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Dream Interpretation: Dragon 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Dragon? Discover the significance of seeing a Dragon in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Dragon appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

These symbolize power, independence, spirituality, and strength. It indicates that you are the master of your destiny and have the power to transform your waking life. It is an immensely powerful symbol, connected to your identity and confidence, and controlling this power will help you progress in your waking life.

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🧭 Direction


You have power residing deep within you, understand it and harness it to change your current situation. Embracing your spiritual energy will help you unleash your full potential and become independent. Sometimes this new power within you can be frightening, but now is the time to embrace your potential and enter into it without fear.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a dragon can evoke a range of emotions, such as fear, awe, and excitement. The presence of a dragon in a dream often symbolizes power, strength, and the need to confront one's fears or challenges. It may also represent a desire for adventure or a warning of potential danger. The feelings associated with this dream can vary depending on the context and individual experiences, but they generally involve a mix of intensity and curiosity.





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Dreams of users containing the word Dragon

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18 Jul 2024



UGHHHHHHH okay so my next dream was a lot. The first part, there was a shaman like man with dark brown hair that said he’d come for me soon. I can’t remember much from that but I thought he was mine. Now idk Then there was a dragon of lightning that would shoot creatures from his realm that passed through the veil. He was pretty cool. He said he loved me. I had blonde hair, nearly white. I was really pale, looked like Conney that I knew. This guy had darker hair and pretty eyes. He was quite young but then again he was a dragon so that might not mean much. He felt like my best friend. I thought he was really cute Then there was another dragon. Pure white. I remember him the best. He took care of me, actually we had a very strange dynamic. It felt like he was my dad or something. He was possessive but extremely polite. He followed me around and protected me from things. Interacting with him was just strange. He was super super duper old. He liked me for some reason. I think I snuck off to the dragon realm, they had this massive city that I wasn’t exactly aloud but but no harm came to me. A guard saw me yet kinda pretended he didn’t? The white dragon was worried and came for me there. I saw a lot of cool things- but eventually we got a place that was like a hotel room. I was supposed to sleep in the white dragons bed- tbh I’m not sure if I was supposed too but that’s what I thought in the dream. When the white dragon came upstairs he got really cuddly with me. I felt like I was half asleep- like I couldn’t really process what was happening. He sat me on the couch in the corner of the room, facing the beds, and started touching me. His fingers went down to my panties and started rubbing me and my whole body started to feel on fire. I felt like I needed more. Yet I was so sleepy I felt I couldn’t really process my body’s movements. I pressed myself into his hand. I felt so impatient. Needy. He wasn’t touching me enough and I needed more. I couldn’t understand why he was so slow, why he started but didn’t continue. I eventually kissed his neck but it kinda just came off in my mouth? I thought that was so gross. I think I ended up dying- I went up this elevator to the next life and I saw the white dragon. He was real angry, in despair. But he had a dragon egg. My voice seemed to come from the egg. As I passed on. He clutched the egg really tight to his chest and had a destroyed look about him. It didn’t quite make sense.

17 Jul 2024



Ttssdtgghedfffg ddgvff stxwtf ssgyygset

14 Jul 2024

Blonde hair


In this dream, I was a real life dragon again- a pure white one that could transform into a human girl at will. The blank dragon kept chasing me around everywhere, saying he was in love with me. Scared the crap out of me- idk why I didn’t try to hear him out I just felt so unsafe near him. One of the times I was running from him I saw a man with pretty blonde hair, he tilted his head at me as I jumped into his arms, cuddling him. Idk but I felt if I stayed close to this man the other guy wouldn’t hurt me. But something about cuddling into blonde had my body melt a little and it was kinda soothing. I just wanted to keep hugging. It seemed everyone I met in that dream was some form of a dragon. Eventually the black dragon chasing got so much I ran away from everyone to the hills in dragon form and tried to blend into the environment. It was so very lonely but also pretty. I wished I could have a friend. I wonder if the blonde guy would have went with me if I asked?

