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Dream Interpretation: Investigation 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Investigation? Discover the significance of seeing a Investigation in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Investigation appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes a need for answers or clarity in a situation. It may also represent a fear of being caught or exposed for something you have done wrong. Alternatively, it could indicate a desire to uncover hidden truths or secrets.

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🧭 Direction


Consider what situation in your waking life is causing you to feel uncertain or in need of answers. Are you hiding something or feeling guilty about something? It may be time to come clean and face the consequences. Alternatively, if you are seeking answers or clarity, take steps to gather information and seek out the truth. Don't be afraid to ask for help or guidance if needed.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of investigation evokes a sense of curiosity, intrigue, and a desire for answers. It brings forth feelings of determination, as one delves into the unknown to uncover hidden truths. There may be a mix of excitement and apprehension, as the dreamer navigates through clues and puzzles. This dream signifies a thirst for knowledge and a willingness to explore the depths of the mind. It may also reflect a need for clarity and understanding in waking life, as the dreamer seeks to unravel mysteries and find resolution.





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Dreams of users containing the word Investigation

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16 Jul 2024



My second dream of the nigght was bizzare. I was something of an investigator. I was looking for someone in particular who was committing murderes. I get to this building and i find at least someone working with the enemy organization. She tries to attack and escape me. We are ina huge government building but in the hopsital wing. I end up killing her and skinning her and i gather evidence to turn in that she is this enemy killer. Also im trying to help vance who is also an investigator who needed proof they were after him. By the morning time people are coming in, and im anxious to turn in the evidence. I find vance i tell him privately what i have done, and hes happy but nervous about the evidence about him. Because the evidence would make it seem like he was at the crime scene. He isnt sure how he feels about that. I tell him i have the evidence in my bag and to just tell me what he wants me to do before i cant even leave the building and this place is filled eith agents and i cant tell my side of the story. He is unsure. I wake up

30 Jun 2024



My most recent dream was this guy was being suspected for some thing and I was with like some friend or somebody that was investigating and we go behind someplace and we see that there’s like a bunch of blood smear from this guy and he sees that the guy left with the bike, but then he hears that something stayed in the shed And I kinda already feel like it’s a beast or something because I feel like I just already knew it and it’s also my dream so I almost manifested it and I like run and the door open and the door swinging open pushes me up to fly up on top of this crate crate that the stranger things like beast was hiding inside and it felt kind of like one of those scenes and then investigator friend gets eaten by the big beast monster and then it starts trying to come after me and I kinda run circles with it around the crate, and I think it wakes me up. if I had to guess the person that was investigating was my old neighbor friend named Angel and he kept going around locations where security like stands in front of us and says we can’t come any further so I just ask him do you really like hanging out in places when we’re right next to security and asking us not to go any further, because it’s anxiety to me.

22 May 2024



I had a dream where my mom had just bought a house for our family (me, my mom, my brother, and my sister.) It was a beautiful and still furnished home. There were three bedrooms. I helped my brother find a bed that was comfortable for him and he fell asleep. I also found the master bedroom and designated that room to my mom. I then walked into the third bedroom and noticed that it was still very much full of life. There was vibrant decorations still up, memories and arts and crafts on the walls, trophies on the selves. It felt like a young person’s room and it was decorated similar to my taste. The bedding was still there which was strange. I decided to try to sleep in the room but something was gnawing me to explore it deeper. I started to inspect the room closer and noticed that the computer in the corner of the room was really old. It looked like it belonged in the 90’s. The computer had a rounded back and it still had Windows XP running on it. Why had the prior occupants rushed out and left so many personal belongings? That was odd to me that things seemed frozen in time 25+ years later. Why had no one lived here since then? Is that why my mom had been able to afford the house? I then started reading some of the journals that were still left on the desk. In one of the journal entries, the prior occupant of the room had detailed paranormal experiences. One of them included a severed hand that had grabbed a visitor once and had scared the children on numerous occassions. There were a lot more entries so I gathered what I could find and rushed downstairs. I found my sister still awake in the living room and showed her what I found. My sister confirmed that she sensed there was something off about the house, she kept looking at the corner of the room where she couldn’t see anything but sensed there was something watching her there. I closed my eyes and put my hands up infront of me to sense the energy of the house. I did sense that there was dark energy around me, and set forth a force field of protective light around the house in the effort to expel the darkness around us. It lasted temporarily but I could feel the dark energy coming back into the house. I deducted that it was likely because the dark energy had a strong and long term attachment to the house and that’s why my protective barrier wasn’t holding. I held my sisters hands and asked her to set intentions of light surrounding her. She did so and our protective energy was stronger, but I could sense the dark energy was fighting back. I realized that we needed my mom as well. I called her over and the three of us held hands and we casted light around us, and my mom's energy was so powerful that this time, it stuck! I realized that it was possible that the dark energy would still to try to come back to the house so I told my family that we should only stay at the house for a short time and try to back out of the sale. I was also interested in investigating who used to live here and to see if we could find out more about what happened to them and see if we could meet them. The dream ended after we deciphered who the author of the journal entries was and were trying to figure out how to contact them.

