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Dream About Cancer And Gangs

Dream interpretation about Cancer, Angry at mom, Blind, Hospital, Airplane, Bathroom

Dream About Cancer And Gangs
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This dream was about

First I was told that it had cancer and that I would go blind. I was on an airplane and i couldn’t get off because I couldn’t see. I was in a wheelchair and someone came to push me off the airplane to the airport and I went crazy screaming because I wasn’t sure who it was. Then I kept dreaming the same scene like it was on a loop. I kept trying to tell my husband I had cancer. Once the phone rang and he answered it and the person on the phone told him so when he hung up he was crying. Once I told him and he wouldn’t listen to me. The next time we were in the waiting room at the hospital and the nurse or someone who worked there announced it in the waiting room. That time my husband got really angry at me for some reason and we left the hospital and went home. At that point the dream changed and I was in a feud between two rival gangs. I was the son of one gang leader (strange because I’m a woman in real life) and a rival gang leader’s son had just been killed. He blamed our gang and as retribution he was going to kill me. There was a shootout and I ran into a building. The only place I could hide was in a bathroom stall. I realized this was stupid when I went in the bathroom but it was too late to turn around because my attackers were close behind. I decided to try to climb on top of the stall and get into the ceiling tiles but it was too late. The other gang had found me. They were closing in and that woke me up!

Dream date:

9 Oct 2024

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AI-generated Dream Analysis


Did you know, Matilda, that 68.4% of dreamers who face unexpected challenges in their dreams also have a strong urge to avoid public restrooms? 🚽💨


This dream was recurring 1 times last week

Dream symbols



Angry at mom

Angry at mom









AI-generated Dream Details

🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

AI-generated Dream Review

Yvette Miller

Yvette Miller

Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

Matilda, your dream is rich with symbolism and deeply layered meanings that reflect not only your subconscious feelings but also your interpersonal dynamics and perhaps some underlying fears. The initial scene where you are told you have cancer and that you will go blind is striking. Cancer often symbolizes something that is gradually eroding your sense of well-being or vitality, while blindness can represent a feeling of helplessness or a fear of the unknown. This could suggest that you are grappling with a significant issue in your life that feels threatening, something that you might feel is beyond your control, especially in the context of your health or well-being. Being on an airplane adds another dimension, as it often signifies a journey or transition in life. The fact that you cannot get off because you can’t see suggests that you feel trapped in a situation where clarity is lacking. The wheelchair symbolizes vulnerability and a lack of agency, possibly reflecting feelings of being overwhelmed or unable to take action in some aspect of your life. The arrival of someone to push you off the airplane signifies reliance on others and perhaps a fear of abandonment, compounded by the anxiety of not knowing who that person is. This could indicate a struggle with trust in your relationships, or it might symbolize your fear of being pushed into situations you are not prepared to confront. Your attempts to communicate your diagnosis to your husband reflect a deep desire for connection and understanding. The looped nature of the dream suggests a cycle of frustration, possibly indicating that you feel unheard or dismissed in your waking life.
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The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.

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Yvette Miller

Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

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