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Dream Interpretation: Lot 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Lot? Discover the significance of seeing a Lot in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Lot appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

This symbolizes a change in quantity or a surprising characteristic. It is trying to help you think of something in a new way that you may have never considered. It suggests that something in your life or about yourself is more than you previously thought.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

Understand what your dream is emphasizing. This is a call to adjust your perspective. Something in your life has been underestimated; this could be either positive or negative. Correct your understanding of these aspects of your life to bring balance and peace back to your life.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of a lot can evoke feelings of abundance, opportunity, and potential. It symbolizes a fertile ground for growth and success. This dream may bring a sense of excitement, as it represents the possibility of achieving one's desires and aspirations. It can also generate feelings of hope and optimism, as the lot signifies a promising future. Additionally, the dream of a lot may instill a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the blessings and opportunities that life has to offer. Overall, this dream elicits positive emotions and encourages the dreamer to embrace the abundance and potential that surrounds them.





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4 Jul 2024



I dream of lot of books

30 Mar 2024



I dreamt that I received a lot of mail what does this mean?

8 Nov 2023



I was on a farm in Africa. It was a big farm with a lot of land. We had guards at the gate to keep out terrorists. I adopted two girl to raise with my husband. We took a walk to the top of a hill. A sandstorm came and covered us in sand. I lost the girls. I had to dig through the sand to find them. I took a trip to a city. I heard someone was looking for a friend named One and a friend named Two. I said I'd never seen them. But I had known some children named Two and Six before. I went to the restroom and all the toilets were flooded. I chose the handicapped stall. The toilet kept flooding and my clothes got wet. Someone kept banging on my stall. I lifted my feet so that they couldn't see me. They left and I went back to my home. We kept being attacked by terrorism who said that I wasn't fit to adopt the two girls. Eventually they came and took them away and I lost them forever. I had a sad feeling in my heart forever.

8 Nov 2023



Things are repetitive. Like this school concept keep appers in my dreams; a school library, weird classes on the fist floor, a bookstore and etc. It happened today too, I can sum up today's dream; thoroughout my dream about one thousand people died at the school. There were lots of incidents but the one incidents that I can remember the most is this. There was a weird river outside the school and between the river and the school, there was this eerie atsmospheric place that people do drugs. I don't know why but students went field studies to the river, about 3 or 4 students in one boat at a time. Some students died in the river and some didn't. There was one day where 3 boats went field studies to the river and 3 of them all died. Sadly, one of my closest person died that day. I don't know the context here but I ran though the hallway in school thinking about how many people died this year. It was about one thousand. Suddenly I was in horror that I might die too so I kept running. For some reason I borrowed books at the school library in early days and I was so stressed by the fact that I couldn't return them. My older sister got so angry about how her teacher started youtube and he used his classes' privates to get more views on youtube. There were some more scenes but it's so blury to recall things up.

7 Nov 2023



It was a day off from school and I was at home. Suddenly, a loud speaker popped up and announced that every student was expected to meet at the school auditorium. I got readyand as I walked into the auditorium, I saw the members of my favorite boy band all sitting together. They waved at me and told me to sit with them. I went to sit next to them and started talking to the oldest member, Bangchan. Soon the principal came up on stage and announced that we were going to have a talent show coming up. After this everyone went home. Me and the members of the boy band all went to my house. We were all having fun and at evening me and one of the members were hugging each other while laying on the bed. I looked at him and told him that he was a very special friend to me. He smiled at me and said that I meant a lot to him too. All the emotions I felt in this dream were very strong and powerful.

6 Nov 2023



I dreamed that I was in a big house where I was alone taking care of a lot of children. My niece was on the bed with a baby next to her on the edge. As I got next to the bed the baby fell off but didn't get hurt. I picked up the baby and put him back on the bed in the center surrounding him with pillows. While another baby was playing with me and biting me. Then I was standing by the window with the kids al around me and holding one baby. Then a man dressed as Santa Claus walked pass the window with other people wearing Christmas hats. I opened the back door. The man dressed as Santa Claus walked in and put presents under the tree while the other people stood there singing Jingle bells. My sister wasn't there she went shopping and then was supposed to pick my mom up from work. After the man dressed as Santa Claus and the people with left I heard someone hooting in front. When I looked my mom got out of the mini bus taxi with a lot of people wearing jackets that was half blue and half yellow. I realized my sister didn't pick her up and my sister wasn't home either. Half those people walked into the house with my mom. The other half stood outside like a choir and sang Christmas songs. Then I was in our big garden and two of my most favorite dogs came running to me. Huskies. I always wanted a husky dog for a pet.

