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Dream Interpretation: Head 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Head? Discover the significance of seeing a Head in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Head appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This represents your consciousness, thoughts, logic, and language. If you have trouble with this area of your body, it suggests sadness and indecision. It also signifies leadership.

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🧭 Direction


What trouble are you having with assertiveness, leadership, structure, or decision-making? Is there anything that causes you sadness? Your mind is showing you how to improve the potential problem in these areas of your life. So listen closely to your dream symbols and work accordingly.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of a head may evoke feelings of curiosity, introspection, and self-awareness. It may symbolize the desire to understand oneself better, to explore one's thoughts and emotions, and to gain insight into one's own identity. The dream may also bring a sense of intellectual stimulation and the need to analyze situations or problems. Additionally, it could elicit a feeling of vulnerability or the need to protect one's thoughts and ideas. Overall, this dream may leave a person with a sense of wonder and a motivation to delve deeper into their own psyche.





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11 Jul 2024



I was in kindergarten about 5 years old, and I had this doll from the movie hunchback of Notre Dame. Her name was Esmerelda, she wore a white shirt, green skirt, lots of jewelry. I showed up at a house where my cousin use to live to find my whole kindergarten class sitting in the living room for no particular reason they where watching tv. I noticed that instead of the chimney being in the living room there was a big brown door with a mail slot. I walked down the hallway toward my cousins room to look for him. The hallway seemed longer than I remember and at the far end of the hall way I saw what looked like a small child running back and forward between the rooms. I thought nothing of it. Since I didn’t find him I walked back into the living room. As I was walking back I saw my brother sitting in front of the door next to the mail slot playing with his G.I Joes. approaching him I started to get this feeling that something was off. That was when a small brown hand came through the mail slot grabbed him and drug him through that tiny hole. I ran up to the door and peeked through. To my horror I found that my Esmerelda doll hat cut off the top of his head and was busy sewing it back on. I ran to my parents who where In the kitchen washing dishes, but as soon as I got to the doorway she popped up in the window with a freeze ray and instantly froze both of them. Since I was in such a state of panic, fear and dread I woke up.

9 Jul 2024



I was in my house and had a really bad headache. I started to feel my head and felt holes bored into my skull but the skin was intact. I went into my bathroom and looked in the mirror to find that my head looked like Swiss cheese.

29 Jun 2024



Nothing passed out hard don’t remember my dream but I did wake up about 4 in the morning then feel back to sleep then woke up at 7 my head has been hurting not sure why

27 Jun 2024

Living Room


I had a dream where my head felt weird like I was about to pass out and I couldn’t really pick up my head unless I had a lot of willpower. This guy I didn’t know went to my curtains and ripped them off even tho I was telling him to stop and I tried to get over there but due to that feeling in my head I couldn’t get there. Finally after it was already broken I was able to get over there and I saw it was broken and decided to deal with it another day as I was leaving the feeling got worse and I couldn’t move it became hard to walk and move my body and I started to panic. The guy who destroyed my curtains was still in the room but he didn’t seem to really care about what was going on even tho I was breathing really hard etc and finally was able to open my door to go down the stairs I kept falling while walking but I made to the living room and I was looking for my dog Kai because I guess he was outside and I brought him in and then I woke up

