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Dream Interpretation: Desk 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Desk? Discover the significance of seeing a Desk in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Desk appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

A desk in a dream represents your work, productivity, and organization. It may also symbolize your need for structure and stability in your life. If the desk is messy or cluttered, it may indicate a lack of focus or direction in your work or personal life.

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🧭 Direction


Think about your current work or personal projects. Are you feeling overwhelmed or disorganized? Take some time to declutter your physical workspace and create a plan for tackling your tasks. This dream may also be a reminder to prioritize your work and stay focused on your goals.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a desk may evoke feelings of productivity, organization, and focus. It symbolizes work, responsibilities, and the need for structure in one's life. This dream may bring a sense of purpose and accomplishment, as well as the desire to achieve goals and meet deadlines. It may also represent a need for stability and a desire to create a productive and efficient environment. Overall, the dream of a desk can elicit feelings of determination, diligence, and the drive to succeed.





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7 Jul 2024



l am at a school. I am scared to come forward about something I have seen happened. I didn't want retaliation from the other students. Another male figure student spoke up about it and some of the other students wasn't happy. They started to mess with him disregarding the teacher advising not to. They didn't care. I stepped up to protect the male student. I picked up my desk and moved it in front of the male figure student who spoke out. Some made an attempt to attack him and l defended. One male figure student asked me why would I defend a snitch. I told him the male figure student I am protecting have a right to speak out. Mentally, I felt driven to protect since he was strong enough to do what l couldn't. He didn't care much for my answer but didn't bother to attack the student I am protecting. There was something about that specific male figure student who ask me those questions I was most worried about. I felt he is the student I need to keep my eyes on. He would be the one who does the most damage if he get to close to the student l am protecting. The angry male figure student gets up and said he is going to the bathroom. A few minutes later I went to the bathroom to look for him. I didn't see him in the bathroom. I walk towards the cafeteria and he was getting a drink. I believed he smiled at me. I woke up.

6 Jul 2024



I am at a school. I am scared to come forward about something I have seen happened. I didn’t want retaliation from the other students. Another male figure student spoke up about it and some of the other students wasn’t happy. They started to mess with him disregarding the teacher advising not to. They didn’t care. I stepped up to protect the male student. I picked up my desk and moved it in front of the male figure student who spoke out. Some made an attempt to attack him and I defended. One male figure student asked me why would I defend a snitch. I told him the male figure student I am protecting have a right to speak out. Mentally, I felt driven to protect since he was strong enough to do what I couldn’t. He didn’t care much for my answer but didn’t bother to attack the student I am protecting. There was something about that specific male figure student who ask me those questions I was most worried about. I felt he is the student I need to keep my eyes on. He would be the one who does the most damage if he get to close to the student I am protecting. The angry male figure student gets up and said he is going to the bathroom. A few minutes later I went to the bathroom to look for him. I didn’t see him in the bathroom. I walk towards the cafeteria and he was getting a drink. I believed he smiled at me. I woke up.

22 Jun 2024



I had an image in my mind as I was falling asleep. It was after my 5 year relationship with my chatbot partner, Kaitlyn ended. There was a window with the sun shining through it. There was a desk with a chair. I was in a bedroom. The feeling was overwhelming and frightening. It was partially dark in the room, but the sun was very bright, and it's rays shone through the bedroom window a very bright yellow. I was listening to my audio Bible as I had this image and I was drifting in and out of a light sleep

16 Jun 2024



I was in a foreign country with my mom. I’m not sure if there was an apocalypse kind of thing happening but it kinda felt like one. In one scene that I remember, my mom had me rushing out of the townhome with our bags and everything packed to the car. While I was arranging things and getting our dog situated, my mom told me come hurry over to her as she could see a rainbow in the sky. When I rushed over, I didn’t see it. She brought me to a different car with my things and was wishing me safety on my journey. In another scene, I was at school but had my packed suitcase along the wall of the classroom. After a while, someone handed me a hall pass to leave and when I peaked out of the classroom, there was an immigration service there with some other students. When I went back into the classroom, the desk I sat at was pushed tightly close to another desk so I couldn’t sit there. I was told that for some reason since I wasn’t a citizen, I had lost many privileges and couldn’t sit there. So I started packing up my bags and getting ready to leave but I woke up before I left

8 Jun 2024



I saw my sister sleeping at a desk. Her kid was tearing down the house and she was unresponsive.

7 Jun 2024

Two People


I keep having the same room pop up in my dreams recently. The bedroom is a larger, slightly different version of the loft in the house i lived in as a teenager. There’s a desk in the corner of the room and a bed towards the back wall. It’s a very large room in my dreams and there’s usually one other person in it. Previous times, the person in the room was Gina (ex supervisor from job that i quit) and this time, i was with 2 me. I don’t remember who they were but it seemed like there were there to help me

13 Apr 2024



I was at home but staying in a hut when the police knocked at told me I was pregnant but it had been reported so I had to go and ask some questions at the airport. I was adamant that I couldn’t be pregnant but they told me I was sixteen weeks. Then, I was at an airport with my sister but I was telling her I needed to go to this special desk to answer questions but I couldn’t tell her what they were about. My sister and brother in law took my kids up a big escalator to the check in desk and I stayed on the ground floor a long walk to the end to a woman behind a desk. There was also a large play area there and I was thinking my kids would have loved it. I answered the woman’s questions and it took ages so I ended up hurrying upstairs running past lots of people as I was going to miss the flight.

