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Dream Interpretation: Presentation ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Presentation? Discover the significance of seeing a Presentation in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Presentation appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This dream symbolizes your desire to be seen and heard. It reflects your need for recognition and validation. It may also indicate that you are ready to share your ideas and talents with others. Alternatively, it may suggest that you are feeling vulnerable and exposed.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Are you feeling confident in your abilities and ideas? If not, take some time to prepare and practice before presenting yourself to others. Remember that vulnerability is a strength, and sharing your talents can lead to great opportunities. Trust in yourself and your abilities, and don't be afraid to take risks.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of a presentation evokes feelings of anticipation, nervousness, and pressure. It signifies the need to showcase oneself or one's ideas to others, seeking validation and recognition. There is a sense of vulnerability and the fear of being judged. The dream may also reflect a desire for success and the need to prove oneself. It can be both exciting and anxiety-inducing, as it represents a significant opportunity to make an impression and achieve goals. Overall, the dream of a presentation elicits a mix of emotions, ranging from excitement to apprehension, as one navigates the challenges and expectations associated with public speaking and self-presentation.





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7 Jul 2024



I was at school again and i had an assignment from this really hot teacher i liked. I was in a class with a couple of girls that were actually really nice and we had fun but i had a weird feeling that something was off. The next day i had an appointment with the teacher and we were flirting during a presentation with other teachers. After that i needed to get my stuff packed but when i was packing my stuff it got more and more and more and everything fell out and i had to pack it again, after what felt like hours i got everything and i started leaving school when there suddenly was this huge crowd because there somehow was a concert going on that i wasnt aware of. Someone called me and I looked behind me and was confused because i didnt know them. Them they looked at me weird until i remembered that these were the girls from my class only that now they were mean because i didnt recognise them. I tried to explain that i cant see faces and i only recognise people due to other features which was imposible in this huge crowd. I dont know if they believed me or not. But then they invited me and I was uncomfortable the whole time

29 Jun 2024

Cobra snake


I canโ€™t remember much butโ€ฆKaeya and Diluc from the video game Genshin Impact were there; they both happily greeted me at different times. Diluc greeted me as we were meeting his mother, who is a bright blonde colored golden King Cobra with red, green, and purple runes carved in it. It never attacked me but she also slithered forward to acknowledge me and move back to where she was. Now Kaeya, hugged me in the biggest brotherly bear hug. We got to explore other places. Sonic and Eggman from the Archie Comics were battling it out in post apocalyptic scenes, but it wasnโ€™t so much of an end of the world scenario as I initially thought. There was a front desk of a hotelโ€ฆa UFO we exploredโ€ฆ It took us to what seemed to be a flourishing and upgraded Mesopotamian pyramid like area. Full of green lifeโ€ฆUsed as a presentation and galleryโ€ฆwe were at the topโ€ฆtalking to a woman I couldnโ€™t see. We got to sit down and watch movies but then I awoke.

12 Jun 2024

Haunted house


my my family was sending me to complete tasks in some haunted abandoned house. i always had to go in an elevator. there were various tasks and sometimes i almost died. then we had s presentation in school about video games.

23 Mar 2024

New Job


Can I recall? Space -school wadd he. C Class presentation. Black guy taking over for class presentation. Or takes over from Sadie . We are sitting on black trunks then kind of fizzles. Go to a party with a new colleague-black or Indian. Having fun. Playing Marco Polo but then a Ben type has to leave. The place has a pond but it is right on college. Beautiful-go swimming with colleague to go paddle boarding. I wonder if we could be friends? Talking to person who lives there. Realize I had been here for a Halloween party. Itโ€™s McMansions all around. They will have to leave though cause itโ€™s being sold. Theyโ€™ve made the most of it.

22 Mar 2024



I was in a huge school. In my class was my work colleagues. I felt left behind bc I wasnโ€™t aware of certain things, like a class meet up in a mall earlier or a Spanish presentation in front of the whole class. The Spanish presentation was to record yourself speaking in Spanish about preparing for a court hearing- or going to a doctors office. My boss was also a part of the room, so i remembered that I didnโ€™t want to disappoint him. So, I remember taking my backpack and leaving the class so I can do my homework and used the excuse of needing to go to the restroom. As soon as I left, I wandered the halls and it was graffitied all over, and the two womenโ€™s restrooms I saw had a long line of girls so at that point I was like I just need a spot to record and prepare. I moved from one space to another until I finally found a quiet place with a glass balcony on the other side of the building. Walking inside I noticed my backpack was there, which meant a student stole my bag and placed it there- just to mess around. Luckily I found it. Then I walked in the area and sat down. I was recording and trying to do my homework but I was interrupted by some guy who wanted to talk to me.

