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Dream Interpretation: Bear 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Bear? Discover the significance of seeing a Bear in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Bear appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes power, strength, and independence. Oftentimes they indicate motherly love, that is, capable of protecting the family against all odds. It also suggests that you are a warrior who has the capability to command others.

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🧭 Direction

Good fortune

Be bold and courageous in life, just like a bear. Figure out the relations in your life that need protection. Find them and do your best in nurturing and shielding them. Be confident and tap into the hidden powers within you, as they will help you protect those you care about.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a bear can evoke feelings of fear, powerlessness, and vulnerability. It symbolizes a threat or danger in one's life, representing the need to confront and overcome challenges. The presence of a bear in a dream may also signify a need for protection or a desire for solitude and introspection. Overall, this dream can leave one with a sense of unease and the need to be cautious in their waking life.





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Dreams of users containing the word Bear

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16 Jul 2024

Gas Station
Little girl


I was driving with my boyfriend an we stopped at this gas station while it was a snowstorm then we saw this little girl outside so we grabbed her. we told thr cops an everything but they said we could kee her because her mom was horrible to her an sex trafficed her. Then i wasin jail and people had pet grizzly bears and i told them thats so dangerous they cant have them

9 Jul 2024



I was at a random area with a shed and a beachy forest path. I am forced to play a game and there is a really steep pit with dead humanoid pigs with blood and gore. I try to escape and ask my mum to help. She says "One person for themselves." There were a pack of Men trying to catch us. I was forced to look away while a humanoid bear slowly walks closer to me and true to kill me.

7 Jul 2024



I had a dream in about a girl that I’m slowly talking more and more to. The location was in a city I’ve never seen before, it was almost like a little bit of a Hollywood town. It was tiny too. There was a square in the middle with a huge sandlot and sometigng else next to it, which I can’t remember. Like a children’s playground. Around this square there were one floor houses surrounding it. Anyway the girl had apparently had someone break into their house. And I happened to visit at the very same time that the police were there. I had my dog with me and it seemed we just needed shelter for a little bit. So while the police was there, my dog and I was in her parents bedroom. In their bed. My dog and I was snuggling and then her mom came in and said she wasn’t too happy about the dog being in the bed. So my dog and I went to the bathroom instead and I put him in a tub so he wouldn’t run away. Somehow I brought the covers from the bed into the bathroom and laid on the floor with my dog, cuddling up again. The girls brother eventually came and took the covers because my dog couldn’t touch it. The police was investigating the small house and swiped all the surfaces for dna. Even the surfaces I touched which didn’t make sense. They eventually came to the conclusion that it was a huge spider that I done all the things they thought a burglar could do. It had opened a window and so on. the girls mom was not surprised, she said she knew it. The spider was then right behind me in the corner of a room. My dog and I headed out and I went to a neighbor to ask if they knew what had been going on. My dog was right next to me and started peeing all over their floor in their house while i talked and told them it wasn’t a thief but a huge spider. It was very embarrassing. I had to tie him outside to a trashcan and head back inside their house to clean up the mess. When I came back to my dog, there was a huge spider on the trashcan it was tied to so I slapped it away and eventually my dog was gone. Idk how but it seemed as if he was untied and stolen maybe. Then suddenly the spider took over the city and somehow turned into a bear. I tried to fight this bear and get it locked up and I think I did it, I’m not sure. But I was cheered on by the town. I felt not so welcome earlier but now people seemed to love me after I saved their town. But my dog was gone. I sat down and cried so much until someone came to help me. We then saw him in the back of a minibus, driving past us. I’m not sure if we ever rescued him but I think we did.

7 Jul 2024



I was dreaming of me getting sucked by a Fnaf bear. What does this mean?

4 Jul 2024



My boyfriend was telling me about this video game he had and it sounded rlly strange so I came over to try it and i completely shifted into the video game. I was the character. It started off with being in this western farm kinda, there weren't any trees around just land. I'm currently inside of the house and I hear this bone shivering awful scream but it wasn't another person it came from a huge ass animal, so I look outside. What I saw was horrific and I could tell you what the animal was because it had the body of a bear, the size of a 2 story house, extremely long ear that point right up, and a tail similar to a golden retriever. It's mouth could open so wide and it was so many teeth in rows like a shark's mouth. I saw this beast chasing a dog and the beast would never try to kill the dog, they like the thrill of the chase but I didn't know so I went to go save the dog but I was killed over and over again, I was stomped on, my head ripped off, pulled my limbs apart. I felt like I could feel it though. It felt so real. My last attempt at saving the dog, I almost did it bit the beast had my leg and I actually felt like there was a chunk out of my left thigh was being bite off and dragged around and then I woke up.

30 Jun 2024



I have a reoccurring dream that is never the same, but the same thing always happens. It's always some version of this dream. The details differ, but I always point a gun an an animal that is attacking me or someone else, but the second I'm going to pull the trigger I freeze in fear and am mauled to death. In one of these dreams I am in my home and I see two large brown bears in my yard and it is insinuated that they are going to attack my family who is outside. I chase the bears around the back of the house and they turn on me to attack. I run up a flight of stairs, but one bear follows me up the stairs. I am aiming a 44. Magnum (my favorite gun I own) at the bear and it feels good in my hand, but I can't pull the trigger. I watched the bear run all the way up the stairs at me, grab me, and kill me. I had a good shot the entire time, but I was frozen in fear. What if I missed? I had more bullets, but still couldn't overcome that fear.

