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Dream Interpretation: Search ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Search? Discover the significance of seeing a Search in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Search appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This dream symbolizes a desire for knowledge, answers, or understanding. It may also represent a need for direction or guidance in your life. Alternatively, it could indicate a fear of being lost or feeling uncertain about your path.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Consider what you are searching for in your waking life. Are you seeking answers to a problem or trying to find your purpose? Take time to reflect on your goals and aspirations. It may be helpful to seek guidance from a mentor or trusted friend. Remember to trust your instincts and stay focused on your objectives.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream interpretation application evokes a sense of curiosity and intrigue. It offers the possibility of uncovering hidden meanings and insights into the subconscious mind. Users may feel excited to explore the depths of their dreams and gain a better understanding of themselves. The application provides a sense of empowerment, as it allows individuals to take control of their dreams and find meaning in them. It offers a sense of comfort and reassurance, knowing that there is a tool available to help decipher the often mysterious and enigmatic world of dreams.





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10 Jun 2024



so I was walking into someoneโ€™s house I knew wasnโ€™t mine I had left some kind of event at a college campus. I walked around inside looking at pictures of who lived there and was super horny and I guess hoping the person would come home and want to fuck me but then I realized while standing around in there how dangerous what I was doing was so I walked around and started turning the lights off and heading out but as I was leaving the guy who lived there was walking in. I swore to him I was accidentally there and thought I was waiting at the right place for my friend and I was a local college student he demanded to search my bag and so I let him and then he wanted to pat me down. After that I was able to leave I was then at the event the next day that was being put on at my college and for some reason was talking to lily Williams who had a journal very similar to one I had during my psychosis and it was full of like meditation practices and spells and such I was so shocked she had any association to something like that and we talked for awhile. I remembered flipping through the book. Eventually Wyatt showed up and I had to go back to the house I had just walked into because he took my charger when searching my bag and he let me walk in and told me it was on the table in their den but I was having to look for it once I got in there and there was a used condom on the ground next to some socks and it made me so horny for him and then I just kept looking and was able to find the charger and we left. Randomly I was in some kind of furniture store and had my laundry and wanted to wash my towels in their washing machines and they were letting me but I had to hand over a towel I know I had used to wipe my butt with and luckily the girl had gloves on but I said I was worried about it because it was covered in paint lol and that id go get the rest of my clothes after that I donโ€™t remember anything else of the dream. I also dreamed I was getting out of the shower and the goon guy from Twitter was laid out on my desk and I immediately went and fucked him and then he was like hanging around and wouldnโ€™t tell me how he found me to like be inside my house it was crazy

13 May 2024



I dreamt I was driving to go and get my other car it was snowing then I got pulled over the cops searched my car and thought they had found drugs but they didn't then they let me go I was ask by my self in this garage and then I found my sister and took off to get my other car

