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Hospital symbol
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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes a place for healing and recuperation. However, sometimes it also signifies fear or pain associated with the healing journey that needs to take place in order for you to finally live out your life comfortably.

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Bad omen

You are in a time when changes need to be made to heal from past wounds or pain and any dysfunction inside of you. Even though this healing may be painful, identify what areas in your life need work and be brave as you face the challenge; you will come out ahead and better than when you started.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of being in a hospital can evoke feelings of vulnerability, fear, and uncertainty. It may symbolize a need for healing, both physically and emotionally. The sterile environment and presence of medical professionals can create a sense of discomfort and unease. However, it can also represent hope and the possibility of recovery. Overall, this dream may leave one with a mix of apprehension and a desire for healing and well-being.

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7 Nov 2024



Nothing crazy. It was me and my sister Megan. We were at the hospital because she wasn’t feeling well. It turned out her appendix was inflamed. (I went through the same thing when I was 13) When she was taken in for surgery I went in with her. Before she had that surgery I held her hand and told her that she’s gonna be okay and that I love her. After surgery she woke up and reached her hand out. I went to her, held her hand and told her I told you you’re gonna be ok. I then hugged and kissed her. She told me she loves me very much. I told her I loved her too and that she’s the greatest baby sister I could’ve ever asked for.

5 Nov 2024



On October 10, 2025, Aimee packed summer clothes to pack in Minnie Mouse suitcase, soaring by spring-like in October weather in 87 degrees because it's very toasty outside for jeopardizes America Sale at The Pool Place commercial on Wednesday's Chicken & Noodles meal at Siskin Pre-school are mentioned. It's not even chilly, because it's 1998 outside for the record breaking tie are baking outside from 1910. Aimee packed various shirts featuring Rugrats: Kimi, Tinker Bell, Betty Boop, The Little Mermaid (1989), Halloween Mickey Mouse, Snoopy, Alice in Wonderland (1951), Mickey Mouse alongside 8 pairs of capris, Halloween socks, underwear, bras, Halloween earrings, makeup, deodorant, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, pouf, soap, bows, Red perfume and Sesame Street pajamas, because we're going to spent 8 nights at Rockford hospital in Rockford, Illinois from October 11 to 20 with Disney's Encanto playlist. Aimee asked to go back home in October 20 with The Gibbens cat, Storm meowing as a melancholy. On October 12, 2025, despite baking outside, we visited Art & Renee and cats, Verity & Sophia Gibbens. On October 13, 2025, we visited Mount Rushmore especially 91 degrees outside is wearing a ponytail. Aimee cried because I wanted fall clothes for the trip. On October 19, 2025, she wears ponytails because it's baking outside until October 31, 2025.

3 Nov 2024

Baby girl
Being Pregnant


I was pregnant in all of my dreams. I dreamed I was in the hospital even though my water did not break. I was walking around until I was ready. I knew a lot of people there. It seemed like we were there for someone else at the beginning. I walked to the end of the hall and out the back doors and there was this like, vacation platform. Like it was almost like I was experiencing the beach. I was talking to someone but I can’t remember who. I go back in and am chatting. My old cook worker Amanda is there. I follow her and her husband out. I think is name is Derek. She’s a photographer but he is taking the pictures. He’s in a suit and she’s in a white flowy dress. Not her wedding dress but it seems like there celebrating an anniversary. I follow them out into the night. Half way through the walk, I am no longer pregnant and I am holding my baby girl. I keep adjusting her from hip to hip. She is quiet, observant. At one point I have to sit down and I’m just giving her attention. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Derek and Amanda stop and take some photos of me. I figure it is a tender moment to watch and assume they will give me the photos another time and I am grateful. I walk back into the hospital and the girl is gone and I am pregnant again as if I had never given birth. Someone notices me and says it has to be time. I get ushered into a room that wasn’t private, but I wasn’t bothered by that for some reason. Shayne is next to me on the bed. I ask if he can doordash us food. He agrees and one of the guys down the hall says they’re ordering too, so he’ll pick up the orders from the door. My best friends older sister McKenna, who’s a nurse, comes over and says “I think it’s time to put the crystal in.” Apparently we discussed putting a smooth crystal in my vaginal opening while we wait for the contractions to start. My nurse says no and McKenna shrugs and walks away. I was relieved because I didn’t want to have a rock in there but disappointed because it sounded spiritual as hell. I try to distract myself because my water is not breaking but I am very very pregnant. I start thinking about her birthchart and realize that she is going to be born a Scorpio, which is my moon sign. This would be quite significant I think. I don’t think it’s the sign I would’ve chosen, had I had the chance to choose, but it would be a beautiful connection for me and her. And her and Shayne, as Shayne’s a Virgo and Virgo and Scorpio are a good match. I woke up before ever starting the birth.

