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Dream Interpretation: Balance ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Balance? Discover the significance of seeing a Balance in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Balance appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

Dreaming of balance symbolizes harmony and stability in your life. It represents your ability to maintain a sense of equilibrium and control in your personal and professional life. It may also indicate a need for balance in your life, such as balancing work and play or balancing your emotions.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Reflect on your current situation and see if there are any areas in your life that need more balance. Are you overworking yourself or neglecting your personal relationships? Take steps to create a more balanced lifestyle, such as setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care. Remember that balance is key to a happy and fulfilling life.

โค๏ธ Feelings

This dream of balance evokes a sense of stability and harmony. It brings feelings of peace, contentment, and a sense of being in control. It signifies a desire for equilibrium in various aspects of life, whether it be work-life balance, emotional stability, or maintaining healthy relationships. This dream suggests a need for order and a desire to find a middle ground in challenging situations. It brings a sense of calmness and reassurance, indicating that the dreamer is on the right path towards achieving balance and fulfillment.





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30 May 2024



I had a dream that it was me and a few other girls competing for the same guy. I made him some food and warmed it up in the oven. He then fell asleep and I ate his food. He continues to overlook me as I was doing nice things and just slightly showing him I was interested. He continues to keep me around and kind of suggested that he was only keeping me in his presence because I was cool and responsible but I think he liked the things I did for him like clean up and cook and be cool. I donโ€™t know if this is important or not but he was also a celebrity, very handsome with a lot of money and influence. Who wouldnโ€™t desire him! At the end of the dream he was alone in a room and seemed to very stressed about his latest business endeavor. I came to him and wrapped my arms around him while sitting on his lap in a very intimate way. I told him some encouraging words and poured into him nothing but pure love and support. Something I knew the other girls could never do, I seen him for who he really was and just wanted to be apart of that. In the beginning he rejected me but true love always wins! I also want to mention that I felt very safe and a strong sense of love as I embraced this handsome man in my arms. It was a Devine sense of equal femine and masculine envers balancing off of one another.

29 May 2024



Waxing Gibbous So last night I dreamt that all the cats in the neighborhood (I assume) kept coming over to my house to see me. They sat everywhere, on the roof, in the yard, on the driveway. Everywhere. So I decided to leave some food and water + a litter box out in the garage. I love cats btw After awhile I noticed one specific cat never seemed to leave my garage. Like it never went home. So I decided to check its collar and bring them home. The cats that came to my house were all different sizes, colors, and shapes. But this specific one was a super fluffy Calico adult. Iโ€™m not good with genders ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ anyways when I tried to take its collar off to read it it kept scratching at my hands. Eventually I got it off and started to carry the cat to my house. The dream cut off before I got inside. I think the reason I didnโ€™t let any of the other cats in was cause I was worried they might get fluffy sick. So the Calico was the only one I was gonna break that personal rule for. Oh ya btw before I went to sleep I asked the goddess Bastet to meet me in a dream or something. To explain why she may or may not be sending me cats? Info about Calicos, they are seen as guardians of the home. Seen as a symbol of balance as there colors represent Air, earth, and fire. Said to bring good luck and abundance? Dreams of Calicos are thought to be prophetic- said to bring fertility? Bastet homie be bring ma period and protection ( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ) whatโ€™s that about? โ€œIt means your being watched (non creepy way) and protected by a being from beyond~~~โ€

30 Apr 2024

Parking Lot


Well I had 2 dreams. One there was a big tornado and me and 3 others tried to avoid. Then it turned into a fire tornado. And there were 6 rows of platforms for the 3 of us and wr had to avoid the water spouts coming out the platforms while avoiding the tornato throwing objects at us. Like a video game. There was a girl and a guy and me. The girl was the first to get lifted up by the water spouts and she fell down hard onto her platform. Whimpering in pain. I became anxious and started to concentrate because I didn't want to went up like that. We all had to play the game until the tornado died down. After a long while of the game the tornado died down and thats where the first dream ended. The second dream i had it was prom day and these three girls named. Mariah, Ariel, and Aniyah was in a parking lot in the neighborhood in front of a big black van. It like like a van in government movies. It was Aniyah's new vehicle she had received on that day because it was her birthday. However all three of us weren't friends. She was showing off the interior design and even let us look inside. It had 3 rows. It was mismerising and then her other friends came along. They took my spot and hopped in the car with the other two girls. And aniyah drove off leaving me in the parking lot in the neighborhood. everyone was in casual clothing though because it was about 6pm and prom didn't start until 7pm. So I just decided to walk to school for no reason because i wasn't going to prom anyway however I don't know why I decided to go to school. When I made it inside the building there was a bunch of people already in their prom dresses and suits. I was at the top of the stairs and a boy named Niyer who is from my actual class in reality was leaning against the wall. He was already in his black and white suit and he said "are you going to prom?" I shook my head and said no. Then I started to walk down the stairs. And he followed me and asked "why?" I said "I don't know." Then his friends started walking behind him and they all started pushing me down the stairs. I kept by balance until I made it to the bottom then the dream ended right there.

