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Dream Interpretation: Blind 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Blind? Discover the significance of seeing a Blind in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Blind appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

Dreaming of being blind represents a fear of the unknown or a lack of clarity in your life. It may also indicate a feeling of helplessness or vulnerability. Alternatively, it could suggest that you are not seeing something important or that you are ignoring your intuition.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on what in your life is causing you confusion or uncertainty. Are you avoiding making a decision or facing a difficult situation? Trust your instincts and seek guidance from others if needed. It may also be helpful to take a step back and gain a new perspective on the situation.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of being blind can evoke feelings of fear, vulnerability, and helplessness. It symbolizes a loss of control and a sense of being unable to navigate through life's challenges. This dream may also reflect a fear of the unknown and a need for guidance and support. It can be a reminder to trust in oneself and seek assistance when needed.





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18 Jul 2024



I was in this convenience store waiting to buy something. I was conversing with the the female employee working behind the glass. We were talking about different movies and she recommended this movie called Design Impact or Design something. I was trying to entering it in my phone as a note. Some of the letters on the phone's digital keyboard would not work. I tried to do voice to text, but it was too much background noise for the phone assistant to hear me clearly. Two African American ladies were in the store ahead of me in line and they were talking back and forth. I was listening to them, looking and smiling so they knew I was overhearing their conversation and enjoying what they were saying. At one point they brought me into their conversation. I just said a couple nice things so it was a playful and friendly exchange amongst strangers. I said the first friend was pretty funny and the other lady asked me if I thought the first friend was attractive. She was not my type. She was average looking, overweight, she wore braces on her teeth and she was a few years within my age. With confidence I politely said she's gorgeous. I wanted to make her feel good. My boss walked into the convenience store with my stepdad who passed away in April of 2023. I like my boss, but I do not particularly enjoy reporting to her because she is so indecisive and makes decisions based on how the outcome of how it will make her look. I suspect she is probably a narcissist. My stepdad had on a blue suit, white shirt and red tie. My stepdad was nearly blind when he died. The sclera, white part of his eyes were yellow before he died and he could only see large blobs of shapes and nothing in detail. In my dream his scleras were white and there was no cloudy film over his eyes. In my dream he could see like his eyes were young and healed. I was surprised to see him, especially with my boss. I said, hey what are you doing here? The three of us talked for a bit and then my stepdad said he was ready to go home. So exited the convenience store and we were walking together to the car. He was going to ride with me and I asked him if he wanted to go with me to wash the Jeep first. He said no he just wanted to go home.

13 Jun 2024



I had two dreams last night. The first dream was about me giving something away because I felt like I was too old enough for the item, I felt sad about my decision, but thought it was the right thing to do. The second dream I was blind, and drifting off on a floaty into the ocean, when I was trying to swim to shore, I didn't know which direction to swim because of not being able to see, and ended up drifting off further out into the ocean as the voice of the one calling me to come back got harder to hear.

1 Jun 2024

Family Members


Somone tried to kidnap me and he was really big my mom sister brother and other sister tried to get me out but he was to big they got me out once but he grabbed me again and put me in his big truck then when they got me out again he went blind and I was free

21 May 2024



I was on a trip with my girlfriends and the hotel concierge asked me to talk to a random girl at the desk and help her because something was wrong with her. I did not know this girl so I was confused on why she wanted me to help her. When I went over to her, I went blind. I was then blind for the rest of the dream. Everytime I would try to get my eyesight back I would wake up. When I would fall back asleep I was right back into the same dream.

