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Dream Interpretation: Front 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Front? Discover the significance of seeing a Front in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Front appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes the image you show the world or how others perceive something. The shadow side of this symbol is the opposite of what the world perceives. It signifies a facade or a false act that you put up in front of the world but does not represent your true nature or the things about you.

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🧭 Direction


Take cues from your dream and work on finding your true self and nature. Be confident about these findings and show them to the world as they are. Let go of the fear that is holding you back from showing your true self. Also, be aware of this deception in others so that you will not be fooled.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of being in the front signifies a sense of confidence, leadership, and being in control. It evokes feelings of empowerment, assertiveness, and the desire to take charge. This dream suggests a strong drive to be at the forefront, to be seen and heard, and to make a significant impact. It may also indicate a need for recognition and validation in one's personal or professional life. Overall, this dream elicits positive emotions of ambition, determination, and the willingness to step up and lead.





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Dreams of users containing the word Front

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17 Jul 2024



My mother kicked me out of the house to live in the garage and on the front porch after an argument about clothes my sister gave me. She did not like my attitude. I was acting like a spoiled brat and was unrepentant of my attitude toward my sister and parents. I dug in an ashtray to collect coins and cash.

29 Jun 2024

Cobra snake


I can’t remember much but…Kaeya and Diluc from the video game Genshin Impact were there; they both happily greeted me at different times. Diluc greeted me as we were meeting his mother, who is a bright blonde colored golden King Cobra with red, green, and purple runes carved in it. It never attacked me but she also slithered forward to acknowledge me and move back to where she was. Now Kaeya, hugged me in the biggest brotherly bear hug. We got to explore other places. Sonic and Eggman from the Archie Comics were battling it out in post apocalyptic scenes, but it wasn’t so much of an end of the world scenario as I initially thought. There was a front desk of a hotel…a UFO we explored… It took us to what seemed to be a flourishing and upgraded Mesopotamian pyramid like area. Full of green life…Used as a presentation and gallery…we were at the top…talking to a woman I couldn’t see. We got to sit down and watch movies but then I awoke.

6 May 2024

Old boss
Text message


I was doing an interview but it was a written test. I knew the woman who was conducting the test, she was an old boss. We didn't get on. I left without finishing but I was there for 1.5hrs. I was sat with a man who helped me with the test, he was a friend. When he left I text and said I liked him. He didn't reply. I could do front and back flips in my dream. And I slid down a stair bannister. I was young and was wearing a black mini skirt. There were people around who I didn't recognise.

9 Apr 2024



My best friend was walking on eggshells with her bf. I was there and I gave her advice don’t like him control you . That’s not real love that’s control. Then she confided in me we went to this room and started telling me everything. Then she kissed my ear, my lips then my neck. Her bf kept texting her she had a service that would automatically text him. Then she said she had to or was going to drive to Florida to get the snacks and candy he wanted. We talked then when she left I heard her standing up for self to him in front of my family. She ended the relationship and I was so proud of her. The guy left walking to his car. He put the hood back onto his car. The we all celebrated, and told her we were proud of her.

