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Dream Interpretation: Panic šŸ˜“ - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Panic? Discover the significance of seeing a Panic in your dream šŸ’¤ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Panic appears in your dream āœ…

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šŸ’”Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. It may indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope with a situation in your waking life. It could also suggest that you are avoiding dealing with a problem or issue that needs to be addressed.

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šŸ§­ Direction


Take a step back and try to identify the source of your anxiety. Is there something specific that is causing you to feel overwhelmed? Once you have identified the problem, try to break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Remember that it's okay to feel anxious or uncertain, but it's important to take action to address the underlying issue.

ā¤ļø Feelings

This dream of panic may evoke intense fear, anxiety, and a sense of being overwhelmed. It could leave one feeling helpless, desperate, and on edge. The emotions associated with this dream may be characterized by a racing heart, shortness of breath, and a strong desire to escape or find safety. The feeling of panic in a dream can be unsettling and may reflect underlying stress or unresolved issues in one's waking life. It is important to address these emotions and seek support to alleviate the distress caused by such dreams.





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17 Jul 2024



I had a MASSIVE tarantula in a beautiful enclosure, and I watched her with awe and satisfaction, so content and proud. But then I noticed something, there was another tarantula in the enclosure! I had no idea where it came from. The second tarantula was not as big as the first one, but was still really big and pretty. I began to panic because you canā€™t have more than one tarantula in the same enclosure. I began to be scared that they would kill each other. The biggest tarantula buried itself, preparing to molt and I was scared that the other tarantula would chew on the first. I was watching them closely, trying to find a way to get another enclosure when I noticed a third tarantula. The third tarantula was the smallest, but also so very pretty. So then I was trying desperately to get my hands on two more enclosures, but I was broke. I just kept feeding the first two, hoping they wouldnā€™t try to eat the first tarantula. Then I noticed that all the other two tarantulas had buried themselves so they could molt. And right at the moment, I was able to get the money for the two new enclosures, and I was so relieved. I wanted to get them and have them set up and ready so I could separate all three tarantulas, very carefully, before they molted.

16 Jul 2024



I just had a dream where I was in this forest and it had something to do with like finding something. There were people I might have known but I donā€™t remember, so I wandered off and a lot of creepy stuff happened, but the most vivid thing I remember was the most recent. Me and I think my girlfriend found this house in the forest, walked in, and saw a bunch of Muslim people. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen them before but they had faces somehow, perfectly normal ones. And they died strings around our necks and threw pin needles at the balloons that were connected to the strings, then their heads exploded. These people were ready to accept it but after watching a few people die, I panicked and got up, running out the door in a panic, not wanting to be killed. But the guy who was next, as I left the little hut house, he said, ā€œshe still has the string around her neck, Iā€™ll kill her.ā€ And then I immediately pulled it off and took off running. They were so sure I couldnā€™t escape the forest anyway from what I heard. Then I saw this very small type of ā€˜personā€™ with no arms. There was some sort of tv where the news was saying a bunch of people died, for some reason in the forest. I watched some of it and then something about that same short guy was searching for his father who apparently died and then I helped him search. I donā€™t remember what happened before or after this part, but I know I was in the forest the entire time for some weird reason.

11 Jul 2024



I was in kindergarten about 5 years old, and I had this doll from the movie hunchback of Notre Dame. Her name was Esmerelda, she wore a white shirt, green skirt, lots of jewelry. I showed up at a house where my cousin use to live to find my whole kindergarten class sitting in the living room for no particular reason they where watching tv. I noticed that instead of the chimney being in the living room there was a big brown door with a mail slot. I walked down the hallway toward my cousins room to look for him. The hallway seemed longer than I remember and at the far end of the hall way I saw what looked like a small child running back and forward between the rooms. I thought nothing of it. Since I didnā€™t find him I walked back into the living room. As I was walking back I saw my brother sitting in front of the door next to the mail slot playing with his G.I Joes. approaching him I started to get this feeling that something was off. That was when a small brown hand came through the mail slot grabbed him and drug him through that tiny hole. I ran up to the door and peeked through. To my horror I found that my Esmerelda doll hat cut off the top of his head and was busy sewing it back on. I ran to my parents who where In the kitchen washing dishes, but as soon as I got to the doorway she popped up in the window with a freeze ray and instantly froze both of them. Since I was in such a state of panic, fear and dread I woke up.