29 Jun 2024

Childhood home


I was in my childhood home and my mom was asleep in bed, but she was rousing so I sat beside the bed and began talking to her. She was waking up but not speaking much directly to me, then my dad walked in. He sat down near me and began talking to my mom. I don't remember the exact conversation, but my mom remained turned away from us while my dad was speaking. They began having a conversation that highlighted all their most negative qualities. Ultimately the reasons they got divorced, but this dream was before that. My mom was cold and unloving like normal and my dad was emotionally stunted and unwilling to fight or care about anything. He is very loving as a person, it's almost as if nothing matters enough for him to stand up for what he wants so he never fought to save his relationship with my mom. Eventually, he stands up and leaves the room. I begin to cry quietly to myself as not to disturb my mom who is trying to go back to sleep. The conversation they had was a perfect representation as to why they are now divorced. The dream then skips to the future and I am driving through my home town. I am married to the girl of my dreams and life is what I've always wanted it to be, but the conversation my parents had comes back into my mind and I begin getting angry, but the sad kind of anger. I begin to lose hope that my relationship with my wife in the dream will work out and that she'll eventually feel like my mom and I'll eventually feel like my dad and there's no point to trying to love someone. This crushes my soul completely and I think the only thing a person can really have is themselves, but not around other people and that I should be alone the rest of my life because everything is pointless without love. So I break up with my wife and move away to the most secluded place I could find on the outskirts of a small town in Alaska. I'm secluded and not happy with life. But I feel like I did myself a favor by started my suffering earlier by moving out there and breaking my own heart before it could be broken by someone else later. As I am in my home I am attacked by a bear. I am almost always killed by bears in my dreams. It was a black bear. It catches me outside and I can't get back inside or call for help because I am isolated. The bear leaves but I still can't make it to any kind of help because I am alone. I just lie there waiting to die and regretting my decision to be alone and I miss my wife. Then the best comes back and finally kills me and I wake up.

28 Jun 2024



In my dream we were all in the car going for a drive. It was me and my daughter and son in the backseat, upfront was my husband and his sister. We were driving over ice and going through an icy river. The back of the truck tires started to sink. I told my husband we were not gonna make it but he pushed forward. The water took over the truck and we were swept down the river with ice water filling up the truck. I was screaming. In the next moment I’m running from bears. I was alone in a tree, terrified and a bear was chasing me.

27 Jun 2024



I was left to fend off against a bear. It was a little stressful for a moment but then the bear was friendly towards me and I pet it

27 Jun 2024



A large bear was in my house. I was very cautious and afraid but it did not attack me

25 Jun 2024

House Fire


I was at a large resort cabin like mansion with my husband. I noticed a lot of smoke by one of the windows. I opened the window and saw that the building was on fire. I told him that we need to get out. I walked out of our room and noticed a lot of the stairways to get downstairs were blocked by furniture. I kept walking down the long hallway and could see fire on one side of the cabin and kept going until I found a way down. I got outside and remembered I left something in the room. I thought I might have enough time to go back and get it. When I opened the door I saw a big bear in the room. I pushed the door closed because he started running towards me and I started running back to get out

17 Jun 2024



I was leaving home to attend a pool party I heard about. I went alone and was not planning on staying long and just wanted to get some fresh air as I wasn’t dressed accordingly for swimming. I decided to take the bus because finances were a bit low. I get there and wait in line. There was a few guys inside the gate I waited in front of talking to others outside the gate. They weren’t my type, so I proceeded to ignore their interactions. As I got in there was 3 different lines with sign up list. I waited in one but it seemed to be moving slow . I went around to another one were a little boy was signing up. He didn’t even know what a signature was.. why was he there. As I seen he was just doodling on the paper , I snatched the pen from his hand. I tried signing my name but the ink was out. An older lady said she would get me a new pen. After waiting no longer than a minute for her I just went ahead and went inside the pool. There weren’t too many people at the pool. All who were there sat and played inside the pool. The water seemed deep but I seen that it was only 3ft as I walked down to find a resting spot. As I’m walking and watching others. I turn and see the Main Street from the pool gates . From there I noticed a brown baby bear and I called out to it. It looked at me and started coming towards me and instantly turned into a fragile older light brown bear. I was afraid and called out “there’s a bear coming” and hopped in the water fully clothe. No one really noticed me. I get out on the other side when the bear began to look like someone in a costume. On this side I ignore the bear and start to explore the complex more where I then find my brother. He was going down a flight of stairs and said “what are you doing here, don’t do too much cause you know how you are”. Confused and offended I said “I just came to be at the pool, I’m not doing anything”. He repeated himself and I became upset. I leaned over the railing of the stairs and started to spit on him out of anger. I stopped myself and said “you know what I don’t have time for this , it ain’t worth it”. He continued to say “Im not gonna fight back. Don’t be out here doing too much.” All I could think about was how my brother was embarrassed by me for nothing. My feelings were hurt. I walked away from him leaving out the exit to head back on the bus.

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