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Dream Interpretation: Street 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Street? Discover the significance of seeing a Street in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Street appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes choices and direction or the path your life is taking. It suggests that you will soon embark on a journey, whether in your personal or professional life. This could mean starting a new project or new relationship, etc. Sometimes they even signify your temptations and fears for the journey you are currently taking.

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🧭 Direction


Be mindful of the choices you make in your waking life. All these choices will either lead you closer to your dreams or far away from them. Pay attention to the details of your dream, they will help you understand the direction you need to take in your life to reach a positive outcome.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of being on a street can evoke a sense of direction and purpose. It may bring feelings of exploration, as well as a desire for freedom and independence. The street symbolizes the journey of life, with its twists and turns, and can elicit emotions of curiosity, anticipation, and even a hint of uncertainty. It represents the path we are on and the choices we make, offering a sense of connection to the world around us. Overall, this dream can leave one with a sense of adventure and the need to navigate through life's challenges.





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17 Jul 2024



I was holding a squirming baby boy and walking down a residential street. I saw a cellphone on a stand playing a video and some teenage kids across the street playing. I grabbed the phone off the stand and hid it between me and the baby and started power walking back .

17 Jul 2024



My coworker in my dream apologized to me for having an attitude and attacking me. I was walking around 5th street at night looking to buy something to eat. In another’s part there were kids/teens I had to watch over which was very annoying.

14 Jul 2024



In the dream I had a connection to different planets and gemstones. I was over joyed and excited. It made me felt peace and happiness. I used the connection to figure out things in life and for healing. I felt so complete. I am watching a dog for someone I am no longer friends with. A male figure I felt was my father told me he brought the dog to pet store or community and she may be pregnant. I was trying to decide if I want to return his dog to keep it. The dog was happy running around and full of life. I had a feeling that owner of the dog asked me to watch her because he went someone where with my ex for the weekend. His intention were to have me watch his dog while he is hooking up with my ex. I am on a bus with a lot of people and we are driving somewhere. The interior felt and looked like a school bus. I have a journal I felt belong to the old friend who’s dog I am babysitting. I had a thought to go through the journal to see what I can discover, so I did. The pages seemed to be like a magazine with half of some of the pages ripped out. Other pages had nudity of men. I felt entertained and intrigued by the pages. The bus now seem to changed. Instead of rows of seats, we are sitting at tables and preparing to eat. I was focused on the need for hot sauce. I walked up to another male figure on the bus because I saw him with hot sauce. It seems too may people where around and the closer I get to him the more things made it difficult. A female figure and another male figure who I am friends with decided we are getting off the bus to find hot sauce. The female figure went to the bathroom, so my male figure friend and I went search for the sauce. We walked up to a male figure to ask him. He seemed interested in my female friend. My male figure friend seemed jealous so he was making the guy feel like she isn’t interest. The male figure wanted to hang with us anyway. I didn’t care and my male friend reluctantly didn’t make a big deal out of it. As we are walking down the street we stop someone to ask about this hot sauce. They pointed to a place where we can go.

14 Jul 2024



I was in a store with aparna and monisha. That store had dresses and jackets, it also had necklaces and statues. I had gone there to purchase gift for my friend sahitya. I liked one jacket. I asked them for a large size. That lady kept on saying "your size will be more",but I didn't care. I still put it on and it was perfectly fitting me. But I did not buy that. I looked for something related to harry potter and bts, but I didn't like anything there. Aparna and monisha were shouting at me for staying very long in the store. I did not give them any answer and just stepped out. I was in church street. With me was ninja Hattori, kenechi, shinzo, and shishimanu. I told them that, only me, kenichi run all alone and you guys have a companion to run with unlike us. I was in my room. I was pregnant and with aarav. The bump was seen. I told aarav that I want to be a doctor and started to cry. He was calm. He said that he will take care of me. He also wanted me to pursue my career. I told him that all this was too soon for me. All he said was yeah I know. I then told him that I don't want any of our relatives to interfere, all I want is you. He just smiled and he hugged me. I hugged him too and cried, while he was consoling me.

8 Jul 2024



I had a dream my sister tried to rob me while I was walking down the street hanging out with my friends (we don’t talk)

8 Jul 2024



My dream was me going into a old New York house and when I went to the stairs and I was talking to a few people I turned around and I realized it was someone staring at me. The man he had wide black hat on and a colorful face mask that covered his nose and mouth. I asked him who are you and what do you want? He was reluctant to answer and he did not he ended up throwing a green handkerchief at me. And I was so afraid that it will touch me I flew off the stairs and I walked into the street and I told him no no no no you're not going to get me. He shook his head yes and he threw a blue hat at me. It was kind of like the wide hat he was wearing and I also resembled a handkerchief at the same time. Whatever it was he threw it at me and it grazed my cheek. I've been panicked. Then woke up.

