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Dream Interpretation: Group šŸ˜“ - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Group? Discover the significance of seeing a Group in your dream šŸ’¤ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Group appears in your dream āœ…

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šŸ’”Possible meaning

This symbolizes a collection of thoughts, ideas, or characteristics. Make a note of the key features you are seeing. Is it people or things? Based on that, you can recognize the topic that your dream is trying to communicate.

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šŸ§­ Direction


Recognize this collection of ideas or topics and the key features your subconscious mind is trying to indicate. Notice how you feel when in the group; based on that, you can make changes in your waking life.

ā¤ļø Feelings

The dream of being in a group can evoke a sense of belonging and camaraderie. It may bring feelings of connection, support, and unity. Being part of a group can also generate a sense of security and shared goals. This dream may symbolize the desire for social interaction, collaboration, and the need to feel accepted by others. It can also represent the importance of teamwork and the power of collective efforts. Overall, the dream of being in a group elicits positive emotions associated with companionship and a sense of community.





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Dreams of users containing the word Group

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16 Jul 2024

My crush


I was at my house and I was leaving for school but it was nighttime and two classmates were there and also my crush, as I was leaving my house I went down stairs but almost fell so i yelled at my crush to help me but I didn't end up falling. When I was finally leaving my crush hugged me and said "don't leave, stay with me". I started to walk towards a tree in my house and in the distance I saw a group of people and more far away I saw my two classmates, as we walked he stopped hugging me and then grabbed my hand and said "let's go with our classmates" and I said "no" but somehow we ended up with them

10 Jul 2024

Building (Place)


I had a dream this boy had tiny pieces of rock candy . He made the candy and I guess he wanted people opinion on how it taste. So I asked him for some. I tasted it and I told him it was good but it needed to be more sweeter. Then the dream switched and I was with a group of people waiting on line. Then we all realized we were the first people in line . We all got excited. Everyone started going in this building and I lost my place in line and everyone else had already entered except me. I tried to make it into the building before the doors closed but I don't think I did.

8 Jul 2024



There is a group of people getting together and I desperatly want to be a part of it. They are observing something illegal and are selective about who can be there. I sneak into the group but people notice that Iā€™m there

7 Jul 2024

Old friend


I was at a bar and I was being lead to a table with a group of people, the music was loud and everyone was laughing and having a great time, but I didnā€™t notice anybody that I recognized, which was odd because I felt so comfortable with my surroundings and these strangers. Me and the strange girl leading me to the table finally arrive and I see an old friend, Trey, and he was so surprised to see me. I felt a huge wave of excitement and pure joy in seeing him. Then I woke up

7 Jul 2024

Theme Park


I was at like a theme park and I was in a group and I was dragging them to a ride I also saw my boyfriend when we got to the rude I saw a lot of people from my school waiting in line the line was very long I also saw my friend and I talked to her so I could try to cut in line but I also saw my boyfriend again

1 Jul 2024



There was a underground school tour. My environment was darker, only lit up by candles, which were everywhere. It looked like Hogwarts basically. I went to one of the classes. They had a competition and I saw a lot of my former classmates. I lost the person I was with before but sat down to a group of my classmates. They were the girls i didnā€™t have much contact with, but were very friendly. We worked as a group to win the competition, i donā€™t remember if we did tho._

30 Jun 2024



Dreamed I had to fight a group of evil priests, and in order to find out where their base was I had to talk to a woman and pretend I was a part of her group. She told me about her group and told me to talk to a priest who lived across the hall. I met him and he said he knew what I was trying to do. He led me into his home and I was afraid he was going to attack me and I was defenseless.

29 Jun 2024



I had a dream about my ex husband and his girlfriend. My ex husband and his girlfriend and plus our daughter and myself was there. This was the first time my daughter seen her fathers girlfriend. I said to her thatā€™s the girlfriend and my daughter said I know my friend had told her. Then her friend told her to beat up her fathers girlfriend up. I also seen my ex husband wave out to his girlfriend. There was a group of us. Then I woke up saying some affirmation quotes.