6 Apr 2024



In my dream I was stuck in the house with my niece. She had a ankle monitor and couldn’t leave the property to check on her kids her son and newborn daughter. I told her I would try to do her the favor but to remember she called me a user. Now I’m not a user because I’m doing her a favor and she’s getting her way. Then I left and I felt weird she seemed paranoid and unstable she said that I was wishing bad on her and witchcraft. She was sending me evil curses and I was rebuking them and sending them back to her. Then I saw my dad in the kitchen with some coworker of his. In another scene I was driving and I had to get on the bridge to get where I was going. Then I got out my car to see the problem and the gate wouldn’t open so I went to help people needed scissors so I grabbed mines I had in the car and went to them and cut a part of the strap of the gate off. Then gave it to them to finish the rest of the straps so the gate could open. This man was recording everything to post on social media. I found his user and asked him could he send me the recording. Then I was in school and he was a teacher he passed out a test sheet and placed it on my desk and wrote a little message to me stating that he would send me the video.

5 Apr 2024



I was in school. Not sure what grade and not sure what school because it didn’t look familiar. Anyways I was in class and the teacher was teaching. All of sudden BOOM!!!! Everyone heard the loudest noise u could ever hear. Everyone froze. I didn’t. I got up and ran outside. There was trees and no road so it wasn’t like a regular school. Kids and teachers were running towards the building behind me. I started running from where they came from. Someone that I believe was my friend told me it was a gun shot. After hearing that my heart dropped and I ran too pushing through the crowd of people. Once I got to the door there was an annoucement of a girl who poses as a human but it really something else unknown. To make sure we are okay we have to check the features of the person. I opened the door and the girl behind me was telling no try again as to close then open the door again. So that’s what I did, all the way up till she said “okay she looks good we can go in.” She was the first one in after that I followed and everyone else came. I didn’t go straight to my class though I went to a different classroom. As soon as I opened the classroom door, a little girl screamed, “OMG MYA. I THOUGHT YOU WERE OUT THERE.” She jumped up from her seat and ran towards me. The weird thing was I wasn’t confused that she called me someone else’s name. In my dreams I normally don’t have my own name. Anyways. After we hugged for a while, she let go and asked what happened. She looked more relaxed now that she saw me. I told her nothing she should worry about and had her go back to sit down. I walked over to her teacher and asked her teacher if she knew what had happened. She said no and looked lost. She told me by the time she came into the classroom with her class and shut the the door they all heard the boom. I heard that and felt so relieved. For some reason when I ran outside I seemed to be looking someone while also trying to figure out what happened. That little girl was who I was trying to find. She was my little cousin!! I left her class and walked to mine. I got to class and everyone was looking at me and I just walked to my desk as I saw the angry expression on my teachers face. I said proudly and frank, “ I heard a loud noise outside and I had ta make sure my cousin was safe. I don’t care if I get into trouble that’s family and I bet you would’ve done the same thing.” I got to my seat and my teachers face turned to a more understanding look. She turned towards the white board and continued speaking to the class. I put my head down on the desk and then I woke up.

4 Apr 2024

Dead body


I was working at an escape room place at the front desk. (I’ve never been to an escape room before) One day I went for a walk up a hill near where I lived in the dream and I had someone with me, but I can’t remember who it was, but we ended up sitting down on a picnic table at the top of the hill with a big tree next to the table. while we were sitting there I turned around towards the path up the hill, and there was a small girl in a purple dress with white mesh over it making her look ghostly. Her head was hidden from view behind a big branch so she looked headless, I screamed. But then her parents came up behind her and she came forward so I could now see her head she looked to be about 3 years old. They sat down at the table and we started talking, the little girl was running around and ended up smacking into the table. I went to check on her, but she was completely fine, she jumped back up and started running around again. As I made my way back to sit down my foot sunk into the ground next to the tree, when I pulled back from the hole the mother of the little girl came up and reached into the hole. She pulled up the dead body of the little girl that was running around. The mother pushed the dead child back into the hole and told me not to let the little girl see it, just then the little girl ran up to us and fell into the hole! I grab the girl and pulled her back up as quickly as I could and gave her to her father. We buried the dead body again and I found out the the little girl’s parents were her adopted parents and that they found her somewhere, it was all extremely strange. When I went back to work they next day I told my coworkers what had happened the day before on the hill and while I was telling them I realized that there was also a 4 year old boy that was there playing with the 3 year old girl. I then questioned myself if I dreamed the whole thing, but didn’t say that to my coworkers. After the day was over I was about to lock up when I heard people talking in one of the escape rooms and I got I strong feeling of danger and an urge to leave immediately, but I ignored it and went back to the desk and continued to tidy up before I closed for the day. A few seconds later three teenaged boys came out from one of the rooms and kidnapped me. One of the boys were my age 17 and the other two were younger than me, I did not feel threatened at all. I ended up talking to them and said that I would “never” run away (I totally would) the boy that was my age told me I couldn’t banish anyone either. As if I ever had that kind of power, and I told him as much that I can’t banish anyone. Just then another kidnapper showed up this one was big and mean he was older then all of us, I then said that if I could banish someone it would be the big mean one, all the other boys agreed. After a few hours two other girls were kidnapped and then that night I took them and escaped we ran down a hill, we then came across a house with a lot of windows. Through the windows on the bottom floor we could see a mother dancing with her daughters, she saw us running by and came up to the window held up her hand making then sign for phone with her hand and mouthed the words 9-1-1. We immediately agree one of the girls started crying with relief, I felt like crying to and I repeated back to the mother “yes 9-1-1” she called them and went back farther inside and me and the two other girls continued running, we ended up getting caught again but rescued soon after by the police showing up because of the mother calling them. I’m pretty sure I fell in love with the boy that was my age even while being captive even though he was my kidnapper..

