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Dream Interpretation: Abuse 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Abuse? Discover the significance of seeing a Abuse in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Abuse appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes an imbalance and a lack of consent and respect in your life related to shame and low self-esteem. This dream often occurs in those who have experienced trauma in their waking life and is a ubiquitous symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder. Your mind is trying to release painful and unprocessed emotions through your dreams so they can clean your psyche. If the dreams continue, definitely speak with a therapist.

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🧭 Direction

Bad omen

It is time to begin the work of self-development to reduce your shame and low self-esteem. Find the imbalance in your life and those parts of yourself that are being treated unjustly. Build better boundaries and accept yourself with love and care. You may need to work with a mental health professional during this process if you have a history of trauma.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of abuse may evoke feelings of fear, helplessness, and vulnerability. It can leave a person feeling violated, traumatized, and deeply hurt. The dream may also bring up emotions of anger, resentment, and a desire for justice. The individual may experience a sense of betrayal and confusion, struggling to understand why they were subjected to such mistreatment. Overall, this dream can leave a lasting impact, causing a range of negative emotions and a need for healing and support.





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18 Jul 2024



A friend who betrayed me Marco in the dream kept trying to hang out with me and I didn’t wanna yet I didn’t wanna assert myself and tell him I am not rocking with you no more because I didn’t wanna hurt his feeling so I ended up going with him to drink? I didn’t normally drink in real life so I find it strange that I had a flash back in the dream of me being super drunk and him taking advantage and beating me up I told him I try that ain’t I will beat your ass am sober now

17 Jul 2024

Video Game
Childhood home


I was back together with my abusive ex. It seems like I gave him a 2nd chance or something. I was living inside an apartment that was familiar to my childhood home. My friends and siblings was there. I specifically remembered seeing my older sister Jenny and my estranged brother in the dream. I don't remember seeing my eldest sister but I knew she was around. My ex was playing video games and he told me to get him a coke. Something he often did during our relationship, order me around. But this time in the dream I asked him to rephrased his request as a question and to add please. Because I was practicing boundaries on how he should speak to me. He rephrased it but deliberately didn't add please. I told him I would not get him the soda until he asked me the way I would like it be asked. I went back to my friends and family letting them know what he did which was something he often did during the relationship. I wanted them to see the abuse I've experienced before. They took my back and supported me in putting that boundary up. My ex did not budge he continued playing video games and instead of rephrasing the question went to get his own coke. For some reason are started to feel physically insecure to be in the same space as if I was unsure if the issue was going to escalate so I decided to leave. I ended up in the subway/train station with friends nearby all supporting me. My ex was at the station to attempting to leave too but I knew he was only there because I was there too. I was trying to dodge him and I found one of my friends I hugged them and somehow it was like we were able to hear him from some sort of comms radio where he was at and my friends helped me nor encounter in the subway/train station while I was there and I was able to dodge him with the help of my friend. I remember feeling validated by my friend and family being there to experience and see an abusive act I often had to deal with throughout the relationship especially one of the most covert type of abuse, which is verbal and emotional abuse that aren't often taken as seriously as physical and sexual abuse though I experienced those in the relationship as well.

16 Jul 2024



An insight into my dreams I had . Never had a choice to leave school, it wasn’t an option. I had to return and be in close quarters with threats (bullies) they bullied me in person and online which probably felt like I couldn’t escape feeling unsafe (tigers, lions outside) because I still had threats coming in via phone. My abusive marriage has a similar theme— irrationally felt that I had no choice but to stay- feel stuck- even though there are periods of intermittent positive reinforcement. I believe that I truly will never be able to let him go and not be in love with him for the rest of my life. These two variables cross into a distorted dream version of my reality. I am always trying to collect my things and escape but I can never retrieve all of my belongings (heavy grief is associated with the feeling of leaving important items behind) and even when I do get out to a vehicle with my stuff I can’t carry it and the car never works/comes to get me.