12 May 2024

Family Members


This dream was layered. I was leaving work in soho new york and that got me real proximity to my friends and family. I first meet up with my cousins. My cousin on my father’s side are my favorite people. They are family and friends. So im extatic to see them in a new setting. Its a house, and i do know if it is someones new house, or a house just for us to meet up and enjoy eachothers company. Some how we start discussing cars. Danny, a childhood family friend on my mothers side asks me if my step father can fix his car for cheap. I say sure but i find it strange because his father can fix his car. I tell my mom this and she says β€œgo back and tell danny that joe can do it, but his father can do it better and faster. He is fixing my entire car for $1,000” i go back and tell danny and now im at a private event space in a bar. I find danny and i tell him. He doesn’t care and says he doesnt want to ask his dad. Thats the end of that. Im left in the bar with some of my best friends from college, and people i havent seen in years. There is a projector on the wall and it is displaying my text messages. I dont care too much as nothing coming up is salacious. There is one person there is is admiring me very strongly. He looks like a boy i went to middle school with who is grown and handsome now but has lost his vision. He doesn’t wear glasses. He displays his white cloudy eyes. His eyes move around the room as if he can still see but we know he can not. I mingle around the room, hugging my friend Trisha, in so happy to see her. We talk about how me being in soho will make it so we can do more stuff like this. A text messages comes up on the screen and its from my friend Phillip. He says he misses me and wishes he could come. The meeting up at this bar now feels like its my birthday. People start bringing me gifts. Beautiful gifts. When the blind guy gives me his gifts you can tell it was the most heartfelt gifts. It was in a tin box divided into sections. It had used airpods, pictures of him at the age I remembered him. And little smaller items you can tell he made himself. Someone asks β€œwhat did he get you” i quickly say β€œAIR PODS!” And shut the box. I dont want him to be embarrassed or teased for only bringing things he already had. I get the suspicion he can’t afford it but made and effort to come out and see me. Then the display of my text messages get juicy. They are from Rudy! An old friend who couldnt make it in person. But hes saying things that dont makensense. The messages read β€œhey its rudy. I miss you. I get the feeling you dont want to be friends any longer and that hurt me. β€œ im annoyed and embarrassed for him. Most people in the room know him, are seeing these messages and know the truth as to why we are longer close. At first i was embarrassed and wanted to disconnect the display of my messages. But then i decided i didnt care, left them up, and continued to flirt with the poor blind guy from my childhood

30 Apr 2024



We sent two spaceships to Mars to mine minerals from the planet and bring them back to Earth. While I was there I believe I was a leader like a general. then there was an assassination attempt. Another person and I were shot. The other person died. I wad shot in the head and I didn't die. I played dead and that allowed them to not shoot me again. They could tell I was wounded an a vegetated state, but I was pretending. I was wounded and I would not open my eyes. I did not move or respond to sounds in the room so they kept me guarded in case I became conscious again. They were also training someone else to take over or infiltrate the group and he was a little bit resistant. He was coming around because they were blackmailing him and hold his family hostage. I remember being guarded by different soldiers and they were all nice. They all talked to me in an effort to keep my mind active. I could hear everything they were saying and I still wouldn't open my eyes. I continued to pretend like I was still in a coma. At some point they started talking about playing basketball. We were in a dormitory style building on a college campus. Jay Z and P Diddy were residents. They were singing in the hallway, possibly making a rap video. I was in the dorm room across the hall. They were talking about playing a basketball game. I stopped pretending I was in a coma and said I could play basketball even though they thought I could not see. I kept my eyes closed pretending to be blind from the coma. I was able to move now and I showed them that I could shoot and make baskets just by listening to the the vibrations and sounds around me. I bounced a mini basketball off of the inside of a door frame with a Nerf basketball hoop. I shot towards the opposite side. The bounced off of the right side and they thought it was a bad shot. Then it bounced off of the left side, then the right side again and then went through the Nerf hoop on the left side. They all cheered and I was on the team. I paid extra attention to where the players stood when they by listening to there dribble and voice. I listened to ball traveling in the air and what the shot sounded like after hitting the rim or the basketball net. I played basketball and Michael Jordan was on my team. I was the second leading scorer behind Jordan. I helped with rebounds and on two occasions, I stole the ball three times in a row and scored. For some reason we're playing on a regulation size basketnball court using a miniature basketball instead of a regulation sized basketball. At the end of the game everybody was done and they wanted to leave. I wanted to get a team photo so we had everyone sit down and with. Some said we should use my camera. As they were sitting and waiting, I got my camera. Then the camera had a low battery so I had to go back and get another battery. Everybody wanted to use my camera. Michael Jordan was irritated he had to wait to take a team picture. We decided to included our spouses in the team pucture. The three spoues were standing next to their partner. Then at the last minute we seated the spouses in front of rheir partner in a chair. I stood behind my wife and then the other two couples followed and we took the picture.

