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Dream Interpretation: Locked 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Locked? Discover the significance of seeing a Locked in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Locked appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of being locked up or locked out can represent feeling trapped or restricted in some aspect of your life. It may also indicate a fear of losing control or being unable to access something important.

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🧭 Direction


Consider what in your life may be making you feel trapped or restricted. Is there a situation or relationship that is holding you back? Alternatively, are you feeling overwhelmed and in need of some time alone? Use this dream as a prompt to identify areas where you may need to make changes or take action to regain control.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of being locked can evoke feelings of confinement, frustration, and helplessness. It symbolizes a sense of being trapped or restricted in some aspect of life, whether it be in relationships, career, or personal growth. This dream may reflect a desire for freedom and the need to break free from limitations or obstacles. It can also signify a fear of being controlled or manipulated by others. Overall, the emotions associated with this dream are often negative, highlighting the need for change and liberation.





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Dreams of users containing the word Locked

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13 Jul 2024



Me and my cousins got kidnapped and we were taken to this modern mansion in the woods. It was like midnight so pitch dark outside yeah it was me and my two cousins we were in this room. There was windows all around us and there was like a really modern bed light and stuff like that in the room looked at them. They were panicking and said it’s OK. I’m gonna get us out of here. We just have to come up with the game plan. I found weapons just laying around the room like a bat and a knife but one of us wouldn’t have a weapon, so I told my youngest cousin that she can just take on the men because she’s bigger than both of us combined, and she could easily bodyslam them, when they came in, we started, but the bodyguards was really fat and humongous just grabbed ahold of her by the shoulders and just held her there while she was trying to run and get to the other bodyguards to the ground. me and my oldest cousin just took her weapons and just weekly punched him, but it wasn’t doing anything because this guy was massive. He was built like The Eiffel Tower, so we just awkwardly looked up at him and just squeezed on by him through the doorway, and we were in the living room/hallway. We got kidnapped by my own car and then thrown into a van so I looked at addy and said well they probably have my car set up somewhere and they probably took the keys to it so I’m gonna have to find my keys. I eventually found my keys and I found a random fuse laying on the counter and that’s what I realized they probably took a few out of my car just in case we did escape, I took the fuse and stuck it into my pocket, and started heading towards the door. We tried opening it, but it was locked obviously so me and addy went back into the room that emmy was at and I said don’t worry emmy, we will come back for you. I promise. she was kind of freaking out because we were about to leave her behind, but she was reassured by my words so I started trying to break the glass from the window, but it was not made out of glass. It was made out of a weird plastic material so we just ripped the window, and made a hole. my cousin was struggling to get through so I made the whole bigger and we both ran from the house to my car. we noticed bodyguard started running after us, but they were running slow motion. it to my car we got in and I tried to start the car, but it wouldn’t because obviously they had pulled the fuse freaking out because we were stranded for good, and I said don’t worry I knew this is gonna happen and I pulled the fuse out of my pocket and went to go put it back into the car and turn the car on and it worked again. we drove back to the house and into the plastic window to get emmy back.

8 Jul 2024

Abandoned home
Angry at mom


This mom abandoned her kids and found them again as teens. But they didn't know she was their mom but when they found out they were so angry because she had abandoned them and not tried to find them. But they didn't know she had been locked in some guys basement and that was the reason she hadn't been able to visit them and she abandoned them to protect them from the guy.

7 Jul 2024



I had a dream that two men was after me and I was running through different neighbourhoods trying to get away from them. I then had a different dream where I found a phone from a brand that I don’t use and didn’t belong to me in my house I tried unlocking it but the code wasn’t right and then this voice started speaking on it but I couldn’t understanding it, and then the phone seemed to unlock once I had found a code, there was different pictures in the phone of a man I did not know and me and my mum decided the only logical reason to finding someone’s phone in our house was someone had broke in.

2 Jul 2024

Boyfriend Cheating


me and Miguel were arguing. He didn’t care or show any emotion I told him I feel hurt and it’s messed up how he treated me. I got hit him since I want getting rude reaction so he got me back. So he was on the phone I snatched it from him. Ran to the bathroom and locked myself in. I spoke to the other woman she said her name was Yasmin. I was letting her know everything because she deserves to know the truth. And I told her how toxic he is…then Miguel broke the bathroom door I yelled and gave her my Facebook user to contact me. He snatched his phone away and I kept telling him he’s a sick, manipulative toxic selfish piece of shit.

