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Dream Interpretation: Classmate 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Classmate? Discover the significance of seeing a Classmate in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Classmate appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Seeing a classmate in your dream represents your social life and relationships. It may indicate that you need to reconnect with old friends or make new ones. Alternatively, it may suggest that you are feeling competitive or envious of someone's achievements.

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🧭 Direction


Think about your current social circle. Are there any relationships that need mending or strengthening? Consider reaching out to old friends or joining a new group to expand your social network. If you are feeling envious of someone, try to focus on your own accomplishments and set achievable goals for yourself.

❤️ Feelings

This dream about a classmate may evoke feelings of nostalgia, curiosity, and perhaps even a sense of competition. It could remind you of past experiences and relationships from your school days, sparking a desire to reconnect or reminisce. Additionally, seeing a classmate in a dream might ignite curiosity about their current life and achievements. Depending on your relationship with this classmate, the dream could also trigger feelings of competition or comparison, as you may subconsciously evaluate your own progress in comparison to theirs.





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Dreams of users containing the word Classmate

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16 Jul 2024

My crush


I was at my house and I was leaving for school but it was nighttime and two classmates were there and also my crush, as I was leaving my house I went down stairs but almost fell so i yelled at my crush to help me but I didn't end up falling. When I was finally leaving my crush hugged me and said "don't leave, stay with me". I started to walk towards a tree in my house and in the distance I saw a group of people and more far away I saw my two classmates, as we walked he stopped hugging me and then grabbed my hand and said "let's go with our classmates" and I said "no" but somehow we ended up with them

9 Jul 2024



I was in an apartment that looked like a blend of where I live right now and where I used to live growing up. I was spending time with my siblings and Neice in the other room, along with a few unfamiliar friends. I think one of them was related to the late Michael Jackson. I was getting a message from one of my neighbors through the showerhead; they were calling out to me. I opened the window, and a few of them were trying to show me something. I climbed out the window, and they showed me their Halloween costumes. We chatted for a little bit, and they headed out. One of the neighbors is one of my friends involved in my Haitian community group in NC. I asked her to buzz me into the front of the building since I didn't grab my keys when I climbed out. She tried to buzz me in, but I guess that front door didn't match the entrance of my place. Someone was coming out of another entrance right next to it. I confirmed that my unit number was in that building, and they said yes and kept it open so I could come in. I got upstairs to my front door and knocked so my family and friends could let me in. They were confused because I had just gone to my bedroom and bathroom, and I had updated them on what had happened. I remembered the next section of the dream, feeling like I wasn't part of the dream and watching the characters involved. There was a young black man with curly hair and a young black woman. I remembered a scene where a young white boy was at this big celebratory event, and he was scared but also wanted to see his favorite DJ play. He hid away when he was scared, and a team of folks came to find him. They found him and got him back to the crowd. Then, despite his fear, he tries to stow away in the bubble-like flying vehicle to see his favorite DJ perform. But for some reason, the team leader who helped him was still concerned about whether he was okay. I also remembered how the black young man and young black woman got connected. They were in a majority-white place, like a school. I'm pretty sure that during their interactions, the black man started to really like the young woman more than a friend. During their interactions, they started to discover something was afoot in the place where they were. I can't remember what it was, but they started to work together to uncover the truth. The man constantly checked in with the woman to ensure she was okay. The young woman was courageous and willing to do what was needed to uncover the truth. The young black man was also confident and brave, and I remember very comforting and supportive of the young woman as they ventured into revealing what was happening in this institution. In another part of the dream, I interacted with a middle school classmate I hadn't seen in years, and she asked me if I would join the cooking class this year. I told her no because they talk a lot instead of doing more cooking. I prefer fewer speeches and more on-the-job learning. Cooking and interacting with my cooking partner while the instructor provides feedback or corrections, affirmation if we're doing it right, and tips and tricks we can utilize as we cook a dish. During my experience of taking this cooking class, they seemed to talk more and not cook enough. We both laugh about it. I asked her if their style of instruction had changed, and then I would join. She assured me it did not. We giggled, and I stood by, not joining the class. The dream was very pieced out, and I can't remember all the pieces of the dream. I remember going upstairs throughout my dreams for different things. I remember a journalistic theme throughout the dream when the two young black people uncovered the truth and a budding romance formed between them. They also had the feeling of mentorship for the younger students. I remembered interacting with family, unfamiliar friends, and an old middle school classmate. I remembered big crowds and the characters being concerned and checking how folks managed the pressure and what they felt called or desired to do. I remember all the people who followed through on something they were scared of doing or required a lot of pressure.

7 Jul 2024



I was at school again and i had an assignment from this really hot teacher i liked. I was in a class with a couple of girls that were actually really nice and we had fun but i had a weird feeling that something was off. The next day i had an appointment with the teacher and we were flirting during a presentation with other teachers. After that i needed to get my stuff packed but when i was packing my stuff it got more and more and more and everything fell out and i had to pack it again, after what felt like hours i got everything and i started leaving school when there suddenly was this huge crowd because there somehow was a concert going on that i wasnt aware of. Someone called me and I looked behind me and was confused because i didnt know them. Them they looked at me weird until i remembered that these were the girls from my class only that now they were mean because i didnt recognise them. I tried to explain that i cant see faces and i only recognise people due to other features which was imposible in this huge crowd. I dont know if they believed me or not. But then they invited me and I was uncomfortable the whole time

4 Jul 2024

My crush


The only thing I can remember is seeing an old classmate I had a crush on that I tried to date in highschool and my cousin who was a grade below me who also liked her. And I specifically remember him looking at me and then leaning in and telling her I won’t let anything happen to you. While I was hanging out with them.