16 Jul 2024

Lucid Dream


I had I dream about my dead relatives and my mom‘s abusive ex-husband all in my aunts old home with missing limbs all sitting around, looking at me talking to me eating ashes that were from like an ashtray. It was not a comfortable space I remember telling them stories about being abused like the I was held by my ankle and wrist and swung as high as they could and then let go of and hurt or the time that my stepdad at the time would stand in front of the refrigerator for hours at a time till he got cooled off and then complain because we didn’t let something get cold enough in the refrigerator that he was standing in front of for hours and the wall as well as the glass wall to clean. It was not a friendly conversation, but it was like a lucid dream. I knew things weren’t right the minute I knew they weren’t right I was trying to fix it, when I was pulled out, I kept thinking the honeybees that were flying around the house should’ve been my grandpa Dewey trying to tell me that I would be OK because it kept thinking those are grandpa‘s honeybees, but I don’t ever remember a day in my life where my grandpa had honeybeesso I think the bees were protecting me because every time I seen those honeybees I felt happy and safe

15 Jul 2024



I was in this unfamiliar house. My estranged brother was showering upstairs. It was a long time that my brother didn't bathe cause his clothes was very musty but he also seem to not care. There was a long period of time my brother wasn’t bathing enough in my waking life and was often very smelly. It was really hard to be around him because he smelled so bad but it also seemed like he didn’t care. I went upstairs and his clothes was on the bathroom floor very stinky he went to the other room to get dressed. At some point it felt like my brother morphed into my abusive ex and he was getting dressed in the other room. Similarly to my brother there were long periods of time during my relationship with my ex where he didn't shower or took care of himself. He suffered with severe depression but it was often hard to be around him cause he smell so bad and he wouldn't shower. I had to adjust and get used to his lack of bathing because of his mental health condition. Due to his abusive qualities early on in our relationship he started to control when I would bathe. And I sometimes had to sneak to shower before he can tell me not to. Back to the dream I remember myself sneaking to take a shower because I was scared my abusive ex was going to force me not to bathe because he preferred my scent unbathed which I hated. I woke up before I finished the dream. But I remember the feeling of anxiety and worry of being forced not to bathe and trying to hide away from my brother then abusive ex.

9 Jul 2024



The most horrific dream of my life. There was a family next door that abused there children I caught the husband and wife trying to murder there kids The Mother was holding the older child under water in a flood was happening and strangling him I tried to fight her off and the husband attacked I grabbed the other kids they had and rang and called the police The boy revived and the police eventually came and because the boy was afraid they said they had no cause for concern When they were leaving The husband wispered he was coming for me and my family. Later that night they did After there children came running to me. Prior I was looking for self defensive anything and in the garage I found garden tools and a gun but no bullets. I gave every one something to try and defend themselves from as much distance they would have as I could find . We ran to hide in another home When she found us first I was having a hard time fighting her off And one of the kids gave me a pitch fork Which I stabbed her with multiple times as she wouldn't stop coming at me. Finally she died Then we ran to another home and hid then The kids wanted to get there pets and I was grabbing mine and when I had them hidden I was still outside when the husband got me I had a single long took you pull weeds out of the ground And wasn't doing so good fighting him off It took a lot and was able to finally overcome him and it was the final stab thru the throat that killed him The police finally got there and I woke up The most horrific dream of my life

9 Jul 2024

Family Members


On a trip Trip gets disrupted by some kind of an ambush/burglary/robbery Almost gets killed Is spared, the rest of my family members are in captivity or killed Getting lost in a forest, cloudy, thick fogs Sephiroth finds me Almost gets killed Something something too pathetic to be deserving of my blade Gets trained by the guy in some mountain cottage Car drives slowly through the pebble paths in the forest Pinecones, loghouse villas, family dramas Almost gets killed in the throes of explosive argument-turned-physical-fight(abuse) House becomes casualty of the lightest of Sephiroth’s fire blast Is walked into by said guy while my father is putting me in a headlock Again, somehow is getting the masamune to my throat as he gives one of his ‘hmph pathetic’ speeches

