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Dream Interpretation: Apartment 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Apartment? Discover the significance of seeing a Apartment in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Apartment appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol signifies your psyche and your subconscious. It represents the environment and state of your mind. It sometimes means the beginning stages of your mind, your simplicity accompanied by temporary naivety. It also indicates your state of mind at the time when you lived in an apartment.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

The key features of this space will show you deep insight into your psyche at present. For example, if you now live in an apartment, this is your subconscious mind showing you the present day. On the other hand, if you do not presently live in an apartment, then your mind is showing you the developments you need to make or reminding you of your past so you can get back a part of your mind that was very important.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of an apartment can evoke a sense of comfort and security, as it represents a personal space and a place of refuge. It may also bring feelings of independence and freedom, as it signifies a level of autonomy and self-sufficiency. Additionally, an apartment dream can elicit emotions of familiarity and belonging, as it symbolizes a sense of home and community. However, it can also elicit feelings of confinement or limitation, as it may represent a lack of space or resources. Overall, the dream of an apartment can evoke a range of emotions, from contentment and satisfaction to restlessness and constraint.





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17 Jul 2024



so my dream started in New York City I was with somebody and we were going throughout the city and it was time to go into a building. There was a woman we were going to the building to meet and to get to where we were meeting we went into the elevator and went up up up till we got to the right floor When we got out of the elevator, we walked over to some woman's apartment and it seemed familiar to another friend's apartment that I have in New York in real life. When we walk into her apartment, she's about 5'1 or 2 with dark, long hair and pale skin. And she has two sons and at least a daughter. And two of them were to the right of me and one of them was to the left. I look around and there's a table to the right of me and stairs and the kitchen is to the far north east. The place looked so big considering it was a New York City apartment. The person that I was with wanted so badly to look around the apartment. Maybe take some pictures or just explore. So they asked how much this will be paid for her apartment. And she said, oh, I pay $20,000 a month. I thought that was so cool, that's a lot of money to spend each month, but you could tell that this place was so nice because of it. We keep going from that scene, and we end up moving straight into a big building. It feels like the same building, but it wasn't the woman's house anymore. But instead, it was where a bunch of jobs were taking place. it was basically like a mall but instead of shopping each room was like a different office or job so it was just like one big place for a bunch of different jobs to take place and we had this man lead us through to show us everything and it felt like an orientation It was in New York City so I was like thinking about oh I would have to move here to have one of these jobs but like I'm okay with that because I was in the orientation I remember us walking around and looking at the different jobs. There was like a cafeteria type looking at this one room in the corner and it didn't have walls. It just had window walls so we could see in there. And the guy was telling us that every room acts as its own independent job or independent place. But we can all come together in community, you know, like in the cafeteria or the hallways or other places. I remember looking into the job room that he was showing us and there was a nice little table for snacks and a bunch of chairs and a desk. Then we started walking by down the hallway after that, going forward, and to the right of us were all these big windows leading to outside, and to the left were more rooms and doors. It was such a big building for being in New York City, I thought, and I had been somewhere similar in a dream before in New York City, so it felt like a similar location and place to the other dream I had before. I do remember liking the orientation and thinking how easy it was because I didn't even know I got the job until he started doing orientation and I was like, wow, I must have got the job. So it felt pretty easy going and simple and I liked being in a different state. Then that part of the dream ends, and I'm still with somebody else, but my friend invites me over for a dinner party. She says that I should come over for a dinner party, and I also get the feeling that I'm in a different state, but doesn't necessarily feel like New York City anymore. In real life, this friend lives in Delaware, so it might have changed to there. She asked us to come for a dinner party and I remember like doing the U-turn trying to get there and it being a little difficult but I still made it happen no problem. When we got there I was trying to surprise her with something like some kind of food like a donut or cookie or like I remember trying to surprise her with something. and i come in and i'm in like the front porch and there's a bunch of stuff in there which there's not usually stuff in there in real life and i'm like going through stuff trying to figure out what to get them after like making a couple u-turns turning around like figuring out how to get back to their house for this dinner party and then out of nowhere the friend that invites me ends up coming through the door and I was so shocked with her appearance she had her hair like all done and volume and curled up kind of like the 20s she was kind of like a brunette version of Marilyn Monroe with the red lipstick and like the whole face makeup and the long white dress so I definitely underestimated how fancy this dinner party was gonna be she looked so dressed up so put together and I usually never see her like that I've never seen her in a dress and makeup like that before and I remember her boyfriend was there like kind of in the background and I was excited to join the dinner party there was another part of the dream that I remember sleeping over somebody's house because we were still out and I slept on the little air marks the floor and my friend slept on the couch and I remember when I got there my friend wasn't there and I was looking for the keys that they had hidden so I could go in their house and wait for them

