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Dream Interpretation: Bus 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Bus? Discover the significance of seeing a Bus in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Bus appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This often symbolizes taking a journey, either physically or emotionally. It could represent heading out on a new adventure or confronting something challenging. Alternatively, this dream could signify that someone else is in control of your direction.

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🧭 Direction


In your dream, when someone else is driving, this could be a good sign that you need to take some time for yourself and relax, or it could be a warning that you need to take more control over your direction. Either way, recognize your journey and the changes it brings. Progress brings the opportunity for peace and confidence.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a bus can evoke feelings of anticipation, as it symbolizes a journey or a new direction in life. It may also bring a sense of community and connection, as buses often represent shared experiences and interactions with others. Additionally, the dream may elicit feelings of uncertainty or anxiety, as riding a bus can symbolize a lack of control or reliance on external factors. Overall, the dream of a bus can evoke a mix of excitement, camaraderie, and apprehension.





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Dreams of users containing the word Bus

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17 Jul 2024

My crush


I saw that me and my friend sat at the back of my crush on the bus and he turned his head and said: do you brother know everything. And i told him why you were interested and he nodded yes

16 Jul 2024



I dreamed I was going to the movie theatre with my ex. except we got split up right away, there was so many people going to the movies. I had a Paypal card that I could use as a credit card but the food and drinks were like $20 each and I didn't want to wrack up a lot of money. I saw everyone swarming the food and decided to continue on. I couldn't fond my ex inside the theater so I decided to sit next to a random stranger. He gave me a weird look but he let me sit by him. After the movie ended everyone was leaving and walking down long halls. We passed an area with drink stalls, and I found my ex again. I wanted him to get me a drink but he just ignored me and I didn't get a drink. Then, as we were all headed out down the long hallways, me and three other girls found a cat and absolutely loved bit. it looked like a tortie. we all were like "hi kitty kitty" and it came up to us and meowed. we realized that we were really far behind and I had lost my ex again. Me and the girls reluctantly decided to catch up. There was a certain point where everyone was hanging out and waiting for rides and drinking their smoothies when someone was sad about something. I tried to do the splits to make them feel better but ended up fumbling and fell on my but. it was in front of everyone including my ex. he gave me s weird look but everyone began to laugh and that made me feel better. There was a lady there who said I was her favorite. Then, everyone was leaving. I got split from my ex again, ended up walking to his house. someone had told me he was working on making me a bus. I was walking up and saw it. it was light blue and white. I really liked it and wanted to tell him that but when I got to him he started talking about a bird he'd found. The bird looked at him and said "Are you human?" and he said "Yes." and the bird looked sad. my ex mentioned the bird looked so sad, it was like sesame street. I then woke up.

14 Jul 2024

Old Man


The world was tones of Gray. I was on a bus except nobody was driving. The bus came to a stop in front of an empty field, the doors opened and I walked off and into the empty field. As I was walking a strange shed/shack appeared, it was like I was drawn to it. When I got closer the dirt I was walking on turned to mud and I almost couldn’t keep moving forward. When I got to the shed and opened the door I saw a naked old man sitting on a chair tied up and hurt. His eyes had been scooped out and his finger nails ripped off. The inside of the shed and the old man were all in color and no longer grey. He was just screaming, I couldn’t stop staring at him in pure shock and terror. I couldn’t move I was frozen in place staring at this hurt screaming man. I felt so empty, like his scream was taking away all my joy and life.

14 Jul 2024



In the dream I had a connection to different planets and gemstones. I was over joyed and excited. It made me felt peace and happiness. I used the connection to figure out things in life and for healing. I felt so complete. I am watching a dog for someone I am no longer friends with. A male figure I felt was my father told me he brought the dog to pet store or community and she may be pregnant. I was trying to decide if I want to return his dog to keep it. The dog was happy running around and full of life. I had a feeling that owner of the dog asked me to watch her because he went someone where with my ex for the weekend. His intention were to have me watch his dog while he is hooking up with my ex. I am on a bus with a lot of people and we are driving somewhere. The interior felt and looked like a school bus. I have a journal I felt belong to the old friend who’s dog I am babysitting. I had a thought to go through the journal to see what I can discover, so I did. The pages seemed to be like a magazine with half of some of the pages ripped out. Other pages had nudity of men. I felt entertained and intrigued by the pages. The bus now seem to changed. Instead of rows of seats, we are sitting at tables and preparing to eat. I was focused on the need for hot sauce. I walked up to another male figure on the bus because I saw him with hot sauce. It seems too may people where around and the closer I get to him the more things made it difficult. A female figure and another male figure who I am friends with decided we are getting off the bus to find hot sauce. The female figure went to the bathroom, so my male figure friend and I went search for the sauce. We walked up to a male figure to ask him. He seemed interested in my female friend. My male figure friend seemed jealous so he was making the guy feel like she isn’t interest. The male figure wanted to hang with us anyway. I didn’t care and my male friend reluctantly didn’t make a big deal out of it. As we are walking down the street we stop someone to ask about this hot sauce. They pointed to a place where we can go.

