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Dream Interpretation: Money 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Money? Discover the significance of seeing a Money in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Money appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolize value, power, prosperity, wealth, and self-worth. They relate directly to richness, which can be in terms of knowledge, wisdom, love, spirituality, and wealth. It also suggests that you are seeking or soon joining some new work, and if you listen to your hidden potentials, you will surely benefit.

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🧭 Direction


Take a look inside of you; some hidden talents are waiting for you to discover them. Tap into them, and they will undoubtedly take you to the next level in life. Make use of your talents, values, and knowledge, as it will help you resolve any issues in your life and prosper.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of money can evoke a range of emotions, such as excitement, hope, and desire. It symbolizes abundance, success, and financial security. This dream may bring feelings of empowerment, as it represents the potential for freedom and the ability to fulfill one's desires. However, it can also trigger anxiety or greed, as the pursuit of wealth may come with its own set of challenges and responsibilities. Overall, the dream of money often elicits positive emotions and a sense of possibility.





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17 Jul 2024



so my dream started in New York City I was with somebody and we were going throughout the city and it was time to go into a building. There was a woman we were going to the building to meet and to get to where we were meeting we went into the elevator and went up up up till we got to the right floor When we got out of the elevator, we walked over to some woman's apartment and it seemed familiar to another friend's apartment that I have in New York in real life. When we walk into her apartment, she's about 5'1 or 2 with dark, long hair and pale skin. And she has two sons and at least a daughter. And two of them were to the right of me and one of them was to the left. I look around and there's a table to the right of me and stairs and the kitchen is to the far north east. The place looked so big considering it was a New York City apartment. The person that I was with wanted so badly to look around the apartment. Maybe take some pictures or just explore. So they asked how much this will be paid for her apartment. And she said, oh, I pay $20,000 a month. I thought that was so cool, that's a lot of money to spend each month, but you could tell that this place was so nice because of it. We keep going from that scene, and we end up moving straight into a big building. It feels like the same building, but it wasn't the woman's house anymore. But instead, it was where a bunch of jobs were taking place. it was basically like a mall but instead of shopping each room was like a different office or job so it was just like one big place for a bunch of different jobs to take place and we had this man lead us through to show us everything and it felt like an orientation It was in New York City so I was like thinking about oh I would have to move here to have one of these jobs but like I'm okay with that because I was in the orientation I remember us walking around and looking at the different jobs. There was like a cafeteria type looking at this one room in the corner and it didn't have walls. It just had window walls so we could see in there. And the guy was telling us that every room acts as its own independent job or independent place. But we can all come together in community, you know, like in the cafeteria or the hallways or other places. I remember looking into the job room that he was showing us and there was a nice little table for snacks and a bunch of chairs and a desk. Then we started walking by down the hallway after that, going forward, and to the right of us were all these big windows leading to outside, and to the left were more rooms and doors. It was such a big building for being in New York City, I thought, and I had been somewhere similar in a dream before in New York City, so it felt like a similar location and place to the other dream I had before. I do remember liking the orientation and thinking how easy it was because I didn't even know I got the job until he started doing orientation and I was like, wow, I must have got the job. So it felt pretty easy going and simple and I liked being in a different state. Then that part of the dream ends, and I'm still with somebody else, but my friend invites me over for a dinner party. She says that I should come over for a dinner party, and I also get the feeling that I'm in a different state, but doesn't necessarily feel like New York City anymore. In real life, this friend lives in Delaware, so it might have changed to there. She asked us to come for a dinner party and I remember like doing the U-turn trying to get there and it being a little difficult but I still made it happen no problem. When we got there I was trying to surprise her with something like some kind of food like a donut or cookie or like I remember trying to surprise her with something. and i come in and i'm in like the front porch and there's a bunch of stuff in there which there's not usually stuff in there in real life and i'm like going through stuff trying to figure out what to get them after like making a couple u-turns turning around like figuring out how to get back to their house for this dinner party and then out of nowhere the friend that invites me ends up coming through the door and I was so shocked with her appearance she had her hair like all done and volume and curled up kind of like the 20s she was kind of like a brunette version of Marilyn Monroe with the red lipstick and like the whole face makeup and the long white dress so I definitely underestimated how fancy this dinner party was gonna be she looked so dressed up so put together and I usually never see her like that I've never seen her in a dress and makeup like that before and I remember her boyfriend was there like kind of in the background and I was excited to join the dinner party there was another part of the dream that I remember sleeping over somebody's house because we were still out and I slept on the little air marks the floor and my friend slept on the couch and I remember when I got there my friend wasn't there and I was looking for the keys that they had hidden so I could go in their house and wait for them