3 Nov 2024

My crush


I had a group of friends that I worked with. We were very close. The first part of the dream took place at the health facility that they all worked at. At first I was alone in a waiting area with my bag of food. Then I met the one guy that worked or was studying like an intern or something. We walked from the waiting area to the lunch room/lounge area. The facility was well landscaped and a modern structure. Once inside, there were 3-4 older women and 1-2 younger ones in the lounge. We were all very friendly. I had ice cream, while they had other food. One of the older women had cancer. She had lost all of her hair. I asked each person what they did at the healthcare facility. But don’t recall their responses. In the next part of the dream, I was home in JP and the male student came over. I was thrilled to have him there. I hadn’t been home long when he arrived so I still had to unpack my bags from lunch and from the day. My room was a little messy, so I didn’t want him to go in there. We settled in the living room and the kitchen and talked. Then I was in a long laundry room in the basement and I saw a woman who was butt naked on the bottom because she had put her undies in the laundry. Her butt was quite protruding. I bunch of lesbian woman were gathering in the laundry room as well. I know some of them and had a crush on others. Back upstairs in my apartment, my male friend was showing me pictures from his bag. One was the woman that I had seen from the back in the laundry room. I recognized her butt! We were trying to find Resident Alien and another alien show on TV when a couple of the work women arrived. . The apartment kept transforming between my E. Cottage Street home in Dorchester and the JP place. When the other 2 women arrived, they wanted to watch TV too. And that’s when the house transformed. I had a TV in grandmas E. Cottage living room on the side that grandpa used to sit on. And then there was one in what the den of our 1st floor unit of E. Cottage Street. The male was using the den TV. But they were side by side. I explained that it would be noisy with two TV’s going and that’s when I noticed he had put on headphones. The ladies wanted to watch CNN. Somehow the cable separated from the wall. I went to fix it and when I turned around (back in JP now), they were gone. My male friend had left his bag, which I was carrying strapped across my body when John arrived home. The bag was empty and I was looking for a number so I could call him. Once at home John was getting ready to go on a cruise alone. I told him that my friends had come over and I was excited about that. Then the dream was filled with all of the women from the healthcare facility and a few kids and we were in between the JP apartment and the healthcare facility. One little black girl who was about 9 years old told her little white friend to was her hands because the white friend smelled like pee pee. The white girl was embarrassed. John was trying to figure out where the bedrooms on the floor above us lined up with our apartment. This was perplexing to him. Finally, standing naked, he asked me if he needed a trim around his private parts for the cruise. I was surprised that he was asking this with the women in our apartment. I said yes.

