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Dream Interpretation: Alarm 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Alarm? Discover the significance of seeing a Alarm in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Alarm appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes a warning or reminder of something important that needs your attention. It may also represent anxiety or fear of missing an important event or deadline.

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🧭 Direction


Take a moment to reflect on what may be causing you stress or anxiety in your waking life. Is there something important that you have been neglecting or avoiding? Use this dream as a reminder to prioritize your responsibilities and take action towards achieving your goals. Don't let fear or procrastination hold you back.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of an alarm can evoke feelings of anxiety, urgency, and fear. It symbolizes a sense of impending danger or the need to take immediate action. The sound of an alarm can create a sense of unease and alertness, reflecting the dreamer's subconscious worries or concerns. It may also represent a wake-up call or a reminder to pay attention to something important in waking life. Overall, this dream can leave the dreamer feeling unsettled and on edge.





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Dreams of users containing the word Alarm

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16 Jul 2024



Two dreams, both about an author’s work Kid’s novel author, teen fantasy writer Puts me in her works, she herself is in it I am also an early adolescent child in these dreams The first one is about some family in Italy or Japan, I’m shopping about and avoiding bumping into certain people Shopping malls, big 100-yen shop floors, dim lighting, broken glasses, people are phantoms Water’s flooding the place and I run from it The second dream starts with me getting on a ship I’m in the ship’s lower cabin, author is devising whatever plans to infiltrate and get to another country using the ship’s supplies and her team’s I am told to identify myself as a Chinese or Russian girl, name either Mei or Valena Once the alarm starts to go off we use the escape boat by the ship’s lower deck, revv up the engines, avoiding suspicions Seems I’m either in some arab countries and then at the Mediterranean, I’m blasting through the canals in Venetia and then trying to blend in once I get on the land The little motor boat can be turned into a small car(it’s still heavy but at least it’s portable) Driving, rollerblading and skateboarding through streets, old stone arches and kid’s parks City of Verona While I’m waiting for the influx of people to fade so that I can take it to the car road and blast off I spot a small kid’s park by the road Big fucking tree in the center, big soft furry leaves with wavy edges Cherries on the ground follen from the trees around I pick two that looks nice There was mold solidifying on the back of it I look for other ones Then the light turns green so I gotta drive out Driving past women in purple hijab, carrying a baby in the babu car that looked kinda like how my portable car looks when it’s folded and stuff

14 Jul 2024

Panic Attack


I was up early so I decided to take a walk. It was dark outside even all of a sudden I heard the wind howl. The dark clouds and then suddenly the towns shelter in place alarm. All I could think about was getting back to wake up my baby. I start running as fast as I can. I see the black in the sky.i imagine I can outrun the tornado coming.I see children running towards the church. I tell a man I have to get my baby. He says we all know who she is. I get back to the house and try to wake up my mom and Dad by screaming. I see my cats litter box and I can tell hes been having diarrhea because he's scared. I grab my cat in one arm and try to tuck him under my jacket. I grab my daughter from her crib and I take off towards to church running. I'm panicking, scared, and high anxiety/stress.

12 Jul 2024

Building (Place)


I’ve had this kind of dream before a couple of times the past couple weeks. But a little bit of a different senario. It started off with me standing in the living room with my friend Max wnd Mauricio. We were talking and wished we had some booze. Then me and Mauricio looked at eachother because he had already showed me. Anyways then we proceeded to fake die, then press a button and we would “die” and blood would shoot out of our head. Then you open your eyes in this different dimension almost? Then Max was very confused. We explained to him how we go into the sketchy building. Collect some things from there, then go to the store in the same building to sell it and buy booze. But there is a demon or something in there that tries to kill you for being there. You can only carry 4 things and you have to make it out alive. If you die in there someone has to sell something to get a like green ping pong ball that will bring you back to the normal dimension. Then we go in and are looking around. Mauricio walks through a door and gets taken by a demon. Then me and Max bolt the other way. I’m grabbing loot as I run and max is behind me freaking out because we are being chased. We then run into a room that has stairs down it and I see a knife sitting on the floor to the left of the staircase. I then jump over the railing (roughly 8 ft drop) and grab the knife. I turn around to see the demon killing Max. Then it looks at me and lunches. I watch it coming at me and when it gets to me I proceed to side step and stab it, then I pretty much fight it while it’s coming at me getting another stab in here and there. After about 6 times it finally dies. I then drop 2 things and leave to go to the shop. Sell my knife and what seemed like a golden hand mirror and get two lime green ping pong balls. Then as I go lay back down holding the two balls Max and Mauricio show up in the normal world. Max looks at me and says “what the actual fuck just happened” and I turned to him and said “don’t worry. I got your reboot card” then my alarm woke me up.