22 Jun 2024

Gas Station


AND NOW for the dream i had last night 💀 In my dream last night i was going to a lake, a road trip with my Mom, Dad, Humphrey, his girlfriend. Other people. The characters kept changing. There was a giant tornado, we pulled into a gas station to hide but it ripped off the ceiling and sucked us out. I was so so scared. But I got the feeling I was being punished for maybe bad talking a god? I had no idea who I upset- maybe Oceanus. I just kept praying apologies and ig they took pity on me cause I was gently yeeted to the side of the ocean. Fast forward- It felt like an apocalypse. At one of the gas stations a lady kept the place held up at gun point and I was pissed but scared. I wanted to punch her but I stayed down. A girl ended up getting shot tho- instead of running away like everyone else I ran to the girl and tried to carry her to safety but swiftly got shot in the head. I was supposed to die. I didn't die. Which shocked the girl but then she got excited cause she had to tell someone ig idk. People wanted to capture me but I was like douses, I ain't with yall killer bitches. Anyways cue this fae like asshole that could fly. Short dark hair, looked younger than me by a tiny bit. No matter where I ran this A hole would find me, tho he didn't seem that devoted to kidnapping me, though he said he was. Just kinda followed along and teased/bullied me. What a jerk. It was really scary but I kept on running, buying a bunch a snacks at every gas station. I was so damn thirsty- parched. Kept tryna buy lemonade or chocolate milk. Skipping ahead now cause I'm starting to forget. So it turns out, dark haired guy was actually "Satan" er something- and they're, well he's tryna take over the world again to make it a kinder/safer place. Maybe? So a purge? IDK I didn't believe him, but he didn't care. Like earlier, he found me wherever I went and eventually stole me away to his palace- I think. He was real pretty laying on this bed. A lot taller. Different than before. Like it was a disguise. He said something like, "You are mine, whether you accept it or not. I WILL make you happy whether you accept that or not. Hate me if you must, but you're the one thing I just can't let go." Or somethin like that. I personally still think he wants to hurt me. Why else is he so mean? The dream sucked. I hated watching everyone run away in terror. Bombs being planted. The war. But at this point I was no longer allowed into the "Human Realm". He said I had to stay with him, though he no longer showed himself. I wonder why? If he loved me why wouldn't he want to be seen? He could turn into anything tho, like a puppy. It was so cute. He wasn't so mean to me after I knew who he was. Actually he was really sweet but acted really stiff and nervous around me. Like he constantly wanted to run away. I wonder why? Maybe it means he's tricking me. Whatever it is- he made sure I understood I belonged to him no matter how much I rejected it. That he would stay away and do his best to respect my hate. But that he couldn't wait forever. That the distance was a sickness that was killing him. I just don't seem to understand. I just wish someone would give me a hug and say the pain will stop

21 Jun 2024

Sleep paralysis
Light (Not Dark)


I had a dream I heard music coming from my laundry room, so I looked up and saw the light was off.. I never turn it off. It was pitch black and I got scared, which ended up with me getting sleep paralysis, I was screaming and kicking trying to wake up but wasn’t moving and then I false awoken to a figure standing beside my bed looking away which looked like me so I called out my own name and it turned around and had a huge inflated head and scared me awake. Like actually awake.

16 Jun 2024



Me and my friend cousin where all in a party enjoying each other company. We started flirting and talking about jokes how’s he’s gay but I could make him straight. I was so horny I snuck him away and gave him head. The way he was moaning sounded so nice I got the validation I wanted to hear. How ever I was thinking his cousin was his best friend who I was messing around with before I feel asleep and his body had his cousin face

14 Jun 2024



i'm in my school and i do a backflip where i crush in my head and run into a bathroom can't see myself in the bathroom mirror but my ex best friend takes photos of my head so i could see.

6 Jun 2024



my dad got shot in the head for havin money on him and i had seen his ghosts and kept asking him to explain who it was so i can get revenge but i couldn’t hug him

6 Jun 2024



I dreamed that I dropped my (now) dog as a puppy on her head and she was growling because it hurt

3 Jun 2024



I saw man outside my window he was break in cars so I told my family come look in the window the man was going back to his car and he saw me and my family so I was scared when I woke up my heart was pounding and my blood was streaming from my head

29 May 2024



I was attacked by a man who almost killed me. His intention was to kill me but other people quickly helped. He wanted to kill me because I was testifying in a court case. There was a policeman that shot the man who was attacking me and killed him. But I was badly beaten I was hit in the head numerous times. I hugged the policeman and he hugged me back. There felt like a trauma bond between us. I sustained major head swelling as a result. My head was so swollen that it was morphing my skull and some of my face. I remember using ice in my dream and feeling my head pain. I was so worried about lasting damage to my head and face.

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