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Dream Interpretation: Party 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Party? Discover the significance of seeing a Party in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Party appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

It symbolize happiness, socialization, enjoyment, and connections. This kind of dream also serves as a symbol of what you have been missing. If you are an introvert, then it suggests that you need to improve your social skills, meet new people and forge a new connection.

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🧭 Direction


Go, get out and meet new people, form new connections and discover new partners. They will help you in both business and personal relationships. Certain things can be achieved through socialization and communication; listen to your dream, and start experiencing the company.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a party evokes feelings of joy, excitement, and celebration. It signifies a sense of social connection, happiness, and the enjoyment of life's pleasures. This dream may also represent a desire for fun and relaxation, as well as a need for social interaction and a break from daily routines. It suggests a positive and vibrant energy, where one can let loose and embrace the festive atmosphere.





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18 Jul 2024



traveling back to the past when I was still very young. In the dream I was thinking that I should get the nicest clothing I can wear to attend a party with my childhood friends

18 Jul 2024



I was in a house that I had never been in and had a family with some family members that I actually knew and some made up. My dad was grilling for this weekend party and one he was done all our family and friends came over. When I had sat down to watch a movie with my family there was this group on the couch next to me and their son was a bit odd. No one really understood him when he spoke except me and we got along and felt very close even though I was timid of him at first.

17 Jul 2024



i broke into someone's house with me and some friends i didn't know and we partied inside their house then cops showed up because it was the house of like the Chief of police, and i was able to smooth talk my way out of any punishment. And then i played college football with the chief and helped the chief of polices mom and then i was invited to family functions forever and ever but like everyone in the county was there so it was pretty crowded

17 Jul 2024



I had a drream that i was on knickerbocker and whycoff ave. It was a combo of being in dystopian future but feeling like the present. Im with a group of people. Some are friends. We want to try ice cream but the shop is closed. I get to my apartment and im going through my archives of projects i have wanted to work on. And i come across a podcast i started of what jt was like going to college while living jn a shelter. (This is not true in my waking life, i have never lived in a shelter). I run into dave chappele who is messaging one of his friends. He worried they are mad at him. Hes my neighbor. He asks me, if its ok if i come by later, and “slap the shit out of me till i come” and i tell him, “you asked me years ago and i said yes, but you never followed through. The answer is yes dave” in my dream dave and i are friends for many years with mutual friends. He tells me there is a sketch show in which Gordon ramsy shows his mother pornography. I find it strange, but gordon is going to be cooking for my party at my apartment so i figured i would ask him about it when i see him

15 Jul 2024



I dreamt that I was dead, and an invisible ghost. I watched to see what people would do upon noticing I was dead and was appalled at what happened: Instead of having a funeral, everyone threw a party! My mom said to everyone how happy she was to not have to take care and homeschool a backtalking crybaby, and went back to work as an acupuncturist. My dad sold my piano and other belongings to buy another house in Vermont, as well as adopt a new son. And my sister was ecstatic to have a new brother, and said that I was the worst brother ever because I didn't play with her all the time. Then my Grandparents also said what they hated about me as everyone cut cake celebrating my death. I cried and went to what was left of my area of the bedroom, and haunted it. Then after a while I woke up and cried.

13 Jul 2024



My husband and me were getting ready for a wedding. We were in some kind of venue getting ready with other people too. I was in a wedding dress but I wasn’t the bride. It was interesting because I knew the wedding dress was still the appropriate thing to wear. I was interrupted by a young man who invited to come party with a bunch of other people. He walked me outside to a big green lawn. The vibe was eerie, it felt like halloween. When I looked around I noticed the sky was pitch black, like there was no moon or stars just artificial lawn lights. The young man told me to wait for a second because something was about to happen and it would be a great addition to my “costume”. The surprise was blood that was shooting up from the ground like a sprinkler system. And everyone started celebrating dancing around in the blood trying to get as drenched as they could. I immediately left. I knew I shouldn’t be there and that I should be back inside getting ready for the wedding. On my way back inside I noticed I had a bit of blood on my white dress but as I approached the doors the blood evaporated and my dress was pure white again. My husband was still in the bathroom getting ready I joined him again and when I looked in the mirror I noticed blood dripping from my head but it was different. It was like heavy. It seemed to be coming from this invisible never ending source. I was scared and wanted to cover it.