6 Apr 2024



(I had multiple dreams last night. Here is what I can remember from them.) Dream: I was at school. The bell rang, and I went to the bathroom. The first bathroom that I went to was closed for unspecified reasons. I complained to one of the teachers, and she said she that she was annoyed by it to. After that, I went to a different bathroom. This one was jam packed with people. Some of them were waiting for a stall to open, others were doing their makeup, and the rest were just talking to each other. I looked around and found an extra stall that no one was using, so I used it. Then I washed my hands and left. 2nd Dream: It started off at home. I was on my phone when my dad suddenly told me to get ready. I asked him what I needed to get ready for, and he said that we were going to Schlitterbahn water park. I smiled and got ready. Afterwards, my dad, my mom, my sister, and I all went to Schlitterbahn. We found a place to sit, put our towels on our chairs, and walked to the water slides. After waiting in line, my family and I finally got to the top of the slide. The park worker pulled out a giant, circular seat for everyone to sit on and told us to get in. My family sat down first, and as I was about to sit down, my family goes down the slide, leaving me at the top. I got all sad, but the worker told me not to worry about it and gave me a small circular seat to sit on. Once I got on it, I went down the water slide. After that, my family and I went to another water slide, but this time, I was scared. Apparently, that water slide has been known to hurt, and even kill, people. My parents told me not to worry about it though. Once we got to the top, we all went down one by one. After that, we went to our chairs and started talking about breakfast. While we were talking, my sister pulls out a cellphone charger from her bag and drops it in the water. I pick it up and yell at her for dropping it. After I yelled at her, we all went home, and I apologized for yelling and complaining. My dad said it was fine, but I knew it wasnโ€™t. So, I grabbed my phone and went back to my room. 3rd Dream: I was playing a video game that affected the real world. In the game, I met the goddess of nature and hung out with her. She brought me to a cave where I found a bed and went to sleep. When dream me woke up, she saw her grandparents and her father in the cave. Apparently, they had turned it into some kind of house. I asked where the goddess was, and they were like: โ€œwho?โ€ So, I started searching for the goddess myself. I found her by the garden, talking to some guy. The guy was super strong and was arguing with the goddess. Then, for some strange reason, they tried to kiss each other, but they got stopped by another goddess. This goddess had a crown on and gave me a tunic. Then, a text box appeared, telling me all about the tunic. After that, the two goddesses and the strong guy left. Then my dad appeared and said that the tunic didnโ€™t look that appealing. Then he told me not to play the same video games that he wants to play when heโ€™s in the room. Then, the two of us go back inside and watch tv with my grandparents. (Then I woke up.)

2 Mar 2024



I was a young girl, running away from someone I knew, they were trying to hurt me and I was afraid, but I managed to escape after getting into a train yard and getting on a train. I hid there for a while until a kind older woman offered to help me, she did not know I was in danger but insisted a child shouldn't be traveling alone. She gave me toys to play with and new clothes to wear, and by the time we reached our destination had told me I could just stay with her. She was a very wealthy woman and had high expectations of me to be kind and behave, which I did. We spent a lot of time on trains, where I was charming and sweet to others, often gaining their favor and receiving gifts from them as well. After a while I was very loved by almost everyone I met on the trains, except for a little boy who looked exsactly like me. This boy hated me, I knew he did, but it wasn't until we were older that he did something about that hate. After being stabbed with a butterknife I ran away from the boy, feeling very scared and confused. Thankfully another older boy came to my rescue, I knew immediately that I liked this other boy. He helped hide me in a washroom, where he taught me to hold a small knife he had been carrying. Together we managed to fight off the boy who looked like me and I was escorted back to the old woman who had now become my mother. I saw the boy who had saved me many times on the trains after that, he taught me a lot. He helped me learn to defend myself, to fight, and we became very close to each other but I was never able to confess that I liked him before we were separated. At some point a war had started and I guess we must have been on opposite sides because the trains I rode suddenly became very different, almost dragon like in shape, and now had cars that looked like homes. I next to never left the train again. On the one occasion I did leave the train, two older gentlemen were quickly trying to hustle me through crowds watching out for anyone who may take me. These gentlemen cared for me like I was their daughter and quickly pushed me onto the train, but they did not come with me. It appeared the enemy was searching specifically for me and I didn't understand why. By the time I was an adult, I still didn't understand what the fight was about, but I did know it was my job to protect the people on the train and I often had to call on what the boy from long ago had taught me. It took some time, but I became someone to adore and to fear, known for my kindness toward my people and my savagery toward my enemies. I also became known for my plan to drive the final train into the sea where it would double as a ship and me and my people would be free. Around this same time I began to see the boy who looked just like me. He was no longer angry with me, he still did not like me, but now he at least obeyed me, just like everyone else. Together we made a plan, one only we knew, where if things were to go wrong, he would become me and either take my place if captured, or lead my people if I died. After that he seemed to become okay with me, though there was clearly no love shared between us. After we had made this plan, I noticed an increase in attacks from the enemy. Their people would get onto my train and I'd have to drive them off. Oddly enough, they never seemed interested in anyone else on the train, only me. This is when I learned for certain that the boy I had deeply liked, was in fact, on the enemies side. It was very hard to face him, and more times than I can count I chose to run away until he had no choice but to give up and escape my train before my own fighters could kill him. During a heavy storm, I gave my people a chance, they could leave the train if they wanted, but the time to drive the train into the sea had come and once we started there could be no stopping it. No one left, and we began our journey. During this time, the enemy had boarded and hid in among us, some of my own people turning out to be spies as well. And as we barreled through tunnels and over mountains, a fight happened all across the train. I did not want to kill people but I did hurt many protecting my people, and in the end I did drive my train into the sea. What I hadn't known is that this plan was known by my enemies and they had planned for this and had trapped my vessel. And just as we had planned, during the capture, they had taken the boy instead of me and I slipped away into the sea. The enemy was enraged when they discovered their prisoner was not me, but one person already knew. As I swam toward the shore the boy, now a man, called to me from not far behind. He was enraged with my crimes, furious with the life I had come to live, and all I could say to him was "I only did to them what you taught to me." He looked very shocked, and very hurt, it appeared he didn't know I was the same girl from before. Meeting on shore, the two of us watched each other, neither getting any closer just looking. I told him I did not want to fight him, and threw down the same small knife he had given to me a long time ago. We both continued to just stare at one another, I wanted to hug the man who had been my closest friend, but I knew I couldn't. After a while, he let me go, and I fled toward a busy city, but it hurt me to leave him.