11 Jul 2024



Steph and I are on a cruise and got some reason I can’t find our room but I’m not stressed about it I just go and find food for us because I want us to have something tasty but not expensive because we’re watching our budget So I magically am at a seafood market the most beautiful market I’ve ever seen There are several varieties of fish and that are so foreign to me Like I think I have a broad knowledge of fish because I enjoy sushi But this has fish I didn’t know how to prepare because it was all whole fish not filleted I was grilling almost lost trying to find the right choice I kept circling the displays and choosing between cevice or whole fish I would have to filet at home The music was cool and the people in the grocery store were very wealthy but I didn’t feel out of place Then my alarm went off and I woke up

11 Jul 2024



From where I can remember I was sitting at a big table and a bunch of close and old friends were sitting there. I was at the end with Melanie and Lori and Kaleb on my left. Shaggy and Madison were on the right. Next I can vividly remember being in what seemed like a large hotel room with a bunch of beds in it. There was a TV right to the left of me. Then it was Melanie’s bed. Across from me 2 beds to the right was Madison’s bed. The bed to my right was Lori’s. I told Lori I’m going to go talk to Madison. We started talking and I made a few jokes that she was laughing to. Then I got a call from I think Kellen to come downstairs and get him. I said I was going down there and Madison offered to come with me. Then we were downstairs of this huge hotel or event center. I’m not sure. But it was built like the pentagon and the huge sliding doors were air locked and I’m not sure why. And I can remember something showing on the TV saying currently 2 doors are open and it was a big alarm saying only 2 doors could open. Then one door closed and kellen was sitting to my left. I talk to him for a minute then Alfredo (not a close friend, but a cool guy) approaches me and asks how it’s goin. We shoot the shit for a minute then I look at one of the sliding doors opening up. Kris A. was there and it’s his girlfriend. Then Cesar and Mauricio behind him and I felt a sense of joy. Then Cesar said “what were you doing down here. We were going to surprise you” I then pointed at Kellen and said I came down to get him. Then I went up and gave Mauricio a hug and asked him how was the trip. Then an alarm came up on the screen for the doors again. Then I woke up to my alarm. (I set a lot of them to try and wake me up in the morning)

10 Jul 2024



My dream begins with me sleeping in the same place that I fell asleep in in real life. I am woke up by the man who is laying in bed with me, only its not the man who is in my bed in real life. It is my son's father, who has been deceased for ten years. We are both naked. He proceeds to spread my legs apart, and he starts to perform oral sex. An alarm woke me up from the dream, but I quickly fell back to sleep, and my dream picked up in the exact place that it left off at. In bed, with my son's deceased father. Only, this time, somehow the bedroom changed into the backseat of a car. The car was uncontrollably driving through some sort of parking lot with people walking to and from their vehicles. The car had no driver, just us in the back seat. In my dream, I had an over-all feeling of being content. I was not worried about what my naked body looked like. Because I was with my son's father, I was happy.

9 Jul 2024



Kind of a weird dream, but... I was not in it. It was my older and younger sister. They were at a farm that I didn’t recognize during winter because there was a lot of snow on the ground. There was a random car that pulled up and they saw it on the cameras. A middle aged man and an older man that had a pistol, shotgun, and flathead screwdrivers. They started to attack my sisters but their vision was terrible. They kept seeing them to the left and thinking that they would hit them and wouldn’t realize they missed until they would run away. I remember one but quite vividly that they had my older sister in a headlock with a flathead screwdriver. The put it right the the right of her cheek and I think they attempted to slit her throat with it. But missed and only grazed the outside of her cheek. They thought they had gotten her and let go. She fell to the ground and ran away. Same way with my younger sister. The middle aged man would be right in front of her and attempt to punch and would laugh with every swing because he thought he hit her. But he kept punching to the left of her. Then again but with a pistol. But he kept shooting to the left of her. Then I woke up to my alarm.