12 Jul 2024



Before we got to the house we drove by a garden surrounded by a small Colosseum like in Hercules it had a fire going on inside i wanted to take a picture but once I pulled out my phone the door closed, we kept driving, I remember coming to this big house and I kept seeing something in the sky some kind of dragon, I had a big container of prerolls and was passing them out to my friends I wanted to turn on the light but the light switch wasn’t a regular light switch but someone told me No not to turn on the light, I steped away, someone had turned it on, somehow I ended up at Payless and a friend of mine was helping me look for shoes, but people came up to us at our table asking for weed, I was like yeah for sale, I had grabbed some pairs of shoes, I was looking for something, not a fitting room, I start to wonder this house, I seen my boyfriend in this red button up shirt he was walking very close to the wall, he wouldn’t look at me or stop to hug or kiss me he wasn’t him, I felt weird and continued to walking around, somehow I up going to another place, it was like an underground market or something every room was different,there was a theater there, I seen people sitting on leopard print couches smoking cigarettes, I remember finding some girls to buy a corset from but they could draw up a corset, nex thing I remember my phone screen was broke into thirds, I called my phone company for them to tell me I can’t get a new one until October, some black girl was driving me around and she feel asleep at the wheel I had to wake her up, I was back at the big house, I kept seeing the dragons and I remember some kids who were playing outside and I told them to look up and watch the dragons with me, then I went back in the house with my boyfriend and we wanted privacy I asked someone if we can use the room, they said yes we ending up going in this bedroom together to make out but we didn’t make out he disappeared

4 Jul 2024



I was in a room that looked like a college library with a group of other people my age, it felt like we had known each other for a while and were all friends. We were studying something, all having books and notebooks. After awhile we decided to break for lunch. As we were leaving I was asked to go check on a friend/classmate that wasn't there to see if he would join us for lunch. Everyone else got in their respective vehicles but I, walking into the middle of the road on front of the place we had just left, and transformed into a green dragon (typical two arms, two legs, pair of wings style dragon) and flew off to get our other friend. I arrived at the place where he was, what seemed like an apartment complex in a forest of trees, elaborate treehouse style that looked like fantasy elves made them, very fancy and elaborate. I walked into my friend's apartment and inside he sat at a square table across from where I entered, with two people I did not know sitting on either side of the table, leaving the seat directly in front of me empty. He asked me what's up, I told him our classmates/friends were going to go get lunch and asked if he wanted to join. He said sure, let me finish up here and I'll go with you. He then asked if o could wait outside until he does. I walked outside and began to survey the scenery while I waited. Everything here was made out of wood, there were bridge pathways in between section of apartments, with rope rails. There was rope netting to prevent anyone falling from anywhere.

22 Jun 2024



THIS NEXT DREAM WAS FROM 2 NIGHTS AGO In my dream last night, I was in this palace that would randomly morph into my human home, like they were in the same place. There was this guy-he was kind of feminine with long hair. I thought he was really hot. I think his hair was purple in the beginning of the dream he looked just like a kid-like me. he seemed real protective of me for some reason. He had a mean personality, I liked him a lot though, I kept reminding myself "just as a friend". he had super Duper pretty eyes. I think they may have been multicolored or something. I don't know why, but he gave me dragon vibes. He seemed to get mad at everyone, but me-but he did get annoyed with me. He followed me around a lot for some reason. I was trying to teach him which shit, but I was too fucked up to really say anything (as in high) I couldn't really tell his reaction to this. like he was annoyed, but he wouldn't leave. It felt like he just kept mentally calling me cute. I met a lady online and we met up at this massive underground garage, talking about ghosts and malicious spirits. She had really pretty long dark hair and a surreal face, truly gorgeous. She seemed really nice too. We found each other through our phones. while we were walking/talking we saw a scary ghost and ran away together. Around the end of the dream, I was upstairs in my bedroom and this time, the guy from earlier-he was much older, his hair cascade down his shoulders. He had a real tall build, but a thin frame. when I got in bed, he crawled in beside me and laid on his side facing away from me. I don't know why but my body kept like unconsciously trying to cuddle him, but every time I put my hand on his waist, he snapped at me. I had to hold my hand against my chest, so I wouldn't accidentally touch him. the problem was, I was pressed against the wall and he laid so close our legs, and probably my side touched his back. I felt pretty bad- I mean he seemed really uncomfortable with touching, but his presence seemed to put my whole body at peace so it felt really nice laying next to him. I wanted to touch him so I'm not sure what's wrong with me. I'm not sure exactly what happened next but I think he brings me to some kinda alien ward jail. I don't know why I was there. I was pretty scared. He told me I wasn't allowed to leave so obviously I tried to escape, but I was too pussy to completely leave because I felt like I was in big trouble or something when I got back to my room, another bed was moved in and he was standing beside it calmly (yet his energy screamed pissed) I felt really scared. He said I needed to be punished. I needed to be spanked. I almost felt like crying. I went and sat by the foot of my bed. he kept trying to say something like don't be scared you'll like it but I didn't believe him. he doesn't even like me touching him now he wants to hit me. I think he hates me, though he looked a little panicked when I walked back into the room. I'm not sure why. I think something went wrong at his job. I wish he just give me a hug and be my friend. Why does he wanna hurt me so much when I'm obviously scared. he felt like a warden. like a pretty monster that wanted me to suffer, why did you lay next to me if he dislikes me also for some reason he had the aura of what I assumed to be a dragon he smelled like the sun feels pleasant and warm.