2 Mar 2024



I dreamt a lot. Firstly I dreamt about returning in aviation for just a flight. A good friend of mine, with whom in reality we have a friendship in transformation, asked me to be a senior cabin crew for a flight but I didn't have license, nor uniform. Somehow we found a uniform and I was preparing for the flight, but wasn't sure about the crew, procedures, how to handle it. I was a bit wandering, then I was in the airplane doing some checks, my friend Violeta was there to support me. Another dream was about some other good friends, I help them to meet and now they are a family with two daughters but we don't me tain the friendship. In my dream i visited their home, played with their daughters, went for a walk with the male friend, in the friend he wanted to date .e bit I didn't. This walk had a bit of romance tension but nothing happened as we meet some acquaintance from my home town. Tnmhen I was back to a place where supposed to take a flight back home but as a passenger. I the airport, after all checks we were on the runway, more people searching for the airplane. Walked a lot to figure out none of the planes was ours, then someone said we have to go somewhere up but there wasnt a lift. Were many ropes, quite dangerous without instructions. There was a lady handling and supporting all activities, I was in a hurry, ren to catch a slot and when arrived the lady was gone. I was afraid, didn't know how to handle it. The day appeared on her way home and gave few instructions. I knotted the ropes and made my way up with a lot of fear,and safely arrived but without shoes and not all my bags. Up there was a fancy restaurant, not ana aircrafts and me barefoot. The confusion was so big that I wake up

5 Feb 2024



I open my main door because I felt like something was at the door. I open it, to my surprise it was the monster demigorgan from stranger things and they start to jump on me and attack me and they went threw my living room like they were searching from something. Eventually they went to where my room is and they busted the door open and I was sleeping or a some body was and they started to attack them. I could feel what they felt the pain and the teeth of the monsters. Suddenly I woke up in a 4 by 4 room with a wooden ceiling with a door above my head and ther door was open. I could faintly hear monster noises and there were 2 stranger i didn't know they said to "hurry and close the gate" and so i did. Then i hard screams and the demi gorgens started to fall threw the wooden plate form that was there i stabbed them through the plate form with a stick that had spikes on the tip. They started to die and more alive ones kept falling the wieght got was too much to handle from the platform, so it ended up broken and in the mist of this there were other demingorgans coming from the front and they started to come for me on top od the ones thag were above my head. I killed both but i do not remember how but i was on top of the corpses and then i heard/felt some on the other side of tall wall. I climed it to my surprise, there was Gaint Door frame that was covered in bones and shulks of humans and i moved one of them i saw there. Our world perfectly fine. It felt like look through a window. Then I suddenly woke up and i was back i was standing in My room with the L.E.D lights turned green.