6 Nov 2023



I had a dream where I was in this house and I think we were it was like an orphanage When I recognized the home, it was a house from my childhood. In real life, it was my aunt's old home that I spent a lot of time in as a child. It was a two-floor home with two rooms and like a spiral wooden white staircase. I was there, my sister-in-law, my brother's girlfriend was there, the guy I'm talking to. It seemed as though most of my family and the people currently in my life were there. They had the girls in one room upstairs, the room I spent most of the time in as a kid in real life. And the guy's in another room down the hall which used to be my uncle's bedroom and he was in there with his current family for some reason. Me and my sister-in-law were sharing a bed and I couldn't sleep and when I look she couldn't sleep either. We were both craving something sweet like cookies. We both searched for some cookies upstairs but agreed that there were none near us so I volunteered to go downstairs to go look for some. I had a feeling they were in the kitchen and because it was the home where I spent a lot of time and in real life I knew exactly how to get there. When I went down the stairs and I was about to go to the kitchen, something told me not to go into the kitchen. I felt this sense of danger going over there, so instead I laid down on the sofa next to the kitchen doorway. Noticing that I was taking too long, my sister-in-law came down the stairs and asked me what happened. I said I couldn't find the cookies. So she started going into the kitchen. And to make sure she was okay, I followed her and stopped at the doorway. There was like this gate. It was like a baby gate, but also like a black gate. And right past the gate was this big bird cage and a bird that was loose sitting outside the cage. In real life I'm terrified of birds and this one was a big one. She was looking around and found the cookies, and then we started to hear movement upstairs like people were waking up, so we had to quickly go and get into our beds. Before we could leave the kitchen area, I woke up.

6 Nov 2023



I was with Erasmus somewhere witg a friend of mine. We got out and bought some luxurious stuff. I got a porch and he got a water JET the could hold so many cars and people on top of it. I get on with my car, and we start to dive of the shor on top of that big Jet platform into the sea. It was so fun until he does something stupid. He drifts the platform causing it to shake up and down and making it create a giant wave. The wave was 20 stories high and was so scary to look at. It hit us once and made the platform go up and down again but this time making a bigger wave, which lead me to hold into something so i won't get of the platform where it hits. Suddenly i watch from the other direction and see the shore, and there was a guy swimming to the shor with blue swimming shorts and then i see the beach umbrellas and my parents, and i see this scary and frightening look on their face, and the the wave hits the ground. The only part was hit was the part where my parents where. And then i wake up, to another dream, thinking about what i saw and dreaming like we were going to the beach and we did. We went to the same place i saw on my 1st dream and it happened, just without me there. The wave and the disasters and everything was the same and from the moment it started i graped my parents and try to leave but then a giant wave hit us and took my parents, i tried to save them, to hold on to them, asking for help but no one came so i gathered all my strength and got them out. We went to the parking lot where we parked our car and got in. We started driving before another wave hit, and i told my parents:"Lets go home because we're safer there" and the whole road there was so much happening, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, every natural disaster that exists was happening. And when i took my parents from the beach ut started targeting another family, to drown them, to hit them with waves.

6 Nov 2023



Cant remember a lot about it but a restaurant and family. I wanted ice cream at the end of the meal but they were already closing up and not serving it anymore

5 Nov 2023

High School


I dreamt of a classmate from high school that recently died. We were not friends but we were not enemies either. We spoke to each other when passing by. But the last time I saw her it was awkward. I was at her boyfriend house. In my dream I was walking into a restaurant and she approached me I was scared because I know she is deceased. She just smiled and said let me read your palm. We sat down and I gave her my hand. She said I was doing fine but that there is a lot of pain attached to my mom.

5 Nov 2023



There was a lot going in this this dream that it's hard to put it to words. This is the second time that this kind of dream is happening.

5 Nov 2023



was prepping to go on a camping trip with christina (my friend), jay (emily’s boyfriend who i find brusque and dominant), and mark (a former soft-spoken coworker, why is he in the dream?). and we stopped at jay’s family’s house the night before to visit and prep, and part of jay’s family was spanish. we’re all having dinner and the mom and dad make an announcement and i ask the question β€œporque? why?” as it is written three times on the mom’s shirt so i took it almost as an invitation, and i was trying to relate to them. the whole room gasped and went silent, and little did i know, i had violated some unspoken code - you never ask the family β€œwhy.” and people were coming up to me after wards saying why didn’t jay tell you about this? and love ok’ing at me disapprovingly or sympathetically. so instead of eating the rest of my dinner, i escape back to the bedroom and begin to pack my things because fuck no i’m not going on this camping trip if jay is going to have feelings about this and perpetuate this public shaming and if christina and mark aren’t going to do anything about it in my defense. it felt like an abusive dynamic was being perpetuated throughout the family and i was a victim of it but no one would break the silence - and i wanted to get away from that. so i showered when i was done packing in order to get ready to leave but then christina comes in with a message that i’m being sued and i can’t leave the hotel without paying the fine. i fly into a rage because of how absurd this is and i cant remember what happened in between but in conclusion i think i eventually was PAID damages by the family for the humiliation and wrongful litigation against me. but only after lots of driving and attempts to escape.

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