dead duck and brought it up to the tree to eat. After seeing this, I looked back at the half-skinned rabbit that I was getting ready to eat and it slowly began coming back to life this made me feel even worse because of how much pain it must be experiencing having been skinned and it was running away for its life. I felt sad because I knew as it attempts to flee one of the ospreys were going to swoop down and kill it. It pained me that escape from death and pain was inevitable for the rabbit

5 Jun 2024



There’s a rage inducing drug or something that’s been released on to the public. It feels like a game. I used to work for the people who created it. It’s like the zombies in Call of Duty. There’s even sirens to tell when the next wave will start. Somehow it’s unleashed on the city. I remember mermaids, sea creatures, it’s a metropolis by the sea. Right before, the outbreak My kittens esp. Houdini, and me find lil baby IBIS eggs. The birds kind of look like storks, long thin curved beak, short legs, fluffy wings. As soon as they hatch, they imprint on me and follow me everywhere. They help warn me when other Ragers Are near or help trip and confuse them. I always escape in the nick of time. Once out of a 8 story window lol scene: I’m on the 14th floor of my hotel and I see from the window that most have evacuated but there’s still Ragers for some reason all coming into the hotel. It’s because the main dude has still been trapped inside the hotel. So I am in a room hiding and the main dude comes in. I know he's a culprit because my kittens and birds all coming into the room to protect me. I peek out of the door to see if anyone is coming, and I see a Rager chasing a woman. The Rager kind of sees me but I close the door and lock it just in time. Here's where it gets interesting; while the main culprit is trying to hold the door, I clone myself and I sneak underneath the bed. My kitten Houdini watched over my original form, while my copy form helped fight the Rager. While my copy form and the main culprit were murdered, I escaped with my animals.

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