28 Jan 2024



this wasnโ€™t last night but It was about my ex and his friend and i was looking for something in the laundry room in a house i wasnโ€™t familiar with along with people i wasnโ€™t familiar with just my ex and his friend. My ex and his friend were in my exes room and i was in the laundry room and the laundry room was crowded and my ex came storming into the laundry room and yelling because i was backed up on someone by accident due to the laundry room being crowded and my exes friend was trying to calm him down and tell him that i was searching for his friends stuff

27 Jan 2024



Lucid dream at my house Last night I had a very long dream. It started when I was on a boat with a bunch of people and we were in a body of water, sort of like the ocean. There was a shark around us and I think we were all trying to catch it. After a while of chasing it, I finally caught it with a fishing pole and reeled it in. Someone got it with a net, and it was finally killed. Everyone was happy that I caught it, and afterwards we tried to find land to put the boat on. We found this little beach area where there was sand and this dark cave kind of place. We got off the boat and I pushed the boat onto the sand where this boy helped me push it. There were a bunch of people gathered in this little space, including Ryan and Tessa, Laney, and Rory, and a bunch of friends. It wasn't dark out but the setting was dark and durthet along thebsand there was this little jungle woods type of place. I saw some sort of movement behind the trees and my brother saw it too. I think he ran into the woods trying to find the weird movement but then everyone there realized there were coyotes looking at us. The coyotes turned into humans, and they came and ran at us. Everyone tried to fight back, but it wasn't really a fight. I decided to walk into the woods to get away from everything, and I kept finding these dark houses. I would walk in the house, and there would be no one in there. Everything would be dark, but I couldn't really do anything. After walking through the houses, I went in this one, which happened to be my house. I was in my dining room, and my dad appeared in there. The lighting was dark, but you could still see everything in the room. I was walking around the table and there were a bunch of coyotes still in the house. I tried to kick them and fight them, but for some reason I couldn't make contact. I soon ignored them because they weren't doing anything and my dad seemed to be talking to me but I couldn't understand what he was saying. After looking at him and trying to interpret what he was saying, he soon left the room. That's when I realized something was off and my mind realized I was in a dream. I looked at my hands and walked to the chairs under the ceiling fan. It's like my brain knew I was in a dream and I could control it, but it was really hard to take advantage. Every move that I wanted to make slowly happened in a way that wasn't fully my control. I stood there under the fan telling myself to calm down so I wouldn't wake up from the dream. I turned around, and I had no clue what to do because all I was in was my house, and what the heck was I going to do? For some reason, I went in the pantry and I grabbed the Vodka. I smelled it and gagged even though the smell wasn't real. I then filled an ice tray up with it and put it in the fridge. I have no clue why I did that, but I tried to drink it, and it didn't taste like anything and I didn't feel anything. I still didn't know what to do, but I realized I had my phone, and I went up the stairs and kind of laid on the couch. I opened up Instagram and it didn't look quite right. I decided I wanted to try and summon somebody which happened to be the girl that ended our situationship or talking stage. I tried to search up her name in Instagram, but it didn't let me. I tried my hardest to think of her so she would appear next to me, but it never worked. I slowly started to wake up and the dream ended. I failed to summon somebody, but it was an experience to realize I was dreaming. It kind of hurts that she was the first person I thought of that I'd want to see in a dream. Next time, I'll have full control.