3 Jul 2024



My ex-husband who recently died came to me in my dream. He showed up to my apartment but it was my apartment the way it was before we ever lived together. He looked different, stockier than I remembered, sad, I welcomed him in and then somehow he was getting in like a fight with someone/thing/entity I couldn't discern but was throwing him against boulders and then his shoulders were bleeding and I kept running back to my kitchen to get paper towels and then my living room wasn't my living room anymore it was like a field where the boulders were and he was bleeding from his shoulders and I couldn't get it to stop and I kept thinking the one shoulder was ok but the other one, the first one that got hurt needed stitches and we should go to the hospital, and then my alarm went off and I woke up.

3 Jul 2024



The dream started off with me and xyio outside we were playing around and then we just see the huge helicopter spinning around. Hits the water then comes back up to the sky and it’s still spinning like it’s out of control and then my cousin Ty yells WATCH OUT!! The helicopter comes straight for me and xyio and we start running to not get hit by the helicopter then it crashes onto the ground. Then there’s another helicopter that basically looks like it’s out of control also and then crashes. I’m not sure where exactly where we were at but all my family was together so I think we were on a trip because alarms and sirens start going off and over the intercom it’s someone saying “everyone get to safety immediately” and people just start going into this bunker I guess underground I don’t know. It’s a lot of us down there and it’s super cramped. I bumped into these 2 girls and I say sorry but they get hostile with me immediately. I try to defuse by walking away and they just kept following me antagonizing me. One of the girls touched me and I turned around and told her not to touch me and then we started fighting me vs the two girls. I started backing up the stairs so they would follow me and I’d have more space to fight them but they didn’t follow me. A few hours later it seemed like people were coming out of bunker but it was still dangerous outside of the bunker. I walked out and those girls I fought previously walked out. And they were on a mission to kill me. They were trying to make a scene in whatever market we were in and then they left when people started going over there and were trying to stab me. I ran to this body of water and got some type of tarp and rope and one of the girls came after me I dropped the tarp on the ground and we started fighting, she sliced me a few times but nothing to deep. I made her fall onto the tarp and was just punching her until she was unconscious and then I got rocks put it in the tarp with her body. Wrapped her up, and then tied the rope all around the tarp. Then I pushed her body into the water as I watched it sink. Then all I here is a yell I look over my shoulder and I see xyio covered in blood and I ask what happened to them they said they seen the two girls chasing me and caught one and they think they killed her. Xyio runs to a vechile and says “get in the car!” And I run and get in and we speed off. Xyio is saying we got to get away and they are driving us to California, I said I think we just need to go to a different country. For some reason we still felt like they weren’t dead and eventually would come after us again. Then I woke up

2 Jul 2024

Best Friend


I had a dream that it was me and my sister and my niece Kiah and two of my friends today my boys best friend and my girl best friend came to my house and my sitter was trying to separate us because she wanted to get “information” on why we all * me and my boy best friend and my girl best friend was friends* and she was mad because she couldn’t . So it was my sister, my niece kiah and my boy best friend & my girl best friend & I we all packed for a “ picnic day” on some deserted island that not far from the shore but you had to drive over this road that was over the water to get to the island and I had a really bad feeling about this. Everything was going good until the alarm went off and it was like a panic mode and so my sister and my nice kiah, my boy best friend and my girl best friend & I went into the car to leave but couldn’t because the flood nd the road was blocked so we seemed shelter on the roof , a few minutes later the people who lived on the island got a latter and got my sister and my niece down and they said they will come back for me and my boy best friend & my girl best friend * my sister convinced them to leave us and they did * and we was stranded and that was when the flood happened. We three grabbed each other close and said “ I love you” and we vowed to never let go of each other’s hand . The water went up and then I woke up with a headache and had to pee , and was shaky.

1 Jul 2024



I had a dream that I woke up, and it was 3:30 in the afternoon on a work day, all the carpets and wood floor boards were concrete and the roof of the entire house had caved in and water was everywhere, none of the electricals would work and the entire house had turned dark and grey. After I had calmed down, I called Donna my work colleague to apologize for sleeping through my alarm and told her what had happened to my house. I don't remember what happened after that

26 Jun 2024

Ship sinking


i was on an island learning about something, then all of a sudden alarms went off and it said the island was gonna sink and fall apart. i ran inside and i saw my favorite person and i ran to her and she held me and took me to her room. i asked her if the ship was gonna sink, she said maybe. the flights were taking time so i was just waiting and then random strangers started coming in and then my mother came in. me and my mother don’t have a good relationship. and then i woke up.

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