22 Mar 2024



I was at work attending a training workshop. My colleague was given a presentation. He was talking about his belief on alien life and inteligent life before mankind. I wanted to participate and answer the questions but my boss looked at me and gave me the eye like I should not participate or ask any question. I remember at the end of the presentation as the workshop was ending, we stayed around and one of the College vice presidents was talking to me. We were walking together to go to Subway which was in the next building on the campus. As we were walking he told me he makes a six digit figure salary and he is depressed. He went on to say that his depression is not from everyday life, he believed his depression started in his mother's womb because of her lifestyle and because she was depressed. I just listen I was very surprised that he was sharing such personal information with me. I wanted to share with him some information but I never got a chance to do so. After we entered the building I just ordered an iced tea even though I was somewhat hungry. I grab the cup for the iced tea and I almost grabbed this lady's pizza and then I realized I didn't actually order pizza. Then another friend of mine came over and said, hey that is my pizza. she actually ordered the special cheese on her Pizza just like she saw me order the last time we had lunch together. I went over to the beverage dispenser to fill my cup with iced tea and then my boss came over and was asking me what I knew about the next phase of our project. As she was talking to me I was not paying attention to filling my cup and the tea over flowed and spilled into the floor. My boss wanted me to tell her what I knew about our project as I was starting to cleaning up the iced tea. She went to go grab some napkins. There were napkins next to the beverage dispenser right by me so I begin using them to clean up the tea. She was getting a little impatient as I was cleaning up the iced tea. I finished cleaning it up anyway as I was telling her about phase two of the project. She said no I don't want you to tell me, I want you to tell the president and the vice president. I look over to my left and the vice presidents for the college and the president were sitting on the floor, on a red rug with their legs crossed Indian style. They were waiting patiently little kids waiting for the teacher to read a story book. I looked their way and started talking to them and explaining to them what I knew about the phases of the project and what each phase would accomplish.

19 Mar 2024



A middle aged woman started to go down an alley where see saw this disturbing looking head (it looked like Prime Minister Chidulken from SAO). She started to run away and down the street. The head lifted up on 4 spingly spider like legs and went after her, smiling. But it was much faster than her, it was just toying with her, making her think she had a chance. After her, he started killing and destroying everyone else. Suddenly, I was in a hotel or some big business of some sort. I frantically went into a room and locked the door, praying he would skip the room since it was locked. He banged on the door and I was not near strong enough to stop him. It was a mistake. Because I locked the door, he knew to look for some one hiding. When he came in, the room started being destroyed. It was like a presentation room with the white fold up tables and such. The ceiling tiles started coming down along with wires. He found me as soon as the door was flung open. I tried to hide behind the door, but if I would have, it would have crushed me when it flew open. Next I knew, I was playing dead on the ground. Eyes open, pale skin, praying he didnโ€™t realize I was still alive. After that, I mustve fallen asleep because I woke up to heavy thundering rain pouring down on me and all around even though the room was indoors. I thought it should be safe to move around with how much noise the rain was making. I started to move, then my alarm went off on my phone next to me. I scrambled and shut it off quickly. The monster came back on his spindly legs, straight at me. I was playing dead again but once again, I messed up. If I was really dead, the alarm wouldโ€™ve kept going. Next thing I know, the head is a full blown, fat mans body in a suit. I start stabbing its face as it lays next to me. Through the chin. The eyes, everything on its face. It keeps talking though. The only thing not covered in blood on its face is its mouth and I dont hear words but I know its sinister, mocking me. I keep aiming for its mouth but I couldnโ€™t hit it. I just kept stabbing over and over. All of a sudden, I was Turk (from Scrubs) standing and talking to Carla (his wife) who was laying down in bed. I was making stabbing uppercut motions over and over and then I wondered where I was. It had propelled me somewhere different in time. I was so confused as to where I was. I went to the bedroom mirror and looked at my hands in horror. They were covered in blood like they were but I was no longer there. Was this foreshadowing that I was going to kill Carla?