4 Jul 2024



i was roller skating in a pretty forest/ park thing and came across a 2 headed stag deer one head was disfigured but the deer came up to me and was very affectionate and nice , i wasn’t afraid of the disfigured head , the deer was letting me pet and cuddle it and was very nice and loving . after this interaction i went out of the forest and was on a street where a big muscular girl then punched me for not wanting to give her girlfriend one of my dresses . i then woke up in real life went back to sleep and found myself in the exact same forest this time there was a rave going on and i met 2 girls who were nice to me, during the rave i said the music was bad and the music stopped and the crowd started shouting at me and so did the 2 girls and then i left the forest and was back on the same street as before but this time there was a man who told me he sold me on the black market and tried to stab me with a needle to sedate me , it didn’t work because i was wearing a thick dressing gown and i managed to prick him with it but in the end he managed to prick me back and then started screaming for help and all the women on the street where mocking me in a different language then i blacked out and woke up in real life

22 Jun 2024



A motorcycle was speeding incredibly fast down my chdhood street at a suicidal speed. It then crashed incredibly hard into an unseen wall and I knew the person died upon impact but only saw the wrecked motorcycle, not the dead person.

21 Jun 2024



With Terrific Accelerated Speed I went ahead of my father on Busch Boulevard in FL and we were on our bicycles 🚴 and pretty soon crossing streets as usual and everyone’s normal as can be and then I took off and went into a neighborhood culdesac and with terrific speed I went so fast 💨 I clocked it at 101 miles per hour as I turned and the tires 🛞 squealed also bc of the fact I miss racing my Dads BMW M///3 and I was ina hurry to get to the appointment. I felt a stunning feeling and a sudden realization yesterday in my waking life I miss being on the racetrack and streets racing my dads BmW M//335i Coupe 380 HP I miss going fast. I miss that adrenaline so in my dream I’m going so fast and with such immmaculate precision I found my gift it’s going fast 💨 whether it be on a bike 🚴 or in a car 🚙 or in the pool I

15 Jun 2024



I remember being outside looking for my friend I haven’t seen in a while in waking life. When I found her she had been living on the street. She was very dirty. I found her near some kind of pond. I’m confused as to why but there were apartments above a fire station and they were charging very little for rent since it was above the fire station. My friend was able to get into one of those and I was very happy being that she does have 6 children in waking life.

10 Jun 2024



I had a dream that I was in a foggy empty place outside someone. Like a waist land. It is night out. Now I am arriving at a street. I am crossing the street. There is a mailbox right in the center of the street on my right. It is odd to have it right in the middle of the road. It’s directly in the center of the road. Like it is there on purpose. It looks almost like a shrine. It is a large fat while male box that is very low to the ground. It may be a foot off the grown. It looks sort of like a wooden cupboard with about 3 doors or compartments. I don’t know what this is. Now I go back to crossing the road. I am at the other side of the road. There are some houses here. Maybe a row of houses directly off the road. I am drawn to the house directly ahead of me. It is old wooden. Broken down. The whole frame is there but there is no pait on the walls. The house is very old. I go inside and there is nothing here. The house is totally empty. Except one thing. There is a shadow in the shape of a woman. It’s a deep blackness. It is very clear to me that I am looking at a black hole or a shadow in the full size and shape of a woman. Shadows can be tricky things but it is clear that I am looking at a woman. Or a darkness, a hole in the shape or a woman. It has a kind of presence to it. I am curious about it. Drawn to it. I get closer. Now suddenly I am outside. It is bright day time. The grass is green the sky is blue. I am walking around but some of the grass is “infected” and I am trying to avoid the infected grass.

9 Jun 2024



I was by my grandparents front yard to their apartment, and it was very late at night. Me and all of my soccer-teammates were there for some reason, I have no idea why. I continue to walk with them all the way to the lobby and to the elevator inside the apartment. But as we enter the elevator, everything except the foundation of the building disappears, and we were instead standing on a big muddy field with huge hills of mud that made it more like mountain peaks of mud. Me and my soccer-friends explored the muddy area together, getting covered in mud while doing so, and then decided to see if we made a wrong turn. But then as soon as we tried to let the mud, it became deep in the afternoon! Then a lot more of my friends came, and everyones parents. But the parents there acted as if nothing was wrong at all, even though we were in a huge muddy field within the foundations of a building! At least they brought snacks and candy, I guess... They just took us all and we walked and walked outside to the building complex and area, but as it walked, time seemed to pass quickly, that as we crossed the street, it became nighttime. Then, we arrived at the house of my online Waldorf homeschooled friend Zoe, who I know didn't live anywhere near my grandparents apartment, let alone acrorthe street, me, all my friends, and my soccer teammates, all dropped her off there, then continued and dropped my other friends off at their houses, saying we'll definitely see them very soon; Juno, Stoney,and Rocky. They we dropped all off one of my soccer-friends, saying goodbye and that we'll see each other next Sunday; Ivar (I think thats how to spell it). As we dropped off more and more people, the surroundings looked less and less outdoorsy, till finally when only my parents, my sister and me were left, the path turned into a hallway! We continued walking and found a purple themed bedroom, which was said to be my cousins, Juliana, Jaylene, and Christian, but they weren't there. I've never seen a purple themed bedroom before. I looked outside the window, and I saw something unbelievable: I was looking out the window and looked down at a view of Palermo, Sicily, from what seemed like a castle hotel, and it was daytime again! Then I woke up.

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