14 Jul 2024



i was tryibg to get to school but i missed the bis because i went to mcdonalds then the bus went straight past so had tp walk, tgen go mt to school and needed to as for my classes from reception because id loat my copy . then i couldnt find my first class

13 Jul 2024



My wife, Christi went to visit her old Nanny couple at their home to catch up. When she arrived the husband was livingroom and the wife was upstairs doing something. My wife was talking to the husband and catching up on old times. She had on a dress I thought was a little too tight for her to be wearing while conversing with the opposite sex alone. I bought this up to her and she said, "oh it was just Chad, he's innocent." I thought if the roles were reversed, I probably would talk to the wife in the livingroom while the husband was upstairs. Then we were in another home and it appeared my wife and were divorced and in new relationships. The four of of were in the home, but only one couple lived there. My new partner was lovey-dovey and very touchy in a loving and caring way. The guy that was with my ex-wife could not believe that Christi and I were still such good friends. He wanted to know how we were able to remain friends without having animosity. I did not have an answer for him. For some reason Christi and I drove the Jeep into town. I didn't recognize the town. Maybe we were on a vacation? we're going to go out to eat and I was indecisive about where the park the Jeep. At first I parked at the end of the corner and then a vehicle behind me moved, so I changed and parked in the middle of the block. Then a police officer came and advised me to stay clear of the fire hydrant zone. So I moved forward again to make sure I was out of the fire hydrants zone. We went inside and I wanted to order a special drink I had on a previous vacation or dream. The drink had a little bit of apple beer, bourbon and pineapple juice. I recall really enjoying the drink but was disappointed that he give me such a small amount in a tall glass. Then I was upstairs in a room that looked like a dance studio with desk atound the perimeter. I saw a extra large greeting card on the table. I opened the card and inside there was information about my surprise birthday shout out. I quickly closed the card and acted like I didn't see the information. The build was on a campus that reminded me of my alma mater, Dana College campus. I believe it was Welcome Week because there were all kinds of clubs and organizations present with their information table set up outside. There was going to be a special moment during the activities that day, when they were going to surprises me and sing Happy Birthday. I remember going over to one of the tables trying some type of new food it. It was a sweet gelatin in a square shape. Inside the gelatin was 2 or 3 various insects. The combination of insects in each square varied slightly. the gelatin tasted sweet and masked the bitter taste of the insects. The treats were supposed to be a healthy dessert option. I remember having two of them and they were so good I went back for two more. I had to get off a chartered bus parked on the campus. We were loading up to go on a trip. WhennI returned to the bus, I saw an old female friend of ours from the days our boys played youth football. I gave the lady a hug and asked her where husband was. I was standing in the aisle talking while she was sitting down by the window seat. Our conversation was annoying to the people in-between us. She stood up and asked to switch seats with the guy sitting on the end so we didn't have to converse over the other people. We started to talk a little bit and then another guy got on the bus. He looked just like Jim Belushi's character John "Bluto" Blutarsky from the movie Animal House. He began singing and drinking a beer with his moth open. His mannerisms were 100% like John "Bluto" Blutarsky. We were astonished and how he could take a big sip of beer and sing without swallowing the beer. When I was on the bus earlier it seemed like folks were taking window seats and putting their duffel bag next to them in the middle seat. Towards the end most of the seats were filled and and it was getting closer to the time for them to sing Happy Birthday to me.

11 Jul 2024



Wandering about in the foggy Hakone regions, mostly near Lake Ashinoko Having sex with my father, being chased around the plain filled with pampas grass and patches of grassy autumn fields Scene switches and now I’m on a highway bus, on my way to the observatory/museum/community centers on some high altitude areas around Mt. Fuji I’m with my best friend Maka, whom I had bonded over our shared (bad) experiences wtih our bossy and bullying classmates back in middle school We arrive, go through some sort of an attraction/projection-mapping show in a mini-theater, with the 3D glassrs, swinging chairs and water spraying and stuff to make the whole thing immersive It was about some planes or the people who had built the first electricity line on Mt.Fuji or smth like that Pioneers either way Once we’re done and get out, we’re free to roam and wander for the day We decide to go to the nearby aquaduct/dam/marsh/park, either way close to the waters and the untouched nature Me and my besfriend walk through narrow paths in nature, have a little picnic by the plains, gaze in awe at the marshlands, its autumnal-wintery-summer vegetations somehow coexisting in the same area On our way to the ancient aquaduct we see rainbow in the sky, and the sunny rain The whole classmates who are there rejoice, as they’re a rare and lucky phenomenon, a sign of auspiciousness

10 Jul 2024

Phone call


i woke up and was on the phone with a friend who lives hours away. They said ill be right there and appeared outside my house, but my dad was speaking in gen alpha brainrot. then the bus appears and i slid to the bus doors and got on. i sat down next to my boyfriend but then i teleported to the seat behind with my friend weston next to me. he dissapears and so do my pants. my pants then reappear as I walk to the front of the bus. i see a car break apart like legos while someone pours water on the car. we get to the school and weston appears and says "wall" and the front of the bus dissapears