18 Mar 2024



Traveled to a far away island where there were a battle between ironclad and traditional pitates. The ironclad won since they had the superior firepower and protection. Talked to the leader of the pirates and he said that they, the ironclad operators has been ravaging his home islands, so he rebelled. Went down to an underground bunkee on the island to do some research. There was my parents and some a lot or my family there running it. We were all in debt to the company that owns it. Had to do errands, had to give a presentation about a Presbyterian Cathedral and how it was different from an Episcopal Cathedral. Some artifacts got broken and me and my sister got accused of breaking then, even though we did not. The management said we must work this new debt off before we can leave. So we went down the the deepest depths the the facility to watch a science experiment. It goes wrong and I escaped. When I escaped from the facility, I found a tree house that was still be used. As I approached it, it said, run by woman priest. I was built by the former Episcopal Chaplin who fled from the facility. In the tree house, I got comfortable and made myself at home. The priest, she said she fled the facility because they overworked her, and was bad for the environment. She also took the cat with her when she fled. She was planning on building her own church in the tree house and enlisted my help. We drew up some blueprints on how the church was going to look. Then a few troops from the facility was below the tree house. They were looking for employees that deserted the company. They were lead by a cat. So me and the priest mounted a defense of our new home. We got rid of the company soldiers. After defending the company men, we built our new church and one new home there. The tree house became the tree castle that spanned multiple trees. Me and the woman priest lived happily ever after.

28 Feb 2024



There was a man who saw the illusive upright walking chimpanzees. When they saw home they chased him he was atop some trees with some sort of platforms. They were walking on the ground and they had bows and arrows. They started shooting arrows at the man when they saw he had seen them they chased him from the ground but as the man ran atop of the trees toward a more populated area fear of being seen they eventually stopped following him. Myself and a group of us who were members of a men's married group of men attempting to repair their marriages were invited. Some of us went. We got to the part of the African continent where the tribe in the area was familiar with these chimpanzees. When we got to the meet area they showed us what these chimps would grow to eat. It was type of grape that grew cheese inside it. Some of were taken to the top of the trees on platforms where we could watch the dance celebration presentation. I was at the top and I could see the people down on the ground and there were University professors and other scientists that studied this area of science and wildlife. I at some of these Grapes with Cheese and they were very good. I at a lot of them with Ritz Crackers. After I had climbed down to the ground. As I walked in front of one of my group members he notified me he was not going to go on the search and he gave me one of his box of menthol cigarettes he had brought along and he was trying to figure out how and who to give the rest of them to.

20 Feb 2024

High School


I was out exploring somewhere- it looked like a resort in Hawaii or something- and it was completely deserted. There was no one out there with me, which I thought was odd and a bit ominous but kinda cool at the same time. I could hear the birds chirping and watch the sunset in silence. Then I started to get this feeling of dread and I looked out across the sea and started to see this fleet of ships in the distance headed my way. I went inside, and it was set up like a war room and there were a few important looking people standing around either talking on the phone or to each other in hushed tones. I felt like a child walking in there, even though I was grown and knew I was supposed to be there. It felt like everyone was looking down on me. Like they thought I wasnโ€™t supposed to be there, but I knew I was. I walked to the person in charge, someone I felt I knew for a really long time, and she looked at me like an old friend but when she saw my face and how serious it was she asked what is it, so I told her. That set off a cascade in the room with people starting to call other people and phones ringing and the news turning on and her face hardening. She turned to her advisor and I walked out of the room but remained in the building. The scene changed to me being with a group of people, possibly at the same resort? But we were out exploring the island and we had jet skis and whatnot. We knew it was dangerous, but we still had time to blow off some steam before we had to get serious and buckle down. So we went swimming and were having a good time, but I think we lost track of time because a group of agents or army people came to get us while we were still out having fun and the mood changed quickly. We had to gather up fast, but they also warned us the water we were in had creatures in it that could and would hurt us if they grabbed us, but we needed to get samples or something for scientific purposes. I was back on the ship because I was tired/leading the research team, but my brother was still out there. I was trying to get him to hurry up but he was too fascinated with being the hero and/or seeing one of these creatures up close (I think). But we finally left the area and got back to the base house, which is a house I had been in before (I think in another dream). All the blue chairs from high school were lined up looking at a tv like a presentation was going to happen and I was getting nervous. It was like the world was about to end and we had to watch a way to survive- which is exactly what it was. Everyone started prepping and I took the back stairs to my favorite hide out to process and think through what was going on. Then I woke up.