17 Jul 2024



I had a MASSIVE tarantula in a beautiful enclosure, and I watched her with awe and satisfaction, so content and proud. But then I noticed something, there was another tarantula in the enclosure! I had no idea where it came from. The second tarantula was not as big as the first one, but was still really big and pretty. I began to panic because you can’t have more than one tarantula in the same enclosure. I began to be scared that they would kill each other. The biggest tarantula buried itself, preparing to molt and I was scared that the other tarantula would chew on the first. I was watching them closely, trying to find a way to get another enclosure when I noticed a third tarantula. The third tarantula was the smallest, but also so very pretty. So then I was trying desperately to get my hands on two more enclosures, but I was broke. I just kept feeding the first two, hoping they wouldn’t try to eat the first tarantula. Then I noticed that all the other two tarantulas had buried themselves so they could molt. And right at the moment, I was able to get the money for the two new enclosures, and I was so relieved. I wanted to get them and have them set up and ready so I could separate all three tarantulas, very carefully, before they molted.

15 Jul 2024



I was trying to help a homeless kid. I bought him clothes even though I didn’t have a lot of money. When we were looking for something for him to wear, we couldn’t find any regular boy t-shirts. I wanted him to come live with me. He felt like a brother. My mom was hesitant because he was 13 and I am 22 so I would have a hard time taking care of him. And we would have had to sneak him onto the plane because I didn’t have enough money for his ticket.

15 Jul 2024



I was attending this church service with one of my close friend’s who lives in Seattle her name is Stephana. I assume the church service was in Seattle because her and her sister’s family was there. I don't remember much about the service besides being there. After service I was ready to leave. Usually when I used to attend church and once I had my own car I will leave soon after service. Whoever I saw on my way out is who I would greet. But my friend and her sister was taking a while greeting folks. I asked the sister are we ready to leave and she said “oh I take my time I'm in no rush.” I was kind of annoyed. I didn't have transportation so I was at the mercy of their time frame. I started walking out and bump into an old high school school mate. We greeted and we chit chatted with one another she was willing to give me a ride. It was heavy raining outside and when we got outside the church it looked like the home church I was raised in back in Boston. We hopped in her car and I decided I couldn't leave my friend since I came with her so she parked her car next to my friend’s sister car and I went back inside the church to wait for them. Once they were ready to leave we decided to go grocery shopping. When we got to the grocery store I took a shopping cart for my friend and I and her sister took another cart for her and her family. I started shopping and I remember getting all types of stuff. But I also knew I was traveling in a few days so I was getting lots of things. I got a lot of frozen food too so I thought some things will be in the freezer for when I got back. At this point of the dream I no longer thought I was in Seattle I felt like I was in a city I currently lived in. I was at a grocery store that's in NC but it also felt like I was back home in Boston when I went outside. When the grocery clerk ringed me up the food came up to over $1000. I was shocked and I knew I can't afford that and I would have to return some of these items before checking out. The clerk was nice and also extremely busy but they indicated that after my purchase we can exchange Instagram handles instead of email addresses. Both of which I wasn't interested in providing them but it seems like they were expecting it. The dream ended there. Earlier in the dream I was shopping online for my neice’s upcoming 21st birthday. She had a lot of items on her wishlist but I filtered the list for items under $30. I bought three items on her list for $15 each. I packed her gift in a red tote bag and i needed to write her card. I remember seeing my Neice but she was much younger than what she is now and she needed help packing her lunch. I packed her lunch and got her ready to go school. She looked like she was back in elementary school. The next time I seen her she was at her current age and she wanted to see my birthday present so bad but I told her its not ready yet. I was happy to see her excited about it. When I bought her gift there was a couple deals where I could buy one and get one free the free item I kept for myself cause I thought that was a nice deal. I still had to write my neice’s birthday card and I wanted to give her birthday on her actual birthday and I was looking forward to giving it to her.

15 Jul 2024

Family Members


Me and My dad moved in with my narcissistic mom and it started off nice I was working then going to school and my life was great until a rumor started that I lost my virginity and that I wasn't pure anymore because I had a sexually transmitted disease and it was bad. I got calls. I got interviews with the news. It felt weird. My dad pushed it with std rumors saying I had it for publicity view but my little sister knew the truth and I couldn't be happier but we saw each other behind our parent’s backs. About a week later my mom came into the picture asking if I could transfer it to her so she swapped a mark and gave it to herself and paid me 10 thousand dollars and went to give my stepfather a sexually transmitted disease she never had instead of divorcing him. We didn't see or hear from my mom until about a week later requesting I give her money back with seething rage and swapping our marks back. I watched the half-black and glowing white moon on my arm go back to normal and she said we had a week to give her money back and stormed into her car and I watched her drive away and stepped outside as it began to rain as I smiled happily dancing feeling freedom as the dream faded to black I could see a big smile on my face.