8 Apr 2024



There was some type of trip to a planet similar to earth. There were school buses lining everyone up. Then we were on a cruise in the middle of the ocean but there was a spy and I needed to get rid of them. At one point I was in a car driving down a steep hill with a little upward slope. When I got to the bottom the slope propopelled me high in the air, so high that I flew over the Jesus statue in sao Paolo. Then the dream changed to me being home watching a commercial that mentioned taking a trip outer space. Later on when I’m at the port I see a spaceship that kinda just looks like a charter bus. For some reason I’m fighting like an alien of sort in space because aliens were trying to ambush us before we landed on the new planet. It was like a matrix fight in outer space, nobody knew I was outside fighting because they were all distracted. Then we’re in the planet and there’s a cruise ship, we’re taking a trip around the different oceans. I meet a lady on the cruise who looked like this girl I went to high school with, esilona. I don’t know the exact details but something happens on the planet that makes us basically realize we’re all going to die. I have a vision of my family watching the news and crying for me. We are limited on the amount of mail robots, so I can only send one letter to family. I decide not to send a letter immediately since it might be better to send one before I died. The planet is going dark, and shrinking like a deflated ball from the top down. Alien critters have come out and they are eating our food. Esilona and I are on the balcony in the cruise ship, talking about life and reminiscing memories because we know we only have about 6 days left before the planet folds itself and we inevitably die. Well, it turns out that the spies are still here and they infiltrated the cruise. They actually organized a meteor to crash into the planet and kill is all. Turns out that the free tickets we all had to come here was just a ploy and all of us were on some kind of hit list. They’ve been killing people one by one but nobody knows because everyone is too stressed about the world ending. Esilona and I take it upon ourselves to find them and find out if they know how to save us. In real life, we were on a cheer team together, so in the dream, we were doing a lot of acrobatics when fighting the spies. I found a suitcase with a space laptop and sent communication to the USA government that this was all a trap. No response. Meanwhile, the entire world is watching the news daily, hoping that someone would come save us. There is a meteor shower going on between earth and where we are, and it doesn’t seem safe enough for anyone to rescue us. I suddenly because the spokesperson for the group, talking to governments on the space laptop. Clips of the conversation were shared on the news and in my visions I see my entire family sitting in front of the tv. There are candles lit, my grandma is lighting sage, my mom is holding a rosary and praying, my dad and brothers are crying and holding each other. Back on the planet we still have the atmosphere shrinking, air is running low. Esilona and I are laying in a beach looking at the sky, patiently waiting for death to come take us. That’s when I get a vision of seeing the planet from space, and I see different axis, trail of meteors, and a rendezvous point. I run to the cruise ship and yell “is anyone good with their hands?” And an couple of men say they are engineers, blacksmiths, carpenters, etc. together we try to find a way to create a shield around the cruise, hoping that it could float in space and give us more time until spaceships came to get us. It worked, and we managed to launch the ship into space. That’s when I find a piece of paper and some crayons, and I write to my family “mom, dad, Jeff, Mickey, I love you all so much. If I don’t live, know that I tried as hard as I could to save us all” and give it to the last mail robot available. That’s when suddenly there is a loud snap in space, and we see the planet burst into little pieces. Everyone unanimously voted that I was now the captain of the ship, and so I went to the front of the ship with a space costume to sit alone and look at the empty black space sky. I saw about 50 spaceships coming our way to save us so I ran inside to tell everyone to be prepared for rescue. Then our ship imploded. The force field couldn’t contain the pressure of space anymore. We all die. But then I wake up on a beach in what I think is some kind of deserted island. Turns out that the implosion took us to different timelines on earth because we fell into a black hole. The island that I washed up on was actually a military site, and the scientist there knew that I would be coming. Together we work to predict this ploy to send passengers to their death in the new planet. And I realize that my dream just looped, and now I can stop it all from happening.

8 Apr 2024



I went to the doctor to trap about my health concerns. And when I stepped in the scale for a vital check-in, a blue screen flashed in front of me and said I was obese. The doctor was insistent on my bed to make lifestyles changes if anything else was going to get better

7 Apr 2024

Moja sympatia


I went to my primary school, and I don't remember that much but I remember that I was exiting the school and going to the bus stop in front of the school. I noticed my best friend (I have a crush on her) and I hugged her, but she acted like I'm invisible and walked inside the bus, which drove to the bus stop. She sat down next to the window and she didn't even look at me. There was also my colleague in the background when I was walking towards the bus, but he didn't do anything interesting.

