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Dream Interpretation: Enemy 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Enemy? Discover the significance of seeing a Enemy in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Enemy appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol represents your fears and those obstacles that get in the way of your desires. These obstacles could be people surrounding you, or the project you are working on that gets in your way. Either way, it simply represents the problems that you have not resolved yet.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

Your mind is showing you those things that stand in the way of your progress, defend yourself, and find the tools necessary to defeat these obstacles. However, be mindful! Often we unintentionally end up fighting against ourselves because we see parts of our nature as the enemy. Learn to be at peace within yourself, accepting all parts of who you are, even those parts you have previously avoided.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of encountering an enemy may evoke feelings of fear, anxiety, and vulnerability. It could symbolize unresolved conflicts or hidden tensions in your waking life. The presence of an enemy in your dream may also reflect feelings of betrayal or a sense of being threatened. It is important to explore the emotions that arise from this dream to gain insight into any underlying issues that need to be addressed.





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Dreams of users containing the word Enemy

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14 Jul 2024



I was at the top of a hill and a girl I hardly knew from high school was there and I told her I thought her hair was cute. She didn't believe I was being genuine and asked where or what makes it cute and I told her I liked her bangs. I think she was self-conscious because she has always been very overweight but she looked much more in shape now. She was teaching us how to control the dream or something. Like create a bubble around us to do something. My friend was there and we're were practicing using cartoon like magic to avoid attacks from an enemy we spawned for practice. My friend made one of those black holes in the ground like in cartoons to pick up as a shield that would absorb all attacks from the enemy. We were having a lot of fun

10 Jul 2024



There was a party for my little sister and all my friends and family came but so did my narcissistic ex- crush wearing a brown limited edition Popeye hoodie. I ran outside following my sister upon making eye contact. It was a childhood neighborhood I knew my dead grandmother lived in her old house so we passed it but waved at her as she went to the part we proceeded through the neighborhood and saw my aunt turn in and greeted her but some friends passed by. I noticed that the guy in a white shirt was my childhood crush. They went to talk to them my sister was saying someone was making fun of her and I turned around to the cool green colored trees with dark shadows under them. There he was my narcissistic ex-crush and his friends laughing at me and my sister and my sister snuck off so I passed him and my favorite cousin had the same hoodie on and joined his group wearing the same brown Popeye hoodie. I hate that hoodie and walked by laughing at me amused saying something about my hair as I focused on my sister going to the house but we go in but we go to school the next day and I met a cool guy and we clicked instantly he became my friend but he had an enemy named Ina and she would just attack him for no reason every time she saw him but he was ok. We all got high off of weed in the bathrooms and the school year was cool I got along with a male teacher considering he was gay but he was a good person and I went into the school bathroom high blasting spin me right round as I stood up on the ledges holding on and the room spun like I was on a wheel with my younger self looking at me as she looked at me and I laughed someone came into the bathroom so I got up and left to go the wrong but seeing my favorite teacher watching detention. It was like a prison. A bunch of desks filled the main floor of the gym and my teacher hugged me and let me go. I met up with my new friend as we walked outside to eat dinner the brown hoodie group looked and laughed at me. My hair was a mess but I continued thinking my friend would follow me. I heard a crowd telling Ina to stop and after she turned off of him and walked up to me with her braces sticking out in spikes as she had a big and buff build walking towards me the crowd told me not to fight her and told me not to. So I removed my glasses, and my bag and I ran up to her and I started to beat her up drowning her into a pool when it turned into a video game and Ina was a gigantic phone with 8 arms and sharp braces and had the power to shapeshift. I was just a small mouse that can melt into objects of things but I won in the end. But I come across a train tracks and got into a cart and rode the train tracks to freedom and escaped meanwhile I went back to the train tracks and got eaten by the train tracks. I noticed my 3 flag in the game were a black flag with 3 stars across and a red flag with white Arabic on it and I came back to reality everyone was gone and I went home.

9 Jul 2024



I dreamt that a man and a woman was digging a grave for me but I did not fall in the grave. My enemy fell in the grave. I dreamt that they were trying to do witchcraft on me but it did not. It was not successful and I did not end up dying.