20 Jun 2024



Once upon a time, in a dream, prolly like a month ago. I heard a knocking on my bedroom window and when I turned to look, there was this giant man with bright curly red hair and a thick accent. He said to pack my shit, we’d leave tonight. I was so thrilled. I hurriedly gathered some clothes in a duffle bag, trying to avoid my dad so we wouldn’t get caught. I climbed out the window and jumped on his back, he was a massive Black and red dragon. We flew into the stormy night sky but it was like something was stopping his flight. Like the winds were pushing him back. I’m not really sure what happened but it felt like I fell off and when I awoke I was still in my boring old room, desperately wishing he really coulda saved me. I hope he was kind.

9 Jun 2024



we were forced to go underwater as punishment for something, and there was this modern looking house that i went in and was looking for something. i think i was trying to save my kid. anyways they told me he had died and his body was tossed into the deep blue, so i broke the window and swam out. someone that was with me yelled “HES NOT OUT THERE! THEYRE LYING!”. and this huge dragon looking monster came out of a hole causing the whole house to shake. they wanted me to play a game of volleyball to get my son back. i had a gut feeling this was the thing that took my son from me, there was 2 of them against me. so i took the volleyball, jumped up, and slam dunked the 1st one, and the second one while i was still floating in the water, i charged at him with my elbow and dunked him as well. i remember water flooding into the house from me breaking the window, and everyone was trying to get into the elevator to save themselves. i was shoved in at one point by my partner in the dream, and they said they would go find my son, but i opened the elevator and insisted i go find him.

9 Jun 2024



i was going up with an elevator with my sister to my house ( not my house in real life), when we reach the house there was my dad outside the door sleeping and the house door was slightly open. i had a feeling there was someone inside so i slowly opened the door and grabbed some thing that to me seemed a bit like a tube (i’m not sure what object exactly i was holding). when i opened the door it was slightly dark and there was a man, so i hit him with the object i had and he fainted on the couch. when he fell on the couch i looked at my sister a second and by the time i looked back at the man he was waking up so i pinned him to the couch so he couldn’t move. when he woke up he kept telling me “he made me do this” and “he can see you and he can hear you” while looking behind me so i looked and there was a room with a fluffy dragon costume moving. the man on the couch kept smiling in a creepy way. then i woke up.

7 Jun 2024



The Unicorn and the Doctor. So in my dreams, I was on the run. I had unicorn blood er Unicorn descentence. Kinda like the last unicorn. Not only do I have magick healing abilities but I can also grant youth and such so I’m often in the run or in dragon. Then I met this Black dragon. He was a doctor, kinda hot. He said he’d help me and so in return I gave him blood and stuff, helped him work with his patients (by choice of course) then there was this other blacky red dragon. Wanted me as his mate and was gonna force it to happen. I hate force and he was like high key abusive so doctor bro kinda helped me runaway along with this kid that worked under him. He had brown hair and a super peppy cute personality. He was a fae of some kind. He helped me by giving me teleport crystals. Anyway there was also this lady who I think was arranged to marry the doctor. (I think she was in love with him) apparently she kept updating the red dragon of our location. Also I think I was developing a crush on the doctor. Maybe. I think I may have been much older then all of them. The cute tiger boy with brown hair, I think he had a crush on me 🤷‍♀️ Anyways I hide around in the fae realm after brunette guy saved me. They ended up having me hide in this time trap with this big biker gang that kinda just adopted me immediately. I’m not sure why but they all though I was super duper cute and must be protected from life itself. The had eagle tattoos (A lot more happened in the dreams but I’m a bit too tired to remember. I did hear the doctors last name though)

4 Jun 2024



It was movie like. It was very old day Victorian. This boy was born into royalty. It it meant it was time for him to claim his power // and his dragon. But he’s so unfamiliar with it but this girl has been studying the ins and out for her entire life and is begging for a chance to make her mark so she seduces him and he declines. Which he couldn’t afford to do given his lack of knowledge so he’s forced to accept meanwhile she’s running around the yard almost busting her ass but she’s free. In her element. It’s time for dinner now. Everyone is seated around the table waiting the big announcement when the lights cut off .. that’s when I woke up

3 Jun 2024



There is a Dragon He was very strong, but when the dragon was playing with his son the dragon was so excited he didn't realise his skin peeled off a lot.

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