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Dream Interpretation: Bunch 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Bunch? Discover the significance of seeing a Bunch in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Bunch appears in your dream ✅

Bunch symbol
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💡Possible meaning

This could indicate anxiety coming from being overwhelmed by projects, people, workload, etc. A "bunch" of grapes, bananas, etc., may indicate physical ailments in the genitals, or breasts (esp. pomegranates).

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🧭 Direction

Bad omen

Are you trying to hide from yourself or some kind of past trauma? These feelings may be toward something or someone you even like or admire. What did they do to you? Your psyche is telling you to face this memory. Alternatively, this may mean you need to go easy on yourself and try to relax: take a small staycation and find time to sit and breathe. Care for yourself, you deserve it. Finally, it may indicate your body having physical ailments in your primary or secondary sex organs--maybe it's time for a checkup or self-examination.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a bunch can evoke feelings of abundance, joy, and celebration. It symbolizes a gathering of positive energy and the coming together of various aspects of life. This dream may bring a sense of fulfillment, happiness, and contentment, as it represents a collection of blessings and opportunities. It can also signify a feeling of unity and connection with others, as well as a reminder to appreciate the richness and variety that life has to offer. Overall, the dream of a bunch elicits a sense of positivity and optimism, leaving one with a feeling of gratitude and excitement for what lies ahead.





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14 Jul 2024



I was walking around a zoo and I walked into an open panther pen and walk out and quickly close it so the panther can’t get out I walk a little further and walk to the bug zone and quickly get out of it before a bunch of bugs get attached to me and then walk to the Bambi zone where we take care of the orphaned animals and injured animals when suddenly 4 animals come rushing in because 2 tigers are chasing them and attacking them the guard dogs come barking and scare the tigers off and we examine the animals and fix all the pens the belong in especially the tigers

8 Apr 2024



I was with some friends and we were walking thought this place that was sort of a mix between a house and an apartment building. We were checking out different rooms and some were too messy and we said how we wouldn’t stay there and some rooms we said were too small. We also found some clothes and decided to take them and wear them. Then some of us ended up walking to this common room type area. There were a good amount of people and a bunch of them I had seen earlier in my dream but didn’t know, some I knew and some were strangers. There was this dude that set up parties or something and he was talking to people. At some point some people took some edibles and I asked if I wanted one and I said no because I quit weed since it made me anxious. I still hung out with them and we walked to the woods or something and just explored. It started to become a nightly thing where we all gathered and people would drink and do drugs. We all sort of lived in that big area where I first met everyone and there were all the clothes and food we needed. At first all I would do was drink alcohol but I started to join in when they did acid and other pills. It was fun but I also didn’t know if I was making the right decision doing them. Everyone else was all the time though so I thought it would be fine. I would get up the next day and barely remember anything from the night before. Some days I had absolutely no recollection of the previous day. I was having fun but I also didn’t like how I was always out of it and never remembered anything. We had a poll on where to have some big party and we decided on a big party in the woods. We were all drinking and stuff but then for some reason the party became a competition and we were fighting some people but I don’t remember why. We didn’t fight everyone just certain people. I remember me and one of my friends were talking to the main guy and there were two dudes we were competing agains and both of our groups wanted to win. I decided I wanted to get it over with so I put one of them in a choke hold and we started fighting. I would be winning for a minute then he would be winning for a tiny bit but I ended up doing better as I could grab him from behind and stop him from moving. The right ended when I knocked him over and slammed something on his head and broke his nose. The other people were impressed and I was like, I think I broke my finger, oh well. Then everything went back to how it had been and it turned into nightly parties after that again and everyday felt like a blur. I couldn’t remember what happened when and where we were each night. We would go to cool places and party in mansions or at concerts. After a while the parties sort of stopped and we were apparently supposed to decide what we would be doing from now on. Like what we would be doing with our life. Everyone was splitting up and I was sad. Some people could go with one person from the group but some people had to go alone. There were a bunch of different tables with people at them sort of like a career fair but we had to end up choosing one. Some choices would be something like fly to different places often, never have a specific home because you’re always traveling. One was like working on boats by the woods we had a party at and stay in the area. One was joining the main dude in charge and help him prepare parties. One was an astronaut and go into space and leave earth behind. They were all really weird and there ended up being a point system or voting to decide what you get. I didn’t have as many points as some people so I didn’t get to pick first and I was stressed because I didn’t want to do any of the options but I had no choice.