12 Jul 2024

Text message


For some reason I had two therapist the one I have in my waking life and another one that was an unfamiliar white man. I went to this outdoor event with a band playing music and my white male therapist was there. We ended up chatting and he was saying something to me and I couldn't make out what he said. He thought I was listening to him but really I didn't hear what he said. He got upset with me for not listening but I explained to him I couldn't hear him over the band. He was pretty defensive but we moved on. Later on I met a new unfamiliar female friend at the event. We chatted and the same thing happened and I couldn't hear something she was saying and she asked me do I need to repeat something to me three times and she mockingly told me something three times and I told her don't do that. I couldn't hear her over the band. Later on we were hanging out and I was telling her about how I’ve experienced losing two friends in my lifetime. The one who broke our friendship a few years ago and another friend I was close to back in college that I distanced myself from her after several instances of her crossing my boundaries. The friend I broke up with I reconnected with her soon after I moved to NC. She apologized for her actions towards the end of our college career and soon after but our friendship never quite became close again. Nor did I ever wanted it to. And now we just follow each other on social media and that's it. When I started to tell her about the friend that broke up with me I decided to pull up our last text message exchange ad share it with her. I pulled something up and started reading it but it wasn't the text from the old friend I quickly realized it was a text message from my white male therapist. Accusing me of lying about not listening and that I lied to him that it was the band. He shared a long paragraph indicating other negative untruthful things about me and that he no longer wanted to be my therapist. But I also felt like the therapist was acting pretty unethical because I had this feeling he romantically liked me. Anywho, after reading it I was really hurt. I was hesitant to share the text with my new unfamiliar friend because he accused me of not listening just like she did earlier but I gave her heads up of that and told her anyways. Later on I met with my black female therapist who is actual my therapist in my waking life. Told her everything that happened with the other therapist and she was very empathetic with me and felt sorry that I experienced that from a fellow therapist. I felt seen and heard like I usually do with my therapist. Later on I went to a party and I saw my therapist there. We chatted and quickly became actual friends. I was dating this guy and it was early on in our dating life and after several interactions he became pretty pushy. There was a moment I told him I really liked him and he told me he loved me. Which I thought was weird cause it was very early on. And he flirtingly insisted I tell him I love him back which I didn't want to but I did cause I didn't want to make me feel bad. I felt love-bombed and I got a feeling that I was starting a new abusive cycle similar to the one I had with my abusive ex in my waking life at the beginning of our relationship but it just looked differently. Later on my therapist was realizing how pushy my date was being to me and she decided to stand up for me and tell him to back off and stop treating me that way. She later on told me this isn't something I wouldn't do as a therapist but since we're friends now I can do that. We hugged and I felt bitter sweet. Because I was happy to have her as friend but I also knew that meant she had to terminate our therapist-and-client relationship because it would be unethical for us to still be connected this way. I was worried about finding a new therapist because she was the first therapist in my waking life I really felt fully connected to and I've made significant progress with. All my other therapist weren't the right fit. Later on in the dream, I was hanging out with a bunch of people seemingly friends but my estranged brother was also there. We were playing different outdoor games like football and soccer. I helped kick off the games and get everyone excisted to play we would start playing and then when my brother decided to leave to do something else people would stop and start following him. In the last game we started to play soccer and he went inside to do something else and folks just started playing. And I asked why folks were folks were leaving and not interested in playing anymore and it was basically because my brother left. I hated that. It was like folks followed up and didn't think for themselves. It kind of remind me in our waking life before I stopped speaking to my brother he was a devout Christian and a pastor. Very gifted preacher and at some point became a youth pastor at a church in Randolph, MA. After a few years he wasn't seeing eye to eye with the main pastor there and decided to leave, a lot of folks left the church as well. He attempted to start his own church and that kind of dwindled down but he still had devout followers one of which was one of his youth members at the old church and they started dating. She was 15 when they met and he was 27. They didn't have a relationship beyond pastor and member until she became of legal age soon after she went to college and they started to like each other more than friends. A few years ago he converted into a Black Hebrew Isrealite. We started to become more distant soon after I went off to college and he became a youth pastor but I decided to stop speaking with him altogether soon after he became a Black Hebrew Isrealite. He was more unbearable, condescending and patronizing. It was miserable to speak and relate to him. Now we're completely estranged and he married that young woman he basically groomed. The dream ended with everyone not playing soccer anymore and i had this feeling of annoyance against my brother again and I once again kept my distance from him.

12 Jul 2024



I was driving my car home with my father in the right passenger seat mumbling about something. He sees a person in a blue polo shirt and long white pants dragging a sign. My dad was saying that he hates realtors or something political of some sort. I made the right turn into our street as I see more of the same type of people in front of our neighbors home. They saw our car as we were pulling up the driveway and started making their way towards us. We started walking into the garage. That's when I noticed my mom was heading out to the front yard with a broom and I could hear my mom say no we are not interested, thank you. I heard one of the blue shirts talking back in like a rude fashion but with a happy faceq. I head into the house and closed the front door. After closing the front door, I turned around and see a brand new closet on the left where our bathroom used to be. It smelt new and it had brand new hangers inside of it. I thought, wow this is so convenient and decided to grab some of my clothes to put in. Immediately after, I hear this barking. I knew it wasn't my dogs because they dislike going outside. I opened the front door, head into the garage, and I see this small pug outside. It was shivering and sad. As I was getting close to it, I saw money starting to fall to the ground from a gray pants. I tried my very best to grab all the money before it started to fly away. That's when I noticed a twenty dollar bill caught wind and started to fly away. I chased after it. As I was chasing the twenty dollar bill, I thought I saw a clip of money on the ground and started to investigate it. Found out it was only trash. I immediately disregard the trash and contined to chase after the twenty dollar bill. Unfortunately, a bird grabbed the money before I could and flew over the fence into a bush. I was like oh well at least I got some money. I turned around and head back home. As I was walking back, I noticed this guy and son looking outside my neighbors house on the right side of my house. I didn't think much of it and tried to head inside my house. That's when the weird guy who looked like he was on Crack started approaching me asking if I saw his gray pants. I tried standing my ground saying that I seen no such thing. He started to laugh and then said, if you see it, tell me. I refused to touch him in any sort. He turned around and started talking to himself that he needed to find the money before the big man came along. I see this Christmas float parade enter my cul-de-sac and i asked the weird guy, is it that guy?. The Crack man was going absolutely crazy and the big man started talking with him while sitting on the float. I headed into my house and closed the door. I looked out the window and see what was going on outside. It was like a big Christmas party happening with one of the neighbors.