5 Jul 2024



I was at a hospital [I instincively knew it was a mental hospital. I was upset because I had to take medicine and I didn't want to.] Suddently, the place took fire, so we all ran away, we left the buliding and the gardenia, and kept on running until we reached a park because the fire wasn't spreading in that direction. Suddently I saw my kindergarden enemy but I wasn't surpised at all. I took her hand, and we started talking while we chatted. She showed me the virtual world [metaverse], then she wanted to show me a real place so I followed her. We walked through an alley [a real place, an alley between my two old schools] then suddently a man came out of nowhere and I knew it was her friend but he had crazy eyes and to be honest, he did move and speak like he was crazy. He had a beige pitbull and it was leashed and both him and his dog acted friendly but had a strange threatening undertone to them. They saw my fear and he said "dont worry, its not like he's growling at you/ getting agressive" but its expression was growing more and more deranged and it started foaming at the mouth,it became taller I became smaller I started to sink into the ground without wanting to, its like a sort of force was pulling me down and felt I more and more powerless to this dog like it had a strange supernatural power over me, as I sank I was face to face with it, then I sank so much that I had to look up at it in order to see it, I couldn't take my eyes away, so what did I do? I deliberately sank more and faster into the ground. Then I woke up. I presume I was safe before I did so.

20 Jun 2024



So there was like theses little groups colonie thing with 2-6 people in them and some were just animals there’s also a blizzard me my dad and sister were protecting spiders and there was a crow in a tree by us and little sparrows a little farther we were on a littler playground thing there was a bridge that the ginger group tried to get across and sabotage us we didint like the gingers because I screwed them over and now we are enemy’s so I yell at them to get away and start walking towards them then they scurry off so later in the dream for some reason we go to the rich group for dinner and we are all sitting there and it’s quiet bc there’s no blizzard then I’m really bored so the queen and my colony decide to merge so I’m like that’s stupid and say “if it’s that easy to just make groups and and matty (my little brother) are making one to!!” So we walk of and later matty confesses to me that he killed sombody so I’m like who!? He says he killed his friend William so we don’t tell any one then later he gets crowned king and his mother the queen makes him say and oth and she says if he lies he will go to the gallows so he panics and she says don’t worry they are updated and it’s a picture of a spa then the dream ended

18 Jun 2024



I was in a nerf war but except it felt like we were in real combat and everyone took it seriously that way. The only part I remember was when I grabbed one of the enemies and tried to hold him as a hostage

2 Jun 2024



Escaping a home with a lot of doors, but I am Have sex With the enemy

4 May 2024



I know I had a lot of dreams last night. But the one I remember was of myself with a group of people who were playing instruments, and I was playing bongos with my hands. I remember seeing the color violet as I pounded my hands on the drums. The dream had an eerie/creepy vibe to it, but now that I’m awake I can’t remember why. I also think it was someone’s wedding. We were running/hiding from the enemy. I remember looking at a world map, that looked similar to what you would see when watching weather radar but instead of the blue being rain, it was actually showing where the enemy was either located, or where they had cellphone towers. The group of people I was with were trying to flee from this other group of people that I’m calling the “enemy”. One specific location I remember the enemy being saturated in was New Mexico, but New Mexico was either outside of the United States, or I was the one in a different country.

29 Apr 2024



Escaping a cult while a mix of new work and Vietnam was going through a viral infectious diseases. I had super human powers and as my enemy chased me I was able to kil it by letting it by a bus.

15 Apr 2024



I dreamt I was rogue who had to kill a lot of people in a party, then i remember I was a healer and trying to heal my people, kill the enemy

9 Apr 2024



I was playing an old childhood game on my computer. It was a horror themed fish game and I had to make it through different stages. The fish would attack the player and depending on how you treated your fish allies, they would stay allies or they would become enemies. All this with an interesting story about a scuba diver having an adventure through the ocean. After awhile of playing for a couple hours and losing, I stopped playing and switched to Geometry Dash. That I found an old level I made a long time ago. It looked really ugly but also surprisingly detailed for the time it was made. I was thinking about remaking the level sometime but first I wanted to get through it. I had a hard time due to errors I made in the design choices at the time.

2 Apr 2024



About to walk through a closed door saying out loud how others think I fight for the enemy but they’re wrong. I step through and join other soldiers as we huddle together with our rifles. We work together to fight the enemy and their attacks. As the enemy shoots down a good number of my fellow soldiers I stand my ground as the enemy comes in close for a close battle but I stay my ground taking them one by one down. A zombie dog snarling comes around the corner to kill me but I’m able to wound it while it was airborne coming in to kill me. The creature falls to the ground in front of me giving me sad poor as me eyes, but I didn’t fall for it. I used a club to finish it off.

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