6 Jul 2024



I was walking through a town when I looked up at a balcony and saw a man spray something onto another man’s face and set him on fire. I was afraid and started running away from there and it began to rain. As I was running I was praying for The Most High to forgive me and give me a different fate than that man. I was with my husband in a strange place where it seemed like there had been a flood and still very dangerous area because of violent people that stayed behind. We had to go into a boat with high walls to cross town but the water still came into the boat when it would move. The water went over my baby’s head so I had to hold him up higher so that he could breathe. We went into a restaurant to eat. Our waiter was my ex-boyfriend that I hate because he was very abusive throughout our relationship. He was being polite and doing his job correctly. He brought a sauce to the table that we asked for. My husband was standing up and somehow the sauce got on his foot and he held his foot up to me angrily and made me clean his foot. As usual I did what I was told but it hurt my feelings that he treats me like this. Later I put my foot up to his face and told him clean it. To show him why I was angry. I walked away and got the baby in his car seat. This woman that obviously was interested in my husband pushed me and I told her to keep her hands off me. She did it again so I grabbed her by the hair and threw her down. She got up and tried hitting me again but missed and I slapped her across the face. I told her to back off. She tried to hit me again but I blocked her hit and shoved her. She got next to my baby I told her don’t be stupid and I grabbed her by the neck and threw her and told her don’t fuck with my baby

4 Jul 2024



I was living in this unfamiliar shack-like house with my abusive ex-boyfriend. There was this unfamiliar friend or neighbor with whom we were friends. It seemed like he was primarily a friend of mine, and my ex tolerated him. One day money was really tight, and my friend had a safe with a few dollars that my friend gave me access to. One day, while my friend was out of town, I took some cash from my friend’s safe cause I needed the money for something urgent. I think it was to pay some bills, and I was low on cash. Sometime later, one million dollars was deposited into my account somehow. I don't know how or why, but it seemed like a blessing. My abusive ex knew about the money deposit before me. It was like he had access to my money somehow, which gave me this feeling of our waking life relationship where he didn't have manual access to my accounts but, towards the end of the relationship, pressured me to get a joint account with him, which thankfully I left him before we ever got that account. Whenever I got paid, he saw it as we got paid. He manipulative forced me to use my money to support and take care of him throughout our entire relationship. In the dream, I was still the breadwinner, and my ex was still financially taking advantage of me. Anywho, after I learned of the one million deposit, I checked with the bank to let them know I didn't deposit the money and what would be the repercussions if I used it, and they assured me if it wasn't meant for me, their insurance would take care of it. When I returned to the house, this unfamiliar friend came over and told me he needed help. My ex had my wallet for some reason, but I told him to give him money; I repaid him for what I used from his safe and plenty more in his time of need. My ex sneered at him and thought of him as a user while he handed him the money. But I wanted to help my friend, especially after using some of the money from the safe. I felt good after I gave him the money, and he was very thankful. Later on, I started packing up to leave. I didn't have much to pack, just one bag and a few things. While I was packing, I knew I wasn’t going to come back. My ex didn’t realize it and thought I was leaving for a little bit. But with this new money in my account, I felt more empowered and free; I was officially getting out of there. My ex was building something around the house while I was packing up my belongings. I remember the house being very broken down and only having one room. It was like shack-like. When I was ready to go, I went to my ex, who told me to give me my wallet. He handed over half of my wallet. I told him to give me all my wallet, including my debit card with the money in it. He handed it over, and I remember that he looked very despondent. I grabbed my wallet and checked that I had everything before I left. I don't remember seeing me leaving, but somehow, I knew that I did and that I would never return to this broken-down house or back with my abusive ex.

2 Jul 2024

Boyfriend Cheating


me and Miguel were arguing. He didn’t care or show any emotion I told him I feel hurt and it’s messed up how he treated me. I got hit him since I want getting rude reaction so he got me back. So he was on the phone I snatched it from him. Ran to the bathroom and locked myself in. I spoke to the other woman she said her name was Yasmin. I was letting her know everything because she deserves to know the truth. And I told her how toxic he is…then Miguel broke the bathroom door I yelled and gave her my Facebook user to contact me. He snatched his phone away and I kept telling him he’s a sick, manipulative toxic selfish piece of shit.

1 Jul 2024



dreamt of befriending a girl who was in a abusive relationship and me and 2 other girls wanted to be there for her. We didn’t see her follow us out the door so we went to help her collect her things so she could come with us to hang out. I tried to tell her I’m always there for her and started crying because I wanted her to be honest about her relationship but she just got mad. It cut to a different part and we were different races and telling the story of how a group of girls murdered their best friend. A quote was “if you can handle this story you can handle anything” and a girl looked deeply into my eyes. They cut her open and left her out to die. I think I was the friend who died.

