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Dream Interpretation: Jewelry 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Jewelry? Discover the significance of seeing a Jewelry in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Jewelry appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol signifies your self-worth and value. It also symbolizes your talents, qualities, knowledge, relations, and everything that you hold precious in your life. Finally, it suggests that you have the power and skills to achieve anything in life.

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🧭 Direction


Examine the things you have in your life. Note things that hold utmost value; this does not relate to literal jewelry, gold, or precious gems. It can be in the form of knowledge, wisdom, and other things that money cannot buy. Your dream is trying to reveal to you the value and worth you have forgotten.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of jewelry evokes feelings of luxury, beauty, and self-worth. It symbolizes wealth, success, and a desire for recognition. This dream may bring about a sense of pride, confidence, and a longing for admiration. It signifies a need for self-expression and a desire to stand out from the crowd. The presence of jewelry in a dream can also suggest a desire for material possessions and a longing for a more glamorous and extravagant lifestyle. Overall, this dream elicits feelings of desire, aspiration, and a yearning for a more opulent existence.





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Dreams of users containing the word Jewelry

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16 Jul 2024



In my dream I came back to an apartment I was renting that was in bad shape Not someplace I would live. Anyway too robbers where I there and they were trying to leave As I was trying to lock them out I reach my hand in the tray and took a few pieces of my jewelry back A little elephant necklace my dad gave me when I was about 12. And a few little sentimental things. The place its self just prior to me walking in on the robbers, well The electric panel got a surge and knock out all the electric and blow out the refridgator and lights Old fashion telephone that still worked I'm guessing I was back in time A very odd thing was a lady across the street was playing with her tiger. Apparently she had it for years and was hiding it I wasn't supposed to see it. When the landlord came over to fix Everthing All the items were no longer broke but he did install all the dial mechanism back on the safe

14 Jul 2024



I dreamt about having gem armor that covered my body. Ruby, it would turn from rubies, citrine, diamond, emerald. It would have a chest plate, leg armor, shoulder armor, a helmet. It was beautiful. And then that's all I can remember is having this chest armor and this just this beautiful armor and having to collect it. I don't remember where I was collecting it from.

7 Jul 2024



Last night I dreamt that I was doing lots of creative projects with my friend Alice. We were making art, as well as jewellery, like we did when ai lived in Perth.

22 Jun 2024

Black Cat


Basically it started off in the train station I saw one of the girls I followed on instagram and approached her saying I like her jewelry cause she sell them online and we was getting along and stuff in the train station, she was showing me all the jewlery they were all like rainbow like how I want it and I'm like 000o these are pretty and then we saw a crystal table with this white women there she had a whole spiritual shop and we was just viewing the crystals the lights were kinda dim not that dim but had purple lights and candles lit up too and she she had a black cat she was white with long grey hair she looked like a beautiful witch I don't remember much but she pulled an empress card she was talking to me about a ritual to save something and she had a ritual candle I think it was purple??? But it kinda looked like my skull candle I can't but like coated in purple stuff and herbs burning it and it was a statue of a women a goddess next to it and she told me something I don't remember. And then my dream switched to land a beautiful place island and I saw all the people I used to work with and we was having fun saying we miss eachother we was playing in the water and seals was mainly there and stuff it was just fun the water was type clear but sandy at the same time and we was just swimming and running around and it was like them straw huts there we would run around and then we went canoeing, and then my pov switched to a small bridge with rocks and clear water sandy like flowing . then my dream switched again to this lady she was spiritual she was a black chubby women head wrapped holding a baby blue quilt and I was in her house with her grand baby I think and her hallway lights was flickering and stuff and she brought it up saying that stupid hallway or some, I was kinda nervous a bit but it really didn't affect me. We was talking about ghost and stuff and she had baby toys so the baby can play with them, and it was a horse one that caught my eye would run around with the baby. Dream switched again to another lady she was tall, black, skinny, with long hair wrapped in like them traditional scarfs she looked like she was in her 50s and elegant I was in a mansion it had old furniture also them African statues and stuff little ones on the shelves and stuff too and we was talking about spirits and how her mom and sister is here spiritually in the house, I was using the bathroom and then I see someone clapping like it was a faint shadow in front of me of a person and they was clapping in joy it was like a women and I told her about seeing a shadow figure clapping and she was like oh that's my mother or sister she's excited you are pretty she's giving you a compliment saying everyone would call you sexy or beautiful and then she smiled and giggles a bit, I'm like oh really thank you, and I was asking her while following her around in home asked her how do you know who's with you like spiritually like for example if my uncle was with me or someone...and she said something I don't remember the name it was something she takes and then she looked back at me smiling but I don't remember In the dream I was like is that mushrooms?? I was making a joke cause it sounded like a drug and she laughed a bit and was like no it's just ##### I'm like ok? and I wanted to continue to follow her we kinda went into a basement, but the dream ended WHICH I THOUGHT so boom I wake up in my bed and i start writing the dream that I just had in my journal but turns out THAT WAS A DREAM TOO.