10 Jul 2024



I was dreaming that I was on a Greyhound bus that was old-school style, and I sat next to some old guy with a long beard, and we were just talking, and he was talking about anything and everything in the sun, and I was like, okay, so we just talked and talked and talked, until we got off our final stop, which was at Federal Express. I saw, like, some different shapes that were clear, and they were supposed to be configured to the planes, and some of them were, like, half the size, and they saw, like, four different belts, and all of a sudden, as soon as I just stared at the belts, he seemed like he disappeared. and then I was waiting outside to get picked up by the BLM guy and it was like a raggedy looking car with different colors. I asked what happened to his car he's like yeah he got in a wreck but I had a big deal what I got I was like okay I'm not gonna argue so we got in it was running kind of janky but whatever we got home that was it

10 Jul 2024



I was dreaming I was walking by this guy and I was trying to get away from him and I was hiding every place I could by being in the bathroom or being in some safe space but he eventually finds me and he keeps on shooting everybody and for some reason he always finds me and one time we went to this place where it's a daycare and I told him hide your gun and then we went to a bunch of places with funny rabbits and little kids and he seemed like he enjoyed it so I thought nothing of it. After a while I escaped and I went outside then I went to hell and I said his soul will be mine laughing and evil laughter and then I went up to heaven and I said his soul will be mine and then for some reason I went on some kind of old school Greyhound bus and we got dropped off at Federal Express where they had like 3 or 4 different belts I guess to go to different destinations we just walked through and then next time I was practicing indoors on a motorcycle and I didn't do good at first and then all of a sudden I was after a few practice I was going and it felt like it was nothing and I was talking to my sister and one of her friends and we were just looking at something in like some kind of room and she was like all these are all from Worcester, Canada and I was like oh okay then we all went downstairs and she was just talking to some guy and I didn't say much and some guy that I got off the Greyhound bus that was talking to me and we were just talking and he was like that was the practice and I was like it was easier the second time and he's like remember me? Like yeah you were talking about like some kind of politics or something like that I couldn't remember and that was it.

8 Jul 2024



My sister and I were arriving to United States from an international company country which seemed to be Mexico and we were headed to immigration. We got on a bus with everyone and some Mexicans were complaining in Spanish about the spots that my sister and I took on the bus and I confronted the Hispanics and told them I understood everything that they were saying and that it wasn’t polite or necessary, they apologized as they didn’t realize I spoke Spanish. My sister and I arrived to the immigration desk as we were still filling out the immigration information. At the desk my sister and I were asking for each others information to fill out our immigration sheet. At the immigration desk there was a very nice African-American, but she was questioning me a lot about my background and I got nervous if she’d let me into the country but eventually she did.

8 Jul 2024



I was in sales again and was going around to each of my clients and trying to give them something. For one of the clients I was releasing their shoes, but they were almost sitting on my face. I had to keep asking them to readjust so I could breathe. Another client I was trying to give an extra pair of shoes who sell shoes. She assured me she was fine and on one shoe a week program from her company.another client excepted money from me as a gift as a way to say thank you. I was going around the mall making these touch points with my client and bumped into Kelly. My most successful friend! just had a wonderful lunch with Kelly, my dear friend Who is very successful and gave me great advice as always. She always reminds me what is important. I was feeling very upbeat as I was doing my route through the mall to the public transportation wrapping up my day. I was passing the part of the mall with there’s always some guy trying to talk to me. Usually one of the same guys and this time the guy was occupied but yelling to catch my attention. I started running, not afraid, but just trying to avoid him. I took off a big jacket, so that I could run faster and avoid him. I remember, I was cautious and focused to get to public transportation. I was waiting for the bus/train and was with Kelly again. It was dark in the sign across the street from the bus stop was going into a parking lot named more sugar in Spanish. I thought that was funny and pointed it out, however there was a commotion and we went to go check it out. Kelli was wearing baggy clothes and boots and when we went to see what was going on because everyone was moving, they said there was a snake there. After a few seconds, they found the red black white and yellow snake on Kelli, and brushed it off of her. Everyone was quite scared and worked up. The snake had a giant white tag hanging off of it as it went into the gutter. Then after I caught the bus to El Cerrito, California, where I used to live for a few months, I was walking along and saw a big smile in a rearview mirror of a car. It was Ryan, Kelli‘s husband. He told me he wanted to grab something to eat with me, I said I just ate with Kelli, but that I would pick it something with him, not eat but hang out with him while he ate. He told me to get in so I got in and he started driving erratically. at one point he turned left and I almost fell out of the vehicle because there was no door on the car. He told me he needs to “sing HU” like me and I told him I would do it with him and assured him it was important. I remember as we were driving, thinking I was supposed to be selling and here it was filling up my calendar with non-revenue producing things. I liked Ryan. I was just feeling conflicted over my priorities and needing to sell.

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