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Dream Interpretation: Blocked ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Blocked? Discover the significance of seeing a Blocked in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Blocked appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This dream symbolizes obstacles and barriers in your life. It may indicate that you are feeling stuck or unable to move forward in a certain area of your life. It could also suggest that you are experiencing emotional or mental blockages that are preventing you from achieving your goals.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Take a step back and evaluate the situation. Identify the obstacles that are preventing you from moving forward and find ways to overcome them. It may require you to seek help or support from others. Don't let fear or self-doubt hold you back. Keep pushing forward and trust that you have the strength and resilience to overcome any obstacles in your path.

โค๏ธ Feelings

This dream of being blocked may evoke feelings of frustration, helplessness, and stagnation. It signifies a sense of being unable to move forward or overcome obstacles in your waking life. It may also bring about feelings of disappointment and a lack of control over your circumstances.





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Dreams of users containing the word Blocked

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5 Jul 2024

My crush


I was with my coworkers getting things ready because was the end of the school year. I felt uncomfortable with them. I didnโ€™t want to work with them anymore. We went to a restaurant where one of the wall paper decoracitions was falling, I try to hold it but eventually fall. Then, I need to filled out a document for my boss. It was not complete so he didnโ€™t like that and he said โ€œattitudeโ€. So I decided to finish the document as he requested and left that place. When at my home I accidentally called who is โ€œmy crushโ€ or the person that I like. He said Iโ€™m sleeping and he coughed but I heard someone else coughing in the background. I asked him who is that? What are you doing? He sounded short of breath so I assumed he was just making love with this person when I accidentally called. He apologize trying to justify that we are not in a serious relationship so it was ok for him to stay with another woman. I just hang out and blocked him right away from my phone. From the bottom of my heart I knew he will be with another girl at anytime.

3 Jul 2024



My situationship blocked me on everything because I found out he was talking to other girls and his mom didnโ€™t care neither did my parents my dad just told me too clean my room and get over it so I left idrk where I went but it didnโ€™t feel good

21 Jun 2024



I had a dream I was walking alone in a long road . Then I was on a skateboard . Went to a store looking to buy ice cream but it was blocked by a chinise man so I said never mind and kept on walking back on the road

16 Jun 2024



My first dream, it was that I was at a river with my family and I was in a hammock and there was food and it was a pretty view and I enjoyed it. And then my ex posted something on his story talking about he loves another girl. So I blocked him because in the dream we were supposedly together and I was like, respect boundaries, I'm not comfortable with that. He just kept defending her. He just kept saying that they've been friends for a long time and that I know how their relationship is. And I was like, yeah, but I'm not comfortable with it. And I blocked him. And then my second dream, it was that I had a big family, my mom and two other siblings. So it was four of us. It was fantasy. We traveled different worlds and different realities with a guidance. And my siblings got lost and me and my mom had to go get them in different realities. And it was very awasome, colorful and very adventurous. The plants were different, there was one tree with flowers and inside the flower there were pearls, it was also like a videogame because we would collect some keys and we would have to fight enemies. We traveled through rivers with big leaves and we also were flying with either leaves or dragons, im not sure but it was amazing

17 Apr 2024

Waking up


i was at my old house and my sister and mom were still living there but my dad wasnt. my mom told me that my dads old friend was going to be visiting but i didnt like that thought because he never introduced himself to us. my mother agreed and realized how creepy it was so we went to the post office to stop all of his mail from coming. then we blocked him but we had to block him twice so that he would really stop. but we had to talk to my sister so that she could understand and not get mad. then i woke up

8 Apr 2024



I dreamt that Cristian and I were dating again, or at least together, and I could see his location on my phone again. I donโ€™t know why, I remember being confused as to why I could see it. I could see more of his social media again, but then I was blocked again, and then unblocked again. He made things difficult I didnโ€™t understand why he was doing it but I thought it was for attention.

7 Apr 2024



My dream was about my old crush and he decided to unblock me and he saw all the text I sent will I was blocked and he showed them to me and said look at all these what are these and I told asked him to not read them I begged because I used it as a way to vent and it had som personal stuff but then I went back into class and at lunch time and me and my friend decided to not go out to recces and stay in which is the worst thing to do in my school but we did and one of the recces lady's told our teacher and he came down and dragged us back to class and gave use 2 think sheets and those are little papers that say how bad we where and our parents have to sign and those are the worst punishment ever And that's the day I was super sad or just not talking to the teacher and the teacher was like you're not acting how you would act today and then I woke up.

