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Dream Interpretation: Animal ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Animal? Discover the significance of seeing a Animal in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Animal appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This symbol suggests your primal instincts, your desires that need to be expressed. It also symbolizes a connection with your deep repressed emotions. You keep the actions and feelings to yourself, as you believe they will not be accepted by those around you, which otherwise should be revealed.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Try to express your inner thoughts and feeling. Humans are social beings, and the way we socialize is by expressing ourselves. It's time to reconnect with your lost and hidden desires. Follow your true nature, free yourself from the cage you have put yourself in.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of an animal can evoke a range of emotions depending on the specific animal and the context of the dream. It may bring feelings of curiosity, fascination, or even fear. Animals often symbolize our instincts, desires, or untamed aspects of ourselves. The emotions associated with this dream can vary from a sense of connection and harmony with nature to a sense of vulnerability or unpredictability. The interpretation of the dream will depend on the individual's personal experiences and associations with the animal in question.





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Dreams of users containing the word Animal

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14 Jul 2024



I was walking around a zoo and I walked into an open panther pen and walk out and quickly close it so the panther canโ€™t get out I walk a little further and walk to the bug zone and quickly get out of it before a bunch of bugs get attached to me and then walk to the Bambi zone where we take care of the orphaned animals and injured animals when suddenly 4 animals come rushing in because 2 tigers are chasing them and attacking them the guard dogs come barking and scare the tigers off and we examine the animals and fix all the pens the belong in especially the tigers

14 Jul 2024



I heard Luke (6 years old) outside screaming โ€œstop itโ€ When I went to check on him, he was on the front steps being pinned down. A 13 year old girl was punching him in the face while her twin brother held him down with his foot on his throat. (Both were identical, blonde, skinny, cocky) I chased them into the back yard and caught the girl. I held her face in a muddy puddle that coincidentally had animal feces in it. I wanted to drown her. Her brother tried to double team me and I told him, โ€œback off, youโ€™re next.โ€ He abandoned his sister and ran. I held the girlโ€™s face in the mud and told her that if I see her again Iโ€™d show her what a real psychopath is. I got Luke inside and told him not to go back out without at least one adult. I woke up in fight or flight mode. I was scared and furious.

24 Jun 2024

Abandoned home
Light (Not Dark)


I was getting ready for bed and i even turned the lights off and then i felt something on my bed which turned out the be an abandoned hyena pup. He was fat and playful but i had no way of taking care of it so i went looking for his mum and when i found her, she rejected him

20 Jun 2024



Last night I had 2 dreams. The first dream was there was a teacher doing an activity with three young boys. These young boys were given three types of flowers and they were to offer them to members of an audience in the theatre. Once the boys had given out these flowers, it was time for a swap over so more people could do it. My second dream was that I was sitting in a theatre with 3 friends and my husband, we saw a projection of an animal film on the stage. This was also an interactive film so there were gonna be some jump scares. As the film was playing, when the snake bit came up, you could see snakes crawling on the walls of the theatre. There was also a bit where a lion came to get someone, next thing I felt and saw was a lion had tipped my chair back and was looking at me from above ready to maul me to death, I wasn't too terrified but it ended with me fainted in my husbands arms outside the theatre.

17 Jun 2024

My crush


I had a dream that I was walking with Alec who I have a crush on at night time while he pushed me to a tree and kissed me very passionately and softly and fast. We where like animals

13 Jun 2024

Water inside a house


I was at a friendโ€™s house spending time with her then her husband tells me in front of her that he wants to sleep with me. She runs away crying and I tell him heโ€™s not my type. I find her and give her a hug and tell her that I would never do anything to hurt her and I donโ€™t even like her husband like that. Iโ€™m with a different friend from high school upstairs in her house and I tell her I need to wash some clothes. Her house is by the beach and I can see it through the windows. I go downstairs and the front door is open and the whole downstairs is full of water up to my knees. There are water animals swimming around and it seems like this is normal because neither of us were bothered by it