8 Apr 2024



Last night I had a dream that somebody I knew named Heather and another person I knew named JR were helping me with a bunch of art projects in a school cafeteria with a bunch of kids and they decided to take off on me but I didn't know what was going on and I didn't know how to handle the kids. Well the kids thought I was upset and they asked me if I was upset. I said no, I'm not upset. As they were leaving, JR wrapped his arm around Heather and it clearly made me upset because the other person that was there helping me was asking me what was going on as I was wiping down the tables because there was water everywhere and I could see the children's paintings and I was fixing up their paintings and you could just tell that there was something going on between Heather and JR although Heather wasn't Heather, she was an older woman. From the cafeteria I entered into another room where there was a bunch of like sea life and one of them was a betta fish that kept jumping out of the water and I couldn't figure out why it was jumping out of the water so we decided to dump out its aquarium to figure out what was going on and there was a hog nose being eaten by a bunch of mealworms and when I looked up to retrieve it out, my kid's dad was standing there instead of my kid.

7 Apr 2024



i had the clearest dream of me being in my exs neighborhood talking to her friends in her house after just walking in and i was just asking a bunch of questions. her friend spoke about how she was hanging out with the guy but they gavnt done anything intimate like kissing or anything and idk in my head i kept having a recurring thought of me being at a gun range shooting at pictures of me and her but not like shooting at us, i was shooting at targets next to us and i noticed i shot at the ones of us being together and not the pictures of what i took of her if that makes sense. weird dream but it was so vivid. i was asking questions but i wasnt asking the right questions i do remember asking one of the people at the house if they could talk her into coming outside and talking to me for closure or just to talk to her but it didnt fall through

6 Apr 2024



Me, my cousin Malia, and my grandma Aba were wedding dress shopping for my aunt Courtney. I'm not sure why we were wedding dress shopping for her because she's already married but we were. We were smelling perfumes and I really liked the way one smelled and it was only 10 dollars and 47 cents and I had 4 dollars and 97 cents so I asked Aba if she could spare me the other 5 dollars to get the perfume and she was like "Hmmm, I don't know. I have to get thi Beef jerky." And the wedding dress store was inside a gas station and she was looking at this shelf that had a bunch of random stuff on it like beef jerky, already filled up blue raspberry icees, and other things. I was like "Okay." And then went to wander around the gas station. And in the gas station was also a bookstore so I was walking around shelves of books and I saw one of my friends and her friend and they were like trying to avoid me and she was whispering to her friend "We'll have to go left, right, around the bouncy house, and over the shelf to avoid Amaree." And I just thought that it was stupid and childish that they were avoiding me but I didn't really care. And then Malia comes next to me and says "They're obviously avoiding you." And then I walked around looking at more books when I noticed that my friend and her friend were right behind me trying to stay hidden but I noticed them so my friend started running and went past me