7 Apr 2024



I was in the wrong lane trying to make a turn and experiencing frustration when another driver didn't let me in and acted as if she was scolding me because it is my issue that I made a mistake. Next I was sharing a sandwich with my son Aaron. Then there was a matter of a tent and we were camping in the woods whereby the original tent size was expanded much larger so that it could accommodate more people. I was unaware of its ability to be expanded. Next there was vivid imagery of traveling through the green pastures whereby there was black Angus cows eating. This was coupled with my desire to be a cowboy and to have owned a spread just like that. Finally I was taking my former girlfriend's mother's pet, Sophie, who was balancing a ball inside and outside a pet store.

5 Apr 2024



I was in the wrong lane to make a turn I honked because a car didn't let me in and she looked at me with annoyance Aaron gave me a bite of his sandwich and wanted to know if I wanted some more Aaron is my son Sophie who used to be my girlfriend's dog would get up on a small little ball and balance itself finally we went to a pet store and I was going to buy another one and it did the same I had a tent and normally it's open small however it was open by my daughter so that it was much bigger in the shape of you later I was traveling in the hills were beautifully green with black angus cows and I wished I was a cattleman I even saw myself looking like a cowboy whereby my pants were long like they dress

31 Mar 2024



I was at a dance class, with Thai girls and guys I was the only one who wasn't Thai, we had to dance in these high heels and pretty outfits, but I had a hard time with the high heels, and I fell a couple of times, and the end of the heels were slippery, which made it extra easy for me to fall. As I was clinging onto a railing in the middle of the dance class holding on for dear life not to fall, everyone else looked so serious and so professional, they were dancing so pretty. As i was trying to have my balance back, I saw a bird, it was relatively big, but not too big for me to hold, he had these sharp wings at the end, and he looked so pretty because he was almost colorful. He also as a facial features he looked like a Phoenix. The bird was flying over us (the dancing people) and the dance master got able to catch him, as he watched him I was so afraid the dance master would harm the bird or kick him outside as it seemed he had nobody, he was all alone. I begged the dance master to give me the bird, while struggling to move with the high heels. I wobbled over to the dance master and said please give him to me, and he did. I was so happy but the bird was fierce and wanted to fly out of my hands. He was so soft and cute. I brought him into the backstage, where people change their clothes. I held him there and stroked him, he was calm with me. My two twin friends came and saw the bird, me and them fed the bird. We were so happy that he was doing fine. We fed the bird too much, that he ended up passing away. I started crying, I tried to do CPR on him, but to no avail. The birds soul was already gone. I made him a nest where i could lay him in his last resting place, still feeling guilty for not being able to take care of this animal. I looked at him one last time, I was sure he wasn't dead. I couldn't imagine that he died. As I looked at him, he looked dead. I went home with my mom, in the car I was crying out to my mom how the bird died and how incapable I am of taking care of such a little animal. Guilt and pain was taking over me, as I cried as if someone of my family members died. It was that deep, the bird meant so much to me, and he was gone. And I was the reason for that. It hurt me, the pain of the bird leaving the world so early hit me like a truck, even more than the guilt that was washing up of me. I loved that bird. He was my companion and my best friend, even though we had just met. He meant a lot to me. And I was the reason for his ending. I just wanted to feed him because I thought he was hungry. And we overfed him until he passed. I feel horrible the pain is unbearable.