2 Nov 2024

Violence and death


הייתי בתחנה המרכזית בירושלים והיה שם גם בית חולים באותו מקום. וראיתי שם את אולגה מהאישפוז יום ברחובות. ובאו להגיד לה שצריכים לספר לה משהו קשה ואז הודיעו לה שהבת שלה נפטרה. הבת שלה הייתה חולה כנראה. אני ממש הופתעתי מזה שיש לה בת (במציאות אין לה) ואז היא אמרה שהבת שלה ממש נרקיסיסטית אבל גם שהיא ממש נרקיסיסטית. ופשוט יצא לי הלב לילדה הזאתי כי לא יכולתי לדמיין איך היא סבלה את החיים האלה עם האמא הזאת. כי אולגה בנאדם משוגע וקשה ובלתי נסבל. וראיתי את הבת שלה ואז ראיינו את אולגה לטלוויזיה ודיברו איתה על זה שהבת שלה מתה ופשוט ראו שהיא נהנית מכל התשומת לב שהיא מקבלת, שלא אכפת לה בכלל מהבת שלה, ושהיא פשוט כל כך נהנית. היא אפילו לא הסתירה את זה, היא הייתה כל הזמן עם חיוך על הפנים והיה נראה שהיא פשוט נהנית מזה ממש וזה היה מזעזע ואז היה קטע שמישהו שאל אותי משהו ולא הייתי ממש מרוכזת ואמרתי לו כן בסדר ואז ירדנו במעלית וכשירדנו במעלית גיליתי שבעצם אנחנו יורדים במעלית כדי להגיע לילדים שהם צריכים למות. הם היו שם כי זה היה גם בית חולים והיה שם הרבה ילדים חולים ואז כשירדנו במעלית הוא אמר לי שאנחנו צריכים להביא רעל לילדים גוססים כדי שיהיה להם יותר קל למות, אבל זה לא היה בדיוק שמישהו שאל אותם אם הם רוצים את זה פשוט החליטו בשבילם ונכנסתי פשוט להתקף חרדה. הבנתי שהסכמתי לזה רק כי לא באמת שמעתי מראש מה הוא אמר. אמרתי לו- לא! אני לא רוצה לעשות את זה!!! לא ידעתי שזה מה שאני צריכה לעשות!!! נבהלתי בטירוף והייתי כל כך בחרדה, לא היה לי אוויר לנשום. ואז אמרתי לעצמי, אוקיי אני פשוט צריכה להתנתק כאילו אין לי ברירה אני בתוך המעלית ואני לא יכולה לצאת מפה ואני חייבת לעשות את הדבר הזה ואז הבאתי להם את הרעל זה היה פשוט קשה כי הם ידעו שהם הולכים למות, הבאתי גם לבת של אולגה. זה היה נוראי. ואז חזרתי לתחנה המרכזית וכל הזמן אנשים שם מתו מסביבי, הכל היה מפחיד, בכל מקום היה מחבלים ובחוץ היה חיילים אמריקאים ופחדתי מהם ממש כמו מהמחבלים כי לא ידעתי מתי הם יחליטו להיות פתאום נגדנו ויתחילו לירות עלי. וגם הייתה לי פתאום מחשבה כזאתי שאמרתי וואי אולי ככה הערבים מרגישים מול החיילים שלנו. בשבילי החיילים שלנו מגינים עלי ונותנים לי ביטחון אבל בשבילם הם האויב שלהם וניסיתי להדחיק את המחשבה הזאת. וגם כל הזמן חיילים מתו בלבנון כל הזמן היה שם קרבות ממש קשים וראיתי מהצד את הקרבות האלה למרות שלא הייתי שם, אולי זה היה בטלוויזיה.. אבל אנשים נלחמו והיה מלא פיצוצים וכולם שם מתו ונורא פחדתי, לא ידעתי מה קורה עם יהודה ויוס ממש דאגתי להם וגם היתה לי מחשבה שאם עד עכשיו לא קרה משהו, בטח משהו הולך לקרות, מישהו שאני מכירה הולך למות. כי זה לא הגיוני שעד עכשיו זה לא קרה. וניסיתי להכין את עצמי כבר לזה. אז כל הזמן ניסיתי ללכת למקום שאני לא ימות בו שיש פחות סיכויים כאלה ואז כשהייתי מחוץ לתחנה מרכזית אז הסתובבתי שם וקרו כל מיני דברים שאני לא זוכרת בדיוק. אני זוכרת שאלינה הייתה שם ועוד מישהי ואז פתאום נפלה לי איזה הבנה אמרתי לה שהבנתי פתאןם שאנחנו בעצם בתוך הצגה ואני כאילו מציגה את התפקיד שלי אבל בגלל שנכנסתי כל כך חזק לתפקיד שלי אני לא זוכרת את החזרות לתפקיד ואת כל מה שהיה לפני ומבחינתי היא הפסיכולוגית שלי, כי אני ממש חיה את הדמות אבל באמת אנחנו מכירות מלפני והיתה תקופה שבה התאמנו להצגה הזאת ועבדנו על זה אז הכרתי אותה מלפני. וזה היה נורא מוזר. יש לי הרבה חלומות שאני בתחנה מרכזית בירושלים וקורים שם כל מיני דברים תמיד זה דברים מפחידים תמיד נורא נורא מפחיד שם.

2 Nov 2024



I'm with an individual feeling of love. Buying food with individual but ending up at 2 different places. Using restroom getting lost and losing sight of the individual i was with, in a department store Ending up at hospital still lost unable to get ahold of love Kept moving around, looking around. Getting more lost Ending up in another country/ area/ universe with storms above. Gathering of people watching storms Someone silently walking along side me. I don't know the person but there's a feeling of comfortability and contentment, we are watching the storms. Taking picture of lighting in clouds and seeing stoic figure made up of clouds rising up. More lightning in clouds/ storm Silent person still there. Taking pictures of lighting strikes with my phone. Not caring about the person I was with in the beginning. Scene changing and looks like a movie trailer for super hero.

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