5 Apr 2024



I remember one of the first dresms was inside my backyard Inwasndoingnsokerhint where inessntrtijgntongonogrrbthrnbrifkneslln but then after that I went to the table at the end of our backyard with my mom to spray paint on my clothes and a police helicopter dropped red paint all over me for some reason, I had to leave the house in the car to a grey day concert that my sister was talking about in the car there were so many people staring at me with the red spray paint but Indidnt care on the freeway the entire time that we’d do so I got into the car rolling the window down I remember when I went into the lobby area for the freeway race there was other people inside the girls locker room/ lobby aka preparation area and I had my things set down there next to tape so then I went and kept talking to people inside the locker room waiting going back and forth, and then when I got back in there was someone who I used to know before who was In my past but I didn’t care about them and then they came over to me trying to get my attention through doing things negatively, but Injust didn’t respond and got my stuff to change and get ready to go, while I left for one minute to the bathroom when I came back she was asking me questions like “Why would you do this to my own things huh? You care so much about myself that your a lesbian dyke reorganizing my shit.” and it was just my things coming back covered with tape on it next to hers which she purposefully stepped on to gather onto her clothes and my bags open which she unlogivslly somehow equated to me investigating her stuff , she was trying to get everyone else’s attention on her to create a problem, but then i responded calmly explaining how I don’t really care and that those things is clearly a problem with herself that she’s trying to projecting onto my life to make herself feel better about from putting me through making me look like i’m harassing her as the victim , she basically got upset from my non chalantness and everyone else inside of the room realized the situation from how i responded and just started ignoring her and acting like she was crazy, I didn’t care and I went out onto the kayaking boats on the freeway and while I was there, and inside the boats on the freeway she got next to mine and started saying in public “I’m still upset because I can’t believe you tried to steal my stuff” and then in response to that I started screaming since she was trying to get me evicted that l know she’s just lying about it when I only had my things next to her and had tape on my own yet she’s still trying to cause a fight about it because she’s determined to try and get me out because you just want to fight she hasn’t been relevant in my life for years and is still trying to live off of that to take advantage of it, when I said that everyone else was like “Oh girl. You should fight her back, Because if that was me.” and I remember instead of fighting defending myself to listen to them which got skyla to shut up and got them in trouble anyways while we were on the kayak boats after we accidentally got onto a escalator exit ramp that leads to the inside of a mall, i went inside there and there was a square room and as I kept progressing I was just in my thoughts relaxing but then I saw a girl who was crying in the middle of the escalator outside of the escalator on the sides of the room and I saw she was hurt so i went to her and hugged her saying “It’s ok.” and she kept crying, but then eventually after hugging her for a while after resting on my shoulders the entire time she said “You’re arms feel really strong.” and I got off from hugging her and she said “Oh your not the muscular man I was thinking.” and then I said “Yeah it’s because I have spray paint all over my hesd and body, but i’m ‘spanish.” I walked off smiling and I saw her happier and then when I went off the kayaking and down the escalator inside of the malll outisifenthe ecidt, I saw a group of my friends there ordering food and as I was trying to go to them to rrr was this man at the msll who was a security guard who I knew before that’s always trying to cause problems with me and to all my friends so he stood next to me and was about to do something but then he looked forward and saw the tripe double cheeseburger 49 he was obsessed with and he couldn’t stop staring at it so I just slowly left at the car for when we were going to the grey day concert my sister said, actually first what happened is we were all inside of this big bike neighborhood and it had a zoo inside, this neighborhood was for really good people in a community made by those who were well off, and as I got lost, before I got lost running out and going away from the people who dictate that I remember I went inside the original place and they said that we are a nuisance, as our family used to be one of the main leaders for that but now we’re in deep poverty which is ruining our reputation and image, and the image of them, so they couldn’t have us there but we’re deeply disgusted and dissapointed, and I said to them but does that dictate anything about us, and when my aunt was begging them around community she said yeah it does so i started going inside the place since this was the enterance to the community to find a way out away from them and I saw on my own a bunch of neighborhoods with people running bikes on each house, yet I was just trying to find a way out, and eventually when it got bad to a point where ai didn’t have much time left, I had to take someone’s bike to get out but I felt too bad stealing someone’s bike so I instead of ran all the way around the zoo area to find my house and get out of the dead end, and I did but it was behind and outside of the community entirely and when I got back we were in such poverty some homeless man tried stealing our car and things, so instead of pushing him out what I did was cooperate and say “Here instead of taking those things why don’t you take this,” and gave him 3 things and as I was gonna give more I said hold on and went back to the kitchen to grab pepper spray and a knife and came back spraying it to him to get him out with just those 3 items and he ran off but yet still broke the car door off our car and was so determined, but eventually we spoke through to him and he went up to us offering to help and then as we were leaving he just started stsying there helping out with the house too, and as I went into the backyard that’s when the spray paint thing happened etc, in the car with my mom once me and my sister got dropped off to the end of the freeway we were supposed to wait for my cousin and my aunt and mom to take us but what ended up happening is my sister had to take mom and my aunts car t the place but my cousin who said she was coming was apparently about to kayak me there, so waiting for her I looked everywhere on both sides for both the boats but I couldn’t find her, and I didn’t message her thinking communicating would send me back even further on time, so I just looked and after that I found one of the people from my school so I was going to get alisha and me to go into a kayak there on the freeway but then I went to the bathroom to check if she was there but then I saw someone else inside thet bathroom with their own stuff sitting half naked with shit in front of them and they were telling me about how they had a horrible day right now and were almost violently shitting inside that tub but I didn’t judge them instead I tried being understanding and said that sucks from how hard it’d be for them and that I thought they were actually my cousin at first but they were looking up to me having a conversation and then when I came back out I realized the kayaks were gone so i tried to call alisha but realized she had to go to the grey day concert without me so I was left back and abandoned by everyone else who was going to take me to there