22 Jan 2024

Break up


My dream was about my boyfriend in our last house. He was staying a night at my house with my sister and mom. And he had a snake as a house pet. While he was sleeping with us he had his snake around he's neck and body. For me was terrible. He also wanted to hug me but I put his arm back and said if he could put the snake somewhere else because it feels horrible and I'm afraid. He insisted to keep the snake around him, so me and my sister we said we would go sleep in our room. He get irritated and asked why we are doing such a scene and his snake it's not terrible. We closed our room with key and went sleeping he knocked at the door, I was afraid to open the door because he was infront with his snake to make us more frightening. And that happened when I opened he was showing at first his snake I got badly surprised and was terribly afraid of that. Than I quickly closed the door and said to him to not do that again and to go sleep. After a while my sister was waking me up and saying she want to go to the toilet, so she opened the door and went to the bathroom. While she was in the bathroom he came slowly to my room with the snake and showed me that snake. The snake was crawling around him and opened his mouth it was dark green colored. I said him crying to stop coming too close to me with his snake and then I pushed him out of the room and closed up the room. Than few seconds later my sister came out of the toilet she was screaming and crying loud because my boyfriend tried to fear her with his snake I saw from the key leak of the door than I tried to say my sister to keep calm and to not be afraid and she began to scream sister come help me. I opened the door and pushed my sister behind me and said to my boyfriend I'm breaking up with you, we are no more together. I locked up the room door infront of his face. He tried to cheer up and by saying it was just a joke but I said what I said to you I mean it also and goodbye. After a while outside I saw how the road was flooding. And they were police searching for someone. On the other day I was in my last house were, I met my friend, he came to visit us. My mom was doing a dessert Tiramisu and I was watching TV as a distraction. When my friend came in he was a little bit confused. I had a feel like he's feeling bad inside. So I didn't asked him he was helping to fix the TV on the wall and then we had together the dessert than he asked me if he can stay over night at my house I said yes. Than he said he has to call someone in the near to bring his pillow so he can sleep here. But when he was talking to this person he was very disappointed the person on line was screaming at him and he begins to cry and went in another room. I went over to him and asked if everything is fine he started to cry out loud he was immensely sad. He hugged me and cried, I asked him he said he said lots of things were happening in his life and he feels lonely because he can't talk with anyone about this all. So I said to him let's have some dessert and watch TV and talk what is going on in your heart. We stand up I was going forward and I put his arms on my shoulder and we went together to the kitchen to take some plates for dessert. While he was behind me like a train I was searching for the plates and finally found the plates and went to living room so we can take some Tiramisu but before he asked me what ingredients are in because he was Muslim and some ingredients he can't eat. So I told him there was milk, biscuits, and coffee inside. He told me that he can eat. I wanted to serve but he took the fork and served on himself while he was serving i helped him to not fall down his dessert till he arrived to his plate with a knife, than I said there's less biscuits inside try this side I took some piece from the middle and served on his plate. Than I served for myself some dessert it was very tasty and yummy, we watched some TV and he enjoyed.

23 Nov 2023



I've had this dream in several ways now. The first dream is what started it off completely. I was very young, with 2 children a girl and a boy. A tragedy struck, i really dont remember the details but my children were murdered and drowned. The next time i had the dream, it was all based on my pain of the loss of my children, my boyfriend and i started trying to dig up information and evidence on who might of killed them, while also running into some unexpected information on myself. I had learned that i was adopted. I ended up finding who my real father was and growing a relationship with him. He helped me and my boyfriend cope with our loss and also with the search of finding the person/people responsible. Somehow we ended up getting the full story of what happened and who did it. Down the line, my father who was a directer, created a short film on the story my childrens murder and our miraculous search for answers. And every anniversary my father and the town would put the film on for show for all of us to mourn. The 3rd time i had this dream, i had aged a few years up, and some how my younger self time traveled to my time without any indication of how. She and also her young version of our boyfriend, who was now my ex in my time, came looking for answers on what happened to our kids. Me, my ex bf, sat them both down and explained everything to them. It was a very mournful time to rehash over, we all had to comfort each other in the ways that we only knew how. As the anniversary point started coming up, we asked them to stay and watch the film with us so they could mourn with us, like we have for several years now, as the pain had never gone away. The film rolled, and my younger self and i sobbed and held each other close. In the middle of the film, we were interrupted, by what happened to be the people responsible for the children's deaths. My ex and younger version of him, went on a rampage to destroy them. And thats all i remember

