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Dream Interpretation: Enemy ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Enemy? Discover the significance of seeing a Enemy in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Enemy appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This symbol represents your fears and those obstacles that get in the way of your desires. These obstacles could be people surrounding you, or the project you are working on that gets in your way. Either way, it simply represents the problems that you have not resolved yet.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction

Daily events

Your mind is showing you those things that stand in the way of your progress, defend yourself, and find the tools necessary to defeat these obstacles. However, be mindful! Often we unintentionally end up fighting against ourselves because we see parts of our nature as the enemy. Learn to be at peace within yourself, accepting all parts of who you are, even those parts you have previously avoided.

โค๏ธ Feelings

This dream of encountering an enemy may evoke feelings of fear, anxiety, and vulnerability. It could symbolize unresolved conflicts or hidden tensions in your waking life. The presence of an enemy in your dream may also reflect feelings of betrayal or a sense of being threatened. It is important to explore the emotions that arise from this dream to gain insight into any underlying issues that need to be addressed.





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Dreams of users containing the word Enemy

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28 Mar 2024



I was part of a small military team trying to disable communications and prevent a nuclear launch against an unidentified enemy

26 Mar 2024

Being Late


I was a high school girl who struggled in school and struggled to pay attention. I was a โ€œtroubledโ€ kid who just wanted to be understood. I was close to getting expelled from my high school. I had a twin sister who seemed to have it easy at school. She was popular, got good grades, and had a cute boyfriend. I left school campus to go for a ride on an electric scooter around the city. I remembered that I had to turn in an assignment for a class where the teacher doesnโ€™t like me. I was racing back and borrowed someoneโ€™s green electric skateboard to get back. I was with another red headed girl who was late turning in her project as well. I tried asking the teacher to still take my project and she wouldnโ€™t respond to me. She ignored me like I didnโ€™t exist. The other girl slid her project discreetly on the teachers desk. I didnt care much anymore and just left school altogether. Later in the dream I am throwing knives at an enemy. This enemy is a woman who is seeking to harm me. She has a group of people with her and me and my friends and team are throwing knives at them. Some of the knives land and I start to feel safe that she has been defeated. Later in the dream a group of people I assume to be friends are all going into a build a bear shop. I was thinking of doing something else but I ended up goin in behind them anyway. They make big stuffed bears while I go behind the store where there is a field and a class room. On the field there are soccer players. One kid is bouncing the soccer ball on his knee and foot while looking through these futuristic tech looking glasses that make it so you see higher than you normally would. I remember wondering how he sees the ball to keep it up with his knee and foot and that he just must be really good. I follow a โ€œfriendโ€ to the classroom and talk to her about Jaylen, my boyfriend. She seems aprehensive given his history

19 Mar 2024

Running away


I had a dream I was with my grandpa, he was protecting my money. I had a big stash of money and I had to run away because friends was after my money and grandpa was helping me escape and save my money . He didnโ€™t let the girls get to me . He stalled her until I jumped down the stairs where I met another enemy and still got away from them with my money intact.

29 Feb 2024



I had a connection with heaven and hell. I was friends with demons. Some from a hit man company and some from a hotel all in hell. I had superpowers and switched my soul for a demons soul. I had brought a lot of sewerage guns to school the next day and killed all my enemies and bullies. I had no fucking regret.

23 Feb 2024



I was infiltrating an enemy base that looked like a large suburban home with other mage agents. They caught the only person on scene and she was a werewolf or a type of magical creature. She turned out to be the daughter of the man we were looking for. They used magical handcuffs to lead her away. She wasn't talking much but I asked her if she had could use magic and she said no. They continued to grill her until we got to her place. The scenery was beautiful with a desert and mountain formations. It wasn't hot and it late afternoon. The other mage agents were discussing what to do with her and I said I'll talk to her. So I went into her room with her and sat her down on the bed. I magically removed her handcuffs and asked her questions. I wondered why the evil guy's daughter lived in what looked like a small garage with a bed. We got to know each other and I explained how her father was evil and she could help us stop him. She agreed and got ready. I used my magic to help make the area look normal if her father stopped by. As we were leaving the dream transitioned and she became my sister as we left the garage, the scene was my childhood neighborhood and I was following younger version of my parents. They ran across the street grabbing cans and trash to throw away while I drank water from a measuring cup

15 Feb 2024



i had a dream i was in competition with a bunch of other players where we would have to do random tasks like finding each other or finding ourselves in a mirror before time ran out. periodically we would get teleported to new areas and more people would be killed as each round went on. at the end we were in the backrooms with multiple enemies in dark corners. there were about 10 people left and we all started trying to get across a bridge. i made it but then i woke up. only 3 people died on that challenge so we would have done a few more before the end of the dream