20 Jun 2024



I was taking a shower on a city bus. There were people riding the bus and seemed like it was normal for someone to take a shower on the bus. I owned a house in a culdesac. I was outside painting the street white and a neighbor was watching me. She thought it was so luxurious that I was turning the black street white. She complimented my shoes and showed me all of her jewelry on her hands. I said I will have that too some day. I was at a grocery store with a friend picking out things to make Cuban sandwiches. I noticed other customers were opening packages and eating and then putting the open packages back. I thought it was really rude of them to do that. We get to the check out counter and there are two men at the register. They said we couldn’t buy our items because they were the last things that weren’t opened and they want them. I bargained with them that I would make them a sandwich each if they let us pay for our things. They accepted and let us go. I was at another grocery store with a man and five little girls. They were all over the place, grabbing food and eating it in the store and leaving trash on the floor. I told them they are being very disrespectful and they can’t just open food without paying. I noticed other customers just dropping food containers on the floor, eating things and putting back what they didn’t finish, leaving trash on the floor. It was stressing me out seeing people do this. We get back to the car and the girls pile into the car but there are other things in the car so there isn’t any room to sit down or fit the groceries in. I noticed the parking lot was flooded to my knees.

15 Jun 2024



I was asking a room full of Asians what they like in men and I was told by them they want money 💵 🤑 💵 and to scam people and take their clothes jewelry diamond 💎 💍 and cars 🚗 houses 🏡 etc and they wickedly laugh at me. They asked what I like in women and I said I like playing the simp and hard to get method lol and the detachment method and defelctive tactic. I detach from them they always chase bc I’m in Zoloft and I look awesome and I can get anything and manifest anything at any time as a genie could in waking life and personal dream life. Also the treat them like crap tactic and made them feel horrible they started weeping and hitting their heads against the wall like Pennywise did in IT Chapter 2 when the clown 🤡 is in the funhouse just remarkably without care of anything because they’re always depressed in Japan and China. They said what do you mean? I said it’s a gregarious attempt to justify one’s specific romance life to show they don’t have what women have and men have it harder, but what women do crave is love 💙 and when men say too bad it’s too late you’ve been played I’m not going out with you on a date 📅 and get my heart break 💔. You ladies had your chance haha disaster averted and evaded the enemy which was being played and manipulated. I told them to stay the hell away from me and get the fuck out of my life and they keep asking day after day and week after week what did I do wrong Peter please talk to me and they couldn’t let me go and they kept on and on for years bc they see something different in me which plays a real life scenario of a problem it does happen in real life for months sometimes they can’t let me go but I don’t know how to deal with them so I ward them off and say bye 👋🏻 nice knowing ya. Later on a year or two later. One wants em so They started weeping and holding me and saying it’s ok 👌🏻 and cuddling me lol 😂 and then I slapped them with my 28 inch penis lol 🍆 they bowed and said “well go to work and clean the house Master.” And I said yay life’s not so bad and we had a massive 6 day orgy at hotel Le Meurice haha 🤣 with enjoyable consent and happy times bc they felt sorry I was a virgin til age 35z And got along for the rest of our miserable working lives haha not just kidding lmao 😜

15 Jun 2024



I was asking a room full of Asians what they like in men and I was told by them they want money and to scam people and take their clothes jewelry diamond 💎 💍 and cars 🚗 houses 🏡 etc and they wickedly laugh at me. They asked what I like in women and I said I like playing the simp method and defelctive tactic. They said what do you mean? I said it’s a gregarious attempt to justify one’s specific romance life to show they don’t have what women have and men have it harder, but what women do crave is love 💙 and when men say too bad it’s too late you’ve been played I’m not going out with you on a date 📅 and get my heart break 💔. You ladies had your chance haha disaster averted and evaded the enemy which was being played and manipulated.