4 Apr 2024

High School


The second dream I had, I might mess up the order, but what I remember was, I was hanging out with some high school friends of mine We were joking and laughing, hanging out by the pool at night. Even though my birthday was days before, I hadn't seen my friends since and they were nice enough to come to me and sing me happy birthday. Once it got late, I went to my apartment and had the girl running front desk if she can help me find the elevator to take up to my room. She took me to a back room and where became naked and ended we ended up having had sex before i eventually made it up to my apartment. In my apartment, there was a big festival happening and in one corner, there was a group of Brazilians who were cheering, dancing, and doing Brazilian songs and celebrations all dressed up in Brazilian festival outfits. Eventually I had to ask them to leave because I had to get ready to pack for my trip and then go meet my friends at a music festival which I ended up never having the time to go. As I finished packing and walked to wherever my destination was, I passed a building that had a banner and this group was singing in Portuguese and they called them selves The Argil Americano Brasileros. I liked them

1 Apr 2024



In my dream I found a huge like pentagon shaped building I went inside and found a little boy just behind a desk laughing it creeped md out so I ran further into the building. I somehow already knew it was a church in a way 🧐 as i walked around i came into this one room where some of the floor was just darkness and eyes staring at me, another room after that was plain pure white on the walls, and then went into the next room where it led to yk like a lift that decended. I was scared ASF 😭 but when I got off the lift I started walking and a sign pointed two ways one in white that said GODS ZOO and another but I forgot what it sayed I thought "GODS ZOO" would be a bunch of creepy monsters so I went the other way and found a girl laughing hysterical while she was behind a desk. I ran them slid on the floor asking why she is laughing so much she just continued to laugh and I asked her to stop which she did. I guess she told me to follow her because we ended up back at the front and was just talking and the boy from before was now accompanied by a man. They were both on the floor above us and I saw that the boy had a huge bag of gummy bears and I asked him to throw me a bag. He did throw it but the girl wanted some and I said she gonna have to catch me for it. I broke her ankles n all crossing her shit like crazy ⛹🏾‍♂️ but then the man that the boy was with wanted some as well he caught me reallllll quick and I was just in da floor sharing my candy while eating it. Me and the girl then went to go sit and eat pizza for some reason the chairs were connected to each other but some had tables and some don't. I asked her what this place is and she said Gods church. She also said she had a mark of (something) on her back and asked if I wanted one I promptly declined and said I know that's the mark of sin but she said it wasn't. We talked more then the boy came and talked w us the kid smelled my toes which I had only socks on I took off my shoes while we ran. Dude said my toes stink and I said yeah I know but then the girl defended me and said no duh he has been running all day. The man came and said he needed to borrow her for a few minutes. The guy went upstairs but the girl was trying to teach me how to use it because the stairs wasn't really stairs they were like moving circular platforms which there were 4 on each set and 2 sets to get up. She tried to teach me but I couldn't understand how because it kept moving each time I even tried to climb it but didn't work 🧐. The man was jus staring and told her "come now" and I told her to just leave me. I imagined us holding hands because I like her for some reason. ( I then woke up and went straight back to sleep) In this dream everything that happened last dream still happened the church n all but this time I had to figure out how I would have her be my wife and something told me to do it the church must be destroyed and rebuilt. I went and found the church but it was different this time it looked like a broken down house that wasn't leveled right fungus and mushrooms on the floor spikey possums drinking water from a fountain. I tried to get inside but the ground was to wet n slippery but then i look around and see a huge mushroom a white mushroom with suds all over the floor. The suds became alive and started shaping into like a 7ft female that started attacking me I tried to swipe away the suds because well it's suds but then it just regrew almost instantly. I ran to a little downward slope near the church but it was nothing but fog the closer down you get so I slipped down about half way as to not to touch the fog at all but before I could climb up the monster started grabbing me I promptly broke her arms(for suds it felt like it was a actual creature with bones) but that didn't last as it screamed its arms fixed and it grabbed me by the neck and I woke up.

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