29 Jun 2024

Brushing teeth


Dreamed I was in a group of people playing some kind of game. Something happened to our lock picker, who instantly died. One of the other people got sick and needed to brush their teeth. One of the others was being rude and keeping then from brushing their teeth and were threatening the other person when I, wanting to avoid confrontation, quickly made a makeshift brush. The person thanked me and brushed their teeth. With guidance from a leader we made it to the next section of the game. We were to gather the right items. They called for a friend's boyfriend named Copper. She was about to step forward when a different leader was going to teach us something. One of the players said something really rude to him. He got so angry he left for a different group of people and started torturing them. I could hear cries fro help and screams. As this was happening our leader was getting us all out of the area. I was visably shaking and crying in fear, but my leader said "Its okay Julia, Ive got you, we're headed home." And led me to a group of pipes we were all climbing. I woke up.

27 Jun 2024



In a group of like 20 people and weā€™re supposed to go skydiving. Iā€™m terrified theyā€™re looking for other group leaders but no, I donā€™t even know if Iā€™m going to be able to do this. At the same time, Steve Schwartz is talking about Kenna who just died at the college. Announcing her memorial and some other People I donā€™t know who they are, but theyā€™re doing this nice thing about all our kin and native languages.

24 Jun 2024



So it starts out at this house, everyone has their own chores. Iā€™m doing dishes and I remember ranting to my sister about how I donā€™t like doing them and I just wish people would wash them after using them so I wouldnā€™t have to do a lot in a day and how itā€™s different for other families. As the day goes on towards the night, my sister and I go to this party/club. My sister takes me to it with her girlfriend. I meet my cousin which in reality I havenā€™t met in awhile but I meet her at the party in my dream and I kind of just sit down at a table. I know a couple of people there, theyā€™re all people from my childhood or past. It almost feels like Iā€™ve been there before in like another dream. I wave hi to my cousin whoā€™s across the room from me, and she looks kind of sad but I brush it off. My sister and her girlfriend are like flirting a little. I see my ex-boyfriend Jonathan to my left but on the other side of the room. He looked at me for a second and he started to act weird. I kind of just brushed it off because why was he acting weird? He would look at me every now and then and itā€™s weird because I wouldnā€™t have to look at him to know he was looking at me because I could feel when he would. Later on, my dad texts me and actually thereā€™s a part in my dream where I recall already have being there from a past dreamā€¦ This guy at the party passes out papers to everyone and I call out to everyone ā€œnot to open it because itā€™s the same paper as last time.ā€ Itā€™s a black folder and it has like papers and documents in it but I donā€™t remember what the papers had on them. Shortly after the paper situation, my dad texts me and says ā€œmy cousin is here with me and supposedly she works at midnight, but that when she gets off of work sheā€™s gonna fuck-ā€and he cuts off the sentence. So I texted him ā€œwhat do you mean?ā€ And he replied ā€œdonā€™t worry about itā€ and I was told him to just tell me but he didnā€™t say anything and instead said ā€œjust be thankful youā€™re there early?ā€ I donā€™t know what he meant by that. So I didnā€™t brush that off, I was kind of worried about because who was she gonna have sex with? Was she gonna have sex with Jonathan? Or her boyfriend that she was talking to? I looked her way and I didnā€™t see her over there where she was earlier and so I started to wonder what my dad meant by after work? Because she was literally already here earlier. My cousin walks in the minute Iā€™m done thinking that. I wave high and sheā€™s all happy, and I look at her, and she comes over at me. I tell her to come with me to the bathroom and ask her if I can talk to her for a second. Everyone looks at me weird and she was like ā€œI canā€™t really do that, thereā€™s nowhere to go.ā€ But thereā€™s a bathroom to the right of us so I grab her arm and rush her into the bathroom with me. While weā€™re going to the bathroom, Jonathan stares me down, and I freak out on the inside. So when we get into the bathroom, I ask her ā€œwho are you going to have sex with tonight?ā€ She told me ā€œOh no, I canā€™t tell you that.ā€ So then I ask her, ā€œis it Jonathan?ā€ And sheā€™s like ā€œno.ā€ So I ask if itā€™s her boyfriend and she says no, again. Almost as if sheā€™s just going to say no to anyone I ask for. She also got nervous when I asked who it was. I start thinking, ā€œwhat am I gonna do if itā€™s Jonathan?