19 Apr 2024

Waking up


I dreamt that little kids harmed and killed adults, which led to their death. I was on a train when a detective saw that I was blind. To the world, I was blind, but I was visually impaired. The detective noticed that the events that led to me being impaired were the fault of the children and granted me my freedom. I was wandering and navigating some streets when I met up with a man who sold navigating sticks (used by blind people to get around). While trying to leave, the people changed the environment to keep me from leaving, and asked me to hide where living people were stuffed into bags and placed behind a machine to avoid being seen by random federal agents. I was unable to fit Ina bag or the place where the people were stuffed. That's when I woke up.

10 Apr 2024



I had a dream i was blinded by a familiar yet mysterious woman and she then taught me how to move through the world as a blind person going as far as teaching my how to identify people and drive while blind

10 Apr 2024



I dreamed that I was initially blinded completely and over the course of the dream a pin in my vision opened and slowly turned into a tunnel until the tunnel got big enough to enclose my whole vision and I had my sight back

8 Apr 2024

Make up


I had a weird dream where I had to enter a witch mansion with a companion. I don't remember the exact reason but it seems like i vonluntarily entered it to get some kind of information. The companion's identity also changed over time. When I start entering the mansion, it's like a labyrith. This witch is a blind witch as she had her eyes separated from her body and hanged somewhere in the house for supervision. So when I and the companion navigated ourselves through the house, i always felt like there are a pair of eyes watching us. At certain point, we heard an annoucement that the witch is not here, we needed to find her at my aunt's house. I knew the way there but I didn't know where we were. There was a large open window leading to a rice field. When we tried to see whether we can jump down, the companion who was now a close male cousin said that it was too high that we may hurt ourselves tried to jump down. We then remembered that there was a cherry blossom garden in this mansion that we knew how to get back from. We then went to a spa with a lot of girls, this spa seems to connect to the garden. At first, the spa looks very relaxing and enjoyable. I befriended with a girl and ask for a way out, she said she knew a way which was through two supermarkets connecting to each others. One was for citizens of these mansion only and the other was for normal people. She said we could pretend to return a specific drink and sneak out that way. I spoke to my companion - who was now my best friend and she said we should rather climb out to the cherry blossom garden as per our plan. We then went up to the make up section of the spa where we sees other girls but they seems a lot more vain and competitive. This make up section has windows where we can climbed out to the garden. I found an old friend, haven't met her for a long time but from my memory, she always made very irrational decisions, like some of the worst decisions i could think of. She had turned herself into a moiturising bubble machine. I was horrified, this is a kind of body horror. When I spoke to her, she can only see the bubble patterns to confirm her reaction. I could imagine what she thinks when she made that decision, that she would be the most modern and perfect beauty in this competitive catty environment. But her technology is now out-dated and she was put under a make up table. I spoke really gently to her at first but one of the catty competitors told me that the old friemd didn't recognise me. So i spoke harshly to her like i did once long time ago in the past. I felt guilt and woke up.

2 Apr 2024



I was in the house a grew up in. I felt like something bad was going to happen or like someone was coming for me, I felt a sense of impending doom. I looked out my window and saw a white van pull up my driveway. I started to close some of the blinds so the man in the van couldn’t see me. I realized my window itself was open so I moved the blinds aside to close the winds and the dude in the van got close to the window and said it was almost like I was helping him come into my house. He had a gun and I knew he had bad intentions. I locked the window and quickly ran downstairs and told me dad someone was trying to break into the house and hill us. I think he went to my room to see the man out my window but the man appeared at the window next to me after I switched rooms. He was smiling at me and I knew I wasn’t going to survive.

2 Apr 2024

My crush


My crush went blind and I was going to write him a poem trying to express that I love him but when I went to see him with my mom she said that I should give it to him but when I was going to give it to him I refused cause it would be embarrassing when he isn’t blind and reads it

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