12 Jul 2024



I had a nightmare. I was in my old neighborhood in Florida. The street lights laminating everything poorly like it did in the neighborhood. I was following one of those toy cars that toddlers can drive but it was driving itself. It had head lights as we went down the street. I remember us taking a right and then another to another street but that street was pitch black. As the car continued to go down the road it laminated nothing but itself. I got scared do I went back to the original street. Some houses where missing and dark figures littered the street. Each one being my worst fear. I walked down the road with my head down. Then I started running ending up in a party. I woke up because I felt something grab me and drag me away

11 Jul 2024



me my friend and my girl friend were in my old house before i moved and there was a huge party in the backyard with all our friends but it wasn’t a backyard it was a groccery store. then the cops came but i was also a cop so it went inside and locked all the doors then went and got my belt but then they found us and were investigating the same thing i was and then i asked if i could feed my dogs and he said yes because i had two dogs one brown and small and fluffy and one black

9 Jul 2024



There are bits and pieces of dreams I remember across weeks. I was in a new location, resembling Mack and Darcee’s abode. I had my cane…but it was a symbol of power and submission? The elastic broke through, and my metal cane peeled like a growing bamboo. Before reforming, it was…like that everytime I tried to defend myself. There were times where there was another person…seemingly representing Alfred from Batman’s stories. We were living a somewhat mundane life—when suddenly something blew us into the water. Including a white dog. I managed to save myself and several others, and the dog I saved just in time. There was also…a time where I was attending a large party? Food was being served, and there was a choice we had to make between several opposing forces? I was also able to remember…Chase? Who was so accommodating to me…I kept flashing above ground with a flourishing business and a underground water location where monsters lurk every turn. I kept picturing, Mack’s bathroom—having to use it…but something in it prevented me from flushing and exploded.

8 Jul 2024



my dream started out with me scrolling through tiktok. When scrolling I came across a video that my ex posted which was a video he took at a pool of people trying to discreetly have sex. there was like 12 of them. When I was watching the video i was so disgusted by what was happening and felt myself get transported into the video and be there in real life. The people saw me judging and I looked at them and yelled “we’re literally at a hotel! you can like go up to your room and have your orgy. that’s disgusting” Being in the video became reality so I walked away into the hotel. Before walking away, I thought I was scrunching my ex’s hair but it ended up being a random boy that I slightly recognized. He was like 4 years younger than me and just graduated high school. When I scrunched his hair, I guess he took that as like a sign for him to follow me which was not my intention so I ran to the bathroom. The hotel turned into like this house party for a college. It was some type of celebration going on for the college so I ran to the bathroom in the house. I closed the door and locked myself in there and tried to pee but I guess i didn’t lock it good because the boy ended up coming in. When he came in, he told me that my ex and me were getting into big trouble. Mainly because I called out the people who were having an orgy in the pool and my ex was the one who recorded it and posted it on tiktok. I felt so guilty. When I walked back out, the coach (i don’t even know of what sport lmfao because my ex doesn’t play sports anymore) wanted to talk to me. He let me know that what we both did was extremely bad and we’re looking to pay a fine between $30k to $60k. When I tried looking over to my ex, his back was turned to me. all i could see was his backwards hat, a black shirt and black shorts he was wearing with slippers. He was with a girl who I assumed was his new girlfriend. She seemed like everyone liked her and she was chatting up with a group of people they were with. Eventually the director of their athletic team came up to talk to me (she was a short blonde white lady who looked to be in her 50s - 60s) and let me know that I got lucky I left when I did because I got the less harsh punishment. I will only have to pay $8k - $10k in fines while my ex got the punishment of $80k - $100k. I felt so horrible and told the woman that it shouldn’t be him paying that fine and that it was my fault. I was the one who called out that group of people. She told me not to worry and that he’s her all star player and he’ll be okay. I looked over to my ex once again and he still wasn’t looking at me. All I wanted to do in the moment was go up and talk to him about this whole situation because I felt so bad. His new girlfriend was still around him too but it had seemed like she was getting ready to leave. I started to get a headache and went and sat down. I placed my head in my hands feeling horrible that I was one of the culprits of getting us in trouble and just sat there wondering what I was going to do.

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