7 May 2024



Now I have two dreams, but they do coincide with each other. The first one, I was being chased by zombies. Eventually, I got surrounded. And... I don't know how, but I was able to talk to some of them. And they were able to talk to me. They wanted to rejoin society. And they needed someone to bring their request to the people who were not infected. so that's exactly what I did since I was in the army I brought it to my higher-ups and they were very reluctant at first because these are zombies and they don't really believe that they could change but in time they realized that this could be a good benefit for us so we did. I didn't realize it at the moment but I got promoted because of this. Later on I saw some of the zombies. They were looking more human-like but some of them had skepticism on everything. I talked to one of them and he feels like we are betraying them somehow. I said I would ease his uneasiness and I would find out so I went and talked to some of the higher-ups and it seems like the zombie was right. They were planning on implanting zombies with some microchips. I was able to stop them from implanting the first batch of microchips in their heads. Just barely though. I went to the higher ups and I asked them why they were doing this and they said that it's pretty obvious isn't it. We want to make sure that these zombies are compliant and obey us. I told them look I understand where you're coming from I really do okay if these zombies go berserk and attack us you'd really want some way to stop them trust me I do but these zombies are willingly coming to us and asking to rejoin society there's no need to do this at all. so I was able to convince our higher-ups about this and again they were reluctant but they agreed that they should only do this as a last-measure type of situation. The second part, I don't know how many years or days have gone by, but dealt with someone stealing my father's journal, which had all his ideas and everything. When we went to this new place, we found that some of the ideas that he had was implemented here and was given to someone else. We tried to find this person, and eventually we did, and this person that we met was very nice at first. He told us that he found the journal in the garbage, and when he took it out, he liked the ideas and implemented them at the point, because he was told that the person who read in the journal was missing and I told him that the person was not missing we got sent to a witness protection program we couldn't grab all of our stuff so we explained the situation to the young gentleman and he seemed really nice about it he even gave us some of his business cards and he said that he had it still in his house and he'd bring it in tomorrow. So we left and he stopped me for a little bit to discuss some great ideas and stuff like that to chat with him and then I left. The next day my father and mother got arrested for stealing drugs and a golden bicycle. Since I was in the army I kind of got an immunity to it so they didn't really put me away cuz I wasn't part of it. I was very sad but very curious at the moment I dug deep into it and then I went up to the guy who had the notebook and asked him if I could have it back he said that he doesn't have it at all saying that my parents stole it from him and from there I felt something was off so I don't remember very much after that only thing I remember is that with the military I was able to use my connections to get a more in-depth accurate investigation. I was walking into a room, and I saw him presenting the video of my parents getting arrested and saying that he knew all along I couldn’t take it, and I was able to unplug the cord connected to the projector and I took it with me and I wanted to talk to the higher ups but he followed me because he wanted to make fun of my family more. We eventually got to the investigation room, and I asked them if they found any new evidence to clear my family's name. They said that they found a security video But it doesn't really show who is in the video at all But it shows someone grabbing the golden bicycle And Where the drugs were as well, so I asked them to play the video and as I was watching I saw a glimpse of the notebook Being put into someone's jacket pocket and I told the investigator to rewind it and play it right back slowly and I said, look, there's the notebook that we were looking for. We asked him to go get for us. You can see someone's hand putting it in the jacket pocket. So that shows you who really stole the drugs. Because if you're saying that the drugs were stolen the same day As when he was supposed to give us our notebook back with our ideas and stuff like that, it shows that this young guy right here stole everything and tried to pin it on my family. They saw the video and saw the evidence, the guy then tried to run out and they said security stop him and he didn't get far. They brought him back in and I told them you should have never messed with my family at all. We could have been friends, okay? I have no idea why you would do something like this at all. The investigator then gave me a little gift from what it looked like it was a Tamagotchi and I was given the notebook. As I was heading back to present the notebook to my family, because they were being released to, there was water block in the way. The path was blocked. I waited a little bit and wanted it clear up a little bit for me to cross, but as I was going to cross, I woke up