5 Apr 2024



i was at some kind of house or hotel with a bunch of people i knew but don’t recognize. for a while i was seeing through the eyes of one of the men i was with. he was standing outside by a very large pool with a lot of people around and was having a conversation with another man that i don’t recognize. then the other man walked away. after a while of standing there he walked back inside past a lot of people walking outside. when he stepped inside, it was as if everyone disappeared. the inside looked like a large cafeteria with many tables that had been full of people before. but now it was completely empty and when he looked outside where he came from, there was nobody out there either. he looked around more and was very confused until suddenly a giant wave came crashing through the doors and windows from the direction of the pool. in this wave there were lot of people and the man got swept up in it. then somehow the wave dissipated and he was back on the ground and some other members of our group showed up. that’s when my perspective switched back to my own. we talked about what had just happened and some other stuff happened that i can’t remember and then there was a demon chasing us. this demon walked on two legs and was able to speak to us. we all ran into an old quite large house and tried to find places to hide. i ran upstairs behind a few others and found a closet and hid in between some clothes. the demon saw me and was about to kill me but i held up my phone showing that my mcdonald’s order was ready to be picked up and everyone else in my group did the same and for some reason that stopped him for a while. we all ran downstairs to come up with a plan on how to stop the demon. we somehow figured out that he had possessed everyone in the world except for us, including jesus, so we knew it was up to us to stop him. we also figured out that if we were able to get him to strip down naked, he would die immediately. when the demon came back, he was no longer chasing us and we invited him to a game of strip poker. after a while of playing, everyone but the demon was completely naked and i woke up before i could see if we killed him.

5 Apr 2024



This dream was very different. I had this dream 2 to 3 years ago but I still remember it as clear as day. I see myself floating in a white void with gray smoke like swirls being the only thing in the void, besides me. I'm just slowly drifting while in a deep sleep, but I can feel that I'm at peace. Sensing myself at peace, it was the greatest feeling. While still dreaming I suddenly start to hear someone call my it sounds like whisper is at first but then it starts to get louder and louder. eventually this makes me open my eyes so I can find who it is calling after the third time my name gets called everything goes black then I started the first blink was nothing but a bright light and blurred visions, second blink the light is brighter and the blurred vision start shaping like people. the third blank was when I started hearing the voice calling my name but it was very muffled. Before I got to the 4th blank The voice started becoming more clear and when I opened my eyes to faces started to appear. I wake up and what looks like a surgical room with two mercenaries trying to wake me up and guided me through a mental wake up. well they were doing that all of these doctors and scientists were around me unplugging neuro plugs from my skull and spineI making sure my vital signs were okay. One of the mercenaries was just messing with me which kept pissing me off while the other one was making sure he didn't have to step up and do something since he thought my Powers were out of control, even though I still didn't know what they were. After I get cleared from recovery I get sent to bed with a group of people and we walk to our one room that was filled with military like bunkers. We all get to bed and I keep getting questioned with what happened while I was in my simulation that needed so many extra mercenaries around me. but I just tell them I don't know, roll over throw the blankets over my head and go to sleep. the next morning at 0500 hours, a hurricane alarm goes off and we all started getting up making our beds getting dressed. A tall fit Asian man starts playing music from his clock radio to get everyone excited for the day. We're almost done getting ready all together then a woman wearing a white medicine jacket with a clipboard starts calling out our names to make sure no one's missing. After she's done doing a roll call we have to put these metal electronic collars around our own necks then we line up single file and go to the cafeteria to eat breakfast. When I get to the cafeteria there's a whole bunch of adults and children there but only from the ages of 6 years old too 34 years old but we were all divided by different categories. After we finished our breakfast me and the people that are sitting with me got brought to a room that looked like it was set up like one of those chairs from The matrix. Asian man that was playing music in the morning to wake everyone up sat in the chair and all these people gather around and started attending to him. I then go with the woman in the doctors jacket and get taken to an examination room. I'm wearing a white gown sitting in a chair while I'm getting poked and prodded at quite different scientists. They are trying to get me to activate my Powers but I was having a difficult time doing that. I'm doing a physical exam and due to boredom I look out in the hallway, but to my surprise I see a group of children that look like they're around the age of seven and nine being led by men with guns. That's the last time that I ever see those kids. It's the next thing in the dream I start getting into an argument with the lady in the white doctors jacket telling her that we need to stop what we're doing because this is becoming excessively wrong, but she just ignores me. The next day in the dream I noticed that the bunk beds in the rooms are becoming more and more empty and in that morning of breakfast time I'm talking to a tall muscular Asian man named jet, a blonde Russian girl named Anaya, you're handsome but scruffy brunette man named Jackson, and my cousin Tony, trying to convince them that we need to get out of here and take the kids with us and without hesitation they were in with the plan. The next day in the dream we're doing our usual stuff and I notice these twins that are new to the groups. One twin is a girl and the other twin is a boy and the girl carries around a gray rabbit with her at all times. When I saw these twins I started feeling worried and angry. When our scheduled examinations were over I had a conversation with jet, Anaya, Jackson and Tony and we planned to leave that night. Thing skip forward to that night and we're all running down a pitch black alleyway with the kids we tried to escape with. The female twin with the bunny rabbit trips and falls from trying to keep up with us. Jet sees her fall and immediately runs back to try to go get her. Jackson is losing his mind Aunt jet when he turned around to get the girl because we were in a very specific territory that we were not supposed to be in. this area was worse than the place that we were running awat from. I keep trying to tell Jackson to calm down and to make sure the other kids hide at least while jet gets the girl but as soon as Jet got within arms reach of the girl these Bright lights like there were multiple cars lit up at the little girl and Jet. This weird gang of super mutants came out from the lights and almost killed the girl and jet. I got scared worried and heartbroken because of anything happened to those two I would have been lost. I hear guns finishing loading and saw them aiming at jet and the little girl I screamed out loud to make it stop then everything went pitch Black. We were still in the alleyway because I heard jet running towards me with the girl and he whispered in my ear thanks for saving me. Now that we got rid of this crazy gang we all made a run for it we're trying to go to the ocean but at the nick of time we get caught by the people who were trying to experiment on us. Helicopters and military grade everything just started popping up out of thin air surrounding all of us. They take us down one by one and make sure that we couldn't speak or touch anyone. They had us locked up as if we were the most dangerous beings on the face of the Earth. The next day I am so angry that I'm just screaming and yelling and fighting with every person that is a part of this facility to the point where they had to put a specific collar on me that continuously injects me with a sedative. When Anaya saw this she was not happy about it at all and kept finding a way to stop the collar from activating but when the white jackets found out they killed Anaya and locked me in a water tank with an oxygen mask and a straight jacket. I can see through the glass as if I'm looking through a window and I noticed that they were going to take the twins. And when I saw that they were going to take them my eyes turned white with fury, I break the tank that I'm in and then I start to absorb every ounce of water within a 10 mi radius formed it into a 87 foottallbody and start attacking everyone while I was slowly walking to the city. At that point I had lost full control over myself because I was full of sadness and rage. The last thing I remember seeing this dream was the government response teams pointing every weapon they owned at me firing them at me and watching all the bullets tanks and missiles turn into dust as they try to hit the water body that I had stuffed myself into