30 Jun 2024



. So I dreamt that we were going for a trip in South Africa. In the dream, I was also a leader. I was also a prefect. I remember it like in high school, but this high school looks like the ones that are in abroad, the white countries, the westernized countries. So I organized for everyone to make sure that they have packed everything and they are leaving. I can remember that we were doing shopping or snacks before we left. I can see we have a shop in our school. Days before, in the dream, there is one of our classmates, a child in our school who had been murdered. Her name is Carol. So that day before I go and board the plane, because we also have a plane in our school in my dream, I am called by the voice announcer that I should go and see a certain teacher. I can remember this teacher. This is a teacher who addressed me in my high school in normal life, that I go and see her. The girl who was suspected is someone called Patricia who was in my school, in primary school. That is the only place I can remember. So I go to where she is and she tells me she is not the one who has said anything to the teachers. So I go there and I question her. Then I go looking for the teacher's office. I think that is where I woke up because I cannot remember anything more.

28 Jun 2024



So I had a dream that I need to buy some rice... So I went outside to do so.. but for some reason I bought the casserole with me. I thought that it would be necessary to measure.. I got on my bike and looked for a store, I asked a lady assigned there for a plastic to put the casserole in... The lady gave me plastic and I put the casserole in the plastic. I was about to leave and go in my forward direction but I saw there were many unleashed dogs waiting for me.. Then I turn my back and looked at the unleash dogs as I hold my breath taking courage to go in my way... Then, I remember being lost... I ended up seeing my classmate (guy) I decided to approach him and asked for directions.. but his reaction are unexpected. He asked me why I'm here/there and so... And in the end.. he didn't do much help... Luckily there's another classmate that passed by... We aren't particularly close in real life but we talk at least 10 times.. or so... For a very specific reason. So I was lead down on an alleyway then we stop 🚏. In the way I saw many familiar faces... Fictional and Acquittances from real life. Then we were waiting to cross the other side of the highway... But the vehicles are moving in a fast phase.. then I happen to chat with a boy.. and we cross passed together, I did feel a little nervous at first but we laugh it off after we cross. Then, I remember I was in the sea. I saw a girl riding a killer whale. I think that killer whale is a mystic. Well, then I remember I was inside the house... With 2 ladies... Mother and daughter perhaps? I'm not sure. But the conversation seem to get louder... They're talking about something I couldn't comprehend... Probably about magic and stuff... And then, there's this white egg... The woman put it in her belly... And it sinks like it's meant to be there... Then the other one does too... And then... There's this black thing... And the woman grabbed another egg...She dropped the egg and it bounced back...the egg keeps bouncing faster and faster... Then the other woman did something weird and just absolutely creepy.... Somehow there's eyes on his mouth as she opened them... And there's this black fluid in his mouth or so... I tried putting the egg in my belly as well... But it didn't sink in... My tummy didn't buldge like them.. so they said disappointedly that I should try again... Then I went outside and do so... For some reason

28 Jun 2024

Car accident
Black man


In waking life I haven’t worked in over a month due to a car accident that fractured my spine. I work at a restaurant. In this dream I was at work. I had ordered food to go for myself. My order was mistakenly taken out to a table. We were able to retrieve the order. The food was a lot more than what I ordered. Next as I was leaving I went to a section in the restaurant where I ran into an old classmate and his dad. I do not know these people in waking life. They had several yellow labs with them. I was so excited I was petting the dogs and they were licking me. I felt so happy and the dogs looked very happy. Next I left but on my way home I had to cross like a track and field type area. Before crossing I ran into this black man. I do not know him in waking life but I knew him in the dream. He pulled out several marijuana filled cigars and gave me some. He left and said he would meet with me later. I tried to smoke them. After finishing one I found that more marijuana debris was getting into my mouth than actual smoke. I didn’t feel much so I continued to the next cigar and the same thing happened. The field I had to cross was very dark, almost black, and it had a huge fence I had to cross.

21 Jun 2024

חבר לכיתה


חלמתי שמישהו מהכיתה שלי שאני לא כל כך מחבבת היה הבן זוג שלי. אהבתי אותו אבל גם פחדתי ממנו. הגענו לבית של סבתא שלי אבל היא לא באמת הייתה נראית כמו סבתא שלי. הוא סידר את הבית, הביא לי פרחים והכין לי ארוחה וניסיתי להגיד לו תודה אבל הוא לא נתן לי לדבר והשתיק אותי וממש פחדתי ממנו.

13 Jun 2024



A crazy battle with a monster and the military was involved and I had unhuman like abilities and I was a boy and there was this character from a show I watch who was supposedly my classmate

6 Jun 2024



i was dating my classmate that has a girlfriend in real life and i don’t like him

6 Jun 2024



I saw one of my classmates saying that it's our last time being all together in that classroom

3 Jun 2024



Dream of traveling with Mom and sister. Viewed beautiful mountains and water bodies while on the train. Conversed with strangers guys from Kerala while I accidentally shot their video. We were worried about where to depart as we didn't have a ticket and railway police were with us. After departing, I saw my 12th classmate Aiswarya traveling solo. Surprisingly, while it was about night, I saw my roomies. I hugged them tightly and introduced my family to them

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