27 Jun 2024



I was in my house when my friend from next door came over asking me to play a new game of his.i said no and told him to leave so i could do some work,i close the door on him but when i step back and walk away he uses a trick key to enter the house i tell him i dont enjoy him entering the house since i have a sister in the back, in reality i dont, he mocks and makes fun of me when i kick him out this time,when i push him outside his two best friends are waiting in front when they ask if im coming to hang i say not today,they call me names like loser and fag but ignore and go to grab my mail with became a big pile,i grab the door and its locked and the three of them laugh cause the next door friend locked it behind me, he unlocks it but wont open the door even with my hands full and another knocks the mail from my hands and they all laugh as i try to get in the house while also trying to stop me from going in

27 Jun 2024



So in my dream I was in some kind of Barbie game with some other people I know but we had to choose our players that were people from Barbie but we didn't know what they are supposed to do, so I tried to pick the prettiest ones, and there was this one Barbie boy and he was the boy version of Chelsea and I wanted to choose him but he was locked for VIP pass, so I chose another boy. Then I tought I had the max number of player but I had one more slot left and I realised in the last 5 seconds and I was in a section where all the players there needed a VIP pass so I could choose them so in the last second I chose someone random and it was a supermarket Barbie boy or something and he was really basic. Then I remember hoing upstairs(we, the humans and our players were all in the Barbie Dreamhouse, and it was drowning. I think the scope of the game was to use your players to go to the top and be the last to not drown. The players were running all around, panicking and got scrambled, I remember going in a bathroom and getting stuck with some other players and drowning

21 Jun 2024



Me and a few people (Bart was there) got locked in a house/building that was supposed to be a sleepover type event for grown people and ended up having to escape . We had to steal the keys and run away . Bart almost didn’t come with me it was like he was under the girls spell. But he ended up coming . The girl tried to track us down. Then I woke up. And had the same dream again.

14 Jun 2024

Swimming Pool


me, mom, conner, john, and rylin were at this arcade/swimming pool training facility thing where there was an alligator pool in the front. we all went to the arcade first before our training began. there was an announcement calling for any members who would like to join an alligator training session. rylin and john stayed back to play some games while mom, conner, and I all went to the back pool. before the session started, we had to wait 30 minutes. conner and i asked to see the alligator at the front close up and were given permission. walking around the side of the building, we closed the fingerprint scanner door. we both slowly walked into the pool. i accidentally came way too close and had to kick it in the face to push it away. running away as best as i could, we realized the gate was locked. helping conner over then myself over the shitty wooden fence, we ran to the side door. scrambling the get the fingerprint scanner to work, i had to frantically wipe my fingers on my shirt. running to mom i screamed, “i hate alligators i hate alligators!!”

13 Jun 2024



I dreamt of two beautiful child dancers being tricked into going out into the backyard of a house where there were lions. The person who tricked them locked them out and I watched them yell out for help and to get back in. It felt as if the dancers were betrayed and they knew there were no other options. It felt like betrayal and hopelessness. So the dancers decided to dance amongst the lions who slowly made there way around them. The scene changes to the lions clearly mauling them and ending their lives.

7 Jun 2024



I was working at my job where I clean rooms but I also had to keep people in their rooms like they were inmates to keep locked up. I was cleaning a couple rooms by myself and most of them found ways to escape that was outside of my control. During my off time I tried to make plans with friends and one night stands and my old friend (who wasn't always nice to me) kept swooping in and taking my other friends and boyfriends. At first it was ok but after like five in a row I got sad and angry. I told her to stop, she didn't seem to care but she left anyway.

7 Jun 2024

Abandoned home


I was walking to school in a big empty field. For some reason we were going to school for 2 whole days, like a trip or something. I got kidnapped by two men on my way to school. They brought me to a abandoned looking house. The school was close and since I was in a big empty field, I could see the school clearly.They put me in the bedroom of the house and locked me in there. In the room was a mattress on the floor and a bunch of dirt. There was a big hole, but it was blocked by bars, you could still see the school though. The house they brought me to was made completely out of concrete. They walked into the room and I think they were trying to to entertain me, but I can’t remember clearly. They brought me a tray of food with rice and some beans. Time skip. Everyone was going back home with their parents. They came into my room and forcefully took me out of the house. Once we got outside, one of the men carried me by my head and the other by my feet. I did get out of their hands plenty of times and ran every time, but they kept catching me, or I would bump into them. It was like I had no balance whatsoever. They carried me to the school car pickup and leaned against a car while talking with the driver. I saw my car right next to the one they were at and ran to it. I got in and they still hadn’t noticed. I was in the front seat and telling my mom to drive quickly. My brother was looking at us with worry and confusion, and my mom was completely calm. Then the men noticed, but my mom had already took off. My mom car was black in the dream, but in real life it’s very dark blue.

28 May 2024

My crush


I was celebrating with my crush Liz as he smiled at me I felt safe I was so focused on his smile that I didn't notice a creepy shadow behind me dragging me away as I tried to run to the light it kept dragging me with it and it locked me in a room with water to drown as I slowly keep falling drowning I cried.

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