3 May 2024



OK in my dream it was my mom and my husband however, in my dream they were playing the parts of my mom and dad. My sister and I went over to their house for some reason we knew they had been murdered, they had been shot and they were in the back room, but we never went back there and we called the police , the police came out and took their bodies out of the house my sister and. I were devastated and terrified as we could not imagine who would have done this, we were looking for my dad‘s truck and we couldn’t find it anywhere. All of a sudden this guy that my husband and I know that had worked for us showed up and he was devastated that my parents were gone but didn’t know where my dads truck was at, sudden somebody pulled up driving my dad’s truck and he would never get out and he just drove around in circles really really fast around the house and then the police came back at that point. Everybody was gone and they came into the house to start an investigation and then I woke up. I have thought about this all day. Even though my mother passed away in 2016 this dream has just been so scary for me to even think about, what could it possibly mean?

23 Feb 2024

Running away


I had a dream that I was on a large ship and it kept catching on fire, so we were investigating the crew, like the furnace engine crew, to see if maybe they were getting drunk or something. So before we were actually able to do this investigation, we realized that the owner of the ship is the one who was sabotaging. To catch on fire, because he would have made more money collecting from the losses or the insurance on the losses, even though he was on the ship. So he would have died and gone down with the ship just like everybody else, so it didn't make a whole lot of sense. But anyway, after we made that discovery, there was like a ball, I don't know if it was a distraction from what had just happened, but I ended up dancing with one person and then I ended up dancing with another person. So at first I was dancing with a friend and it wasn't really working because she kept trying to, she wouldn't let me lead or like I wouldn't let her lead, it just wasn't working. So then I tried dancing with this guy and that didn't really work because he just wasn't a very good dancer. And then I danced with this other guy who was really strong, he was kind of swinging me around and it was a lot of fun and then I had him hold my hands like in the proper way. And then I ended up trying to marry him, but he was already kind of betrothed to this other girl. So I ended up participating in a debate and on the way to the debate I met his father and I ended up impressing his father and his father ended up going back on the betrothal and allowed him to marry me. But after that I kind of had to, there was like a waiting period so I had to go find a place to live and my house was open compared to the other houses, it was like the walls only went up halfway. But there was a little kitten in there, she was deaf and her name was Mae, M-A-E, and she was a calico, similar to the cat I have now, but more with white on her and she was just incredibly intelligent and she was like helping me do things. But there was like snow getting in my house and the kitchen was muddy, it was like unfinished, you know. But if I went to places, Mae would be able to find me and if I told her to go home, she would go home. So even though she was like cute and fluffy and small, like I didn't really have to worry about her like running away or getting lost or anything like that. And then I also moved in before I started paying rent and like I had a friend stay with me for a couple days and there were other cats that I brought there with me and they were all fine to be there. And at the end of the dream, I remember visiting a friend in their home and they had like idols carved into the wall or sculpted onto the wall and they seemed to be sentient, like we could interact with them and talk with them, but we were climbing out of a hole and kind of getting, we were climbing out of their house, I guess, their house is like a hole in the ground, but we were getting, you know, like away from them at the end of the dream.

19 Feb 2024



I was on holiday and first went by boat to an island near Bali. There were all kinds of tribes on the island. These were men who only wore a piece of animal leather, carried spears and had dreads. Someone I was on holiday with was murdered there. A whole investigation had to be done. Hannah was there too, and her room was next to my room. There were no doors so I could walk straight in. Then we had the funeral of the person who was murdered. But this was stopped by someone because they wanted to do more research. Then we went to South Korea, but it felt like Thailand. We were in a very nice hotel with a nice boutique, grandma was suddenly there too, and the three owners were very cheesy and had to laugh at everything. Then I suddenly saw Maria Tailor walking past, she had dyed her hair blue. I spoke to her to say how much I liked her, but she was a bit haughty. I was wearing gold Dolce & Gabbana shoes. When she saw those shoes she suddenly wanted to talk to me. I then went back to that boutique in annoyance to find my grandmother, but she was gone. Then Pleuntje suddenly was in that boutique with her father to find clothes for that evening, because she was going to Club Shelter. When I left the hotel I got stuck on the door handle and security laughed. Then we arranged for three cars to drive across the country. We were suddenly with my father, Brenda, Lucy, Yvonne, Dirk, Jorg, Iris and Lotte. We went to visit the family of the person who was murdered on the island. Lucy and I kept whining in the car about wanting to go to the 7/11. My music always turned on very loudly in the car. I only started vlogging on the second day in South Korea, because nothing interesting had happened on the first day. My father then started to control the car with magic by pointing when he wanted to go in a direction. Then suddenly I was in a hotel room with my mother and sister and my legs were completely tattooed with colored puzzle pieces. It was kind of like a sleeve on my legs. There was also a tattoo of two eyes and a few loose pictures. I showed it to my mother and she was in shock. At first I really liked it, but then I started to have doubts and suddenly found it very ugly. I immediately wanted to have it removed by laser. In the mirror it looked like I was wearing colored stockings.

