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Dream Interpretation: Siblings 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Siblings? Discover the significance of seeing a Siblings in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Siblings appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of siblings represents your family ties, closeness, and relationships. It may also indicate your desire for more support and connection with your family members. Alternatively, it may symbolize rivalry, competition, and jealousy.

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🧭 Direction


Think about your relationship with your siblings in your waking life. Are there any unresolved issues or conflicts? If so, try to address them and work towards a resolution. If you dream of having a good relationship with your siblings, it may be a sign to cherish and appreciate the bond you have with them.

❤️ Feelings

This dream about siblings may evoke feelings of connection, support, and camaraderie. It signifies the importance of family bonds and the sense of belonging. It may also bring about feelings of rivalry, competition, or the need for individuality within the family dynamic. Overall, this dream elicits a mix of emotions tied to the relationships and interactions with siblings.





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Dreams of users containing the word Siblings

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17 Jul 2024

Video Game
Childhood home


I was back together with my abusive ex. It seems like I gave him a 2nd chance or something. I was living inside an apartment that was familiar to my childhood home. My friends and siblings was there. I specifically remembered seeing my older sister Jenny and my estranged brother in the dream. I don't remember seeing my eldest sister but I knew she was around. My ex was playing video games and he told me to get him a coke. Something he often did during our relationship, order me around. But this time in the dream I asked him to rephrased his request as a question and to add please. Because I was practicing boundaries on how he should speak to me. He rephrased it but deliberately didn't add please. I told him I would not get him the soda until he asked me the way I would like it be asked. I went back to my friends and family letting them know what he did which was something he often did during the relationship. I wanted them to see the abuse I've experienced before. They took my back and supported me in putting that boundary up. My ex did not budge he continued playing video games and instead of rephrasing the question went to get his own coke. For some reason are started to feel physically insecure to be in the same space as if I was unsure if the issue was going to escalate so I decided to leave. I ended up in the subway/train station with friends nearby all supporting me. My ex was at the station to attempting to leave too but I knew he was only there because I was there too. I was trying to dodge him and I found one of my friends I hugged them and somehow it was like we were able to hear him from some sort of comms radio where he was at and my friends helped me nor encounter in the subway/train station while I was there and I was able to dodge him with the help of my friend. I remember feeling validated by my friend and family being there to experience and see an abusive act I often had to deal with throughout the relationship especially one of the most covert type of abuse, which is verbal and emotional abuse that aren't often taken as seriously as physical and sexual abuse though I experienced those in the relationship as well.

9 Jul 2024



I was in an apartment that looked like a blend of where I live right now and where I used to live growing up. I was spending time with my siblings and Neice in the other room, along with a few unfamiliar friends. I think one of them was related to the late Michael Jackson. I was getting a message from one of my neighbors through the showerhead; they were calling out to me. I opened the window, and a few of them were trying to show me something. I climbed out the window, and they showed me their Halloween costumes. We chatted for a little bit, and they headed out. One of the neighbors is one of my friends involved in my Haitian community group in NC. I asked her to buzz me into the front of the building since I didn't grab my keys when I climbed out. She tried to buzz me in, but I guess that front door didn't match the entrance of my place. Someone was coming out of another entrance right next to it. I confirmed that my unit number was in that building, and they said yes and kept it open so I could come in. I got upstairs to my front door and knocked so my family and friends could let me in. They were confused because I had just gone to my bedroom and bathroom, and I had updated them on what had happened. I remembered the next section of the dream, feeling like I wasn't part of the dream and watching the characters involved. There was a young black man with curly hair and a young black woman. I remembered a scene where a young white boy was at this big celebratory event, and he was scared but also wanted to see his favorite DJ play. He hid away when he was scared, and a team of folks came to find him. They found him and got him back to the crowd. Then, despite his fear, he tries to stow away in the bubble-like flying vehicle to see his favorite DJ perform. But for some reason, the team leader who helped him was still concerned about whether he was okay. I also remembered how the black young man and young black woman got connected. They were in a majority-white place, like a school. I'm pretty sure that during their interactions, the black man started to really like the young woman more than a friend. During their interactions, they started to discover something was afoot in the place where they were. I can't remember what it was, but they started to work together to uncover the truth. The man constantly checked in with the woman to ensure she was okay. The young woman was courageous and willing to do what was needed to uncover the truth. The young black man was also confident and brave, and I remember very comforting and supportive of the young woman as they ventured into revealing what was happening in this institution. In another part of the dream, I interacted with a middle school classmate I hadn't seen in years, and she asked me if I would join the cooking class this year. I told her no because they talk a lot instead of doing more cooking. I prefer fewer speeches and more on-the-job learning. Cooking and interacting with my cooking partner while the instructor provides feedback or corrections, affirmation if we're doing it right, and tips and tricks we can utilize as we cook a dish. During my experience of taking this cooking class, they seemed to talk more and not cook enough. We both laugh about it. I asked her if their style of instruction had changed, and then I would join. She assured me it did not. We giggled, and I stood by, not joining the class. The dream was very pieced out, and I can't remember all the pieces of the dream. I remember going upstairs throughout my dreams for different things. I remember a journalistic theme throughout the dream when the two young black people uncovered the truth and a budding romance formed between them. They also had the feeling of mentorship for the younger students. I remembered interacting with family, unfamiliar friends, and an old middle school classmate. I remembered big crowds and the characters being concerned and checking how folks managed the pressure and what they felt called or desired to do. I remember all the people who followed through on something they were scared of doing or required a lot of pressure.

