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Dream Interpretation: Neighborhood 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Neighborhood? Discover the significance of seeing a Neighborhood in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Neighborhood appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes your social life and relationships with those around you. It may represent your desire for a sense of community or belonging. It can also reflect your concerns about safety and security in your surroundings.

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🧭 Direction


Think about your relationships with those around you. Are you feeling disconnected or isolated? Consider reaching out to friends or family members to strengthen your sense of community. If you are feeling unsafe in your neighborhood, take steps to increase your personal security, such as installing a security system or joining a neighborhood watch group.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a neighborhood can evoke a sense of familiarity and belonging. It may bring feelings of community, connection, and a sense of home. It can also symbolize the need for social interaction and the desire for a supportive network. This dream may elicit emotions of comfort, security, and a sense of being part of something larger. It could also reflect concerns about relationships with neighbors or the need for a sense of belonging in waking life. Overall, the dream of a neighborhood can evoke a range of positive emotions associated with a sense of community and belonging.





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Dreams of users containing the word Neighborhood

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15 Jul 2024

Natural Disaster


Some kind of natural disaster was happening and I’m in a house with some other people and all of a sudden people start busting in and they’re looking for me with guns. I’m hiding from them and one comes in through a door and I hid behind it and wrestled the gun from him. Then the dream skips to everyone evacuating where they’re at. I find myself running through the street with some people I know. There’s a girl that I’m friends with but can’t recognize in my dream but she’s frantic and crying and saying she wants her comic (or something) from the house, so I volunteer to go get it for her. Then I decide before I go to the house that I’ll go to the store and get some things like snacks and clothes to help us during the evacuation. I’m looking at so many things but don’t end up getting anything for some reason. I feel like I don’t know what I need and can’t tell if I should get a lot because I don’t know how long we’ll be there. I end up getting nothing and then decide to go to the house. I’m looking for this house in a lot of my dreams, I have an idea of the area it’s at in every dream, I can kind of see it on the map but I’m not sure. In every dream I can see the same neighborhood (or at least it feels that way) and in every dream it’s this same house with tons of doors and rooms with hidden doors with stairs to different levels and rooms sort of like a tall tall maze. This time I went to look for something in there but typically I go to this house to get to the top floor. I knew what house I was going to in this dream but I never made it there this time, I couldn’t find it. And then woke up.

15 Jul 2024



I was forced to move back to my old town. But the prices were so high that I could not find any nice homes. I had sold my dream home to move away and now was moving home. I was in a neighborhood. And I was in the neighbor home, which was extremely huge. They were very, very wealthy . They were from the Middle East and they were very traditional Muslim family. They were very nice to me. I had my two children and they had many children. The scene shifts, and then I am in the school that the children all the TED. But I am in my bathrobe. And I am trying to explain to all the families that I have not yet gotten my stuff this is why I’m not dressed . Additionally, in the dream, I am being followed by some man. I’m trying to lose him as I drive to the school. And duck into the doorway.

15 Jul 2024



Okay, so I wasn't taking part in this thing, I was just saying it to other people. So, I think there was about to start a zombie apocalypse, but it was like a zombie kid apocalypse, only kids could turn into zombies. Whatever, there was a grandpa in his house, and one day some relatives visited him, but after the outbreak, they stayed there, and somehow the whole neighborhood stayed in his house, so there were beds everywhere, so they could be comfortable and all these things, and they started like practicing about the war with the zombies, they had weapons and stuff, and it was like really weird, there were more details, but I don't really remember them. After that, the only thing I remember, is that they started putting some people in a car, not in one, in many cars, so they could leave the city, and the other ones would fight with the kid zombies, and then they didn't know who was about to die, but it seems like when I was saying this, I knew who would die. After that, I think I remember nothing, just some random stories of the survivors, like there was Emma, there was a woman with her two kids, and her husband, her husband didn't get in the car, but he said he will survive, and he will also call her mom, who is terminally ill, and had some hours left, but it seems like he didn't get to do anything, since he got killed. Also I forgot to sau that the apocalypse started a normal day when boys in kindergarden went to a trip. One boy got lost and everybody was searching for him. When they found him they realized he was a zombie and zombies were other kids around him as well. It was kinda scary and the whole dream had a weird aura

14 Jul 2024



I was in a mix of my granny and god moms house( the back of the house was grandmas and the front was my god moms). And I was laying down and sleeping with my ex, I turn around and there’s a stud rubbing on my waist so I turn around trying to see who it is. It’s this random girl she’s pretty but she’s weird( something was off about her). Sooner or later there was a loud boom that went off. We went outside and soon seen that everyone was outside looking at the sky and around. My grandmothers neighbor checked his phone and had told everyone he got a notification that more bombs were coming into the neighborhoods direction. Soon everyone seen the next heart shaped bomb drop and everyone ran. Me n my ex both ran into the house and he told me that we needed to get out of here. We both ran outside but then I told him we needed a car. But I was already in the middle of our backyard driveway and a bomb was coming down straight for me. I knew I couldn’t run to the door in time because I was tired. I had no choice I looked at my granny’s back door and then my ex. That’s when I woke up.