14 Feb 2024



At a church youth group with peers, I donโ€™t want to be there, I leave and enter into a school hallway packed with people. I find a friend and go to the food court. I try to order the free bread sticks but the lunch ladies wonโ€™t give them to me. Everything costs more than what I have. The leaders of the school are currupt and demon like. Me and my group of badass fighter outcast decide to rebel. We are chased by the men in black into a store with thick rows of prouducts unknown. We hid there waiting for them to leave but they kept advancing. I escapade through the back door outside. We had large black trash bags of stuffed with money. We ran for my little black car but I forgot to grab my keys I wasnโ€™t prepared for leaving! We were caught. The dream resets and Iโ€™m a 6ft female killer with short black hair that glows red. There is a women Taunting me about how I am not tradionally pretty and she holds dressed up me and calls me a pathetic mousy girl over and over. I rip away from her and join my heist group wearing all black and covered in weapons. As I walk my short hair bounces red flames around me, I am ready. This time we all run to our lockers in this distopian school. I grab my keys and they grab handfuls of cash and stuff them into big black trash bags once again. On the over head speaker I hear the alert, calling us so stupid and predictable. We run. I walk into a checkout lane at a supermarket. I talk a little to the guy behind the counter, he gets called over by his boss and yelled at for visiting too much with customers. I walk right over to his boss and tell him โ€œI donโ€™t like the way you treat peopleโ€ I knock him out with a punch. I run, my team behind me with the trash bags of cash. Three of us jump in my car. The enemy advances quicklyโ€ฆ we wonโ€™t all make it. The last three on the team just burst out of the supermarket, we will have to leave them behind. I make a move to throw the remaining two cash bags at the enemy because I donโ€™t have time to load they are right behind us. I throw the bags and jump in and the car wonโ€™t start. They must have broken my car. I will the car to start with my enegy and we zoom away into the distance. Leaving behind half the crew but I think they were not important

10 Feb 2024

Holding hands


About my childhood friend enemy holding hands and walking to my school

3 Feb 2024



I just woke up from a dream about me and 3 friends (which arenโ€™t friends in real life) in an apartment complex having a firefight. I canโ€™t seem to remember a lot of it because I had to do something as soon as I woke up but I remained unharmed. And kept the upper hand. But eventually I had ran out of ammo and had to subdue my enemy with my bare hands. Which was all 3 enemies. Or frenemies. But itโ€™s weird because in my waking life I have no friends I associate with but I can think of three old friends including the one who tried to take my life in real life who this could be referring to. Also there were women involved, I think they set me up or something. Any thoughts my dreamy 4th dinemsion analyzing friend?

28 Jan 2024

Video Game


I was in a pirate ship on a ocean and the people there were looking for something and guns werenโ€™t allowed but someone said there are some in a closet, there were cameras everywhere some of the cameras were fake some of the cameras were real and a guy grabbed a gun and shot the walls around us so I grabbed it and shot down the stairs and some enemy came in and the other guy shot him and he had a revive symbol above his head as if I was in a video game also before this happened I remember being embarrassed because I didnโ€™t have any pants on for some reason so I got embarrassed

20 Jan 2024



my last dream was about there being a lot of k-pop announcements on the teacher's promeathean board, i was really excited, but it's weird because my entire class hates on k-pop. i believe it was a day where we can bring your own devices too. class was over so i went to an area in the classroom to charge my nintendo. it was my own little charging station that came with my nintendo but i saw someone else's there. i say โ€œwho's is this and why's it at my charging station?!โ€ i mean to put it to the side but i accidentally drop it. my enemy passes by me and says โ€œit was mineโ€ and pulls my hair. i didn't put my nintendo back down so i just leave it on that little table where the nintendo was. i run after my enemy to pull on her hair. i pull on her hair once and made sure it hurt. she ran through tight spaces after so it was hard to continue chasing her. she ran to get one of her best friends that i'm also enemies with that also hates me. i woke up by then.

19 Jan 2024



I had to overcome obstacles to complete an important task. I had to do my nails. I don't know why it was so important, but it was and it was like everything was at stake. There was a hidden compartment inside of an older hippy van that lead to a secret room. In that room we were supposed to talk about the objective. I don't remember who was in there. I remember my first few attempts with following someone else's plan was a failure. No one knew what they were supposed to do. Peoples roles were not defined and the objective was unclear. No one a doing their part and I was also supposed to be training someone as well. Finally I got sick of the whole situation being a waste of my time. I yelled at the leader and finally realized I needed to put on a full set of acrylic nails. I gave one final attempt to work as a team and tried to discuss and idea with the leader. It didn't work, and I was ignored. I took the new recruit with me. We left the room and went searching for the location where materials were. The entire process there were obstacles. Every path was covered with debris, which we would slowly and methodically clear. I was resentful that we had a whole team but they were useless and unsupportive. I was glad the new recruit was with me because I could al least teach them self reliance. I was still angry at how slow and unnecessarily difficult a simple task was. We finally get to the work station and the brush is hard with old acrylic. Nothing is clean and ready to use. In my frustration I refused to clean the equipment. I explained to the new recruit the issue and how the equipment should be cleaned first but instead were going to work with what we have so we can make some traction and how it'll get easier. I put the brush in acetone a which immediately started breaking up the acrylic. I got through 2 nails when some other people started approaching. I think they were the enemy. A war broke put around us. I was so resentful because I knew we were alone and no one would help us. I resolved myself with the fact I also have to fight, along with complete every other role in this objective. My team came out of no where and started fighting. The leader came by and said something with would have been a moment shared between us, where I should feel like everything is ok and I'm not alone. Instead, I judged him. He sounded like an idiot. The team was still disorganized and not effective at combat. At best they were a distraction to the enemy.

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