31 Mar 2024

Car Crash
Plane Crash


My family with a driver were in a parking lot when the apocalypse happened.many cars crashed panic, the air became poisonous, some people became really violent and inhumane and were going on a killing rampage. A voice from the sky boomed at times, and plane crashed right next to our car which set it on fire and a man caught on fire ran screaming. A rouge man led us to safety but he kept trying to kill us by throwing radioactive explosive rocks. One almost hit me when I was in backseat of car, but I dodged. We finally got to a big house but people protested outside, so we fend them off and blocked them off and locked ourselves inside. A handsome guy told me not to worry and led me to a room, but I woke up

31 Mar 2024

New Job


I had 2 dreams last night. The 1st one started off with me at my grandparents house. We were hanging out before I went to school. Once at school, we had to read a book then watch the tv series thatโ€™s based on it. While watching the series, dream me slowly became the main character. The show ended with me and one other person fighting several people, some friends, some foes, in a small building. We won and uploaded footage of the fight online. (Then I woke up, changed my sleeping position, and went back to bed.) In my 2nd dream, I went to the store with my mom. While I was there, I found my boyfriend and my sister walking around the store. I said โ€œHiโ€ to them and continued shopping. Later, I went to try on some clothes that I found in the changing room. While walking to the changing room, I saw one section of the store that was blocked off for standardized, testing purposes. Once in the changing room, I became friends with the person in the room next to me, and we went on an adventure with one of the store workers. I had a blast and decided to stay with my new friend and the store worker for as long as possible. After a while, I left the changing room. I walked around the store and discovered that my adventure had brought me through time. Now I was in the future, and my loved ones were all skeletons. I decided to go back to the changing room and re-enter the fantasy world that my adventure had taken place in. Once again, I had time traveled. It had been about five years since my new friend had seen me, and she turned evil due to my abandonment. Upon realizing that, I grabbed a stone with time traveling powers, and went back in time to before I entered the changing room. Then, I found my loved ones and hugged them. (And then my cat woke me up by meowing in my ear.)

25 Mar 2024



I keep having repeated dreams of my old bestfriend. I had at least 5 dreams about her . We left off on bad terms and she blocked me on social media . We have not spoken in at least a year .

25 Mar 2024

Holding hands


I dreamed that I was with a group of people. I think I saw my recent ex there, but something was blocked. There was a tarot reading and it shows we are twin flames and that it takes time, I think. I also remember the ex before her was there and I think it symbolizes that I needed to be open with her and her choice of wanting to be with her family because both loves their family more than me and i need to be okay with that. It is okay that she wants to be with her family and may not want to hang out with me on days we have plans because plans can change at any time. I dreamed that I was with a group of friends outside near the lake before looking for my ex. One old asian friend who I never seen for years and I were talking and laughing. We both held hands to jump in the lake together. We dived deeper and deeper. She let go because she said we are going in too deep. I laughed. We both went up on the surface. Then I woke up

22 Mar 2024



I had a 3 part field trip to a retail store, a restaurant, and this obsidian cliff over a small beach. The retail store was just that, however me and a bunch of children were offered carrots, rice, and this fancy dip that complied with my dietary restrictions. I think fairies were there from the show Fairly Odd Parents. Next I was briefly at a restaurant which had some familiar adults sitting at a table. I remember ordering and drinking fake alcohol. Last was the small cliff side, which was made of a sharp glassy black rock with the underside being more brittle and slightly more colorful. It was quite pretty. The tourist part had the edges blocked off for safety but a girl convinced me to go down with her (this was allowrd but not for our class) so she could take pictures and I complied. I got scared about halfway down and hesitated to go further. Then an alert told everyone on the beach side to climb back up. And all at once these professional climbers scaled the cliff side, shouting โ€˜Like cyclists!โ€™ as they jumped the safety barrier at the top. I got anxious since I wasnโ€™t wearing climbing gear while everyone else was. However I tried anyway and did quite well, jumping with the masses over the barrier. I then had to go back to class where everyone was tired from the field trip and the sky was dark. There was a girl I liked who accidentally showed a bit of her breast in her tired motions, unaware that I saw. This made me quite happy. It was then time to go home, and I stepped outside of class to head to my bus. This was supposed to be high school due to the people present however the environment was my college campus. My bus was across the pond in a swampy area. I waited in front with two familiar people from middle school, when I saw an old friend walk by, his pants slightly on fire. A lighter then falls out of his pocket, which I run to and try to give to him. He however, is stumbling around, breaking a small tree and collapsing to the ground in a delirious state. In real life I recently stopped being his friend as he never valued me. As I approach him he threatens me with a lighter to my surprise, before I had him his lighter. He then gestures me away before telling someone on his phone to fuck off, which I thought was at me at first. I then return to the swampy bus spot, where I explain what happened to the two people from earlier, thinking he is on a bad acid trip. I wake up after this.

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