7 Apr 2024

My crush
Running away
New Job
High School


I was in school and I was trying to find a room for the Muslims to pray in which included the boy that I have a crush on in high school and junior high but I was never brave enough to tell him and he was a Muslim now and so were several others and they wanted me to pray in the front but I told them I couldn't because I was a girl and they were like, but you were the organizer and I was like, but still we need a boy to lead the prayer and also the text, there was like a group text kind of a thing as well and one of the teachers was getting upset at me for becoming disruptive after that I was doing a tour of like a green mosque and by green I mean eco-friendly but their water feature wasn't doing a good job of irrigating the field where they did outdoor Salah or prayers so they were docked a grade but they had a book they were going to give me it was like a personal workbook and they were like, hey, you've been here before you can have this book, it has your name in it and just barely any notes and I was like, oh yeah, I have been to this mosque before and thank you so much for giving me my book that I forgot about I also had to make like really creative use of some clothing to cover myself enough to pray Salah because I wasn't wearing my hijab and I didn't have long sleeves on in my dream after that I saw someone doing a jet ski out the back kind of like in the moat slash pond slash water feature of the mosque and I noticed that he was pulling some essential equipment behind him so that he didn't have to lose it or deal with it some other way anyway, I went out to offer some help and when that happened, the dream took on some transformation there was a little creature who was getting scared it was weird, it was like a little horse but also a cat but also a rabbit maybe even a little bit of a dog and it wanted to jump off of the jet ski but I was like holding it because I didn't want it to get hurt and the people who, it was suddenly like the mosque was a palace instead of a mosque and the people who lived there were explaining why the little creature was scared because it was human technology and it was loud and there were like elephants on the roof and all kinds of beautiful geometric architecture different levels and everything and then they started explaining why the United States was a bit of a nuisance because they had contracted with a company that allowed them to build airspace or like airstrip spaces essentially on all these different countries and so they don't have to like fill out a visa application or do any kind of thing to visit that country they just go because they own the bases and then when that company went under, they just bought the company so then the Air Force or the government or whatever owns the company that allows them to go between countries and so they just have a domination on that and you know, instead of having to worry about maintaining like cultural ties with your neighbors in the new world they just completely deviated and relied on a method of isolationism and then dominance yeah, after that it was like I saw Jesus returning and he didn't even realize he had gotten shot or something he was kind of like, I don't know, like this guy tried to kill him but he tried to tell, I think I must have been the lady with him to stay behind him and not run because he can't protect her if she runs away. This was back at the school where the dream started.

7 Apr 2024



I was in some hair show but was supposed to be watching a lash class at the same time. When it was done and I was supposed to buy a package to finish but my internet wasn't working. The lady who did the class was mad. She was behind me and the person in front of me was trying to get my attention to move so she could see behind me. My friend Eli was in the hairs how and told me not to worry. I was at a table eating chicken. My dad came out of nowhere asking whose food was on the table. I said mine but he can have some. Someone showed me a video of me and the lady next to me having a good time laughing but I seemed drunk so when she tried to talk i didnt realize it and she had to tell me it was her turn...i stopped and then kept laughing

7 Apr 2024



I went on short vacation with a mother and her daughter. They were both grown. We rented out an air bnb and we were smoking and drinking and having fun. The day it was time to go, we were riding and I remember the daughter say “I haven’t smoked today.” And she motioned her hands to her mouth as if she was smoking. On the way to the airport, I was riding in her daughter’s car and we missed the exit turn to exit out the neighborhood to the main road. We decided to back into a driveway to turnaround and go back to the exit. I saw a man with dreads and wife and kids out on the porch. They were dressed in African clothing and jewelry beads. The man had African three drum set. They were about to make music. So we turn around and head toward the exit. I checked my phone to see if the mother and daughter had the same flight and we did. I don’t remember the flight exactly but when we landed and got off. I didn’t hear from the women again until we went to work. I talked to them and jokingly told them that they left me at the airport and disappeared. At work, we have a huge class and after eating lunch, I assisted the class with throwing their plate away. One causation girl didn’t want to hug me at first, threw her plate away, and smiled at me. Then she came back to hug me. After that, we let the children paint on two tables. I was coaching the teacher to tell her not to set out too much paint paper or it will get overwhelming. After some time it was time to go outside to play and we had some children that were still in the classroom. I had to say “who wants fish sticks” in order to get the children outside. Then I said we are playing kick ball to go outside. Some children went outside but some still wanted to stay inside. I went outside with the children and let the teacher know to stay inside with the rest of the children. Once we got outside, we had to climb down from these concrete steps and jump near a bush. I was a bit skeptical but the children had did it with no problem. I jumped and may have jumped to somewhere else because now I’m in the back of this house and I walk though the house through the front door. The house is empty. I walk out the front door and walked down the steps. The house is on a slight hill. I street walking on the street and noticed that this house is next to my childhood home. I walked up the street to get a better look at the home and some things are different about the house like a two garage door. There was also a shed in the back yard. Everything else resembled the same about the house. I then started to walk back to the house o came out of thinking to myself, “wow I’m going to buy this house and it’s right next to my childhood home.” I checked the address and noticed that it had two different numbers. The number in the black mailbox was 4145. The number address on the house said another number. I then realized the house has two door and that it was a duplex home. I tried to remember what door I came out of. When I went back inside the house, I then heard noise. There were squatters living in the house. Some were in the bedroom, and kitchen. As I’m walking out the back door I hear police sirens. I looked at the latch to see if it unlocked. I opened the back door which was another location and jumped into the lake to swim to the other side. I woke up