17 Jul 2024



I had a drream that i was on knickerbocker and whycoff ave. It was a combo of being in dystopian future but feeling like the present. Im with a group of people. Some are friends. We want to try ice cream but the shop is closed. I get to my apartment and im going through my archives of projects i have wanted to work on. And i come across a podcast i started of what jt was like going to college while living jn a shelter. (This is not true in my waking life, i have never lived in a shelter). I run into dave chappele who is messaging one of his friends. He worried they are mad at him. Hes my neighbor. He asks me, if its ok if i come by later, and “slap the shit out of me till i come” and i tell him, “you asked me years ago and i said yes, but you never followed through. The answer is yes dave” in my dream dave and i are friends for many years with mutual friends. He tells me there is a sketch show in which Gordon ramsy shows his mother pornography. I find it strange, but gordon is going to be cooking for my party at my apartment so i figured i would ask him about it when i see him

17 Jul 2024

Video Game
Childhood home


I was back together with my abusive ex. It seems like I gave him a 2nd chance or something. I was living inside an apartment that was familiar to my childhood home. My friends and siblings was there. I specifically remembered seeing my older sister Jenny and my estranged brother in the dream. I don't remember seeing my eldest sister but I knew she was around. My ex was playing video games and he told me to get him a coke. Something he often did during our relationship, order me around. But this time in the dream I asked him to rephrased his request as a question and to add please. Because I was practicing boundaries on how he should speak to me. He rephrased it but deliberately didn't add please. I told him I would not get him the soda until he asked me the way I would like it be asked. I went back to my friends and family letting them know what he did which was something he often did during the relationship. I wanted them to see the abuse I've experienced before. They took my back and supported me in putting that boundary up. My ex did not budge he continued playing video games and instead of rephrasing the question went to get his own coke. For some reason are started to feel physically insecure to be in the same space as if I was unsure if the issue was going to escalate so I decided to leave. I ended up in the subway/train station with friends nearby all supporting me. My ex was at the station to attempting to leave too but I knew he was only there because I was there too. I was trying to dodge him and I found one of my friends I hugged them and somehow it was like we were able to hear him from some sort of comms radio where he was at and my friends helped me nor encounter in the subway/train station while I was there and I was able to dodge him with the help of my friend. I remember feeling validated by my friend and family being there to experience and see an abusive act I often had to deal with throughout the relationship especially one of the most covert type of abuse, which is verbal and emotional abuse that aren't often taken as seriously as physical and sexual abuse though I experienced those in the relationship as well.

16 Jul 2024



In my dream I came back to an apartment I was renting that was in bad shape Not someplace I would live. Anyway too robbers where I there and they were trying to leave As I was trying to lock them out I reach my hand in the tray and took a few pieces of my jewelry back A little elephant necklace my dad gave me when I was about 12. And a few little sentimental things. The place its self just prior to me walking in on the robbers, well The electric panel got a surge and knock out all the electric and blow out the refridgator and lights Old fashion telephone that still worked I'm guessing I was back in time A very odd thing was a lady across the street was playing with her tiger. Apparently she had it for years and was hiding it I wasn't supposed to see it. When the landlord came over to fix Everthing All the items were no longer broke but he did install all the dial mechanism back on the safe

16 Jul 2024



I dreamt with my cousin. Me and her had reconciled with eachother after a year of arguing and I was at my old apartment. We spent the entire day together and then she left. I thought she was going to sleep over but then I realized she was leaving and I was concerned because I didn’t want to stay alone at my old apartment.

15 Jul 2024



I went to look at an apartment. It was upstairs. The floor to the front door was missing and replaced with not so sturdy mattresses. The door was missing and replaced with a thick blanket. I moved it to see the inside. Someone came out of a room and told me to hurry in so I don't fall. One man and one woman showed me around. The kitchen was beautiful. The bedroom was so spacious but had tarp covering what I assumed was the closet. A drunk man stumbled out of the closet. There was still a bunch of furniture and things from the previous renter and the lady said they would be out before my move in. They showed me the weird parts of the house which was the laundry. The washer and dryer were these large sculptures. One was a baby in a bassinet. The other was just large and I could see inside because it had open holes. The lady showing my the house said something about not seeing mud. Then I saw mud. I remember being excited about the place except for the really obvious problems. Next thing I know there's more people in the apartment. And someone is showing a video on a large TV projector