13 Jul 2024



The guy I fell in love with he was in my dream. I went to his house with my daughter and he we stayed the night. Next day we went out for the day, my daughter was giving me a hard time. She wouldn’t listen to me about sitting down. I finally got her to sit down. We was driving in his truck on a road that had construction so we had to wait a little bit. We was having a conversation and he took me to the store and I got the things I needed. We got in the car and he gave me money to pay the rent. He said this is money so that u can pay your rent! He told me to drop him off at home and to go pay my rent and my parents were my landlords. So I gave my mom the money and she was so happy. She was dancing. I got in the truck and I drove in this neighborhood where I use to hang out and I saw some of those ppl still live in these houses and it look the same for so many years. I ran into a female idk in my normal life out of my dreams but in the dreams we were friends. I left the neighborhood and went home

12 Jul 2024



I had a nightmare. I was in my old neighborhood in Florida. The street lights laminating everything poorly like it did in the neighborhood. I was following one of those toy cars that toddlers can drive but it was driving itself. It had head lights as we went down the street. I remember us taking a right and then another to another street but that street was pitch black. As the car continued to go down the road it laminated nothing but itself. I got scared do I went back to the original street. Some houses where missing and dark figures littered the street. Each one being my worst fear. I walked down the road with my head down. Then I started running ending up in a party. I woke up because I felt something grab me and drag me away

10 Jul 2024



There was a party for my little sister and all my friends and family came but so did my narcissistic ex- crush wearing a brown limited edition Popeye hoodie. I ran outside following my sister upon making eye contact. It was a childhood neighborhood I knew my dead grandmother lived in her old house so we passed it but waved at her as she went to the part we proceeded through the neighborhood and saw my aunt turn in and greeted her but some friends passed by. I noticed that the guy in a white shirt was my childhood crush. They went to talk to them my sister was saying someone was making fun of her and I turned around to the cool green colored trees with dark shadows under them. There he was my narcissistic ex-crush and his friends laughing at me and my sister and my sister snuck off so I passed him and my favorite cousin had the same hoodie on and joined his group wearing the same brown Popeye hoodie. I hate that hoodie and walked by laughing at me amused saying something about my hair as I focused on my sister going to the house but we go in but we go to school the next day and I met a cool guy and we clicked instantly he became my friend but he had an enemy named Ina and she would just attack him for no reason every time she saw him but he was ok. We all got high off of weed in the bathrooms and the school year was cool I got along with a male teacher considering he was gay but he was a good person and I went into the school bathroom high blasting spin me right round as I stood up on the ledges holding on and the room spun like I was on a wheel with my younger self looking at me as she looked at me and I laughed someone came into the bathroom so I got up and left to go the wrong but seeing my favorite teacher watching detention. It was like a prison. A bunch of desks filled the main floor of the gym and my teacher hugged me and let me go. I met up with my new friend as we walked outside to eat dinner the brown hoodie group looked and laughed at me. My hair was a mess but I continued thinking my friend would follow me. I heard a crowd telling Ina to stop and after she turned off of him and walked up to me with her braces sticking out in spikes as she had a big and buff build walking towards me the crowd told me not to fight her and told me not to. So I removed my glasses, and my bag and I ran up to her and I started to beat her up drowning her into a pool when it turned into a video game and Ina was a gigantic phone with 8 arms and sharp braces and had the power to shapeshift. I was just a small mouse that can melt into objects of things but I won in the end. But I come across a train tracks and got into a cart and rode the train tracks to freedom and escaped meanwhile I went back to the train tracks and got eaten by the train tracks. I noticed my 3 flag in the game were a black flag with 3 stars across and a red flag with white Arabic on it and I came back to reality everyone was gone and I went home.

8 Jul 2024



Felt like a fantasy type dream. I was in a house I’ve never been in before. I was interacting with people I know and don’t know. The house had a few stories. Then we were in a car moving around a city. Or neighborhood. Not really sure.