3 Feb 2024

My House


I had a nightmare about fight some girl that didn’t like me and I beat her up. She took a gun and shot herself in my house just so she can haunt me. The police came out did an investigation. She was soo upset for losing that she decided to kill herself in my home so that her spirit can haunt me.

31 Jan 2024



this was more of a third person view dream. People were in school and all to be trained to be medical professionals. 2 of the students fell from a glass stair and cut their head with excessive blood coming out. They were both unconscious. They then were sent to a hospital and later on investigation has begun. We were told one of the student was suicidal and tried to jump into the pool and suffocating herself to death. But when police went to the pool they were told it never has any water in it. One of the police/doctor saw that there were something that’s under the mud suddenly their facial expressions changed. When the chief of surgen came with an excavator it was obvious that the doctor that found something under the mud was trying to hide and lie to everyone by not telling the exact location. Later on a patient with dementia stood up and said “I saw a finger and a nail underneath the mud”. This shocked everyone. The patient’s son then apologized to everyone. Not sure if they had dug the finger out. I WOKE UP.

29 Dec 2023

Car Crash


okay so i was on my way home with my mom on route 22 from my bonus grandmas house, and he got into a really nasty car crash. some ‘people’ and ‘firefighters’ came to help, and they dragged our car to a side road. they then dragged us out of the car, barley alive, and took us into someone’s ‘house’. it was not normal at all, it was like these people were from another universe, and using some sort of power to their advantage. they dragged us into their house, and me and my mom instantly got better. we had no broken bones, burns, or anything. it was like whatever force field they dragged us into put us into their timeline. so we are in this house, it’s HUGE inside. there’s tons of kids, adults, of all ages and genders inside. it looked like a foster home almost with just a lot of people inside. anyways, we go in, and they put us in the garage. they have us sit down at separate round tables, and clean ourselves up. we eventually get tired of waiting, so me and my mom ventured off into the actual house. and it was nuts. but we go in, and the owner of the house immediately introduced themself, i say themselves because i swear this thing could shapeshift. i’ve seen them as a man and a woman. so i eventually got away from this thing, and ventured off to a group of people about my age. they tell me their story about how they ended up here, and they were all similar. car crash, nearly dead, and dragged into this strange house. they told me the rules, everyone is to be in bed by 8pm, no phones, no contacting the outside world, and no leaving the house. i instantly got a bad feeling about the house. everyone inside was victims to what was to come. we all heard a little kid screaming bloody murder, and this group of people i was with was like “that’s where our lives are about to go to. they prep us for their dinners and to sell us.” i thought they were kidding at first, but i knew i had to get out of there. i tried finding my mom, but she was already getting along with the house owner. i just watch her from a distance, as i’m trying to sneak onto my phone and texting my bonus dad that we’ve been kidnapped. i literally remember texting him “HOW DO YOU SHARE LOCATION” “PLEASE HELP US” WE GOT INTO A CRASH” “PLEASE”. he didn’t believe me af all!!! he shared a video that showed me how to share my location, but it was way too long and i was just getting more anxious and annoyed by the second. i replied and said “THE VIDEO IS WAY TO LONG JUST TELL ME!!” and he started telling me how to, but i couldn’t read it. i got even more anxious and upset, i just said “NEVERMIND ILL JUST GOOGLE IT. CANT YOU JUST TRACK THE AIRTAG?!” and he replies asking what all the ruckus was. the house owner was over my shoulder at this point so i could do nothing but pretend i was playing a mobile game or something. once the house owner left, i immediately went to share my location, and all jason said was “you’re lying lol. i saw you walk at graduation today!” i was so confused because i had graduated at least 8 months ago. what did he mean he just saw me?! i tried explaining to him this house i was in, and he didn’t believe me at all. i told him to pull up and send police, but when they came, the house looked like no one was home. i said “HOW ALL THE LIGHTS ARE ON AND IT LOOKS LIKE A CIRCUS IN HERE!!” he sent me a pic, and he was right. it did look like nothing was home. i texted him and said “fine, if you don’t believe me, then don’t. we will be dead by midnight.” he laughed and we stopped texting each other. by then i went over to talk to my mom, and tried to tell her what had just happened, and she was brainwashed. she was saying how much she loved it here, and how much she wanted to stay, and how she’s even got a thing going on with the house owner. i told her she’s completely wrong, and that the people running this house was gonna kill us by midnight. she just laughed and said whatever. it was then 8pm, and everyone ran up the stairs to find a little nook to ‘sleep’ in. i tried to stick with my mom, but she was kissing the house owners butt so i just took off without her. i found a black woman about my age, and asked if i could chill with her for the night. she said yes, and told me what the rules are for the night. you can stay awake, but you’re not allowed to make any noise, talk to anyone, or go on your phone. the lights turned off, and the only source of light was under the huge window we were under. she then pulled out her charger, and plugged her phone into the outlet and hit the charger with her blanket. i asked “do you mind if i charge mine too?” and she said “no i don’t, just keep it hidden. don’t let him catch you.” i plugged my phone in and it buzzed. i looked up at her panicked and she said “shhh don’t worry it’s okay, the house owner is a little dumb. he thinks it’s his workers working.”. i noticed the house owner walking around, and me and this girl hid our phones. she pretended to sleep, and i just grabbed my mini sketchbook and pencil, and started doodling. the house owner was right over my shoulder, and i felt nothing but his negative energy coming into my space. i felt so anxious, tired, and depressed when he came into my space like that. it was like he was sucking the life out of me. he eventually moved onto the next few people to check on them. i remember the next morning in the kitchen, i peeked through the blinds, and i saw another house that wasn’t there before. it looked the same as the one we were in, but it was filled with firefighters and fire trucks. they looked like the people who had saved me and my mom from that car crash. the girl i had stayed with said “you’re not supposed to look out there.” i quickly looked away and snapped the blinds back and just looked at her confused. she said “they’re in our dimension as well. but we aren’t supposed to know. they’re helping these house owners pull in victims. they are the ones who actually caused most of these peoples car crashes, including yours.”. i just remember feeling so depressed and shocked that this was even possible. she told me she knew a way out, but it was very risky. i don’t remember what happened after this, but i remember dragging my mom out of the house after she had just almost been killed by them, all bloodied up, and i said “i told you so! now let’s call for help.”. so i guess you could say that girl’s plan worked. i remember trying to tell the police what happened, and they immediately got the fbi and whoever deals with parallel universe shenanigans. they were working on an investigation before i woke up in the waking world, but they finally believed us and kept an eye on us and that area 24/7 so these shapeshifters from a different universe wouldn’t claim another victim or try to kill us.