15 Jul 2024



I had the strangest dream. First I was at home with my boyfriend but we were sharing the apartment, my apartment which I bought, with three people, two boys and a girl. They used to live with my boyfriend like they were his flatmate, flatmates, and then all of a sudden they ended up living with me and at first I was fine with it and it was a mess. They would eat our food in the fridge but my boyfriend was like okay with it, always smiling and I was complaining and I didn't feel listened to. He wasn't listening to me, taking into account my feelings. And then I remember there was a problem. I was at my partner's mother's place and we had some kind of problem. I had to go to work in the evening because I was doing the night shift and I was so worried because I had to go to work. But, I don't know, there was this problem with the apartment. I don't know, it was being flooded, something like that. I don't remember what kind of problem it was. But, I don't know, I was so anxious and worried and I had to go to work and I didn't know what to do. Then we would go on the moped with my boyfriend, but it was raining so we couldn't and I was desperate. And then, I don't know, he said, OK, I know what to do. And we were going to a weird place, like it looked like a fairy tale, like there were ponies. And, I don't know, we... We were there, and they gave me some kind of white cloth made of silk, and I was, I don't know, worried. My boyfriend, he was so peaceful, he was okay, he knew everything was going to be fine, and I was worried. And I told him, I have to go to work, I have to go to work, and I would burst into tears because I had to go to work. And I didn't know what we were doing there, and I was worried. And he was so okay, so in peace, like, okay, don't worry, wait, they're fixing our problem, we're just staying here, give us some time to be together. And I remember me wanting to be intimate with him, but then all of a sudden, my father pops up, and other people, and my friends, and everyone, and I was losing time, I had to go to work, and it was late, it was late. And in the end, in the end I was in my car with another person and a kid, maybe that kid was my son, I don't know, but I had to really rush to work, but I, the time, it was too late. I started at 10 p.m. and it was late and I needed to text my boss that I was going to be late and I would take the wrong route and I was driving, it was so hard to get to work and then, I don't know, we kind of, it was weird and I never made it to work. And there was another part of the dream where I was laying on the grass with a bunch of high school friends And two of them were like talking about finals like they were studying for them preparing for them But like we were 30 like we are so I was like I don't know why you're doing this because I sometimes I Kind of usually dream of still being in high school and having to do my finals But then I realized while in high school that I don't need to go there anymore because I have a degree I went to college and also I have a job. I go to work every day So why am I what am I still doing here? I've already done all of this stuff and I Find someone to complain to it to explain myself to but then I never The dream ends before I can do that. So I was telling these two friends like what are you doing? We already have a high school degree. We don't need to do this. You don't need to do that I'm not doing that. I'm not at all and they were like well But we may have some problems in the future because maybe it wasn't a lot for what we did maybe it was I don't know they were saying a bunch of bullshit and I didn't care because I I Mean I didn't I really didn't care

15 Jul 2024



I dreamt I walked in on his date at his apartment and smashes all his stuff grabbed the girl by her hair and told her to get all her shit out then I found all these things of proof that every girl I thought he cheated on me with was true

14 Jul 2024



I was trying to walk to church but kept going in the wrong direction and having to correct myself. At certain pointe my legs would not work and I had to drag myself using a chain-link fence. I arrived at a family’s apartment and kept dodging the family members, trying to conceal my presence until I could enter the church. Eventually I was found and it was like one of those choose your own adventure video games. I chose to become the family’s “maid,” though the husband made it clear an affair with him was part of my employment. They had two turtles-one large, one small, a snake and two cats. The husband came home while I was folding blankets and securing them with tape. He ordered Florence, one of the daughters to hold Mary, the other so he could have sex with her. The wife called me into a sitting room and told me to take a he turtles out. I was concerned because the snake moving about the apartment freely and I wanted to protect the smaller turtle. The wife said not to worry and to play Telestrations with her. I refused, trying to secure the snake in its habitat, using a rock to keep the glass on top, but couldn’t manage to place it correctly as the wife kept yelling at me. I was scared of the snake-it had tried to bite me when I picked it up. I realized there was a small gap where the snake could get through and out of its own accord.

12 Jul 2024

Sexual Assault
Parking Lot


I have a recurring where this dude kidnapped me in his house with other people and we found out he was sexually assaulting this little girl so we got this orb he’s been hiding and trying to convince us to use and we finally use it and in in this old town with a version of my gf in an apartment we lived in and I just spawned into this universe I was on this parking lot roof and we got stuck there I ran down and met my gf we tried to go back to our apartment but we couldn’t the town was hiding and leaving while it was abt to get robbed and looted and I remember looking at my gfs hand and feeling genuine love and connection and ik maybe we will survive it but I needed to stay there

12 Jul 2024

My crush


I had a dream that I was swimming in a pond in a field near a country road. And I got out of the water because I noticed this girl Amalia that I have had a crush on for years but never met her in real life. Amalia was walking toward the road and I started walking in the same direction we eventually met and she and I both looked at each other and it seemed obvious we were interested in each other. I was holding my clothes up as I was dressing in them and I kind of looked at her side eyed and had a courios face and said to her “do I know” and I can’t remember what she said but she invited me in the car with her. We drove to a building and we walked to this elevator when we got in the elevator - the elevator had a very interesting design. It started to transform like the wallpaper would shift into different designs and shapes. The elevator started to move sideways which resulted in us loosing out footing but I was able to catch Amalia in my arms to protect her. She looked at me surprised that I was able to stop her from falling and she kissing me. Then elevator stopped at her appartment this uniquely designed industrial loft. Inside she had a few friends. I went to the kitchen at some point and she followed me and me made love. Amalia is beautiful she looks very elegant and had midlengeth to long brunette hair. She is tall and thin but has a beautiful shape. She looks like a model. I am a woman tall and fit I have long brown hair with a lighter tone to it. I have bluish green eyes. I was dressed in pants and a t shirt with cowboy boots. Amalia was in a pair of cutoff jean shorts and a red tank top. I think it was love.

12 Jul 2024



I was in my house. I was speaking to two friends and each of them were describing the house they rent. Then my father came and got in bed and we were trying to ask him how his apartment was. He seemed very depressed. But he said his apartment was cute. I felt sad and guilty for him.

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