11 Feb 2024

High School


Moving from Ohio to Chicago and going to school there/high school. Kids were rougher and meaner, started out outside where a kid invited me to go on this waterslidenthat was held up by a crane and was super high off the ground and there was a huge pool below it, I tried to go up with him because it seemed fun but as soon as I saw how high it was and the deep drop I ran back down the stairs. It skipped to me walking outside and there was a green pool submerged into water into a fountain and the school grounds was above it. I went inside and tried to each lunch with a group but they all told me no but one group said I could sit with them for 5 minutes then I had to leave. Skipped to the end of class and this girl was picking on me and calling me names and I threw a pen at the back of her head in retaliation and she started talking really rude to me. I was given a starter pack with essential stuff for the school like a map and some folders and a kid tried to take it from me so I had to shove him away. There was an etiquette class in the hallway with a bunch of students and I was confused what was going on and the teacher got mad and said did I really not know what was going on so I said it was my first day and she instantly put me in line where my clothes matched the color scheme. It seemed to be a color coded line and I was wearing hues of pink. Some girl put her butt on me as a way to assert dominance. The girl to my left started talking to me with a smile on her face and she had on blue. I kept on wiping my runny nose on my pink sweater. I had a different dream before this one where I was in a school assembly and I was trying to figure out the best way to angle the speakers for my moms presentation, I tried to get her opinion on it and showed her various examples of how each angle could affect the sound but she didnโ€™t seem interested at all. It felt frustrating because I went to school for it.

28 Jan 2024



I awoke to five guys in my room, giving us a presentation from what theyโ€™ve learned. They also had a golden retriever. I had to give a presentation too on a book report, where there were people who you wanted to be on your side, cheering with you, in all manner of joy. We were seated on a couch in an Apple vineyard, right across from a stadium/ bar they were smoking a blunt and we had a roach on the couch. The book said Purpose with us, prophesy with us. There were very convoluted idioms and sayings that I couldnโ€™t decipher, but also things about supply and demand, and really good edm songs. In another scene we were in a tank of water, a parade was walking through a massive pool on top of giant creatures that were our floats, and there were women dressed as influential women from another time, elk was there parading for indigenous people. At one point, one of them gets attacked by a shark in the pool, and the parade continues but sadly. Later we find ourselves in a shark tank for intimately. A few of us are swimming in this oasis, and we hop over a log because we see an octopus, we want to get closer. It retreats and we all swim in further, until I see a shark and call everyone to get out. We make it back to a hallway with doors to block the sharks from getting in, Iโ€™ll draw them out. It was very specific the vibes in which I had to close the door. In another part, I was outside on a nice street by my hotel. A bird flew onto a tree in front of me with a pretty pink head. Meanwhile a guy talked to be and Danielle about how he went to ccbc in the past, but he had dated Danielle. I bought a bunch of warm, honestly hot valentines fabrics from a banker with a briefcase. Inside the hotel I walked straight in like I owned the place, but almost felt out of place. I couldnโ€™t find my key once I got into the elevator and an elderly man helped me up, I rode with him on a cart, he was kind of touchy tbh, and the hotel hallways went in all directions. I saw my friend Slava and we were going to hang out and I went to hug him and he nearly pushed me off and said not to touch him. We all sat down at these casino machines and were connected to a game like Tetris. Reed was around the corner and that was nice, I was kind of put off from not being able to hug him ig. I donโ€™t know if this was the same time, but I was also in a larger casino with Hans and little Jamie. We were playing baccarat with dad and Reed, and little Jamie was seated for the game. Edm was being marketed, and there was a gym we worked out in. I also want to mention stairs descending which were processing the waste from israel, they would spin in a manner like a grate, and the waste was like oil. It went all the way down to an industrial area of the hotel, and I have one last thing to decipher. My grandparents, Jan and Mike were giving me some kind of birthday gift and birthday cake. I wish I remembered what the details were. There was a door like a little closet, and the room was small like a hallway. The kitchen was behind him, and there was a tv with a little living room and big Jamie watching a game. I remember speaking with him, but none of what I said.

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