7 Apr 2024

My crush


At my grandparents with my brother and getting on the back of the four wheeler and being chased he spee up the hill to his friends house bit it looks totally different from in real life there's a fence and a maze walkway to the door of his friends house it's r rally dark out and we see bright lights in the field behind the trailer. There are the giant dark skeleton things pushing these machines over the ground. Suddenly we re behind the trailer and there's more fence and hanging tarp one of the skeleton things looks in our direction and begins coming towards us across the field. We try to quickly hide I roll under the tarp and my brother plays dead right outside the tarp. I keep saying Craig get in here but he doesn't move I was scared for our lives. The skeleton pushed his machine as I watched he rolled it right over my brother's head as I watched and did nothing I felt my chest crushing and I didn't do anything to save him I layed there I felt like I was dieing inside my muscles felt like they were ripping off of my bones and I woke up gasping for air in teats and cried and screamed I felt all that pain in my body and felt hatred towards myself for not saving him. I have dreams of him dying I'm different ways all the time and I try to save him but never can I feel like I get so close then he dies horrifically right in front of me eveytime. I can never save him

6 Apr 2024



I just woke up from a dream, but I was gonna go on a date with a guy and I was waiting for him to come over and I fell asleep. I felt like I was drugged in the dream. But in the dream I was asleep and then I kept waking up inside the dream where I would look at my phone, but I was so tired. I couldn’t see what was on it . My guesses screaming for a little bit in the dream and but I would keep falling asleep and then my mom went to the bottom of the stairs and yelled up at me so stop cyber blaming people. I said I don’t know what you mean but I was still so tired I couldn’t move in, I couldn’t move at all almost for the whole entire dream. My brother came over to my he told me that people were getting messages from me saying that they should kill themselves and not their horrible, but it was very specific what I was saying in the texts. I just realized the taxes were scriptures or the 10 Commandments, but they had mean things added to them. Last night before I fell asleep in real life I had to ask God to send me a message on how I can stop being a bad person. I guess this was him answering me. I ended up outside of a business next to my car and then were two guys in front of my car and I said talking to them they didn’t seem like bad people, but they asked me if I could go on a date with them and I said I don’t know. I was responding in text while I was trying to correct . He said sounds like you don’t wanna go on a date with me said yes because that’s what I had responded to him and he looked at me and said I don’t know. I said I don’t know sometimes. Then I started walking. I ended up on a road where there was the guy that I was supposed to go on the date with, but we were like in the middle of the mountains. There were roads though. He told me to look and I said What it’s a mountain. Yeah it’s beautiful so what , that’s something I wouldn’t say in real life mountains and the mountain was beautiful but the roads that we were walking on really weird they were like cars but they were cars were a lot of road. Wind wasn’t too. Finally I ended up in a parking garage. I felt really scared almost terrified. I remain calm though. I passed by a group of men. They were older, maybe like 75 to 80 they were having a good time. Someone said something about we hadn’t seen each other in a long time or that they had just met their best friends. I stayed in the parking garage and I talked to my brother on video chathe felt scared for me. I felt like somebody was behind me. on the video chat, my brother saw someone behind me and the guy who I think was the one that I was supposed to go on a date with was behind me with an ax and he tried to kill me and I woke up.

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