4 Apr 2024

New Job


OK I had a dream where the settings started at my old school mixed with my new school mix with some apartment mixed with my house ok so the dream started when I was having PE and I think I’ve had the stream before last year where we would do a whole bunch of exercises, but this was different. I met a guy that I didn’t know that was really nice and we held hands then when we were holding hands, I had my friends in my dream and my ex in my dream after that he was gone but I felt connected to him somehow but the thing is I didn’t. I don’t think I knew him and he never told me his name. He asked mine, but I didn’t get the chance to tell him and then when I was going to the locker room, I think I don’t know what happened but my clothes were like off like I didn’t wear any clothes but I was holding them and so I wrapped a towel around me and I walked to where my next class would be in a towel and there was this group of guys that I that I know but I never talk to them. They were sort of flirting, but in a friendly way it was kind of funny but I get to the bathroom I go into the wrong bathroom I go into the guys bathroom then I see a teacher walk in there and then my cousin Jeffrey walks in there and he’s like OK, you gotta go so I was like OK so he’s like just make it look like you need to go get food and then go to the other side and the thing is that this side of the school looks like a familiar school my other dream that I had a long time ago and when I get up I’m scared I kind of freeze in the guys like just so I go and I’m scared that he might like tell another teacher so I make my way to the other side of the bathroom to finish up changing and then I see two police cars just with their sirens on and they’re like driving around. I was like wait this is weird, I was going to my class and then for some reason my class ended up mixed with my house that I live in now and I saw my dog but there’s two of him and my mom was on the phone and she was talking to my grandma and then she told me to talk to her and then my dream stopped

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