6 Jul 2024



I was moving into a new place and my siblings were there at this place and I was unpacking my clothes and putting them into drawers when my ex-boyfriend of ten years showed up at my apartment, sitting at the table with my brother, conversing with my brother. This really, really made me angry because we are not on good terms, we haven't been on good terms. The kids were outside playing and his sister was the one who brought him, which I don't get along with his sister either. He came back into the room where I was, where I was unpacking all my clothes, putting them in drawers. He had on a spleen as if he had broken his arm and his head was swollen and he began to beg for me to take him back, asking if he could come back, if we could work things out and it really, really made me angry. I kept asking him to leave but he wouldn't leave as if he showed up to fight for the relationship and I woke up.

1 Jul 2024



I was driving in the city and I was close to my house but somehow I got turned around and ended up on a side street and couldn’t figure out my way bam onto the main road. I parked and decided to ask for help. This boy about age 13/14 told me where the main road was. I said, I thought so! I got in my car and started driving but still couldn’t get back to the main road. I go back to where I parked before and ended up inside the boy’s apartment. His younger siblings were there. His 12 yr old sister was determined to help me. Their mom came out- a beautiful dark skinned young woman- she thought I’d helped her kids get home and was going to pay me. I said no- they’re actually helping me! Then this older white dumpy looking man walked through the room on the phone. He was their dad. He barely said anything to anyone and he left. So the younger sister walked me outside to show me how to get to the main road. It was a rough area. I was going to walk her back home but she said she was ok and ran across the street near these shops. As she crossed by the shops there was commotion of two people (a white man and black woman) coming out of a storefront arguing. The woman pulled out a gun and started shooting. I yelled to the girl to get down then I got down because the woman ran my way and was shooting everywhere but ran out of bullets after two shots. She still shot at people even though no bullets came out. Then she passed by me, then came back to me. I got up and started running down the alley, through peoples apartments, then down a hill and I woke up.

26 Jun 2024



I dreamed that I was in a school but not my school it was my brother's and sister's school and I was going to second secondary but in real life I am going to third secondary and I was climbing a lot I saw my little sister and she was going to attend too and I kept them climbing the stairs a lot I didn't reach at last but I saw there was a YouTuber and he was like doing a live event at school

21 Jun 2024



me, sage(?), random dude go into a house to investigate ghost sage is ghost(?) separated from sage walk around dude falls asleep off and on on the couch, we have small evidence, i tie a shoe and out it under the couch, ghost unties it. i go outside to the car (little beat up black car) i turn ut on and start rolling up the windows, i see someone coming close they catch on fire while still walking but when the windows are all the way up the fire stops sage calls tells me to "use extra clothes to dress up like a person they love people alone, take your first two rights and your first two lefts. keep that pattern till you reach the main road. dint mention anything about me or my cousins we gave 5 siblings each the same ones and it'll make them show up.when you see the school drive towards granite street. do not ho to either if our houses. do not look at the people you've already passed five times and di not get behind those who have passed you several tines." and then i woke ip

20 Jun 2024



I was looking around a hospital trying to hide from something. When they came I had attacked them. Me and my two siblings ran to the cafeteria. I asked them if they were going to sit by dad in which they both said no in a rude voice. I told dad that they didn’t want to sit by him. Then I was at the elementary school. I was helping the teacher.

20 Jun 2024



My mom and stepfather took us to the neighbors house for a party, it started off great but as time passed the kids started to bully each other and tried to hurt me and my siblings and my old step siblings as well, they chased us with knives, pushed us into the pool, and put a voodoo curse on us. My mom and stepfather went home leaving us there and the parents started to drink and they kids got worse. My little sister Zori snuck home and after I noticed what they were doing I snuck out. My siblings all of them snuck out and we were not supposed to be at home so we snuck in but I was talking to my sister as my other siblings ate food, we never got to eat and we knew my mom wasn't trying to poison us and I threw plates on top of the china cabinet and me and my other siblings heads cause if my mom stormed upstairs saying “If I catch anyone in there I'm locking them in that room until I come back.” my younger stepsibling from the past head in the dining room and my mom saw him picked him up and threw him in the room but never locked the door then she walked to the closet door and had me and my sister come out and said “I’m not locking you in there but I’m going to ask you one question I’m not going to force you do you want to come?” And I said no and she left and the dream faded to black.

