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Dream Interpretation: Neighbour 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Neighbour? Discover the significance of seeing a Neighbour in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Neighbour appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Seeing a neighbour in your dream represents your social life and relationships. It may indicate that you need to be more sociable and connect with people around you. Alternatively, it may suggest that you are too involved in other people's affairs and need to focus on your own life.

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🧭 Direction


Think about your relationship with your neighbours in real life. Are you friendly with them or do you keep to yourself? If you are not close with your neighbours, try to be more open and friendly. If you are too involved in their affairs, take a step back and focus on your own life. It's important to find a balance between being sociable and respecting your own boundaries.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about a neighbour may evoke feelings of curiosity, familiarity, and connection. It signifies a sense of community and the desire for social interaction. This dream may also bring about emotions of comfort, as it represents a familiar and safe environment. Additionally, it may elicit a sense of curiosity about the lives and relationships of those around you. Overall, the dream about a neighbour can evoke a mix of emotions, ranging from curiosity to a sense of belonging.





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Dreams of users containing the word Neighbour

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13 Jun 2024



I dream about walking around and speaking with one of my neighbours at village.

20 Mar 2024

New Job


I had a new neighbour move in and he kept shaking my hand introducing himself I felt abit off about him I was sure what to think I felt abit uncomfortable like he was looking down on me

12 Mar 2024



It’s rare for me to vividly remember all the events that takes place in my unconscious mind during sleep. I usually forget most of my dreams the moment i open my eyes. I can’t say what i dreamed of two days back was the weirdest dream i had, but for some reason it is still fresh in my memory and here’s how it made its way to my sleeping mind. Eyes half opened, crying with pain, i find myself lying on one of box newels of stairs. As i try to force open my eyes, a man with a helmet comes up to check on me and starts says something to another guy standing behind him. He then begin to strangle me with his bare hands as if he wanted to choke me to death. After making use of all the strength i could summon from my already worn out body, i fall unconscious again. Minutes later, a girl of my height reveals herself to me. She first hugs me and then carries me down to a room in the same building. It was some sort of hospital i guess. There i find myself lying on a bed with some old lady treating whatever injury was inflicted on me. I see that old lady waving her hand in an attempt to call the same girl from before standing at a distance and saying her something along, It’d better if we could ask kangana company (actress?) to renovate our room. At last the old lady signals me to wake up and the girl from before hugs me (again?) and escorts out of the room. At this point of my dream, i don’t recognise anyone. Not a single person. Seriously. The next thing i remember is reading some light novel on a newspaper which goes by the name ‘The Newborn of…’ Can’t remember the full name. *facepalm* Turns out everything that happened in my dream above is actually me being part of this novel i’m reading right now. That too on a newspaper! -_-; Next morning (still dreaming) me and my sister walks past a women and a girl. The women looks very much similar to kangana (seriously, why) and that girl turns out to be second daughter of one of our good neighbours from the past. After a while, i find myself walking beside that girl and heading for the same building where i found myself in the beginning of this dream. We knock the door of a room and the old lady from before welcome us in. The girl beside me tells the old lady that K company have agreed to renovate their room and everything regarding the deal. The old lady and the girl of my height from before becomes extremely happy upon hearing it. It’s possible that everything that happened in my dream until the very end was just me living the plot of the light novel mentioned in it. Now i’m awake and trying to make sense of what in the world i dreamed just now. A weird dream.

11 Mar 2024



It’s rare for me to vividly remember all the events that takes place in my unconscious mind during sleep. I usually forget most of my dreams the moment i open my eyes. I can’t say what i dreamed of two days back was the weirdest dream i had, but for some reason it is still fresh in my memory and here’s how it made its way to my sleeping mind. Eyes half opened, crying with pain, i find myself lying on one of box newels of stairs. As i try to force open my eyes, a man with a helmet comes up to check on me and starts says something to another guy standing behind him. He then begin to strangle me with his bare hands as if he wanted to choke me to death. After making use of all the strength i could summon from my already worn out body, i fall unconscious again. Minutes later, a girl of my height reveals herself to me. She first hugs me and then carries me down to a room in the same building. It was some sort of hospital i guess. There i find myself lying on a bed with some old lady treating whatever injury was inflicted on me. I see that old lady waving her hand in an attempt to call the same girl from before standing at a distance and saying her something along, It’d better if we could ask kangana company (actress?) to renovate our room. At last the old lady signals me to wake up and the girl from before hugs me (again?) and escorts out of the room. At this point of my dream, i don’t recognise anyone. Not a single person. Seriously. The next thing i remember is reading some light novel on a newspaper which goes by the name ‘The Newborn of…’ Can’t remember the full name. *facepalm* Turns out everything that happened in my dream above is actually me being part of this novel i’m reading right now. That too on a newspaper! -_-; Next morning (still dreaming) me and my sister walks past a women and a girl. The women looks very much similar to kangana (seriously, why) and that girl turns out to be second daughter of one of our good neighbours from the past. After a while, i find myself walking beside that girl and heading for the same building where i found myself in the beginning of this dream. We knock the door of a room and the old lady from before welcome us in. The girl beside me tells the old lady that K company have agreed to renovate their room and everything regarding the deal. The old lady and the girl of my height from before becomes extremely happy upon hearing it. It’s possible that everything that happened in my dream until the very end was just me living the plot of the light novel mentioned in it. Now i’m awake and trying to make sense of what in the world i dreamed just now. A weird dream.