7 Jul 2024



I had a dream that two men was after me and I was running through different neighbourhoods trying to get away from them. I then had a different dream where I found a phone from a brand that I don’t use and didn’t belong to me in my house I tried unlocking it but the code wasn’t right and then this voice started speaking on it but I couldn’t understanding it, and then the phone seemed to unlock once I had found a code, there was different pictures in the phone of a man I did not know and me and my mum decided the only logical reason to finding someone’s phone in our house was someone had broke in.

4 Jul 2024



The day was super cloudy and I was walking around my neighborhood. I walked past my old elementary school and saw a girl that recognized though i dont know her in real life. I went inside the school and spent time with a bunch of the kids and her then a tall male, heavyset shooter with a gas mask came in and started killing the kids and shot at me and my friend. I got us out by running out of the back of the school but instead of there being a bunch of trees like in real life there was a a city that we ran into. It looked kind of like grayscale new york. Everyone and everything was grayscale and when we entered the city we became grayscale too.The two of us ran into the city to escape him but he followed us into the city. He followed us for a while but eventually we looked back whike we were running and he was just gone. A bunch of stuff happened between then and the end, i remember seeing Victor at some point but the main thing i remember was the ending. My friend and i didnt see the shooter for a while, like a year, and she had gotten a job as a teacher at a school. I walked into the school and into her classroom just to visit and they were doing class with an old fashioned antique projector. There were a lot of kids she was teaching, the room was full. Then the shooter came from behind her and stood in front of the class. The kids started screaming and the lights we dimming and sparking when he came into the room. The only ones unfazed were me and my friend, we expected this guy to come that day because he had hidden a gun in my friends desk. The police I called before i entered the building entered right on time. When he pulled out the gun he tried to shoot but then he couldn’t because my friend and i took out the bullets. In the split second before he got shot he made dead eye contact with me and his eyes were full of fear. I smirked then the police all shot him executioner style. My friend and I walked out of the school hand and hand. Colors had begun to streaming into the city from the sky and started coming back. The stream itself was a mix of a vibrant turquoise, hot pink and sunflower yellow. When the color stream touched something it became a beautiful color saturated version of what it once was, it was beautiful. Then i woke up

4 Jul 2024



I was at this store with my son. We walked around for a little while and I bought him a toy and I got some lingerie to surprise my boyfriend. When we left the store we walked past this playground in the neighborhood I used to live in as a child. I had to move my son because he almost got his by a kid in a swing. Next thing I know I run into a friend and we go back to her place. We are chilling in a room when she walks out to do something. I looked up and wonder where the attic door came from when it slowly started opening. I immediately felt fear and covered myself up with a thin see through blanket. The attic door opened all the way and this dark dead hand appeared and dragging me off the bed and tried to drag me under the bed. I woke up afraid and could still feel the hand from the dream

30 Jun 2024



I dreamed my younger sister and I were staying at my late great aunt Linda’s house. Her gigantic house and been transformed from a scary cluttered mess to a beautiful place. There were endless lower floors but only two floors down and been completed, and no one would go further because the further you go the scary the home became. Then my grandmother showed up to check on my sister and I after we had been left alone there awhile. The first thing she asked me pointing at a dresser “what is that mess over there?” I looked over and it was a bottle of pink salt. So I said “grandma that’s not a mess it is just salt.” So she looked again and saw she was wrong, instead of apologizing she said “well we don’t buy that kind of salt around here.” Later she took us to the store and my cousin Dawn was at the store. She came out to greet us while my grandmother went inside. My sister Rachel began telling Dawn about my grandmothers peculiar and judgemental behavior. While talking my grandmother came up behind Dawn and handed her change, and in doing so, accidentally over heard what Rachel was saying. It enraged my grandmother and she kicked us both out of her vehicle and made us walk to look for a taxi in a very bad neighborhood. My sister yelled out to her “make sure you get checked out grandma because this is not normal behavior.” We started walking trying to find a safe taxi. As we were walking we walked by a pay phone that began ringing. I was startled but answered the phone, thinking it could be help for us. When I picked up the phone, instead it was an emergency police message warning me not to go 650 feet away because of a dangerous shooting. I hung up afraid and then remembered I didn’t know what direction the message was warning me to avoid. My sister and I decided it was best to keep walking to try and leave the area. Not much further on we approached a group of about 6 young men a 1 little boy. They didn’t seem dangerous at first but as we walked passed them they started walking closer to us and then began beating us. In the end of the dream I had died but my sister lived and she wrote a scaring obituary blaming my grandmother and family for my death. Detailing how they are unfeeling and apathetic, so much so they allowed me to die rather than help me even when I had actually not caused any trouble at all.

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