12 Jun 2024



I was in a shoe store I used to work at looking at shoes. There were really cute boots and sandals and I was enjoying myself. Then there were these bratty kids running around climbing on the shelves and just destroying things. I told them they need to stop but they just told me they don’t care. I told their mom to control her kids and she told me to fuck off. So I told the sales associate and she said there was nothing she could do. So I started to throw jewelry that was on the displays and saying “well it doesn’t matter because no one here cares!” But then I felt really bad so I started cleaning up the necklaces and apologizing. Then I woke up.

11 Jun 2024

Living Room


I went to a dinner with my close friend Jarra and her family- there were like 20-30 family members. My Uncle Ronnie was there and my deceased Uncle Alvin (my deceased father’s best friend) was seated next to him. I had a moment and cried seeing him because I miss him. The night went on and we transitioned to the very old house that was very large inside with side rooms on the main floor and a sunken living room where everyone gathered. There was a guy there with these beautiful necklaces that he was showing to the women there. I picked the one I thought was the prettiest and asked if he was selling it- and could I buy it. He kept asking if I wanted it and I kept asking if I could buy it. He finally said I could just have it. I thanked him and put it on. It was so beautiful with red and blue beads and a large gem that was the pendant piece. It made me smile and I felt so good. Then I was called over to take pictures with 3-4 others who seemed to be my cousins. Then I went on and interacted with others.

29 May 2024



I am trying to organize jewelry. There is a tall jewelry holder - it looks like a grandfather clock that opens in the front with two doors. Inside it is a mess of necklaces. There are tons of them and they are disorganized.

11 May 2024



My mom myself and a few others were trying to get ready on time for my wedding. The date was May 29th. I kept checking the time line for when things were supposed to occur. The hair was on time, than makeup was not doing great. Than I was scrambling to figure out what time line up was and it kept getting later and later in the night. Than my boyfriend walked in and I’m freaking out and saying that I can’t figure out what time line up is. I can’t remember what time it was supposed to be and the venue is saying they didn’t even have a wedding for today. My boyfriend grabs my face and holds it tight facing him and he tells me to breath and focus on him. He tells me that we never needed the ceremony anyway, that it was for the parents. That I looked gorgeous and shouldn’t cry so I didn’t mess up my hair and make up. He takes my hands and pulls me to this market looking area where there’s all these stalls filled with different things. It’s close to midnight now and he turns to me and says “don’t worry, I’m not leaving all of this any time soon. Look how fun and beautiful it is here. Everyday is unexpected and so much fun.” I looked around and noticed the dancers the music the different dance costumes the snakes the animals the bones the jewelry the many different plants and turned back to look at him and than I woke up.

6 May 2024



I was with two other women in a car. We pulled up to a mansion and broke in. We went straight to the basement and started stealing money and jewelry. We ran out to get back in the car. One of the women got in the car first while the other women and I put things in the trunk. I heard a voice saying hey hey hey hey. I look at the mansion and a little girl was looking at us through an open window. We panicked and got in the car and drove away as fast as we could. We went to a different mansion that the first woman that got in the car told us we should go to. She knew the people there. This was a mafioso house. She told them what we did and showed them some of the things we stole so that they would protect us. We were about to leave for a fancy event in a carriage when we noticed the carriage we were waiting for had a few people already riding. I saw the little girl from the mansion. I refused to go outside and the other woman that saw her ran to the car and left without us. The third one that was next to the carriage got upset about the other woman leaving. I was trying to get her attention through the window. She finally came inside. I told her about the little girl that saw us and that we need to leave through a different door. Most of the things and money we stole were still in the car. I told her we could sell some of the jewelry in my pocket and buy a car to get out of there. She was relieved and said let’s go.

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