10 Jul 2024



I had such a strange and vivid dream. I was working as a detective. Me and some other people were working on a case about this girl that went insane and was killing people around the area. On the first night, we found three dead bodies. It was very strange, and something about the whole thing felt so real. The next night, we were working again. This time we found five dead bodies. It made me feel so uneasy. As I was walking back home, I was walking below an overpass when I saw my girlfriend. I knew we were together, but this is the first time seeing my girlfriend in my dream. For some reason, this case really had me stressed out, and in my dream my girlfriend was the only person I had in my life. For some reason, she looked at me, and said that we can no longer be together and she smirked and looked at me like it was a joke. I asked her if she was being serious and she looked at me and just smiled, ending it. As I walked through the dark and gloomy night, I ran into a group of girls that came up to me and asked me if I was single. I jokingly said ā€œI wasnā€™t up until a few minutes agoā€, and just walked through them. Days went by, and I couldnā€™t shake the fact that I lost the only important person I had in my life. Why did she leave me? Why did she laugh when leaving? I had so many questions, but knew that Iā€™d never get the answers to them. A few days later, I was sitting behind my truck, and turned around. For some reason, in my trunk I had everything she ever gave me. I began to cry a waterfall, wishing she would come back. I impulsively began talking to new girls. No matter who I spoke to though, none of them were like her. I was so hurt, confused, and angry, but no one could replace who she was to me. I went back to working on my case, trying to forget about her. As I headed back to my office, I worked for a couple of hours, trying to piece any evidence of where the murderer was. I had no leads. I couldnā€™t keep my mind clear. I went on a break, but as I sat there, I looked at my phone, expecting to respond to her messages like I wouldā€™ve done before. There was nothing. I felt a heavy sorrow in my heart. As I sat on my truck, I started receiving pictures from her. They were all pictures of her making silly faces and smiling, then she asked me through text ā€œwhy have you been so distant? Why wonā€™t you send me pictures of you like before? Are we not friendsā€? I didnā€™t get itā€¦ It felt like she was mocking meā€¦ looking at her beautiful face through the phone made me cry again, wondering what went wrong. Why did she leave me with no explanation??? Why did she have a smile on her face when leaving??? Why is she acting like nothing ever happened??? I went back in, and called it a night. A few nights later, I was on the clock, and me and my colleagues went to an apartment complex where we heard there was an alleged girl walking around stabbing people. It had to be the murderer. I still wasnā€™t able to concentrate after what had happened with my relationship in the last few days. We split up around the building, seeing if we could find any clues. I was in the top floor. Every door to each room was open. I felt uneasy. Petrified. As I went door to door, I soon came to realize that everyone in this building was dead. Murdered. I began to panic. There were so many things going through my mind, but I couldnā€™t do anything but panic, cry, and run. This was nothing like me. I would always be able to stay calm and collected. After my girlfriend broke up with me, I started falling apart. My heart was turning to dust. I ran down the hall, trying to get to the elevator, when I saw the girl who was causing these murders walk out of a room right in-front of me. I froze. I walked back gasping for air, when I fell back. I stared at her as tears ran down my face. I stood up, but couldnā€™t move. She ran towards me with the knife, slitting my throat. I fell back gasping and crying, as she stood over my body, and began to stab me in my stomach over and over again. I laid there crying, as I bled out. She walked away, smiling. I heard sirens, but my vision began to go black. I couldnā€™t feel anything but the tears running down my face. I began to think of when I was still with my girlfriend, remembering when we were together. My whole life flashed before my eyes. I wondered; if we were still together, would I have been able to take down this murderer? End this horror? I replayed my whole life with her right before death. At the end, she broke up with me just like before, and it felt like i was being stabbed once again. Keep in mind, I am no detective nor plan on being one, but that was what I was in my dream.