29 Mar 2024



I was at a restaurant with my family. And apparently my exโ€™s family and him. my exโ€™s dad and my dad were talking about something I didnโ€™t understand. But they were getting along. I kept catching my ex looking at me across the table. Then he sat right across the table from me. then we went to my school. Me and my ex and a bunch of other people were in line for lunch. We were sitting down in the gym at a school assembly. But we were at my old school. my ex sat next to me and I tried to keep as far away from him as possible. He kept looking at me and smiling at me. Then he held my hand. And soon his arm was around my shoulder. And then we were cuddling. I felt so happy. All my feelings for him just rushing back. Then all of the people went to go get their end of the year report cards. I got mine and he said โ€œthatโ€™s not that badโ€ I had 1 B and 2 Fโ€™s.. When we sat down in the gym again a women started telling us things like โ€œno one is perfect, we canโ€™t all be her.โ€ Then some girl walked around putting face paint on people like some ritual. When we were able to leave me and my ex were walking holding hands. I was overjoyed. Soon I hugged him and did that think where I walk to the side and he loses balance. After I did that he yelled- โ€œStop that! See thatโ€™s my problem.โ€ Implying that I was annoying or something. I let go of his hand in shock. I started crying. He then just ran off out of the school building without me. I heard in my head: โ€œplease come back, I love you, I wonโ€™t annoy you again I promise, just please stay with me.โ€

24 Mar 2024



I had a dream that I was playing a real life game of life or death. I was with some people and maybe a couple acquaintances. We had to jump and climb over things all while avoiding falling. There was this one point where we were climbing up high and had to walk across high places. We ended up trying not to get killed by chucky the killer doll while still balancing. Some people didnโ€™t make it. It was every man for themself. I made it to the next level. It was a place Iโ€™ve seen in my dreams before. An open field with a few trees and hills. This time we were getting chased by zombies! It was cold and snowy too but the zombies just kept coming. I got caught not too long into it.

21 Mar 2024



an neighbours cat that comes everyday,i had my bedroom window open,the cat decided to up,to get in,but i noo,but it was to late,he manged to get on the window legde,but as he did he lost his balance and fell to the ground,i i screamed out "nnnooo!" and looked quickly,he was wiggling a bit,so i ran downstairs and picked up. the cat,sadly i knew he was dying,as his little eyes we slowly closing,next i was in his owner car,ahd she was panicking,on how much a urun will be. then i woke u0

13 Mar 2024



The mind is a glass house that once shattered and bathed in fire allows rebirth - transformation ๐Ÿซง Crystal forms a river Water is life Salt to purify + balance ~Iโ€™m ready~

1 Mar 2024



Just exploring. U was doing too much and being too into it; is all about balance. I know that i am racist sometimes, but I know that that connects to everything.

13 Feb 2024



So the dream I had today was bit jumbled,so the dream started out with two people at the mall a black teenage boy and his mom the black teenage boy's mom stealing the high heel of another the woman chases her and his mother then trips dropping the shoe the other woman yells no! And the boy's mother finally sees that there's a bomb strapped to the shoe and before she can say anything it goes off and explodes the ball of fure spreading like wave people being thrown off the ground, blood and cuts on face,and broken limbs and bones,people screaming and crying for some strange reason this didn'tmake me panic. Then it cuts to another dream where I am with my Older sister and my mother and we are driving away from the mall and I look past the wimdow and suddenly see men specifically gay black men in pairs having sex on the street lights?! Yes I know very weird I dont even know how they were balancing but they were too busy enjoying themselves to even care about the cars passing buy. That dream ends and finally I'm in a dream where I am a young adult my afro is tied into a puff and I'm a professional choreographer and I am one of the most trusted dance partners of the Kpop idol Hyunjin that he always chooses me to he his partner we do very risquรฉ dances and there seems to be sexual tension building but we just laugh it off and have fun one of the back up dancers ask if we're together and remind her that we can never be together a kpop idol with a girlfriend? let alone a black woman oh that is definitely not allowed,so Hyunjin and I dance alone in the studios and we dance close to one another our lips almost touching but I pull away and carry on dancing my afro bouncing with the rythm while Hyunjin just smirks its like the whole cycle is constantly flirting with one another,guiving suggestive looks to one another,dancing is almost our way of intimacy we like one another,but we'll never tell one another as we both know the netizens,the sasaengs or fans will never allow us to be together. I'd say this final dream was the least weird one and a very hm...insightful one too.

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