29 Jun 2024



I was kidnapped and made apart of this cult that kills people that have abused them. Torture them. And then when a member of the cult dies they string them up and burn them, dancing around them to send them off. Even insulting them to try to lighten the mood. It was like a big fucked up family. They were monsters but the love and comradey was real. They loved each other in a way I didn’t think was possible. And there was this dark haired man there. Was kinda like a ninja. He was obsessed or well in love with another member and kinda bullied them for attention. But secretly they’d kill anyone who hurt the. They watch them while they slept and studied anything they liked just so they could relate to them more. He was so desperate for this persons attention he was almost driving himself crazy tho everyone in the dream already seemed a bit crazy. There was a mentor lady that everyone loved. She reminded me of Miss Hoffman. She was so smart and wise and the day she died, the ceremony they performed was so very different from there usual. They did this dance were they summoned forth every element including lighting. And when they pushed over her burial- instead of insulting her like what was natural, they all ran forward and cried at the base of her shrine. Praying for her. Wishing her every good thing and to just be able to see her once last time. She was like a hero to these souls. She gathered cruel beings, killers, bad guys. And she’d find redemption in them. She’s give loveless people a family and purpose. They loved her on a way I’m not sure I could comprehend as I don’t ever really feel loved. She was extremely powerful and No one saw her death coming. Like she “gave up” her life for something. I saw a bunch of messy love stories within the dream. The final one being, a great love between a human Witch and a great Titan Prince. He was deathly sick to the point he couldn’t open his eyes or move. His family kept tryna feed him the human. Maybe to give him strength or something but he refused each time. Literally crying. The human was terrified of him cause he was so big. She was like the size of his cheek. But she did her best to relax against his skin because he was normally completely unconscious holding her in his fist. Everytime she’s tense a little his grip on her would tight painfully. She ended up realizing that he was protective of her unconsciously and didn’t realize was was the biggest threat when he squeezed her. If she wasn’t freaking out or his brothers threatening to feed her too him- She and the giant slept like kittens. When they both slept, the Titan didn’t look so scary and monsterious anymore. More like a younger kid holding on to his only life line. And sometimes, quite rarely, she almost seemed to cuddle into his face. To get closer to his warm. 800 or so years later the Titan wakes again and this time the witch girl is the one protecting them. She put a youth spell on herself so she can try to stay with the Titan because he’s like close to immortal and she was only meant to live a human life. But she can’t hold on much longer. The Titan doesn’t say anything as he’s basically just a little kid waking from a long nap. He doesn’t get angry as he can feel how weak her energy is. All he does is try to protect and persevere what little energy she has left. But he too is weak from 800 years of a coma like sleep. Not really eating or moving. Though he’s still extremely powerful. As soon as he awaking tribes start trying to hunt the two (for some reason 🤷‍♀️) as he brings her back to the mortal realm in hopes of giving her soul a lighter existence. He feels this despair, like no matter what he does he can’t save her. And it kills him because if she goes he knows he will not smile again. People are attacking left and right and she’s visually getting weaker and weaker. Her old age catching up to her now that he’s awake and refraining his strength. He knows she will die. Now I didn’t see this next part in the dream but here’s what I think happened. I think he cast some kinda forbidden spell or something to tie there souls together and force her into reincarnation. He would find her again and when he did he’d be a man, not a child. He’d keep her for real. Now to only find and convince her of that as there old situation wasn’t exactly a friendly one and he’s not sure if he even has a likable personality. She only knew him asleep. Also a lot of the monsters in the dreams. When they died, they’d be locked in these night cages and they’d be sad and lonely till random spirits would visit then they’d get all happy and dance around in there cages. Also the Titan had a grimoire of summoning to all his old friends real selves. Kinda like in fate stay night were you could summoning forth a champion but he was strong enough to summon as many as he wanted whenever he wanted. And the human he was facing casually summoned a copy version of stalker guy from earlier in the dream. He got kinda smirky and summoned the real original that easily kicked the humans ass. It was kinda funny to watch. I was the human in the dream that hadn’t died yet. Also the Titan at first looked like this massive scary pig man with tusks and shit. But later in the dream it was like he just turned into a really large young adult guy. Considered a young child amongst his species and hers. He had long, light orange like hair and light sun kissed skin. He looked like he was surrounded by sunlight light later on. Like really pretty

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