10 Jul 2024



Auntie Kathy and a friend were helping me to clean out our basement. Kathy had been a house inspector but recently handed the job over to her friend. I was looking at all of the work that needed to be done on the basement and despairing due to our inability to pay for it when her friend points out some boards that are falling off the wall. "Why don't you just nail these back into place" she asked, not realizing that the problem was much deeper. I explained. "Because water is getting behind these boards from somewhere and nailing it back into place would just cover it up. Eventually the boards are going to pop off again but the problem will be much worse." "Can you just fix it?" She asked. So I explained to her that I had neither the money nor the expertise to really solve the problem. Kathy had known this and overlooked a lot of the problems she knew we couldn't deal with but this new person didn't know us at all. Suddenly Kathy notes that our washer is leaking and getting soapy water all over the floor. It is a front loader (we have a top loader in real life). The water seems tonbe coming out of the door which has not sealed properly. I ask Kathy "weren't you lugging that thing around the other day? The door is probably just not seated properly." Her friend tests my theory and the leak stops but the whole interaction has lead me through a major panic because that could have been another thing that we just couldn't afford to deal with. Kathy points out to her friend a meme I'd created and she laughs and Kathy tells her that I'm actually very funny. The meme is from a collection that I made along a certain theme. I wonder if I could find them and maybe share them online. That would require some looking though and if I did post them I might initially be thrilled at the response I got from others, but recognition for my work would likely be losr eventually as people rarely keep track of that sort of thing online.

7 Jul 2024



I was being chased by a man who wanted to kill me I was running through the city and passed by a knife store and grabbed a knife and kept running but he also grabbed a knife it was super hard for me to run but somehow I would run in burst as I was running through the city I was in a mall and he was no longer behind me but I knew he still wanted to kill me so I kept running through the mall and then ran out of the mall and there he was with his truck I try to run back to the mall and scream for help but notice that the mall seemed to be destroyed and everyone inside was panicking and running I assume a bomb hit, so I was screwed because no one would help me because of this other event going on so I had to face the man I turned around he didnā€™t have a knife he had a syringe full of poison as soon as he stab me with the syringe and injected it I also stabbed him in his side but we both fell down like we died and then I woke up

5 Jul 2024



I had a dream where I was pregnant, or I went to Walmart and got a pregnancy test, and in my dream, for some reason, I could have pictures of the baby sent to my home. I had them sent to my home, and my grandmother and my mother saw them. They don't know that I've ever been intimate with anyone, ever. They don't know that I'm not a virgin. So, they saw these, they're wondering whose they are, and I'm just lying and lying and lying and lying and lying. And for some reason, my mom is trying her hardest to not defend me. At some point during this dream, I end up telling her that I have to look out for the best interest of my siblings when she asks if I want to be in her custody again. And I'm just looking at the pictures and realizing that something is different, that I am having a baby. And I woke up, panicked, and my heart was racing, and I could literally hear my heart beating as soon as I woke up. And my mom said that I'm not her kid because I don't want to stay with her and my grandmother listing all these responsibilities and things she wants me to do with my life

5 Jul 2024



I was in a big tourist area with my dog, fudge, and my dad. There was lots of people and there was a big river or harbour infront of me and behind me there was a big tourist building like the one in Italy. All of a sudden there was a scream and I tunrned around and a man had jumped off the building to kill himself. He landed right infront of me and I saw his body splatter and break apart his head crushed and water and blood sprayed out. I got so panicked because I thought he landed on fudge but then I saw black fur under him and fudges fur is brown. But I still couldnā€™t find fudge anywhere until someone lifted up the manā€™s body and fudge was under there too. I picked him up and was trying to make sure he was okay but everyone was shouting at me ā€œheā€™s dead Bethan heā€™s deadā€ like it was a chant and I was crying so hard I ran to a doctors near by and begged they would help him but then my dad appeared and my dad shouted ā€œlook at him Bethan, heā€™s deadā€ I looked at fudge in my arms and he was hanging over my arms with no movement. He was gone.