15 Jul 2024



Me and My dad moved in with my narcissistic mom and it started off nice I was working then going to school and my life was great until a rumor started that I lost my virginity and that I wasn't pure anymore because I had STDs and it was bad. I got calls. I got interviews with the news. It felt weird. My dad pushed it with std rumors saying I had it for publicity view but my little sister knew the truth and I couldn't be happier but we saw each other behind our parent’s backs. About a week later my mom came into the picture asking if I could transfer it to her so she swapped a mark and gave it to herself and paid me 10 thousand dollars and went to give my stepfather the STDs she never had. we didn't see or hear from my mom until about a week later requesting I give her money back with anger and swapping our marks back. I watched the half-black and glowing white moon on my arm go back to normal and she said we had a week to give her money back and stormed into her car and I watched her drive away and stepped outside as it began to rain as I smile happily dancing feeling freedom as the dream faded to black I could see a big small on my face.

15 Jul 2024



Me and My dad moved in with my narcissistic mom and it started off nice I was working then going to school and my life was great until a rumor started that I lost my virginity and that I wasn't pure anymore because I had STDs and it was bad. I got calls. I got interviews with the news. It felt weird. My dad pushed it with std rumors saying I had it for publicity view but my little sister knew the truth and I couldn't be more happier but we saw each other behind our parent’s backs. About a week later my mom came into the picture asking if I could transfer it to her so she swapped a mark and gave it to herself and paid me 10 thousand dollars and went to do whatever we didn't see or hear from my mom until about a week later requesting I give her money back with anger and swapping our marks back. I watched the waning crescent moon on my arm go back to normal and she said we had a week to give her money back.

14 Jul 2024



First started off me tryna steal some drugs and when I went back they weren’t there and they we left but I just saw a ufo in the sky but it got close to us and I wasn’t afraid and it left then I was counting money in my living room and the alien popped up magically into a cat and started downloading shit into my finger and it was talking to telepathically saying it was going to take care of my what ever I needed here he was downloading it all into me But in that house I was with people I didn’t know

14 Jul 2024



I drove my friend and I to a store in the afternoon. we had to pay to enter even though the store was closing soon so we wouldn't have much time to enjoy it anyway

13 Jul 2024



The guy I fell in love with he was in my dream. I went to his house with my daughter and he we stayed the night. Next day we went out for the day, my daughter was giving me a hard time. She wouldn’t listen to me about sitting down. I finally got her to sit down. We was driving in his truck on a road that had construction so we had to wait a little bit. We was having a conversation and he took me to the store and I got the things I needed. We got in the car and he gave me money to pay the rent. He said this is money so that u can pay your rent! He told me to drop him off at home and to go pay my rent and my parents were my landlords. So I gave my mom the money and she was so happy. She was dancing. I got in the truck and I drove in this neighborhood where I use to hang out and I saw some of those ppl still live in these houses and it look the same for so many years. I ran into a female idk in my normal life out of my dreams but in the dreams we were friends. I left the neighborhood and went home

13 Jul 2024



I was a begger on the street. My clothes were rotten and torn and I smelled awful. I was holding a sign and asking people for money, I felt so much shame and guilt for not being able to afford to live. Everyone was so mean to me, some people threw food at me, others spit on me, kids laughed. I felt like I wanted to die. So I pulled my pistol out of my shopping cart I was pushing around, and I shot myself in the head.

13 Jul 2024



I had another dream that I was back working at the Kid Zone as a teacher again. All of my co-workers were there and my boss Caren was there still. Only this wasn’t a normal school or normal situation. The school was being taken over by some Cartel or dangerous street gang members. I believe one of the co-workers was seeing a man who was part of their organized crime and that is how the school was targeted. It was also taking place at night, either the hours extended to being open 24 hours or we were simply open during the night time instead of day time. There was a lot of weird and eerie thing going on there, and it was open at night time as well as just the day time. Whenever I have these dreams the setting always takes place at a school/kid zone center that is really made up of a combination of 2 different school/kid zone centers, the one I attended myself as a child and the one i worked at for many years as an adult. As is always a case in these dreams, I was trying to find an excuse or way to get out of staying late, and I was desperate to get off at 5am instead of finishing the shift til 6:00 or 6:30am. Also another reoccurring element of these dreams is that I ALWAYS forget to clock in on the computer and sign in and out in the employee log book. And I work all these days and hours in these dreams and because I never remember to sign in the company owes me thousands of dollars in wages that I was never paid. This is such a persistent theme in these dreams, and for some reason I don’t even think I really am worried about being paid. It’s like it doesn’t matter to me. Like I am just there because Caren needs me to be, or because o genuinely miss working there and with my old co-workers. But at the same time trying to sort out my paychecks and being paid for all the hours I worked is always a very big part of the dream as well.

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