19 Nov 2023



I had a dream that I was a princes, and I was on stage playing piano to a bunch of people even though I knew it wasn't safe because another kingdom was trying to kidnap me. An older women came on stage and told me to follow her so she can show me her hiding space from when she was a little girl. My family was reasonably freaked out that I followed a stranger. I followed the old women back stage and found her hiding spot in a bed/bean bag. I hide and two men came into the room looking for me, the first man had a funny mustache and the second man was chubby with chin length hair. The first man was clearly the one in charge as he directed the other around to look for me. Eventually the first man left and the second man said he would stay in the room and continue to search for me and possibly stay the night. After sometime of the second man looking around I decided he was harmless and came out of hiding, I started to flirt with him and convince him not to take me away and he agreed. Eventually my family and some other people from the other kingdom came into the room So I went back into hiding but this time the bean bag I was hiding in was pushed against a wall and a wardrobe. My family and the other kingdom argued over me and both wanted to find me I was Too scared to come out but my family was standing against the wardrobe and noticed me But didn't say anything. My family negotiated a truce for the night and a feast so I can come out and be Safe. When I came out the festivities were already under way so I could walk around freely. There were to hall ways in between a stair way and when I went down the left hallway there was a banquet room and the only person in there was the first man with the funny mustache. He asked to talk to me and I said "no I don't trust you" he rolled his eyes and as more people came in and stared at us I quickly walked out of the room. I went into the right hall which led to a second banquet room and I saw my dad and some other guests sitting around the table my father asked me to join them but I politely refused and went back to go down the stair which led to a balcony, it was night time and it was cold outside. The second man was on the balcony and I leaned on the rail next to him and asked if he could be my body guard and keep me safe as I didn't know when the war would be over and I felt closer to him

11 Nov 2023



When the dream started, I was by a pond , and there were lots of people around me, I seemed to know who they were but now I cannot recall who any of them were except that my mom was across the pond. This man who seemed to be the same age as me and I think I knew , put a pair of headphones on my head, and I looked backwards at him. He smiled at me and said some thing, but I couldnโ€™t hear over the headphones, so I just smiled back and laughed a little bit. The dream then changed and I was getting on an airplane with my daughter. I put her in the seat beside me and she looked ready to fall asleep. An older man sat in the empty seat next to me, but pushed really really close so that he was behind me and I couldnโ€™t lean back. I turned my head and asked him if I knew him. He said no I then asked if he wanted to switch seats while laughing a little bit. He said I thought you would never ask. We stood to switch seats when the attended said โ€œdonโ€™t think I canโ€™t see you all switching seats, there will be a charge for it.โ€ As we were taking off, I worried that it would scare my daughter a little bit. She had a few tears in her eyes, but she wasnโ€™t crying and she looked ready to sleep. For some reason I could see out the front of the plane through a big window so I watched as we took off. we started going up into the sky, and then suddenly dropped down a little bit. Then we steadily started going back down. We all started screaming on the plane. We then started to go back up and we all started screaming again because we hit the tops of the trees. Something was wrong with the plane. And as weโ€™re going up, someone yells, the trees are fine itโ€™s the mountain ahead we need to worry about. The plane would go up and then back down back up and down. When we got lower, I could see houses and you could tell they were rich people houses. Finally the plane lands. I left my daughter on the plane, while I searched for help and tried to figure out where we were. Most of us from the plane walked up to this giant house where a family came out. You could tell they were wealthy. We asked for help and wondered where we were, when he pulled out axes and told us to run so that it would be more fun. He told his oldest daughter to lead the way, and she very angrily yelled that she would lead the way that she would lead us to safety. Not hunt us with him. She stomped away from him, and we all started running, I figured he wouldnโ€™t throw any of the axes because daughter was with us, but I was wrong. Somehow, I eventually got separated, and picked up one of the axes off the ground. I hid in between the bushes and trees. The man approached me and I swung at his feet, but I was afraid to hurt him. He stomped on my axe and raised his. I stood up and came out of the bushes because if I was going to die, I wanted to die with dignity standing tall. It was like he read my mind, he told me to pick up an axe and die with dignity. I turned to look for an axe when this little old woman appeared, I complimented her hair and dress and she started going off about how hard it is to get glasses and how health insurance is awful and everything is so expensive. The man said it was his mother. So as a ploy to get away, I put my arm around his little mom and walked with her. Surely he wouldnโ€™t kill me with his senile mother in my arms. He looked suprised, and another person laughed and thought I was smart. His mother hugged me and I looked at him like โ€œyou canโ€™t kill me now your mother loves meโ€.

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