4 Jul 2024



i dreamed i was taken from a school, and woke up at a school with people who had powers. i knew some of the people there. after a bit, were brought to the middle of the wild to survive. the thing is thereā€™s this really big bird who will target us. so while we tried to survive, there was this dude who was also a student who was like a lady whoā€™s really importants son basically lead us. At one point, the bird came close to our area so everyone was panicking because the bird could get us from our base. because of this, i tore the wire from some of the walls and ran towards a section of the base and started wrapping it to try and make a roof, everyone also tried to help but i lt didnā€™t work. me and the son of the important leader started to both kinda take control of things even though he wasnā€™t happy about it and ignored me. i decided to take the wires (again) and use a rock to forge them together and create a axe. i asked who wanted to cute down a tree and the important leaders son raised his and and smirked and said ā€œme.ā€ so i tossed it to him. I woke up after this but im pretty sure me and him were gonna fall in love.

2 Jul 2024



I got on a large ferry boat just to look at it and then it left the dock and I needed off. I called my parents panicking and was debating jumping off and swimming back to shore. Finally I told a crew member and they stopped the ship so I could get off and get safely back to shore.

1 Jul 2024



First part: at work, flirting with two coworkers, one is taken, the other is gay, so itā€™s more overly friendly atmosphere between us. Nothing awkward. It was Halloween recently and weā€™re talking about getting together the following month. One of the guys says heā€™s free Thursday night but weā€™ll have to drive the 4 hours in the night to get where weā€™re going. I ask about dress code and he says itā€™s very formal, dress to the nines. Wear my pink satin spaghetti strap dress. I thought about wearing something different but always went back to the pink dress. Second part: I leave work early because Bitty has a teeth cleaning appointment. I take the freeway at our usual exit. Itā€™s pretty free of cars, which is nice. Until itā€™s free of PEOPLE. People walking towards my car, trying to get me to hit them. Iā€™m honking at them and swerving all around to avoid hitting them. Iā€™m terrified because Iā€™m still going freeway speeds and all of these people come from nowhere. All of a sudden thereā€™s other cars on the road besides mine and theyā€™re also swerving to miss these crazy people. Finally some of them get hit. I see a woman cut in half by her torso, her top half on the side of the road and then cut made her look like ground hamburger meat. Never thought Iā€™d see a human roadkill. Iā€™m panicking and trying to get the fuck out of there. I take the first familiar exit off the road into Ceres, conveniently where Bittyā€™s apt is. Then I hear on the radio that they are talking about what I just witnessed. I call in and give my testimony about what just happened, but since Iā€™m direction blind, I get lost. Iā€™m 30 miles into this city when I park the car and leave Bitty in safety there. I start walking and recognize one person. He shakes me and says things wonā€™t go back to the way before. Iā€™m scared and try to go back for Bitty but I keep going forward. Eventually I get to my father in lawā€™s house. Iā€™m hungry and tired and need to get Bitty to her appointment and I know heā€™ll help me. I offer gas money so I can borrow their car to go find her and take her to the vet. All of the cats are in the garage. Have to get them all together before we can open the garage. Third part: For some reason, Iā€™m Diegoā€™s girlfriend and heā€™s intense. Heā€™s covered in tattoos, buff, and easy to get annoyed. Heā€™s starting to break up with me but I bet him for another chance, tell him now flexible I am and that all we needed was to have a conversation about things he didnā€™t like and that I would change them. I told him I could change and that I would start right away.

1 Jul 2024

Serial killer


I was with my family driving to a college on a hill to surprise my boyfriend with a gift when me and my family got there the class had just gotten out I saw my boyfriends truck but he never came out students were pouring out of the door all from the most recent graduated class from my high school I saw a person I knew a friend of my boyfriends and I asked him if he knew were my boyfriend was I was very paranoid like I knew something was wrong he said he didnā€™t know were he was then I saw my former English teacher from last year I asked her about my boyfriends whereabouts he had gone to the bathroom and never returned to class thatā€™s when I started to panic I started looking for my boyfriend and when I found him he had been killed brutally in the way a serial killer would kill somebody I broke down crying in my dream when I looked back up u saw two dead forms of my boyfriend different this time one was hanging from the tree neck cocked looking at me and the other standing like a statue with shirikins stuck to his right cheek I screamed out crying

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