20 Jun 2024



February 18-19, 2024 ⁃ Bugs…There was one that was yellow and black..akin to a murder hornet but something else. A black and yellow skull…a narrow beetle that could fly? But was poisonous? ⁃ Bought my younger siblings something from my wishlist as a surprise. A kid Jeep they could drive around. A blanket for warmth and safety. ⁃ The mailman remembered me when delivering the first package and gave me the items right there as we were at an event. ⁃ I remember such a deep sense of fury and anger. I still feel it. ⁃ My abusive mother tried so many times to take credit for what I did. Raising the kids she had including myself, providing emotional support, and protecting them physically. ⁃ Often enough prior to entering the vampire performance(?) I fought my abusive mother. Throwing her, beating her…truly as much as she did to me. ⁃ We went inside. I Noticed the performers were wearing the things I bought for two young toddler girls…including the pants I had set aside for dinner. ⁃ I remember…One of the performers telling me to put on pants? ⁃ Another performer whose vampire fangs were not so fake after all. Tried to eat from my neck. But I stopped him and left, not from fear but from trust. Thinking I would let him do it later, as I had something to take care of. Which he understood and smiled warmly. ⁃ Abusive Mother called paternal grandparents for reinforcements at dinner. After I had to run around and grab so much stuff that she thrown away and gave to others, these were items meant for the abused and neglected children abusive mother had. ⁃ I was furious and I remember my grip tearing through fabric pillows and tossing said pillows in the dumpster. ⁃ Seeing someone familiar with green YMCA Staff shirt running out the door. ⁃ My abusive mother has reigned in all I knew of folks she thought I knew; and they were trying to hide. ⁃ So I commanded they all come out to hear my story. Starting with how “I had to lie to stay alive in the midst of abuse.” But I woke up before I could finish my sentence past, “I had to lie.” I’m still feeling the effects of fury…indignance…the need to prove myself.

17 Jun 2024



I had a dream that i was shopping in a grocery store with my 3 younger siblings. In my waking life i barely spend time with my siblings, we barely talk or see eachother. In my dream i was holding one of my youngest siblings hands while we walked through the grocery store aisles, but me and my siblings were being followed a stranger. The stranger looked like a big tall man with an unrecognizable face. The big tall man started to grab my youngest siblings arm away from me, the man was trying to kidnap my sibling. But i wouldnt let go of my sibling, i wouldnt let the man take my sibling away from me.

17 Jun 2024



I was sleeping and I wake up in my dream and my friend Yoseph was at my house so was my friend hazelle reagen Elizabeth Alexis and alexa and we were all chill in my room i was on the top bunch and the rest were on the bottom and so they leave and so its just me and Yoseph and so we're look at each other like why tf did they leave and so we leave to and so there outside and there like go bck in yall room ik yall wanna do sum and were like uhhhh I'm good nd so after dat we play outside then we go to our room all the sudden my friends are gone and they turn into my siblings and so night comes and the other person that didn't turn into one if my siblings is Yoseph so next thing you know I'm like bot all my frins left you r are you still here nd he's like your mom said I can spend the night and I was like oh ok and so he comes to the top bunk and we start kissing and then our clothes are off and ur fucking backshots missionary deep throat ever sex Position you could think of and so we go to sleep and wake up the next morning and were like oh shut and I wake up.

16 Jun 2024



My first dream, it was that I was at a river with my family and I was in a hammock and there was food and it was a pretty view and I enjoyed it. And then my ex posted something on his story talking about he loves another girl. So I blocked him because in the dream we were supposedly together and I was like, respect boundaries, I'm not comfortable with that. He just kept defending her. He just kept saying that they've been friends for a long time and that I know how their relationship is. And I was like, yeah, but I'm not comfortable with it. And I blocked him. And then my second dream, it was that I had a big family, my mom and two other siblings. So it was four of us. It was fantasy. We traveled different worlds and different realities with a guidance. And my siblings got lost and me and my mom had to go get them in different realities. And it was very awasome, colorful and very adventurous. The plants were different, there was one tree with flowers and inside the flower there were pearls, it was also like a videogame because we would collect some keys and we would have to fight enemies. We traveled through rivers with big leaves and we also were flying with either leaves or dragons, im not sure but it was amazing

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