9 Jun 2024

Ship sinking


okay I had a dream that I was on a port ship and I was looking ahead in the corner of my eye to my right I saw Lucutus so when I seen Lucutus he was he seemed like he was at war with himself like some kind of internal struggle I don't know how to explain it but it was just you just kind of feel that vibe for some reason anyhow I went back into some kind of pod where we regenerate and I for some reason let out this cry that sounded like a kitty cat and then howling like I was a puppy dog I don't know why but then afterwards I thought I woke up and I saw that there was a war zone and some guy came over towards my left shoulder and he seemed like he was a leader of some kind of resistance. Come on let's go let's go we ain't got time wake up let's go let's go grab your gun grab your stuff let's go so I went with him and he told me and our group to stay and for some reason I looked over the bunch of rocks with the pigs like very far back like I think about a half a mile back but anyhow I saw like some kind of machine that just had like these tentacles and they hooked on to them and I never heard a man screaming so much pain and agony everybody just flinched I wanted to run but people were just there's like a bunch of hands laying down it was just weird then I woke up again and I was on the Enterprise I was staring myself in the mirror and it was like I saw myself and there was some kind of thing that looked like a zit and it grew into my stomach and it was I was just almost about to explode into two then I woke up I was on this table and I was about to run look like some kind of cave I was trying to run and run but this guy he looked like you was really huge bald head piercing blue eyes came up with flying to me and and he had like dark skin for like a Hispanic but he had some black features as well but anyhow I woke up and he told me I was I was having those reoccurring nightmares again he said don't worry I'm I'm not here to hurt you or anything so I woke up from this table that's like I guess it was supposed to be a bed so I went with him and for some reason my gut instinct was telling me he's armless so I did follow him and I sat on some kind of concrete like couch it was nothing fancy but I guess the Easter Island so we just sit there we shut the breeze

30 May 2024



I was at this big Victorian style mansion with a lot of other young people and we were playing hide and seek but instead of one person seeking it was a team seeking the team that was hiding. The house could be moved around like it was just a bunch of pieces put together to make a house. I could pull a smell section of the exterior wall off and I was in the kitchen and was going to hide with pots and pans but then ended up hiding somewhere else. They didn't find me and on the second round I went on top of the roof again. They knew about the roof top now so they were looking up there too but I had a little spot tucked away. It was so relaxing and warm there that I fell asleep in the dream. They found me later, the game may have been over by then. Now that I think about it the house was filled with kids and their imaginary friends that were all different sizes and looked like different kinds of animals. Two human girls ended up finding me.

24 May 2024



Dream I was walking in a crowd and started feeling like something was wrong and did t thrn around immediately. The sooner I listened to my intuition the better it would have been. I was trapped in a room trying to escape Was in a pottery class talking to a girls bf. We all made friends and went ds to leave but there were huge crowds. The guy in front was huge and tall so we all held onto each other while he led us through the crowds quickly. About 7 to 8 people. He was black with dreads reminded me of neighbor Jason. As we were talking in streets towards 30th? I heard animal sounds. I found a panda like animal that jumped onto me and was so sweet and loving. I knew I had to travel back home and stopped on a church to see if it would take him. I think the animal was called a Loom or something? The woman at the front desk said they could take him and I could come back and drop him off and also change my mind if I wanted to take him home. I tried leaving him there but he just followed me so I took him with me

17 May 2024



So I went to a mall as a kid with my teacher as a trip but then we found something interesting we found a product called animal bag and in the bag there was a real animal I got a squirrel but I was confused about how they got the squirrel in the bag without harming it

15 May 2024



My husband wanted me to go on a work trip with him. He made me smoke marijuana with him again. I felt stupid and regretted losing my progress. I was at a store with friends doing a scavenger hunt. I found a lot of pretty bracelets and soaps shaped like animals

6 May 2024



Driving through a forest where all of the trees were in a V formation and every tree had an animal stuck in it. The animals were stuck where the tree v'd and they were all stuck by their necks.

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