6 Dec 2023



When the dream starts off I am in a large modern shopping centre, waiting outside the cinema for friends. I don't recognise the shopping centre at all. My friends arrive and we go into the movie. No one really pays attention to whatever is playing on the screen. My friends slowly morph into a group of soldiers, I think they are mercenaries. The cinema slowly morphs into a huge amphitheatre. Soldiers and armies of different nations seem to make up the crowd. Some stuff happens that I don't remember, but soon a kind from a visiting kingdom goes to speak in front of the crowd. I excuse myself as I try to leave. I enter into the amphitheatre hallways I encounter more soldiers and serving staff, including a severe man named De Rollo. He orders my detainment. Apparently, the king who had been speaking was killed just after his speech and I am the suspect. De Rollo and I somehow end up investigating the murder together. Occasionally the amphitheatre is empty, and sometimes it's full. I get the occasional interaction with my own soldier friends although I can't remember them. Eventually, I work out HOW the king was killed, using a ring with a spike on it. During the investigation the undertone of Mine and De Rollo's interactions turned sexual, however once I discovered how the king died and with what weapon, he turns on me and orders my capture once again. I'm taken to my soldier friends, who begin to torture me. They claim they were never my friends. The torture of me morphs into the torture of a fictional father figure of mine. Not my real life dad. I get enraged and transform into a creature made of storm clouds and lighting and rain and I flood the amphitheatre as I try to escape. I make nearly the whole way when De Rollo somehow convinces me to come back. I wake up before I can speak to him again.

26 Nov 2023

New Job


I started working for the medical examiner as a crime scene investigator. One of my cases was personal. The young woman who died was an old client from a youth society I worked at in another city. Her body was discovered in a decrepit building. I don't recall the cause of death, but it wound up being a murder that was staged as a suicide. Through my work, I was able to determine the death wasn't intentional. A suspect was arrested and charged due to my investigation. The medical examiners office gave me a bonus for my exceptional work. I used the money to purchase the building my former client was found in, and turned it into a non-profit that provided educational tutoring to high risk youth. There was a space for every subject. The english room was filled with books; the science space had a proper lab; the math space had a huge telescope. All of the supplies were covered. The building was overflowing with youth who had new found excitement for learning. I walked through the space chatting with the kids and admiring my work. I took a tragedy and turned it into something beautiful.

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