Dream interpretation about Falling, Shoot, Friend, Friends, House, Guy, Head, Picture, Sense, Thought, Walking, Bunch, Ask, Intimate, outside, Recurring, Speak
i had the clearest dream of me being in my exs neighborhood talking to her friends in her house after just walking in and i was just asking a bunch of questions. her friend spoke about how she was hanging out with the guy but they gavnt done anything intimate like kissing or anything and idk in my head i kept having a recurring thought of me being at a gun range shooting at pictures of me and her but not like shooting at us, i was shooting at targets next to us and i noticed i shot at the ones of us being together and not the pictures of what i took of her if that makes sense. weird dream but it was so vivid. i was asking questions but i wasnt asking the right questions i do remember asking one of the people at the house if they could talk her into coming outside and talking to me for closure or just to talk to her but it didnt fall through
Dream date:
7 Apr 2024
Emotional tone:
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