ā€ I kind of just brushed the situation off a little, and these two other girls were wanting to go in the bathroom. So I kind of like packed up the conversation and they kept playing with the doorknob, and I tried to hold it so they wouldnā€™t come in. I let go of it and they came in anyway. I unlocked it and I went to the sink to wash my hands so it wouldnā€™t be weird that people saw the both of us girls go in there together. At this point I realize that the place the party is held at looks like my elementary school cafeteria but the party was just in a small corner and not the full area of space, and I donā€™t even know why Iā€™m at the party to begin with. As Iā€™m there I start to think that itā€™s not really even a party. Which in the beginning of my dream it started off as a party but then it kind of shifts into just this grey building. Like thereā€™s a pool, and tables. A lot of tables actually. But yeah, as we walk out of the bathroom my sister looks at me and asks ā€œwhat happened?ā€ And I was like ā€œnothing, I just had to ask her something.ā€ And everyone went back to work? At this point, Jonathan and I both know that weā€™re both at this party, and weā€™re both looking at each other but he was on his phone and I was trying to brush off the fact that we were even seeing each other at a party in person. It was weird though because our phones were our shoes? I had a whole flip flop as a phone. Jonathan was holding a shoe too. After this part in my dream, it shifts into the morning. Itā€™s just more light. This person calls for groups, so I get up and walk to this friend of mine. Her name is anais. Sheā€™s apart of this like group, so I ask her ā€œhey can I join your group?ā€ Acting like I know what it is, but I donā€™t. She tells me ā€œyeah of course, come with meā€ and she takes me to her friend who has glasses, blond hair, and is really tall. Her friend was like welcome, Iā€™m gonna show you around. Which leads me into a hallway, and room where I see my cousin and she says hey, I say hey back. Then we turn to the side that Jonathan is at. Which was across the whole venue. And I walk down, and he doesnā€™t acknowledge that Iā€™m there but I know he knows that Iā€™m next to him now. He doesnā€™t look at me at all. It felt off about being there, because I think he was signing up for groups too. So, I go all the way down because i donā€™t wanna be next to him. And this teacher, they have us sit at this table with our groups, and itā€™s basically like if thereā€™s a problem we have to solve it within our groups. The first task was there was this clear wall, like a window. You had to figure out if there was a wall there. I didnā€™t think there was a wall there, I thought it was gonna be a piece of cake. Just walking through this clear wall. Because there was nothing there. I was the last one to walk through it because I was the last one in line. I went all the way down. All of the people in front of me were saying there was a window there. But I didnā€™t see or think there was one. They had to somehow climb over it. These two guys were making jokes about it, and I started to laugh about it. So did Jonathan. He had looked back and seen that I was laughing with them. But I look away so that I donā€™t stare him. Itā€™s so weird because in my dream itā€™s like I knew when to look away. I always had a gut instinct telling me when to look away because he was looking at me. It never came my turn, it just shifts into a next meeting. Thatā€™s when I see Jonathan lined up. I go and stand next to where Jonathan was sitting. I kind of just stand there with this other guy who wants to be in club in. Because there were multiple clubs now, club 1, club 2, and 3 and all the way up until club 7. I was in club 7 and my friend was in club 1. I switch clubs because I wanted to be with my friend. So now Iā€™m in club one with my cousin and friend, except I donā€™t really hang out with them because thereā€™s a lot of people in this club so I get stuck with this big guy. Heā€™s really chubby, but smart. And he kind of just let me follow him around. So I sat next to him, but beside me Jonathan appeared. And he tells me he wants to be in club 1. Instead though, he goes around the table. And basically went to where I was sitting in the beginning of my dream. So we basically switched seats. He kind of just stands there looking at me, and the teacher says ā€œyeah Iā€™m watching you Jonathan.ā€ And Jonathan nods his head and he just stares off into the distance and I start to wonder whatā€™s going on. I start questioning if heā€™s okay. At this point I start to question where my sister and her girlfriend are at, because I havenā€™t seen them since earlier and then I wake up from the dream.

11 Jun 2024



I was with a group of people. We were watching a space ship launch type of experience that went wrong. It launched in space and people were On the ship and somehow crashed out in the emptiness of space yet it was fluid and gel watery like. They were alive and breathing through the gel matrix and aware yet seems dead at the same time as they floated in lifeless like form in space yet aware and alive in the brain. We watched in awe but also felt like we were part of it

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