27 Feb 2024



I had a dream that someone broke into my house while I was sleeping and tried to stab me. I managed to fend her off and ran to my neighbours house. My neighbours weren't home, but someone was housesitting for them and let me in. She didn't really believe what was happening to me, even with the woman trying to hurt me right there. I asked her to call police, which she did. She still wasn't sure what to say to them on the phone though and the woman kept trying to attack me. I woke up and was so relieved to be back in my room, but still scared

25 Feb 2024

Boyfriend Cheating


My ex boyfriend cheated on me and then I was going to go night clubbing but I wasn’t in my hometown. Then I had some sort of romantic/sexual connection going on with my neighbour but I felt bad for his wife. Then my neighbour gave me a box full of chickens that had been neglected and were all cooped up in a tiny box together.

17 Feb 2024



I dreamt of my ex and that she was trying to talk to me in a different way it started at a class where i had to sit almost next to her and i was just minding my business when she asked if i wasn’t gonna talk to her , i answered in a short way only giving parts of what she asked for . We talked a bit more adter that and i realized we still had a lot in common so we decided to go together somewhere i don’t know where that was but after some time we were laughing and hanging out like before. My friends showed up and i played it off as if i had just ran into her and went to talk to them in private leaving my ex alone. The scene changed after and i was at my supposed home but it was different this time, i had upstairs neighbours it was only a 2 stairs apartment but those neighbours had just gotten 2 dogs and im afraid of dogs a little bit so i felt anxious. Later that night i had to leave the house and go somewhere else thats when suddenly im not alone anymore walking home but im with my ex and this time we’re walking somewhere else we pass whole neighbourhoods and parks , we eventually find one and decide to stay at that one when we are walking back to my house in the dream I realized that the streets seem familiar in a way that they’re supposed to represent my own neighbourhood but theyre not its also very different and crowded and that exact place seems familiar but ive never seen it along with every place i saw in the dream seemed oddly familiar but i woke up before i could understand

12 Feb 2024



It is nightime I walk out of my toilet and see that there's someone walking into our yard. I see my mother walking further away, she doesn't see the guests approaching so I have to go greet them. I approach the guests it turns out to be 3 old ladies from my village. They came to accuse me and my friend (my neighbour) of burning the church of a nearby village. I can't believe they would accuse me of something like that and started explaining myself. I think then they believed me and apologised. I also think at some point my dead grandmother was in the dream with the old ladies if I'm not mistaken.

8 Feb 2024

Make Out


my mum had a visit frok a neighbour who wasnmqkingna complint about me or mum,because her cat got lost again,and she found out herncat comes to us everyday,neighbour not happy,as she a video of the cat coming t9 us for food and friendship,she was thereting us,that she wull call the police on us,if we sto0 encouraging her cat,so i tried sto0 hrr cat to cime ovr,but the cat kept on coming. again the neighbour wasnt happy,but washt going to let her thriting us again,qnd i found a cctv footage of her smoking weed infront of her daughter,continplating it use that againist her. next i felt i was on the run,with the neighbour following me,knowing she was ploting to us the footage she had of me,but going to plot to make out that was goijg to hurt her,she followed and had over people with er to carry out this evil act,when they findly catch up with me,they started to hassle me,i.tried to reason with them,but it didnt work,so the neighbour start to self harm,hitting her belly,someone rung the police,they wouldnt let me go,they all were plotng a false story about me

3 Feb 2024

My crush
Dog attack


I have neighbours who impact my life negatively and often, so i don't like them. In my dream I was living in a duplex house with them in the other half, which meant we had one shared garden around the house. We were living in Tasmania, where I have lived before, so I understood the climate and they didn't. They got guinea pigs and put them in a hutch outdoors. I've also had guinea pigs before and knew that it was too cold out there for them. Then they began to gather more and more quinea pigs, and hand-built a larger hutch that was completely inadequate. The guinea pigs were at risk of escaping, freezing to death, and dog attack. So when the neighbours went out one day, I went out to the garden to inspect it, to see if I could fix it a little. It was far too crowded, males and females were all in together (which you can't do with guinea pigs), the males were beginning to fight, and there was a light-coloured female with two babies I had to get out of there. I managed to get them out, and then saw that she was still in labour, but the last baby seemed stuck and she was in danger. I became distressed and tried to help her, and in doing so, I accidentally crushed her two live babies. I was horrified and froze, I couldn't move. Then I could see the neighbours coming home so I gathered her and the two dead babies up and ran into the house.

5 Jan 2024



My roommate and I could hear ghosts in our apartment. We looked for them but couldnt find them. We also had an extra floor or something in our house where I saw my old neighbours kids again

3 Jan 2024



I got into trouble with my neighbours, they accused their son of cheating on his girlfriend and I stood up in solidarity to their family. Turns out, he didn’t cheat, so I invited him over to my house to apologise. He walked really slowly and really close to me, or would wait for me to get halfway across the house then run at me. My little sister was home and my brother was home. I went upstairs ro see if my sister needed anything and saw him standing in my brothers doorway, scaring him. My brother saw how panicked I was and started taking him down, and the dude kicked a hole in my brothers pet lizards tank. I said we should steal his shoes, and so we took his shoes, then kicked him out of the house. His family came to collect him and I peeked through the hinges on the livingroom door as they left.

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